How to Change Keyboard Shortcuts in Windows 11: A Step-by-Step Guide - Support Your Tech

How to Change Keyboard Shortcuts in Windows 11: A Step-by-Step Guide

Changing keyboard shortcuts in Windows 11 is a great way to personalize your computer and make everyday tasks quicker. Here’s a quick guide: Start by opening the Settings menu, then navigate to the Accessibility options. From there, find Keyboard settings and customize the shortcuts to your liking.

How to Change Keyboard Shortcuts in Windows 11

In this step-by-step guide, you’ll learn how to navigate through Windows 11 settings to change your keyboard shortcuts, ensuring your PC is tailored to your preferences.

Step 1: Open the Settings Menu

Start by opening the Settings menu.

You can easily access the Settings menu by clicking on the Start button in the lower-left corner of your screen and then selecting the gear icon. Alternatively, press "Windows + I" to open Settings directly.

Step 2: Navigate to Accessibility

From the Settings menu, go to the Accessibility section.

This section is where you’ll find a lot of options to customize your computer experience. Look for the "Accessibility" option in the left-hand menu and click on it.

Step 3: Find Keyboard Settings

Scroll down and click on "Keyboard."

In the Accessibility menu, scroll down until you see the "Keyboard" option. Clicking this will bring up a new set of options related to your keyboard settings.

Step 4: Customize Shortcuts

Customize your keyboard shortcuts from the available options.

Here, you can adjust various settings like Sticky Keys, Filter Keys, and more. Look for the “Shortcuts” section and customize the key combinations to your preference.

Step 5: Save Your Changes

Save your changes and exit Settings.

After making your desired changes, ensure you save them. There is usually a “Save” or “Apply” button at the bottom of the window. Click it, then exit the Settings menu.

Once you’ve completed these steps, your new keyboard shortcuts will be active. These changes can make your workflow smoother and more efficient.

Tips for Changing Keyboard Shortcuts in Windows 11

  • Experiment First: Try out different key combinations to see what works best for you.
  • Backup Defaults: Keep a note of the default settings in case you want to revert back.
  • Use Mnemonics: Choose shortcuts that are easy to remember.
  • Accessibility Features: Don’t overlook features like Sticky Keys if you find pressing multiple keys at once challenging.
  • Test Thoroughly: Ensure your new shortcuts don’t conflict with other applications.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I reset keyboard shortcuts to default settings?

Yes, you can reset to default settings by going back into the Keyboard settings and selecting the option to reset.

Are these changes permanent?

You can always go back and change your shortcuts again if needed.

Will this affect all users on my PC?

No, these changes are usually specific to your user profile.

Can I customize shortcuts for specific programs?

While Windows settings change system-wide shortcuts, some programs allow you to set custom shortcuts within the app itself.

Do I need to restart my computer after making changes?

Most changes take effect immediately, so a restart is usually not required.


  1. Open the Settings Menu.
  2. Navigate to Accessibility.
  3. Find Keyboard Settings.
  4. Customize Shortcuts.
  5. Save Your Changes.


So there you have it! Changing keyboard shortcuts in Windows 11 is a straightforward process that can significantly enhance your productivity. Personalized shortcuts mean less time fumbling with your mouse and more time getting things done. Whether you’re a gamer needing quick access to commands or a power user looking to streamline your workflow, these steps will help you tailor your PC to your needs.

For further reading, explore other customization options within Windows 11 to make your experience even more efficient. If you found this guide helpful, why not share it with friends who might benefit from a few keyboard tweaks? Happy customizing!

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