Thanks for supporting Lake Placid clean up | News, Sports, Jobs - Adirondack Daily Enterprise

Thanks for supporting Lake Placid clean up

To the editor:

The Adirondack Sports Council would like to thank all the volunteers and those who supported the Lake Placid Village and Town Clean-up. Over three dozen volunteers showed up Saturday to pick up bags and scour neighborhoods. They collected a half ton (1,080 pounds) of garbage cleaning most of the main arterials and small neighborhoods. In addition, dozens of Northwood School students took two days earlier in the week to concentrate on the more intense stretches of highway leading into town and along busy town roads. All but two scavenger hunt prizes were located, and a thank you goes to the McDonald’s, The Palace Theater and Heaven Hill Farm for supporting the prizes. Central Garage also provided coffee and donuts again this year to kick off the project.

It’s small projects like the Clean-Up Day that add to the sense of community and the ADK Sports Council is proud to be part of that.

Karlan Jessen

Director of legacy, sustainability and operational efficiency, Adirondack Sports Council

Lake Placid


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