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History TriumphantReprise / WesternAnimation

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* In the ''WesternAnimation/AdventureTime'' episode "Incendium", Finn sings the mournful song "All Gummed Up Inside" about his UnrequitedLove for Princess Bubblegum. Later in the episode, Jake switches the lyrics to make the song a SillyLoveSong asking the Flame King to let his daughter date Finn ("All Warmed Up Inside").
* ''WesternAnimation/{{Amphibia}}'':
** When Anne activates her SuperMode in the S2 finale "True Colors", the background score is accompanied by triumphant instrumental samples of her song from the previous episode, "No Big Deal".
** Similarly, when Sasha fights the robot guardian in "The Third Temple", the BackgroundMusic is a slower, more heroic orchestral version of her IAmGreatSong, "Heartstomper".
** In "Froggy Little Christmas", when Anne and the Plantars use the Boonchuy's float tree to destroy Andrias' prototype drone which controls the giant inflatable Santa, an instrumental of Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" is heard just before quickly changing to a celebratory orchestral remix of "Anne's Theme".
* ''WesternAnimation/AvatarTheLastAirbender'' features a reprise of the Avatar State theme at the end of the first season when Aang merges with the ocean spirit and turns into a giant leviathan. They proceed to drive off the invading Fire Nation fleet by themselves. Like the original theme it has a darker edge, as this form of the avatar state is no more merciful than the other.
* ''WesternAnimation/TheBackyardigans'' episode "The Secret of Snow" has the song "I Love Snow", which is sung by Uniqua, and later Pablo and Tyrone, every time they travel north to discover the secret of snow. When it snows at the end without anyone actually learning the secret, they sing the song again, as this is the first time that Pablo and Tyrone have seen snow (at least in the kids' imaginations).
* The ''WesternAnimation/BatmanTheBraveAndTheBold'' MusicalEpisode "Mayhem of the Music Meister" features a reprise of Black Canary's song "If only he could love me" in the first version the villain joins in and it ends with a fight, in the second version Green Arrow does, and well... it doesn't.
* Several WesternAnimation/ClassicDisneyShorts incorporate this.
** ''WesternAnimation/TheThreeLittlePigs'' ends with a reprise of "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf" after the pigs defeat the wolf.
** ''Lambert the Sheepish Lion'' has [[AllOfTheOtherReindeer the other sheep]] mocking Lambert with a song about him being different from the others. At the end, when an adult Lambert saves his mother from a wolf, the sheep "change their tune" and sing the song again, with different lyrics that praise him.
* The first of the ''WesternAnimation/ColorClassics'', "Poor Cinderella", has the title song, which was a melancholy IWantSong, now sung in the past tense once Cinderella (played by WesternAnimation/BettyBoop) gets her wish.
* In one episode of ''WesternAnimation/DarkwingDuck'' the antagonist of the episode gets a VillainSong early on claiming how powerful and untouchable he is. Near the end of the episode, Darkwing gets a [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zuZrZ1tC_2k heroic version]] that states how he's bringing said villain to justice which even mixes in a bit of TheVillainSucksSong.
* ''WesternAnimation/GravityFalls'': The main theme gets this in the GrandFinale, where a rocked out version plays as [[spoiler:the main cast, surviving townspeople and various creatures fight Bill's Henchmaniacs with the Shacktron in order to save Ford.]]
* ''WesternAnimation/GabbysDollhouse'': the season 3 episode "DJ Catnip Gets His Groove Back" ends with DJ Catnip singing a victory reprise of his song "The Music In You" upon getting his groove back, thanking his friends for helping him getting it back.
* ''WesternAnimation/HBOStorybookMusicals''
** The song "No One Wants Us Anymore" from ''Literature/MikeMulliganAndHisSteamShovel'' is first sung when Mike Mulligan is singing sadly about how nobody in town wants to use a steam shovel anymore after the newer shovels came along. At the very end of the episode, Mike Mulligan sings "Someone wants us, someone needs us" which is a positive version of that song after he and Mary Ann decide to stay in the town hall as a janitor after the town loved the work he and Mary Ann did to dig a hole.
** "So Near And Yet So Far" from [[Literature/TheTaleOfPeterRabbit Peter Rabbit]] starts out as a lament song sung by Peter after he starts missing home, since he can't find a way out of Mr. [=McGregor=]'s garden. After Peter finally escapes his garden and returns home, He is in bed with his mother giving him tea and medicine. After he gives an explanation for how he lost his shirt and shoes, Mrs. Rabbit tells Peter to not do it again and mentions that home is not far away. She sings a more uplifting version of the song but changes the lyrics and the song to "So Far And Yet So Near".
* From ''WesternAnimation/JayJayTheJetPlane'':
** Jay Jay's song "Breezy" in "Jay Jay's Butterfly Adventure" is about his titular mute butterfly sidekick; he is joined by Old Oscar in the reprise describing he found his home for the winter.
** Tracy is joined by all of her friends, including Brenda, for a reprise of "Where Does the Music Come From?", which makes a brief mention that she found the source of music.
** Both the songs "Full-Of-Wonder, Wonderful Day" and "An Amazing Blazing Light Parade" features the entire cast singing about finally getting Thanksgiving Dinner and a parade for Jay Jay, respectively.
** Big Jake's PepTalkSong to Snuffy, "You Are Unique" is reprised by Snuffy himself as he realizes he is in fact, unique.
** Snuffy's sad song "Bubble Gum Friend" has a happier reprise after Big Jake returns from his weeklong trip.
** "Up Is Up" is Jay Jay's DeadpanSnarker song about the laws of nature; the reprise explains Snuffy was right all along.
** Big Jake joins Jay Jay and Tracy for a reprise of "Watch and Listen", after learning to never give up.
* In ''WesternAnimation/KatyCaterpillar'', Katy has an IWantSong early on, which gets reprised near the end. At the very end of the film, however, she sings a reprise that turns her earlier song into an I Got What I Wanted Song.
* ''WesternAnimation/{{Metalocalypse}}'', of all shows has [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ly3Ew9t53g Rejoining Earth]] which is a reprise of "The Beginning" where Dethklok returns to Earth and declares peace.
* ''WesternAnimation/TheMrPeabodyAndShermanShow'' has Sherman realize the cyborg Mrs. Hughes can be defeated with song and dance, and re-purposes the previous episode's "Tonight we're going to finally get it right tonight" into "Tonight we're gonna save the world tonight".
* At the end of ''WesternAnimation/PopeyeTheSailorMeetsSindbadTheSailor'', Popeye turns Sindbad's VillainSong into his own anthem.
-->''"Who's the most remarkable, extraordinary fella?"''\\
''"You! Popeye the sailor!"''
* ''WesternAnimation/RockosModernLife'' MusicalEpisode "Zanzibar" had the citizens of O-Town crashing Conglom-O's meeting with a rousing reprise of "Recycle". After the successful meeting, the citizens then sing "Rocko Fought City Hall" which is the reprise of "You Can't Fight City Hall".
* ''WesternAnimation/TheSimpsons'':
** In "[[Recap/TheSimpsonsS3E1StarkRavingDad Stark Raving Dad]]", Homer meets a man in a mental institution who thinks he's Music/MichaelJackson. He and Bart compose and perform "Happy Birthday, Lisa". "Michael" then admits that his real name is Leon and he sings it again in his real voice as he leaves, implying that he is cured.
** In "[[Recap/TheSimpsonsS3E3WhenFlandersFailed When Flanders Failed]]", when Ned's store for left-handed people goes bankrupt and is about to close down, Ned's family sings "Put on a Happy Face" to cheer themselves up. At the very end of the episode, Homer has saved the store, and they sing the song again, this time in celebration of the store's success.
** In "[[Recap/TheSimpsonsS3E22TheOttoShow The Otto Show]]", after Otto is temporarily fired from his job as school bus driver, and Seymour Skinner tries to fill in for him. When the students sing "Hail to the Bus Driver" on the bus trip, at first Skinner sings along with it and laughs, but as he gets delayed longer and longer in traffic (because of his inexperience), he starts getting very irritated at the song, eventually shouting "shut up" at the only student still singing it. Toward the end of the episode, Otto gets re-hired. When the students sing "Hail to the Bus Driver" again, Skinner, who's overhearing the singing from a window, looks at the bus and says "yes, hail to the bus driver" in a more serious but happy manner, with a few electric guitar notes playing in the background.
** In "[[Recap/TheSimpsonsS4E17LastExitToSpringfield Last Exit To Springfield]]", Lisa sings this protest song during the nuclear plant strike. After Burns shuts down the plant and causing a blackout, the protesters gather around Lisa and sing her song. This causes Burns to finally negotiate.
--->"So we'll march day and night/By the big cooling tower/They have the plant/But we have the power"
* The ''WesternAnimation/StarWarsRebels'' episode "[[Recap/StarWarsRebelsS1E06EmpireDay Empire Day]]" plays an upbeat, major-key rendition of the iconic Imperial March called "Glory to the Empire" during a parade celebrating the titular holiday. Much like the Emperor's theme in ''Film/ThePhantomMenace'', it is played chronologically before the theme's original appearance, but cues of the original theme are played throughout the series beforehand.
* ''WesternAnimation/StevenUniverse'':
** In "[[Recap/StevenUniverseS1E12GiantWoman Giant Woman]]", Steven sings the title IWantSong about wishing to see Amethyst and Pearl's fusion, Opal. When Amethyst and Pearl finally fuse later in the episode, Opal sings a few bars of "Giant Woman" to let Steven know that she recognizes him.
** In the MusicalEpisode "[[Recap/StevenUniverseS3E8MrGreg Mr. Greg]]", Steven reprises the GriefSong "It's Over, Isn't It?", except this time with relief, knowing that Pearl and Greg are finally ready to start moving on and build a friendship after decades of resentment.
* ''WesternAnimation/TangledTheSeries'' has a reprise of [[Recap/TangledTheSeriesBeforeEverAfter "Life After Happily Ever After"]] (first used way back in the series' PilotMovie) for its GrandFinale. New lyrics are added to make it more meaningful, and the whole kingdom joins in. It really ''is'' [[WesternAnimation/TangledEverAfter happily-ever-after]] [[EarnYourHappyEnding this time.]]
* The ''WesternAnimation/ThomasAndFriends'' movies have this on occasion.
** ''WesternAnimation/SodorsLegendOfTheLostTreasure'' has the song "We Make A Team Together". The first occurrence is during the scene of Thomas helping Sailor John, which doubles as LyricalDissonance as Sailor John wants to keep the treasure for himself. At the end of the movie, the song is heard again, but in a more celebratory manner as it points out Thomas and his friends really do make a team.
** ''[[WesternAnimation/ThomasAndFriendsTheGreatRace The Great Race]]'' features the song "You Can Only Be You", where Ashima tells Thomas the moral that he doesn't have to be different, while Thomas doubts it. The song is reprised by the whole Sodor team at the end of the movie as "Be Who You Are, And Go Far" after both Thomas and Ashima win the shunting race and Thomas happily agrees to be himself.
** ''WesternAnimation/JourneyBeyondSodor'' has "Somebody Has To Be The Favorite", which James sings repeatedly when showing off. It is reprised by Thomas after tricking James into taking over for his duty of taking a long line of troublesome trucks to the mainland. It is reprised again at the end of the movie, as "The Most Important Thing Is Being Friends", as the two apologize and reaffirm their friendship, and are also joined by the friends Thomas made on the mainland as well.
** ''WesternAnimation/BigWorldBigAdventures'' gives us "We're Friends", which is dedicated to the friendship of Thomas and his new friend from Africa, Nia. This song, however, is only one-sided as Thomas is too anxious to catch up with Ace and, thanks to his "free and easy" nature, believes Nia will be following him everywhere just to annoy him, unaware she's genuinely nice for the sake of it. The song reprises with a more celebratory manner near the end as the two are heading back to Sodor and officially declare they're friends indeed.
* This happens in-song during ''[[WesternAnimation/TotalDrama Total Drama World Tour]]'''s song "This is How We Will End It", sung by Alejandro. The song starts off as Alejandro talking about all the girls he's manipulated in the past, and how now he is going to leave Heather to basically die. However, in the middle of the song, the music stops for about 35 seconds, and Heather is able to convince him to help her. The song ends like this:
-->''This is not how we'll end it.''\\
''This game we have played!''\\
''This is not how we'll end it.''\\
''But there's a bill to be paid!''
* In the ''WesternAnimation/{{Underdog}}'' episode "Riffraffville", the main theme, which previously had a DarkReprise when he was nearly out of energy, has a ThemeMusicPowerUp reprise after he recovers his Super Energy Pill and begins kicking ass again.
* ''WesternAnimation/TheWindInTheWillows1983'': "Auberon's Return" plays an upbeat swing arrangement of Mole's {{leitmotif}} once his eponymous playwright cousin overcomes his creative funk.
