questions questions 6//10 which of the following does not need to be asked when evaluating a text? choose an answer hint is there | Question AI
Questions Questions 6//10 Which of the following does not need to be asked when evaluating a text? Choose an answer Hint Is there enough evidence? Has the author achieved his purpose? Is the main argument strong based on the evidence? Did the author leave a moral or lesson?


Questions Questions 6//10 Which of the following does not need to be asked when evaluating a text? Choose an answer Hint Is there enough evidence? Has the author achieved his purpose? Is the main argument strong based on the evidence? Did the author leave a moral or lesson?

Questions Questions 6//10 Which of the following does not need to be asked when evaluating a text? Choose an answer Hint Is there enough evidence? Has the author achieved his purpose? Is the main argument strong based on the evidence? Did the author leave a moral or lesson?

4.7(273 votes)
Emilio RamosMaster · Tutor for 5 years


<p> D</p>


<p> The question is asking you to identify which question listed is not necessary when evaluating a text. To evaluate a text, one needs to consider if there is enough evidence presented, whether the author has successfully achieved his intended purpose, and if the main argument is strong given the provided evidence. These factors contribute to assessing the validity, precision, credibility, and significance of a text. However, a moral or lesson is doled out depends on the nature of the text. Not all texts or pieces of literature aim to deliver a moral; this is especially true in academic or informative text, where the primary intent is to convey ideas or findings, not preach life lessons.<br /></p>
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