James Gunn's New DCU is starting soon with Creature Commandos and then Superman in 2025. From there the DCU will continue to grow with Batman in The Brave and the Bold, Supergirl in Woman of Tomorrow, Wonder Woman in Paradise Lost, and multiple Green Lanterns will be featured in Lanterns. These various TV shows and movies will all expand the new cinematic universe and will allow fans to get a new version of beloved DC characters. The first chapter of the DCU is stacked with huge heroes and villains, including most of the Justice League, yet one essential member has been absent from all of James Gunn and Peter Safran's DCU plan.

The former DCEU was a disjointed universe that had a difficult time being consistent and telling meaningful stories, and this was especially true for one of its main characters, The Flash. Barry Allen appeared in multiple DC projects and each time he failed to impress fans or critics, this is especially true with his own movie. The Flash is an incredibly important character in the DC mythos, yet there has been no talk of him appearing in the DCU. This may seem like a huge oversight to be omitting a founding Justice League member, but it makes perfect sense to exclude him as the DCU goes through a rebirth.

Why the DCU Needs to Forget Barry Allen's Flash For Now

10 Fights That Would've Killed The Flash In Real Life

Without the protection of a comic universe, Flash would have died in deadly time travel-related incidents or perished fighting one of his Rogues.

  • In canon, Barry is the second character to carry the title of The Flash, but he is the most prominent and well-known character to have the moniker.
  • Barry appeared in The Flash (2023) and was played by Ezra Miller. Barry also appeared in the CW's The Flash where he was played by Grant Gustin.

Barry Allen has been the focal point for The Flash on film and television since 2014 when the CW show began. For people who aren't familiar with characters' comic history, Barry Allen is one of the only versions of the character they know well. When the DCEU brought The Flash to life, it made sense to use Barry considering many people had a strong connection to the character already. This also created a problem since people began to compare Gustin and Miller's versions, with many preferring Gustin. When The Flash hit theaters, it was met with a myriad of issues and complaints from fans, one of them being the portrayal of Barry Allen. If the DCU was to bring Barry to life again, it would have many of the same problems that the DCEU experienced through fans comparing all the recent versions of the character.

This isn't to say that the DCU should never bring Barry to life, but it should give the character a rest. Since Barry isn't currently known to be appearing in any upcoming projects it appears that Gunn's DCU is doing just that. Letting Barry have an onscreen break will put space between the multiple interpretations of the character. Having space between Miller, Gustin, and whoever would play the new version will help to give the newest actor more goodwill with fans and be able to start with a cleaner slate than if the DCU jumped directly into Barry Allen as The Flash again.

The DCU Can Bring Back a Different Flash

Recasting the Flash for the DCU Is for the Best - But Should've Happened Sooner

The Flash was primarily hurt by the controversy surrounding Ezra Miller, but recasting the hero could have avoided this and help set up the new DCU.

  • The DCU looks to be focusing on many legacy characters like Hawkgirl, Mr. Terrific, and multiple Green Lanterns.
  • The theme of legacy fits in perfectly with introducing Jay Garrick and the Justice Society of America.
  • Jay Garrick could help the DCU explore different eras of The Flash and establish a strong history of the character.

While Barry Allen should be off limits, the original Flash, Jay Garrick is the perfect speedster to lead the DCU's adventures in the Speed Force. Jay Garrick was the first character in canon to receive Speed Force powers and take on the moniker of The Flash. Garrick fought in World War II alongside the original Justice Society of America. While Garrick had a recurring role in The Flash TV show, he was never the main focus. This makes Garrick an ideal speedster for the DCU. Some fans will already have a familiarity with him from The Flash and the comics and he also fits in perfectly with the DCU's theme of legacy.

As the news about the DCU slowly trickles out, many fans believe that the focus of the new cinematic universe will be on legacy. This makes sense considering the original title for Gunn's Superman was Superman: Legacy. Focusing on characters like Mr. Terrific, Hawkgirl, or even Rick Flag Sr. all seems to indicate that the idea of passing the mantle and the legacy of heroes will be a significant part of the universe. Exploring Jay Garrick's time as the original Flash and even his time with the JSA during WWII would feed perfectly into this theme. Jay Garrick and his fellow heroes could show the original inspiration for many heroes and how their efforts during WWII would go on to inspire characters like Superman and Mr. Terrific. By the time the DCU did introduce Barry, taking up the moniker of The Flash could have significant emotion and weight in the story, making his introduction even more important.

The DCU will no doubt bring The Flash to life early in its inception. The Flash is a key character for so many huge DC stories and it's hard to imagine a universe that doesn't have him for a prolonged period. Making Barry Allen the main Flash of the DCU from the beginning is a mistake that will only piggyback on the reputation of previous iterations. Focusing on Jay Garrick allows for more depth and nuance and will only improve Barry's time in the DCU later down the road.