Letters: To the City Council – The Ukiah Daily Journal Skip to content

To the Editor:

Dear Ms. Duenas;

I am writing to ask that the Ukiah City Council include a free and open discussion regarding the fate of the Palace Hotel on the Agenda of the Council’s June 5 meeting.

Some want to demolish the Palace and others want to rebuild and improve it.  I am frankly astonished that the Council  has taken no public position;  after all, the Palace is at the City’s downtown core – an area that the City is trying mightily to improve – and it is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Do you really not care what happens to this historic structure?  My position is no secret.  I would like to see it restored.

Why not give the people who think that can be done a chance at it?

I don’t live in Ukiah, but Ukiah has been my County Seat since 1973.  The City owns a conference table that I made.  I bank in Ukiah, get health care in Ukiah,  shop in Ukiah, eat in Ukiah and come there for entertainment.  I want to havea say in this.

Thanks for your consideration;

-Tom McFadden, Boonville