Sudden Weakness - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect
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Sudden Weakness

I’m 27 weeks pregnant with di/ di boys and last week I’ve noticed sudden weakness when I’m doing anything. Basic tasks like showering, standing to brush my teeth, walking around, standing to cook something, etc. makes me feel like I ran a marathon. My muscles feel weak/ jiggly/ depleted, I am out of breath, and I need to sit down to feel better. Rarely, I can sometimes be sitting and feel that weak feeling in my arms and have to lean my head against the wall for stability. I got blood work done and everything appears normal. This is my first pregnancy so has anybody experienced this?

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I'm only 8 weeks with di/di twins and this happens to me nearly every day....I have no idea why. I literally lose all strength and have to sit down so I don't fall.

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