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Recent events have confirmed Jimmy is completely delusional

Prefacing by saying I'm not upset at anyone and love the show and the crew!

The way Jimmy talks and operates makes it really clear he doesn't live in the real world. He thinks if he keeps saying "I'm a nice guy" it will manifest in to reality despite of his actions. Seriously, how often do actual nice people go on and on about how nice they are?

He also thinks he can choose to ignore consequences and control any narrative around him and is infuriated when people don't obey him. He manipulates Ethan and other people constantly (albeit poorly). He is a serial liar and almost NEVER admits he was lying no matter how blatant it is. He is obsessed with becoming famous but doesn't want any of the cons that come with it and in a very childish way thinks he can "let's just talk about nice things" his way out of it.

IMO he has a very difficult personality problem that gets worse and worse the more people feed his hunger for recognition. Often I feel like Dan is the only sane person in the room when talking about him.

Not going to lie he had his moments in the show and we've had good laughs with him throughout the years but by now it would probably be best to hang it up for good before it turns worse. I also understand Ethan has grown fond of him throughout the many years of knowing him and has a soft spot.

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u/roland0fgilead avatar

Jimmy wants to be a controversial comedian but can neither handle controversy nor come up with an original joke.

Wow that’s the most succinct and accurate description of him I’ve ever seen lol

u/Ok-Photograph7626 avatar

Wow you finally understand why he's hilarious.

u/roland0fgilead avatar

I'm saddened that your vote means just as much as mine.

I mean he was pretty funny in the past before the dinner incident. Loved his segments. The awkwardness surrounding him made his humor work although that was mostly involuntary. The crew and Ethan always kept him in check so it’s not like they were platforming hate speech or anything. Some people are too sensitive for the internet and act like everything is the end of the world lol

That being said his personality disorder is getting worse and it’s probably best to just forget about him. Specially for him and his mental health. Watching a mental breakdown is not funny.

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I genuinely feel like someone in his family should step in and real him back in because this isn’t gonna end well for him and he will ruin his own relationships. Doesn’t need H3 for that.

For all we know they've already tried, he is an adult

I always assumed something like this already happened.

We know he has a terrible relationship to his brother and all...

What’s the story of the brother?

I'm working on memory alone, so maybe I'm off base...

but i think there a scene with Jimmy's brother in one of the documentaries they made a few months ago...The ones where there was drama as a result of Jimmy screwing over the one guy because Jimmy wanted results now etc. But the scene was one where his brother was talking about how Jimmy has a problem and that Jimmy is the reason they don't talk anymore because Jimmy was too stubborn and narcissistic about everything.

Again...that is all off the top of my head, I don't remember exactly what ep it was discussed, but I swear it was something like that.

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u/Nectarpalm avatar

I agree. On top of that he probably also needs some form of therapy, not a professional though so what do I know lol.

I feel like they are. That’s why jimmy said not to bring him up anymore. I feel like his family had a heart to heart with him :(

For reel

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Have people genuinely forgot Jimmy was brought on as a living meme? He’s nuts and has always been.

u/Ok-Photograph7626 avatar

Yeah I don't understand why people take him so seriously. He's an enigma.

I can agree about not taking him seriously but he’s not exactly mysterious. He’s self centered and rude and wants attention. Not a lot to that, really.

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u/lenistone avatar

I’m very glad Dan does not like him, just feels like the whole thing won’t end well at all.

Nothing about Jimmy's behavior is unusual for a histrionic person. I have worked with a few people with this diagnosis in the past, and they are all like him. He's going to keep showing up because h3 gave him the spotlight that he craves and that he thinks he deserves. He has some insight that his behaviors are maladaptive, but he just can't resist.

u/isseidoki avatar

all this is, is Ethan's love of insane people, because he finds them interesting, fun and good content for the show.

this is the only logical end point to that.

Sure. He likes strange and unique people and makes interesting content. He especially likes the really unhinged people. But those are also unhinged

u/isseidoki avatar


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He loves the spectacle that comes as a result of mental illness without considering the sad, dark reality that breeds the “content” his business thrives off of. Personally I find that to be a major red flag and it’s shocking that Ethan doesn’t realize he is becoming one of those gross “drama lords” he came into the game tearing into. Thinking his content and personal perspective on Jimmy (not even remotely the only example but the one relevant to the conversation) isn’t to far removed from the kind of trash Keem would put out or the people he would target, would be simply delusional and should make us all a little wary imo

*edit to clarify to the guy I responded to, my reply isn’t an argument to you, just adding my thoughts as well so not disagreeing with you

u/ARVR91 avatar

I'm relieved to read a few sane comments like yours on here. I get the impression that many H3 people like to join in the outrage when, for example, yet another celebrity crosses boundaries with some fan, yet are just as keen on reducing real (i.e., flawed) people to content. The correlation seems obvious.

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as a howard stern fan it’s very obvious that ethan wants to have his own version of the “wack pack.” unfortunately this is the kind of territory that is gonna come with having all these weird mentally unstable people be a part of the show. ethan needs to decide if he wants to use them 100% or hide behind polls to have them on the show.

u/battleshipclamato avatar

The difference is Howard had his wack pack during a time when people LOVED that kinda stuff. Had the H3 podcast came out 25 years ago Jimmie would be the norm.

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u/rosebud2991 avatar

I get that it makes for good content but at a certain point they have to put their foot down and stop giving him attention ESPECIALLY on screen. He is an attention fiend and it will never stop if they give him the time of day. Jimmie is the epitome of “give him an inch and he’ll take a mile”. With peace and love no more Jimmie Lee

u/Happy-Forever-3476 avatar

Yeah I was so puzzled how everyone wanted him to just pull up to the studio after how things were left, and then the audacity of him to demand a puff piece interview… he’s clearly not on the same wavelength as everyone else and he’s incredibly disrespectful. Think the era of jimmy should be over now with the h3 show rebrand

You either voted no yesterday or you were wrong

u/roland0fgilead avatar

That poll was so stupid. It's not "leaving it up to the audience" when Ethan encourages the people to vote a certain way and then ends the poll the very moment the results go the way he wants them to.

They're stealing it!

This is what frustrates me about any tournament voting they do. Every time it's close they talk about it and are like 'oohh, losing side get your votes in!' and then people flip the result because they're influenced to and think it's more exciting that way... not because it was their actual vote. They really just need a timer for votes and then to not talk about results until the voting has closed.

I agree to a certain extent but it's like a 30 second delay. I was watching live, the poll was at least 40% yes before Ethan even said anything about it

u/YodaYogurt avatar

Welcome to voting in general. There's always influence that's biased towards one side or another. Completely impartial voting does not exist.

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u/SardonicHistory avatar

I voted yes because I thought if he came on and they were really brutal to him, he might learn a lesson

It would be entertaining to see them rip into him but doubt anything would have been understood as a lessson

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u/ImogenSharma avatar

It's gross how he made out Ethan and the crew 'got him in trouble' with his family they tattled on him. No - those are the consequences of your actions you creepy, narcissistic, freeloading weirdo.

Why do old rich right wing people think it's okay to exploit workers but the idea of a benefit state is abhorrent to them. They're allowed to get stuff for free but others aren't? Why? And this is why people like Jimmie who pretend to be harmless REALLY aren't - I know exactly why. Because they believe they have more inherent worth as human beings than others. It disgusts me.

I think people expect too much from Jimmy. He’s approaching 70. He was supposed to retire from his career and somehow found some type of internet fame and amassed a following on instagram(whether it’s bots or people). I am not surprised by the behavior of someone nearing 70 who suddenly is trying to live out a random fantasy of being famous.

He should be ignored and not spoken of anymore. Let him figure his stuff out on his own.

Edit: also age is not a reason to act like a bad person. I’m just saying that I am not surprised he acts the way he does considering what we know about him.

70? hey, he was growing up in the 90s

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u/Wonderful-Reach-297 avatar

The entitlement yesterday was crazy. Truly felt like Dan was the only rational one

u/kitkatkate1013 avatar

I’m constantly shocked at people’s surprise over Jimmy’s antics…he literally has a personality disorder and his behavior is clear a result of that. Tolerate it or don’t but what does one expect?? lol

He makes blatant anti Muslim jokes about AB too frequently to let him slide about being a nice guy. Dudes been unhinged from the start. Haven't watched the latest EP but if it's anti jimmy I'm in.

He’s very leadbrained imo

I didn’t know this man was married with kids. His wife is upset with H3, but not her husband who is deliberately putting himself in the limelight??

u/leericol avatar

I don't think his wife is upset with h3. I think Jimmy wanted to avoid subjects that would upset his wife in general. Mainly being that it seems like he might have cheated on her with a fan.

That’s fair! It is her husband. And I could see that this situation is probably embarrassing for her. But I wonder if Jimmy kept saying his wife is upset for sympathy.

u/leericol avatar

Sympathy or just manipulation. Ethans not gonna care that it makes him upset but upsetting someone innocent might sway him to avoid it.

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It's sad that all this stuff happened behind the scenes. I really enjoyed his presence on the show.

Im here for the entertainment value. Jimmy showing up during the show would have been crazy.

u/Ok-Photograph7626 avatar

Such a missed opportunity for sure. I was hyped!! FOMO!

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u/electr1cbubba avatar

Jimmie wouldn’t have a shred of fame without Ethan and he definitely doesn’t realise that

He reminds me of Jared Leto doing the bad character acting garbage. “No it wasn’t Jared who sent dead animals to his coworkers it was the Joker!” Except Jared chose to do character acting knowing it would cause him to hurt people around him. Jimmy is using the Jersey Outlaws character to excuse all of his bad behavior but he also chose and crafted the character.


He is but at the same time he’s still being used as content. Ethan was messaged in private about him but he decided to tell the audience for content and have the whole drama about it as part of the show. He could’ve just sent one of the crew to tell him no and that’s it. No ones in the wrong but if they want to be done with Jimmie it’s simple, stop talking about him 🤷‍♂️bc now he’ll see that segment and get encouraged about coming back

u/battleshipclamato avatar

Yeah, Ethan acts like Jimmie is doing this stuff out of no where but Ethan is actively participating in highlighting him and giving him the attention. If you don’t want someone to bother you don’t bring them up. I bet Jimmie wouldn’t have gone to the studio if they didn’t bring up all that stuff about him last time.

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yeah usually the people who constantly say "I'm a nice person" aren't nice people.... if they have to say that to convince people then it's cause their actions say the opposite.

Most of you encouraged this...

u/Ethanmckeil avatar

I wanted him on only to be held responsible for his actions and be shown how wrong he has been by the person who made him as famous as he his. I wanted this time to be the downfall of Jimmie.

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Yesterday just revealed to me that Jimmy is a boomer through and through. His racism is thinly disguised jokes, he can't take criticism but calls others out for "not taking a joke," he's entitled to the crews time and money (the show is one in the same), and he thinks Ethan will be his "boy" and help cover up all of the shit we want answers to. It was cute when it was him fumbling on his phone because "technology hard" but he's really showing his age and mindset in the last ep. The only time a surprise guest was welcome was Bobby Lee when Ethan fought Oliver Tree

Some of yall don’t understand how these shows work. Crazy people are entertaining and get views. Ethan follows the Howard Stern playbook because it’s effective. He clearly doesn’t want just nice cuddly guests because that shit’s boring and cringe. Let the man do his show how he wants. If you don’t like Jimmy, don’t watch!

u/skeezito10 avatar

Sure, but there's a limit and OP is right, Jimmy is reaching it. I love Jimmy, but he is getting to the point of no return, sadly.

u/Tatar_Kulchik avatar

I've always enjoyed Jimmy and some of the other wacky guests.

u/Nectarpalm avatar

I get what you mean and I don't want to act like I know better than Ethan how to run the show. I just wanted to highlight some stuff. I enjoy the show and enjoy it even when Jimmy is on, no complaints here! Family 'til the wheels come off.

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u/10Damage avatar


u/spvcejam avatar

The problem Jimmy has is that he is doing the “fake it til you make it” and using Micky Rooney as his North Star.

Side note, I would give anything to have a transcript of the fight that occurred between Jimmy and his wife

I think you meant Don Rickles.

u/spvcejam avatar

Lmao wow, I'm not even going to edit it out of shame

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histrionic personality disorder is a self diagnosis but honestly it seems more and more likely as time goes on. he severely needs attention and i feel bad for ethan because i believe that jimmie has manipulated him for years which is part of why he always lets him back in

It’s giving “I’m an empath” said by usually the worst people you will ever meet.

Often I feel like Dan is the only sane person in the room PERIODT.

Dan is the queen.

u/GorgonOfGorglin avatar

"Don't bully me."
Bullies everyone he meets.

100%. Loved the whole Jimmy bit but now it is actually getting sad. He is really sick and to keep using him as a joke would feel inappropriate. I am hoping the crew just ignores him now and helps him to get psychiatric help

u/InkyMistakes avatar

Didn't Ethan literally say Jimmie is mentally ill after they got off the phone? Everyone knows he has problems.

I’ve never really liked him or found him funny, he made for an interesting character mostly because of how intrigued Ethan was with him but I just don’t see anything good coming out of him and they shouldn’t give him a lot of attention. His controversial jokes aren’t even funny and there’s already too many people doing that

u/West_Sink_31 avatar

He is Histornic, no question.


You can hear in Jimmy’s voice that this is difficult for his wife. This has to really suck for her and Jimmy should just disappear for a while. Civilians shouldn’t be catching strays for goofs and gaffs.

u/Ok-Photograph7626 avatar

Uhh, yeah, no shit. 💀. It's almost like he has a personality disorder or something. You people take this man way too seriously and treat him like he's a completely sane individual. With that said, he is still top-tier entertainment that you people can't wrap your head around the genius and enigma that is the jersey outlaw.

When people say things like "I'm a nice guy" the best response is to just tell them "actions speak louder than words" and then disengage.

I'm glad we have Dan to constantly have Ethan in check and pull him back to reality with his weird love for those awful ppl.

u/IAMACat_askmenothing avatar

I like Jimmy Lee. I find him funny and he reminds me of someone in my family who’s really funny. But you’re right OP, it’s time to cut contact with Jimmy. The way he was talking was bad.

Here we go again. New fans trying to get rid of Jimmy now ffs🤦‍♂️

u/Nectarpalm avatar

New fans 😂 anyway not telling anyone what to do just highlighting how unreasonable he is

Yes. People that have been a "fan" for less than a year but feel the need to complain about classic bits on the show. Jimmy was a guest on the show before you started watching, if you don't like his episode don't watch them lmao.

u/Nectarpalm avatar

I don't think my credentials as a fan have anything to do with this since it's a silly metric anyway but I have been an h3 fan since before the podcast.

I didn't do a call to arms or cry that the episode was ruined. I wached and I enjoyed it, still would have if Jimmy came on. Just pointed out how impossible he is to deal with.

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He's always done that, tho? Not defending Jimmie whatsoever, I find him extremely unbearable, but he's not the first one in Ethan's weirdo roster. Hell, I would argue that's the whole reason why Frenemies even existed. We've all seen how inviting weirdos can be a double edged sword: it can produce some of the best content in the show or it can create chaos. It still surprises me how he manages to be shocked when weirdos end up being.... well, actual weirdos.

Yes, that’s why I’m saying he should stop the trend. I’m not talking about Jimmie specifically. He’s one of many.

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you mean Howard Stern? it’s the reason he ever brought on the likes of Jimmie, Gabe, Eddie and any other of these guys is because of Stern.

he was being genuinely manipulative on that phone call with Ethan and it was infuriating to watch. -Immediately bringing up being in the hospital in an attempt to gain sympathy -immediately making himself the victim (“you’re being mean to me”) -acknowledging that the entire situation hurt his family, asked ethan to no longer discuss him, then is inviting random women on instagram to hang out with him in LA (OP) & trying to get back on said show that “hurt his family” the first opportunity he has -REPEATEDLY BRINGING UP THE HOSPITAL!!! i cannot emphasize this enough!! “it would just be nice if you could invite me to come down because i’ve had health problems 👉🏼🥺👈🏼” after he happily hung out with their stalker????? be so serious???? -“i learned a lesson from girls” girls weren’t the problem you hung out with someone who was stalking them?? and also, let’s say girls “were the problem” you obviously have learned nothing given the comments you’re still leaving? 😭😭😭😭 -“YOU can’t keep it light and polite, YOU like controversy” isn’t that jimmie like…. whole persona? and he’s trying to make ethan feel bad? lol

all this to say, i hope they don’t have him back on. as someone who loved the jimmie segments & would often leave the jimmie lore videos on as background noise- he’s unbearable to me now. the most valued thing in his life, his “fame”, is because of H3. and he genuinely put them all in danger, because he’s too self absorbed & obsessed with fame. he disregarded his family and hurt them in the midst of it, and is managing to try and blame that on Ethan too. i genuinely felt bad watching ethan after that phone call, because you could tell he was thinking it all over in his bc this isn’t how he wanted this situation to go but it genuinely just isn’t his doing.

Shame on Jimmie