Price increase - Linz light rail costs almost €1 billion |

Price increase

Linz light rail costs almost €1 billion

21.05.2024 18:00

It's not just the costs of the Linz light rail system that are currently being discussed again. The way was clear for the decision in the Council of Ministers in Vienna, but the project was taken off the agenda in the evening.

The costs for the planned regional light rail system in Linz seem to be getting out of hand even before the official start of construction: While there was still talk of total costs of EUR 667 million in the planning phase and up to the end of 2023, the state of Upper Austria is currently already talking about a cost framework that is approaching the billion euro mark.

Specifically, the public transport project, which will primarily benefit commuters from Linz and the Mühlviertel region, is estimated to cost EUR 939 million. The state justifies the higher costs with a new price basis and risk factors taken into account.

Examination in the Council of Ministers postponed
Irrespective of this, the last theoretical hurdle for the mega-project was to be cleared in the Council of Ministers in Vienna on Wednesday. However, this point was postponed, the "Krone" learned in the evening.

LH Thomas Stelzer (ÖVP): "It is clear that a project of this magnitude requires many discussions and negotiations." Transport Minister Günther Steinkellner (FPÖ) expects the ground-breaking ceremony to take place in 2027 at the earliest. The costs will be shared by the federal government (50%), the state (42.5%) and the city of Linz (7.5%) - with the se paying a maximum of EUR 50 million.

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