Von der Leyen-Mezzola emphasize the EU's support for a solution to the Cyprus problem - cyprus-digest.com Von der Leyen-Mezzola emphasize the EU's support for a solution to the Cyprus problem - cyprus-digest.com
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Von der Leyen-Mezzola emphasize the EU's support for a solution to the Cyprus problem

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    Φον ντερ Λιεν μοαουσιε ειεσηκυπρικο 

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    Von der Leyen-Mezzola emphasize the EU's support for the Cyprus solution – What they say in their messages

    The support of the two institutions regarding the efforts to resolve the Cyprus issue was expressed by the President of the European Commission Ursulavon der Leyen and the President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola, in their video messages during the event for the 20th anniversary of the accession of Cyprus in the European Union, which took place on Thursday evening at the Municipal Theater of Nicosia.

    In her message, Mrs. von der Leien reported that Cyprus has always been at the heart of European historyand European culture and that 20 years ago it also chose to be at the heart of the European Union, having since changed for the better, just as the EU has changed thanks to the contribution of Cyprus .

    In the last 20 years, Cyprus has become a European point of referenceon trade, finance, energy, shipping and humanitarian links between Europe, Africa and Asia, continued the President of the European Commission, adding that last month Cyprus took the lead in establishing a maritime humanitarian corridor to Gaza, making the most of its unique geographical position as a bridge between continents, thus making Europe stronger.

    He also said that Europe has also made Cyprus stronger, as in these 20 years the country has benefited from the creation of the General Health System, the modernization of public services, stronger environmental protection and cleaner energy.

    “We pooled our resources to overcome crises like the pandemic and forest fires. And the rest of the EU will always be on your side to resolve the Cyprus issue. We are better and we are stronger together. Happy birthday and long live Europe”, he concluded.

    For her part, Mrs. Metsolastated in her message that the accession of Cyprus to the European Union together with 9 other states 20 years ago was an important moment for Europe, a victory for solidarity and European unity.

    She added that the last five years the EU has come together to defend its values ​​and way of life and has done so in solidarity, ensured vaccines for all its citizens, been steadfast in its support for Ukraine and brought its neighbors closer together, strengthening its collective security.

    He also referred to the history of what he called the Accord on Asylumand Immigration, which, according to Ms. Metsola, has been a key priority for Cyprus for years and achieves the right balance between responsibility and solidarity. “It will be fair to those who need protection, strict to those who are not entitled to asylum and cruel to the traffickers who exploit the most vulnerable,” he noted.

    The violent division of an EU member state it does not only concern Cyprus, it concerns all of usand we must work together to solve it. We will support Cyprus to ensure that your state will be reunited”, stressed the president of the European Parliament.

    “We must continue to make Europe stronger for the benefit of all. On June 9, six members of the European Parliament from Cyprus will be elected to lead this course. Europe matters, Europe can be more in the coming years, but also in the next 20 years”, he concluded.

    Source: cyprustimes.com

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