Review of Negai no Kakera to Hakugin no Agreement | vndb

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Review of Negai no Kakera to Hakugin no Agreement

SubjectNegai no Kakera to Hakugin no Agreement
The Shadows of Pygmalion
ByHelpfulness: 2
Vote: 5
fernand on 2024-05-13
ReviewThis vn feels like an endless prologue to a grander story. It spends so much time describing setting details and intrigue, but by the time anything truly substantial happens, the game ends. The structure is just one big common route with all of the big important bits of characterization for the heroines being backloaded to each of the 4 endings -- no routes, only endings. If you're coming here expecting a satisfying chunnige, the high school massacre in the first half is the only lengthy piece of action and those coming for good romance will be disatisfied by game's unwillingness to develop anything outside of surface level friendship. Overall, I wouldn't reccomend this to anyone outside of the most dedicated yuri fans.
2 points