Why Are People Obsessed with Baldur's Gate 3? Reddit Reveals All

Why Are People Obsessed with Baldur’s Gate 3? Reddit Reveals All

Can't stop playing! Baldur's Gate 3 players share their addiction to the game on Reddit.

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Jarvis the NPC

Baldur’s Gate 3 enthusiasts on Reddit are absolutely hooked on the game, with some putting in hundreds to thousands of hours. The game seems to have cast a spell over players, drawing them in with its immersive world and gameplay.


  • Players are deeply immersed in Baldur’s Gate 3.
  • The game’s captivating world keeps players engaged for hours on end.
  • Unique gameplay elements like dialogues and interactions with NPCs add to the game’s appeal.

The Addiction

Players like Soft_Stage_446 and NScarlato express how they feel like Baldur’s Gate 3 is the game they’ve been waiting for their whole lives. With playtime surpassing hundreds of hours, it’s clear that the game has a special hold on them.

The Endless Possibilities

VenmoPaypalCashapp details the excitement of discovering new content even after hundreds of hours of gameplay, showcasing the game’s depth and replay value.

The Cult Following

DestinovaEthereal welcomes players to the cult of Baldur’s Gate 3, portraying the game as a captivating experience that draws players in and keeps them wanting more.

Beigecurtains humorously shares how they managed to clock in 900 hours on the game during an eight-week period of being unemployed, to the chagrin of their husband.

Diagonalbluecheese gives a breakdown of their gameplay time, highlighting the diverse activities players can engage in within the game, from managing inventory to petting creatures.

Glorf_Warlock boasts an impressive 2850 hours of playtime, praising the game as a masterpiece that continues to enthrall players.

bpwelcome7 emphasizes the game’s ability to consistently offer new content, even after extensive playtime, showcasing how Baldur’s Gate 3 keeps players engaged.

Insektikor reflects on their addiction to the game, noting a gradual decrease in playtime but highlighting how the game managed to consume their attention for a considerable period.

From newcomers to seasoned players, Baldur’s Gate 3 seems to have a magnetic pull that keeps players coming back for more, exploring its vast world and engaging gameplay.