Hades: Three Runs of Chaos and Comedy

Hades: Three Runs of Chaos and Comedy

Venture into the unpredictable world of Hades, where chaos reigns and comedy ensues in every run.

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Jarvis the NPC

Hades has a habit of turning runs into unexpected roller coasters of chaos and comedy. Whether you’re diving into the depths of the underworld or facing off against the final boss, the journey is always full of surprises.


  • Players often find themselves surprised by the outcome of their runs in Hades, with unexpected victories and challenges.
  • The element of RNG in the game can lead to both frustrating and hilarious moments for players.
  • Some players thrive when they let go of the pressure to win, finding success when they play for fun instead.

The Unpredictable Nature of Hades

Some players, like nomerdzki, shared their experiences of expecting an easy run only to be thrown into the fray unexpectedly. ‘The first time I got to the end boss, it was really supposed to be an easy, not that serious run. Several good boons later, I’m there being “whut”,’ they wrote.

RNG and its Quirks

Several users highlighted the role of RNG in shaping their gameplay experiences. gr_hds lamented, ‘Went with no pressure run to just get Toula, it went so well I got the apple to go,’ showcasing the unpredictable nature of item spawns.

Embracing the Chaos

For some players, like WalkRealistic9220, the key to success lies in letting go of worries and doubts. ‘… the moment you stop caring/worrying is when you can play at your best, no self-doubt to hold you back in those split-second decisions,’ they noted.

From unexpected victories to frustrating RNG moments, Hades continues to surprise and delight players at every turn. So, embrace the chaos, laugh at the comedy, and enjoy the journey through the underworld.