The Jurassic Park trilogy renewed viewers' interest in dinosaur plots, setting the stage for the Jurassic World 2015 revival, which has a fourth movie in production with an estimated summer 2025 release. The franchise also has a successful animated series on Netflix, Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous, which has impressed both adult and children audiences. This exciting series began with 1993's Jurassic Park, which captivated viewers and critics with a terrifying return of previously extinct creatures.

Most of the franchise focuses on humans attempting to control the dinosaurs they create despite the natural odds not being in their favor. However, the star of the movies is undeniably the monstruous animals, especially the deadly predators. In the original trilogy, there are some exceptional scenes that highlight the extraordinary abilities of these dinosaurs.

Jurassic Park Trilogy

Rotten Tomatoes Score

IMDb Rating

Jurassic Park (1993)



The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997)



Jurassic Park III (2001)



10 The First Valley Scene Introduced the Wonder of the Franchise

Jurassic Park

John Hammond, Ellie Satler, and Alan Grant looking up at a Brachiosaurus in Jurassic Park.
  • The first dinosaur featured in Jurassic Park was a Brachiosaurus.

The opening scene of Jurassic Park is foreboding, featuring a team of men trying to contain a dangerous creature inside a large crate. However, the first scene to actually feature a living dinosaur is a trademark of the franchise. When Dr. Alan Grant and Dr. Ellie Sattler first reach the park, they're shocked and amazed to see a luscious valley filled with previously extinct animals and plant life.

This is a wonderful moment that gives the characters a false sense of peacefulness. While they soon learn the park is more dangerous than it is beautiful, this scene highlights the impossible amazement of gigantic, powerful dinosaurs once again walking the earth. This "Welcome to Jurassic Park" scene began one of the best film trilogies of all time.

9 Nursing a Sick Triceratops Was an Endearing Moment

Jurassic Park

Dr. Ellie Sattler pets the Triceratops in Jurassic Park
  • The first dinosaur movie ever was Brute Force, which was a silent, short film released in 1914.
Best Universal Rides Based on Movies, Ranked
Iconic movies like Harry Potter and Jurassic Park have inspired some of Universal's best theme park rides.

Soon after Alan and Ellie are introduced to the wonders of Jurassic Park, they come across a sick young triceratops. Though they are still amazing, the two quickly begin examining the injured animal and the plant life nearby that may have played a part in its ailments. This scene highlighted both of their unique skills: Alan as a paleontologist and Ellie as a paleobotanist.

This sci-fi franchise is known for the fright of these prehistoric creatures and warns against tampering with the past, but these scenes focus on the extraordinary nature of these extinct beings brought back to life on the screen. The scene also emphasizes how captivating the film's heroes are.

8 Raptors Talking in Alan's Dream Is an Unforgettable Quirk

Jurassic Park III

Velociraptor Jurassic Park III
  • Besides the T-Rex, which has a dominant presence in the trilogy, the velociraptors are the most popular dinosaurs in the Jurassic Park series.

Jurassic Park III is the least popular film out of the trilogy and one that received some harsh criticism upon its release. However, even the least likable movie has a cult following and is respected for its unforgettable moments. One of these memorable scenes is when Alan Grant is on a flight back to the dinosaur-infested island, and he has a dream of a raptor calling his name.

This scene is done within a blink of an eye but has been the subject of some humorous memes and fan jokes. The dream, though humorous, emphasizes how traumatized Grant is over his previous experiences with dinosaurs. This weird quirk in the movie is also a key example of how well the franchise is able to blend horror with comedy.

7 Nedry Underestimates the Wrong Dino

Jurassic Park

Dennis Nedry hides behind a tree and cautiously looks off in the distance in Jurassic Park
  • The dinosaur that killed Nedry, which is small but deadly, is called a dilophosaurus.

Dennis Nedry is one of the villains in Jurassic Park, betraying the corporation to outside sources before attempting to flee with a canister of dinosaur embryos. This failed escape attempt takes place in the wilds of Jurassic Park during a storm. When Nedry runs into a tiny Dilophosaurus, he has no idea that the seemingly non-threatening creature is one of the most deadly.

Nedry's Jurassic Park death scene is one of the most gruesome out of the entire trilogy and the original book. As he tries to flee from the small dinosaur, it spits venom into his eyes, obstructing his vision and causing paralysis. This attack and human devouring by this unlikely predator is a representation of the terror of this prehistoric habitat.

6 The Battle In the Aviary Is Action-Packed

Jurassic Park III

Pteranodon attacking in charcters in Jurassic Park III
  • The Pteranodons are featured in every film in the franchise but only have a significant role in Jurassic Park III.
Why Jurassic Park's Dinosaurs Are Terrifying
The Jurassic Park series has brought some terrifying dinosaurs to life on the big screen, but audiences’ fear of them evokes something more primal.

Unlike the other inclusions in the franchise, Jurassic Park III highlights the terror of the Pteranodon. These winged dinosaurs are given the spotlight in this unforgettable scene of this sequel, in which the survivors on the island are stuck within the creatures' aerial domain.

While the group is struggling to evade the gigantic predators on the island in the metal cages of the human-designed nests, the young boy they came to rescue is taken from the aviary by a Pteranodon. This results in an action-packed and aerial fight to rescue the child. This scene is remembered for the up-close sight of the flying creatures, who look far less menacing high in the skies than when the characters are face-to-face with one.

5 A T. Rex Taking on an RV Is an Unmatched Scenario

The Lost World

julianne moore as Dr Sarah Harding from The Lost World: Jurassic Park laying onto of some cracked glass.
  • Despite The Lost World's ratings, this scene is one of the most iconic in the franchise.

The Jurassic Park trilogy is known for the action-packed, thrilling scenes that feature humans going up against dinosaurs. While this is already an unmatched competition, the T. rex in this The Lost World: Jurassic Park scene makes it clear that most man-made inventions are no match for the powerful claws and teeth of prehistoric predators.

In this scene, the team on the island is attempting to save a baby T. rex from the clutches of poachers. In an unfortunate turn of events, the father dinosaur comes to save his infant and ends up destroying the trailer and nearly killing the people inside. This The Lost World moment is one of Steven Spielberg's best action scenes, gripping the audience with the daunting fate of the heroes.

4 Raptors Going on a Hunt Is a Terrifying Ordeal

Jurassic Park

The Velociraptors hunt through the kitchen in Jurassic Park
  • The Jurassic Franchise highlights the raptors as the most intelligent species brought back from extinction.

Much of the tension throughout Jurassic Park is due to the endangerment of owner John Hammond's grandchildren, Lex and Tim. This is the case for the iconic raptor scene in which the two children attempt to evade a group of these intelligent and deadly predators. The two children eventually escape and return to the safety of Grant and Sattler, evading most of the raptors and locking one inside a freezer.

This intense scene was nail-biting, chilling the audience when one of the raptors uses a claw to open a closed door inside the kitchen where the children are hiding. Though dinosaurs like the T. rex are terrifying for their size and bloodthirsty, velociraptors are an eerie inclusion due to their ingenuity.

3 A T. Rex Taking San Diego Is a Terrifying Invasion of Civilization

The Lost World

The Lost World Jurassic Park T-Rex roaring in front of San Diego
  • The original Jurassic Park used a mix of animatronics and CGI to bring the prehistoric animals to life.
10 Coolest Dinosaurs in the Jurassic Park Movies, Ranked
The dinosaurs of the original Jurassic Park trilogy changed cinema forever by creating some of the coolest creatures to ever appear on the big screen.

The concept of The Lost World is all the more terrifying than the original film because the new villain is an entrepreneur, John Hammond's nephew Peter Ludlow, who intends to open a new park in San Diego. Despite Malcolm, Grant, and Sarah's efforts to stop this plan, Ludlow transports a Tyrannosaurus to the city from the remote island where it previously resided. The T. rex escapes the ship where it's contained and is unleashed on San Diego.

Beforehand, the dinosaurs were restricted to an island where they at least were not a threat to humanity. In this installment, the audience witnesses the destruction of just a single T. rex set free in a populated city. The revival, Jurassic World, furthered this theme, emphasizing that large amounts of people around these dangerous creatures is a recipe for disaster.

2 The Spinosaurus Vs. T-Rex Is an Epic Battle of Brawn

Jurassic Park III

A Spinosaurus roaring at a T-Rex in Jurassic Park.
  • Within the Jurassic Park and Jurassic World franchises, the Dreadnoughtus (Jurassic World: Dominion) is the largest dinosaur.

Jurassic Park III may be the lowest-rated Jurassic Park movie overall, but it has one of the most epic battles throughout the franchise. As opposed to the man vs. beast theme, this film features two terrifying prehistoric predators that are seemingly equally matched.

While the characters are trying to evade the T. rex, an even more intimidating Spinosaurus steps into the path of the previous apex predator. Despite the extraordinary mass and strength of both dinosaurs, the Spinosaurus quickly gets the upper hand and snaps the T. rex's neck within its powerful jaws. Considering the T. rex was the terror of the first two movies, introducing a more deadly predator was a fearsome inclusion.

1 The Original T. Rex Attack Is a Trademark of the Franchise

Jurassic Park

The T-Rex roars after breaking through in Jurassic Park
  • Despite the several sequels, including the revival series, Jurassic Park continues to be the highest-rated Jurassic movie ever.

Within this popular franchise, the original trilogy and revival trilogy have a slew of intense, jaw-dropping dinosaur attacks. However, the first T. rex scene in Jurassic Park continues to be an iconic moment. With the electric fences down, the predator is able to break through the barrier and attack the park vehicles, killing one man and endangering Malcolm, Grant, and Hammond's grandchildren.

This scene has the unique ability to instantly put the audience on the edge of their seat, waiting to see what kind of destruction this monstrous animal is about to inflict. The action-packed sequence lives up to the initial intensity, the beast getting the upper hand and the characters barely escaping alive. This influential scene defined the terrifying and exciting tone of the Jurassic Park legacy.

The Jurassic Park movie poster with a simple black background
Jurassic Park

Scientists bring back dinosaurs for an amusement park, but everyone learns that the dinosaurs cannot be contained in the Jurassic Park franchise.

Created by
Michael Crichton , Steven Spielberg
First Film
Jurassic Park
Latest TV Show
Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous
Upcoming TV Shows
Jurassic World: Chaos Theory
Sam Neill , Laura Dern , Jeff Goldblum , BD Wong , Chris Pratt , Bryce Dallas Howard