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Discussion of all things Hilaria Baldwin, Alec Baldwin's wife. Also known as Hillary Hayward-Thomas. Also known as "The Grifter" or "Brand-thrax." Rachel Dolezal walked so Hilaria could run.

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Still couldn’t make her happen.

Super Mami

As another Pepino (MM) said Alice and Larry are pioneers in “the straight-to-landfill” grifts. Heap the clothes on top of the books and bullshit, trash mountain is growing.

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“The Spanish beauty showcases…”. Written in 2014 where the article states Carmen is 9-months old.

Every publication bought into their grift and promoted it. They are so mental.

u/RitaRaccoon avatar

This dress probably cost $1.13 to make (in some factory in a poor South Asian country), and they’re charging $235.00 for it. No wonder this “clothing line” didn’t last.

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She’s essentially Gretchen Weiners

'I am in athletic clothing most of the day teaching and on the run', she explains. 'I am looking for simple chic looks that embody my personality and style.' - Fiction

Fact: "on the run" actually means pap-walking from their hotel on a coffee run, wearing black support leggings, sunglasses, indoor fluffy slippers and a baggy something on top. She references teaching yoga but with all the selfies who has time?

Ummmm..I clicked on the Lexington link in the DM article and got this. Then, just to be thorough, I went to the site directly and got the same result. Is it possible the Lexington company does not want Pepinos to wear uninspired, fake-designer clothing with a bland vibe and no personality? Seems muy sus 🤨


The article was published ten years ago, and while the Lexington Clothing Company, founded in Sweden, is still around, the Hamptonite collection is defunct. A short-lived collaboration, that was.

lol, someone at Lexington Clothing Company HQ realized Big Larry had simply reached into her husband's closet, pulled out a few dingy pieces and called Alec's pre-worn, faded things as "re-imagined pastel classics."

(a little visual humor, Big Larry is..."not the Mama!" )

Thank you for the follow through Pepino.

¡No problemo!

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I clicked on the link too. Sus

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How thrilled were her parents that she was draining someone else's bank accounts finally? She's nothing but a liability

This comment really hits the nail on the head! Lmao 🤣

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she was only going to the Hamptons because of him, then (as with Spain) she made like she was a Hamptonite when she was just a newb WASP.

Actually Larry is muy blanca here (going for the peaches and cream/sweet young thing look, pre-Salma cosplay) and is it just me, or does looking at those shirts give you the idea they all smell like Aleek tried them on or wore them around?

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Those clothes SCREAM basic boring white lady (Hillz) from The Hamptons, something you just found at the outlet store next to Tommy Bahama…not a single ounce of European, Spanish, Balearic influence in there. No spice, nothing. How can nobody have noticed that back then still puzzles me.

u/Big-Raspberry-2552 avatar

Soo many failed attempts to make her famous….came close with the today show gigs. Dr Oz, Rachel Ray but they all dropped her soooo fast after the grift was found out.

Actually she was dropped long before the fake Español scandal came to light because she's a thoroughly unlikeable person with zero redeeming qualities.

A rotten tomato has more wit and intelligence than Hilarious will ever have.

How choo thay, un tomate podrido?

Lmao 🤣

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A failed designer of the lowest level effortless con artistry. Fixed it for her.

You forgot “Spanish beauty “, lol btw; these look like someone snapped pictures with an iPhone, very unflattering and not high end photography.

I agree. The lights took away her Spanish tan!

They didn’t photoshop her horse teeth or anything…

That was many teeths ago.

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you know he paid someone to design that mess.

I’m surprised she didn’t run with the idea and show photos of herself at a sewing machine with her tits out.

they still might have been taken and not used.

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u/_TalkingIsHard_ avatar

What in the E.T. is going on with her foot?!

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Yeah, pregnant women should wear long dresses that drag on the ground. Were they too lazy to alter the length?

Was she actually pregnant (Carmen) in this one? Because typically when we are pregnant we take extra precautions not to trip or fall. If she was moon bumping then, whatever.

Well Alice did have some say so and we see how he alters his own shit.

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😳 what an all around mess

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u/PoetLucy avatar

Mrs Baldwin named the tote bag and towel after herself, she reasons because they are part of her 'every day necessities' as she races between yoga classes and TV-broadcasting's.



Does Mrs. Baldwin refer to her all-day selfies schedule as "TV broadcasting(s)?

this crap makes it very clear the reason she had no friends there, just that Violet and where is she now?

Well, she is a “working entrepreneur and mom on the go”

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u/Advanced-Object4117 avatar

I wish we knew the amount of money peepaw sunk into the ‘Hilaria’ project

u/TJCW avatar

Or how many favors he had to give to get her on air on Extra or to speak at the UN!!! Insane

u/joomommyhappy avatar

It's insane what one basic bitch-brat from Boston was able to wrangle out of him, and for so little, in the sense of what did he get in return?

Ok, there was obviously some "Spanish" pretzeling in the bedroom early on, but she's never even been nice to him, and over the last I don't know how many years, she never misses a chance to put him down.

That's what narc women do. Everything is transactional -- that's why you can see no evidence of her children bonding with her, or close to her -- she relates to them like she's a child, too, and she will put them down and then pretend it's joking. Except it's really not funny to the children, you can see it in their reactions.

Narc women are worse by far to other women, whom they consider competition and they must be the only woman, the most of everything. However the narc woman is also manipulative and ruthlessly passive/aggressive with the insults and devaluing innuendo and gaslighting of their man. They are deluded into thinking that this makes the man realize how lucky he is to have her. Narc women overestimate their intelligence, their skills, and their looks/appeal. So like that wierd shirt with Alec's faces printed on it (the video where her son flips off the camera and he's only 9) she is low key telling him he's her property -- she can wear a shirt with his face on it just to make him feel embarassed. That's her husband and the father of her children (regardless of who the surrogate/s was/were) - she treats him like he's her wallet, her possession, her accessory, or perhaps like a member of an audience she's entertaining and she's her own biggest fan. edited for clarification

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u/NormanskillEire avatar

The has-been actors wife, with no discernable talent whatsoever, and whom they couldn't make happen even if they enrolled her in a crash course on "How to Make a Splash in Hollywood Without Getting Wet."

The comments are spot on and that was 2014!

They are amazing! Maybe 2 "nice" ones out of 80 and even those were hardly gushing. The one that just said "She is flat" must have really gotten to her though

u/MissKim01 avatar

What are some of the comments? I don’t read Daily Mail links

Wow. Universally disliked 10 years ago! They had some big balls thinking they could pull any of this shit off. He really thought he was untouchable

u/MissKim01 avatar

Yes these are brilliant. People were straight onto her grifty desperation. Thanks for the screenshots.

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Jaydee-501 from Hot Springs serving truth.

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u/RitaRaccoon avatar

The day I wear her fashion designs is the day I parade around naked through Times Square

Another pap sashay proudly sporting teenage girl leggings, cowboy boots and baggy sweater - what is it with narcissistic women dressed frozen in time as they dressed AT the age of 14, or as their 14 year old self imagined a grown up sexy women dressed? Larry dresses decade free. A 40 year old woman parading around in 14 year old cool girl boots and tights from whatever year she was actually 14 years old.

And the bra straps -what is that about. And did she match the bra with the leggings?

Wow —- you raise an interesting point: what year did the movie Flashdance come out? What age would she have been …? Or who used to dress like that is she cosplaying Salma Hayek from the 90s?

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If she had any actual input, other than the creative naming the clothes, this would have been her one and done out to wear all year.

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can’t stop, won’t stop!

Awesome 👏


Yup, that sums her up!

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