Power Rangers is often derided for poor acting, but there are more than a few diamonds in the rough among the vast cast who have starred in the series. Talented actors better known for their roles in shows like iZombie, Jessica Jones, and Breaking Bad have appeared in Power Rangers and turned in performances on par with those given elsewhere.

Actors throughout Power Rangers' 30 seasons have displayed incredible skill, as both heroes and villains, and with both dramatic and comedic performances. These are the actors who've made the biggest impact on fans throughout the years.

10 Paul Schrier & Jason Narvy Put Everything into Their Roles

  • Paul Schrier and Jason Narvy portray Farkas "Bulk" Bulkmeier and Eugene "Skill" Skullovitch in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Power Rangers Zeo, Power Rangers Turbo, Power Rangers in Space, Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, Power Rangers Wild Force, and Power Rangers Samurai.
  • Paul Schrier portrays Jack Thomas, the Yellow Hyperforce Ranger, in Power Rangers Hyperforce.

Despite not playing Power Rangers, Paul Schier and Jason Narvy are two of the series' most iconic actors. Playing the incompetent bullies Bulk and Skull through the entirety of the Zordon Era, Schrier and Narvy elevated every script they were given, leaning into the over-the-top nature of the slapstick they were tasked with performing and even piecing together their own costumes because no one understood what their characters would wear better than them. Both actors also successfully portray their respective characters' more serious development over the course of the show.

Schrier holds the distinction of having appeared in more episodes of Power Rangers than any other actor and even eventually got to portray a Ranger in Power Rangers Hyperforce, where he shows his range by giving a completely different performance than he did as Bulk. While Narvy has made significantly fewer appearances since the end of Power Rangers in Space, he holds a PhD in Theater Studies and is a professor of acting, directing, and musical theater at East Stroudsburg University.

9 Tessa Rao is the Shining Star of Three Seasons

Izzy Garcia in Power Rangers Dino Fury
  • Tessa Rao portrays Izzy Garcia in Power Rangers Dino Fury and Power Rangers Cosmic Fury.
  • Tessa Rao graduated from the American Academy of Dramatic Arts.

Tessa Rao was tasked with the responsibility of not only playing the final Green Ranger in the series, but the first ever lesbian Power Ranger, and she completely nailed her part. Rao's enthusiasm is a consistent delight throughout her three-season tenure, and she knocks it out of the park with her dramatic performances during Izzy Garcia's scenes with her brother, Javi, and her girlfriend, Fern.

Rao's performance is especially impressive when taking into account that "Izzy Garcia" is her first major role. Prior to appearing in Power Rangers, she had only previously starred in short films and played bit parts in a couple of other significant productions. There is no doubt that Rao's acting career is just getting started.

8 Camille Hyde Displays Infectious Energy

Shelby Watkins with her blaster - Power Rangers Dino Charge
  • Camille Hyde portrays Shelby Watkins Power Rangers Dino Charge and Power Rangers Dino Supercharge.
  • Camille Hyde is known for her role as Thea Mays in All American: Homecoming.
10 Smartest Power Rangers, Ranked

The Power Rangers have had many geniuses over the decades including icons like Antonio and Billy, among other wildy smart heroes.

Power Rangers Samurai and Power Rangers Megaforce were not well-received by fans, but when Power Rangers Dino Charge premiered, fears about the series being dead were assuaged, with Camille Hyde's performance as Shelby Watkins being one of the main reasons why. Hyde is the main focus of the Dino Charge premiere and the earnest, hilarious, and sweet energy she brings as Shelby instantly endeared fans to her character and the season.

Shelby's character is largely defined by being underestimated by the people around her, and Hyde captures the raw and relatable emotions that come with that. She also shares great chemistry with her co-stars, especially Brennan Mejia, who plays Tyler, and Claire Blackwelder, who plays Kendall.

7 David de Lautour is a Veteran Actor

Robert RJ James from Power Rangers Jungle Fury looks skeptical
  • David de Lautour portrays Robert James in Power Rangers Jungle Fury.
  • David de Lautour is known for his role as Ted West in Westside.

David de Lautour brings an energy to the Violet Wolf Ranger, RJ, that's entirely unique to his character. Lautour captures both the wise mentor side of RJ and the kooky pizza chef side of him while also making his character unforgettable by playing him as if he's a stoner.

Lautour nails faking his character's mastery of Muay Thai, and his greatest experience enables him to elevate the performances of whoever he shares a scene with. RJ is by far the most popular aspect of an otherwise largely ignored season, and that's largely thanks to Lautour's fantastic performance.

6 Kelson Henderson Has Played Major Roles Throughout the Franchise

  • Kelson Henderson portrays Boom in Power Rangers SPD, Phineas in Power Rangers Mystic Force, and Mick Kanic in Power Rangers Ninja Steel, Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel, Power Rangers Dino Fury, and Power Rangers Cosmic Fury.
  • Kelson Henderson has also made appearances in, and provided voice roles for, Power Rangers Dino Thunder, Power Rangers Operation Overdrive, Power Rangers Jungle Fury, Power Rangers RPM, Power Rangers Megaforce, Power Rangers Dino Charge, and Power Rangers Beast Morphers.

If there is a modern counterpart of Paul Schrier and Jason Narvy, it's Kelson Henderson. Holding the record for the actor with appearances in the most Power Rangers seasons, at thirteen seasons, and almost always in primarily comedic roles, Henderson is synonymous with the franchise.

Henderson's most notable roles are as the goofball assistant to Dr. Kat Manx, Boom, the disgusting but friendly child of a Troll and a Goblin, Phineas, and the shape-shifting mentor of the Ninja Steel Rangers, Mick Kanic. Both being comic relief scientists, the differences Henderson brings to his performances for each of them highlight his talent, with Boom being young and immature, while Mick is old, wise, and seasoned. His take on Phineas is so far removed from both of these performances that it's difficult to realize it's him without looking at the credits. Henderson is also a brilliant voice actor, bringing life to great side characters like Norg, Flit, and Cruise and having memorable turns as various monsters.

5 Brandon Jay McLaren Portrays the Depths of the Most Complex Red Ranger

Jack Landors smiles in Power Rangers SPD
  • Brandon Jay McLaren portrays Jack Landors in Power Rangers SPD.
  • Brandon Jay McLaren is known for his role as Elijah Stone in The Rookie.
10 Strongest Power Rangers Teams, Ranked

The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers may have been the first team of Power Rangers, but there are many that are stronger.

Brandon Jay McLaren is one of the most accomplished actors to have played a Power Ranger, and to any who has seen his turn as Jack Landors in Power Rangers SPD, that should come as no surprise. Jack is among the most nuanced and flawed characters in the franchise, and McLaren balances his heroism and altruism with his smarmy attitude, arrogance, selfish-side, and the toll of years of hardship like its easy.

The entire cast of SPD raises the bar for acting within Power Rangers, but special mention must go to McLaren's chemistry with Chris Violette, who plays Sky. The on-screen presence these men share together is the heart of the show and is one of the biggest reasons why the season continues to be seen as one of the best.

4 Latham Gaines Gives the Best Performance of Any Villain

Anton Mercer AKA Mesagog in Power Rangers Dino Thunder
  • Latham Gaines portrays Anton Mercer and Mesogog in Power Rangers Dino Thunder.
  • Latham Gaines is known for his role as Edward North in The Cult.

Latham Gaines delivers the best performance of any Power Rangers villain actor, masterfully portraying both halves of the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde-inspired Anton Mercer and Mesogog. With another character, these characters and their dynamic could have come off as cheesy, like many Power Rangers villains do, but in Gaines' capable hands, they're completely terrifying.

As Anton Mercer, Gaines plays a slimy, greedy businessman, who's also a loving father to his son, Trent, while as Mesogog, he plays a sadistic monster who inspires fear in all he encounters. While narratively it comes as no surprise that Anton and Mesogog are one and the same, a kid watching for the first time would never guess the same man provides both villainous performances.

3 Olivia Tennet's Performance is Award Worthy

Doctor K in Power Rangers RPM
  • Olivia Tennet portrays Dr. K in Power Rangers RPM.
  • Olivia Tennet is known for her role as Freda in The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.

Dr. K has one of the most unique premises of any Power Rangers character, being a teenage girl with unmatched genius who was raised in near-isolation by a government organization that used her for its own benefit and who, in her attempt to escape, created the Venjix virus, and accidentally caused a robot apocalypse to wipe out most of humanity. Any actor would have difficulty with this role, but despite only actually being seventeen at the time of filming, Tennet did the job perfectly.

In every line, every facial expression, and even every joke, Tennet captures her characters' social unease, lack of emotional development, trauma, and guilt, all beneath her smug veneer. Tennet's best chemistry is with Milo Cawthorne, who plays Dr. K's love interest, Ziggy. Much of their on-screen chemistry was actually real, and their fictional love story paralleled the two actors entering a relationship and even briefly getting married from 2013 to 2016.

2 Edward Lawrence Albert is the Best Actor in the Power Rangers TV Series

Mr. Collins in Power Rangers Time Force
  • Edward Lawrence Albert portrays Mr. Collins in Power Rangers Time Force.
  • Edward Lawrence Albert is a Golden Globe winner.
20 TV Shows That Are Clearly Inspired By Power Rangers

Many shows have taken cues from The Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. While some failed to reach similar success, others found ways to break the mold.

Power Rangers Time Force is widely praised for having some of the best acting in the franchise, with every member of its core cast giving it their all. The best performances aren't from any of the Rangers though, but from Mad Max alumni Vernon Wells, and Golden Globe winner Edward Lawrence Albert.

Despite already being an accomplished actor prior to appearing in Power Rangers, Albert didn't tone down his acting at all and gave a performance worthy of a prime-time drama as Wes's father, Mr. Collins. Mr. Collins receives more development than almost any other side character in the series, and Albert knocks it out of the park as his character evolves from a cold-hearted, greedy businessman to a loving father who understands what's important in life. Albert's scenes with Wes's actor, Jason Faunt, are highlights of any episode they appear in, and Mr. Collins' encounter with Wells' Ransik is one of the best acted scenes in the franchise.

1 RJ Cyler is One of the Biggest Reasons Fans Want a Sequel to Power Rangers (2017)