Courteney Cox reveals late co-star Matthew Perry still 'visits her' months after death - Celebrity Tidbit

Courteney Cox spoke about her spirituality and the connections she still feels with people she has lost, including fellow Friends star Matthew Perry.

It’s been more than half a year since the devastating news of the passing of revered television comedy icon Matthew Perry first broke, though his former screen partner and long-term friend, Courteney Cox, claims the pair remain inter-linked through a spiritual connection. While the loss of the Friends star was a difficult one for the show’s millions of fans to take, Cox’s optimistic outlook on death may help some people to remain hopeful while dealing with grief.

Courteney Cox claims Matthew Perry ‘visits’ her

In a rare sit-down interview, Cox recently spoke to CBS News about her career and how life looks for the actress turned director, filmmaker and entrepreneur in 2024. And, in a rather emotional excerpt from the conversation, Cox delved into her spiritual side when asked about Perry’s untimely passing.

“I think he’s probably one of the funniest human beings in the world,” said Cox of Perry. “He is genuinely a huge heart, (he) obviously struggled. I’m so thankful I got to work so closely with him for so many years. He visits me a lot, if we believe in that.”

When asked to elaborate on what it means to be visited by somebody who has passed on, Cox explained: “You know, I talk to my mom, my dad, Matthew (Perry) – I feel like there are a lotta people that are, I think, that guide us… I sense Matthew’s around for sure.”

Actress Courteney Cox Arquette (L) and actor Matthew Perry attend the AFI Associates luncheon honoring Hollywood's Arquette family with the 6th Ann...
Photo by Mark Mainz/Getty Images for AFI

Cox still looks back at Friends fondly

While one could forgive any of the Friends cast for wanting to move on from the show, having likely had the likes of ‘Pivot!’ and ‘We were on a break!’ yelled at them in the streets for the last few decades, Cox appears to look back at her time on the show positively.

“That show, thank God for that show!” exclaimed Cox as she lamented the show’s personal importance to her. “I went in and I read the pilot and I said, ‘This is great.’ But you didn’t know how special it was. But then when you put this cast together and our incredible writers, it was lightning in a bottle.”

Describing how much her co-stars still mean to her, the Scream star added: “I’m just grateful that I had that opportunity to work with such wonderful people, and to live the life that I have now.

“That was my family. I mean, we went through everything. Those ten years were everything – they’re my family.”

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