Two horses on the road - Stabroek News

Two horses on the road

Dear Editor,

I would like to relate the distressing sight which I witnessed yesterday morning on the roadway on my way to work in the vicinity of the Chico Ramas Gas Station at Strathspey.

Two horses, (mother and foal), lying on the road, both appeared dead at first.  However, after going close I observed that they were both raising their heads and trying to move but unable to do so.

Editor, I had written years ago about animals being left on the roads.  The East Coast Public Road is now a highway with many vehicles, especially trucks, traversing up and down.

Are the owners of these vehicles so callous that they would allow their animals out on a highway without supervision?

It is time for these persons to be charged if their animals are left unattended.

Yours faithfully,

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