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The Daily Moby - 19 05 2024

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u/LastCatStanding_ avatar

Iran, I'm sorry to inform you that your father is dad.

u/sirmadam avatar

Yeah he turned to dust when the helicopter exploded.

Ninja edit: franz ferdinand come to mind, anyone? oops.

Ninja edit 2: tweet deleted? he's still dust though.

u/LastCatStanding_ avatar


Yeah, Osint's desperate to get confirmation. I think we may need to roll it back to 'prayer for him' but not quite officially mourning the butchers death.

There's also so excellent footage going around of what impenetrable fog that you definitely shouldn't fly within looks like from above from search planes.

u/sirmadam avatar

He's 100% dust.

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What, Take me out? Lol

u/sirmadam avatar

Archduke Franz Ferdinand Carl Ludwig Joseph Maria of Austria (18 December 1863 – 28 June 1914) was the heir presumptive to the throne of Austria-Hungary. His assassination in Sarajevo was the most immediate cause of World War I.

We gotta send you back to school bro

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u/WheresWalldough avatar

Here's some ragebait about Cambridge balls

u/No_Adhesiveness_1233 avatar

Academia Delenda Est

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I had a woman in my lounge earlier. After she paid me she commented that my decor was a bit ‘gay looking’.

I’m not really seeing it? What can I do to make it more manly?

Put on a more manly band, like Erasure

u/intheskagerrak avatar

You truly are an enigma.

u/JudyPickUpTheSock avatar

I hope you showed her the dance routine.

u/Anjouki avatar

lighting makes it look like a brothel

u/MidnightAntic avatar

The massive TV playing music videos doesn't help either 🤣

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But I have an Xbox? Is that gay?

I know it has a red ring when it’s fucked, that’s a bit gay I guess.

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u/LastCatStanding_ avatar

must be a PS5 enjoyer.

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u/syuk avatar

Going ALDIS tomorrow for the first time in years, what's good there? Used to like the ham and they had pease puddun too. They have a range of Scottish stuff that isn't in the stores here, would have bought some square sausage and maybe some pies if it was, bastards

u/idowys avatar

german discounters explained:

meat, dairy, fruit and veg etc: broadly the same as the other supermarkets but with poorer life on the produce especially

dry goods: quite good, lots of effort gone in to their choccies and coffee etc

booze: fantastic

prepared food, ready meals etc: the most vile slop you have ever eaten in your life. you'll be wishing for vCJD, and luckily for you you'll actually get it in due course. prepared using meat of more questionable provenance than a blackpool kebab

u/xoxosydneyxoxo avatar

prosecco hun x

Their protein puds are good. Only 159 calories too. Which is a good job as I had five yesterday.

The exit is quite nice.

They do nice knock off Swedish ciders but have different flavours (good ones) so it doesn't offend my sensibilities to buy them.

Also remember to take a pound coin for the trolley, I've had to use a house key every time I go there.

u/syuk avatar

That's got to be worth a try even, to leave in cupboards I paid four quid for an animator when I made sauce for some nice steak we had.

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As Eurovision was so popular here I thought I'd share something interesting from the ArrEurope sub.

I haven't clicked it so don't blame me if you get a virus. The original post has the images so I'd just go there.

The TL;DR is that pornhub has a drop in traffic each year during Eurovision and ranks it by country.

The UK is at the bottom of the list for the traffic drop.


It was the same the year before.

The British wanker will make time for the footie and a coronation, though.

It's hard to draw much from so little data, but you can speculate a little on the average British male's priorities from it.

This is only more good news to me.

British people don't wank to cringe Eurovision stuff & choose to not wank if they have the option of football or a coronation.

A thought. Pornography is one of the few things these days, at least to my knowledge, that doesn't try to sell THE MESSAGE or that the straight, white male needs to make way, though I'm sure it exists.

u/-G_F avatar

they do try to sell the bbc in a big way dont they, like the bbc sell the bbc

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u/xoxosydneyxoxo avatar

Ex-Ministers have warned UK Universities will go bust without raising tuition fees or funding

  1. What are they even spending all the money on? Do-nothing admin staff? Something else?

  2. Why is this our problem, exactly?

3) good.

u/LastCatStanding_ avatar

there are as many great professors now as there were 50 years ago. and ten times more shit ones.

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It's fucking weird to me that no one is even saying anything about cutting costs. It's all "WE'LL GO BUST!"

u/No_Adhesiveness_1233 avatar

Administrators tend not to be willing to cut administrative bloat because that means cutting them.

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If it's the same guy this was his quote from earlier in the week on Radio 4:

"Think of Teeside, where every intake of international students at the University of Teeside brings in 240 million pounds of value to the local economy, towns like Darlington, Stockport (sic- i think he means Stockton), Middlesbrough; these areas are going to get hammered if international students stop coming to the UK"

Time we stopped relying on foreigners to prop the joint up.

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u/JudyPickUpTheSock avatar

“For God’s sake, stabilise international demand. It cannot be like this, we’re dealing with a boom followed by a bust,” Stern said.


u/Fit-Part4872 avatar

We need more Indian and Chinese students learning Gay Bomalian Theory so we don't look like a joke of a country.

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u/syuk avatar


It's total bullshit. 

Just check the revenues and increase in students of all the top universities in the country over the past decade and be gobsmacked. Up 40-50% in undergraduate numbers, revenue up approaching 100%.

The only ones that are worried are the shit ones.

u/Dr-Cheese avatar
  1. What are they even spending all the money on? Do-nothing admin staff? Something else?

Being landlords. It was so blatant that's where their money is made when during Covid they insisted that classes would all be in person only to reverse that once students were stuck on year-long leases.

u/Fit-Part4872 avatar

"Student accommodation" has become such a meme in Glasgow even normies reflexively say it when they see any construction, and they're usually not wrong.

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u/JudyPickUpTheSock avatar

Time to let the bubble burst.

What are they even spending all the money on?

Lobbying, apparently

I agree there's a huge hole in the expenditure that I've never understood.

On just UK students you can easily have a course that uses like 6 lecturers for around 120 students each giving £9k a year.

( It can be far worse those numbers could be multiplied as you could have 6 lecturers with class sizes of more than 20 or far lower amounts of lecture time).

120 students would be giving 1,080,000 in funding.

Somehow the average lecturer is only on around £35k a year so the example is going to be far less than 1/3 of the cost.

There's nothing that could explain the remaining 2/3s short of some very yellow walls or something underhanded.

Fuck knows what they spend it on. My course only had 12 hours of lectures a week. The rest was ‘study time’ or ‘computer time’.

There was only one lecture on Friday. At 9am. There was no way I was getting out of bed for that so I only went twice, once to collect an assignment and once to hand it in. So it was 11 hours really.

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P Diddy, my favourite rapper, has apologised for his behaviour and says he’s had rehab and asked God for forgiveness.

But has Diddy contacted God prematurely?

The BBC has not independently verified the video

Who knows what to believe until BBC verify tell us what to believe.

Edit…I said P Diddy was my favourite rapper but according to the BBC, he’s dropped the P.

So he’s just my favourite raper now I guess.

u/Fit-Part4872 avatar

Cassie, a black woman is disproportionately a victim of violent crime. Diddy, a black man is disproportionately a victim of being investigated for violent crime. You can see the bind the BBC is in right now.

There's rehab for being a pedophile?

Isn't sexual preference impossible to change?

I won't hold my breath on this logical inconsistency held by many as it would mean the death penalty for all pedophiles or the acceptance of conversion therapy for at least one condition.

Both outcomes being a win for me.

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u/idowys avatar

That disgusting European custom of hotels charging a tourist tax on arrival has arrived on our shores.

u/RichDavi avatar

Can we charge the rocket scientists?

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Thread on arre UK on immigration causing rents to rise. They're finally noticing.

Honestly interesting thread. They identify that the Tories are just doing it for big business and don't give a fuck, but then identify labour won't fix it because it's seen as morally wrong etc.

Kier starmer is -20 approval, rishi -50 or something. How can this be our choices? There has to be another way.. and I don't really think it's reform.

If they're only now coming round to opposing immigration because of housing, these people are natural SDP voters.

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u/LastCatStanding_ avatar

When they realize that labour aren't going to fix anything people are going to start to come to baduk for more calm well though out reasonable moderate migration stances - to escape the extremism of ukuk..

ArrUK has already said far worse things than I've seen here.

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u/commenian avatar
u/ArthurWellesley1815 avatar

From the prospective of an also-ran this season, the funniest thing about this year's season is Spurs. A club let down catastrophically by it's pathetic, infantile fans. Had they beaten City midweek they'd be playing Champions League football, and Arsenal still might have cocked it up based on today's performance. Now they can enjoy their Thursday night football, but it's okay because Arsenal didn't win the league.

Now they can enjoy their Thursday night football, but it’s okay because Arsenal didn’t win the league.


Cope + seethe + dilate. It’s worth playing in the Europa League if it means Arsenal didn’t win the league. I’m sure their fans would agree if the shoe was on the other foot, all in good spirit.

u/Chromate_Magnum avatar

Did you watch the match? Spurs clearly tried to win, they played well, and the game was tight throughout.

u/ArthurWellesley1815 avatar

It's not about the players. It was obviously a tall feat, but their fans both there and online 100% did not show up for it, and actively wanted Spurs to lose 'City till July' and all that.

They got the lack of Champions League football their fans deserved.

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u/-G_F avatar

Just beat man city, easy

u/glisteningoxygen avatar

Should be easy, ill set up a team of (quickly googles the size of a football team) 11 accountants.

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Every (high level) football fan is infantile.

I used to like it more than most but then realised what an embarrassment it was. Rainbow laces. Qatar. BLM shirts. All teams foreign owned, foreign managed, foreign players. Women’s football forced down your throat. Atmosphere dead. Can’t even have a beer when watching a game.

Playing football is fun and watching non-league can be good, but anything premier league is very cringe

u/glisteningoxygen avatar

I'll admit to knowing a negative amount about football but i did find the video of the pitch invasion funny today.

Those players couldn't have got out of there any faster if you announced the inevitable aggravated rape trial which sits in most their futures.

Literally pegging it as fast as possible away from their own Pleb fans.

u/idowys avatar

Can’t even have a beer when watching a game.


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Just remembered that Arsenal FC refer to their fans as “gooners” and there are websites such as GoonerNews and groupings like Global Gooners.

I thought it was gunners

u/apsofijasdoif avatar

Gunners are the team. Fans are Gooners

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u/eyesindasky avatar

For once I’ll defend them here. They’ve been called Gooners for ages - a bunch of American zoomers turning up with a new meaning for that word isn’t their fault or their problem.

I’m not saying it is, it’s just funny to read all the gooner-related phrases when you know the other meaning of the word

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u/Plus-Staff avatar

European Union activates satellite mapping service to help Iran search for president's helicopter

u/Finallyfast420 avatar

If the landing was just an autorotation followed by a hard touch down, you would expect at least one of the crew members to be able to activate a radio and call for help which would allow them to triangulate the wreck. The fact that its been literal and metaphorical radio silence is making me think it was more catastrophic than that.

Will it get them lost?

I mean just leave the sob to fate

u/syuk avatar

its night-time there as well as the weather being shite, GL with that.

u/fucking-nonsense avatar

The bloke’s dead. Heavy fog, night time, freezing cold and has crashed in a province that (according to a random I follow so could be bullshit) has a lot of wolves. He’s not making it out.

u/Dr-Cheese avatar

It's bizzare that he doesn't have an escort of any kind with him. The Americans have half an airwing following the president when he nips out to get a pint of milk

u/Virtual_Lock9016 avatar

Fucking wolves … that’s the last thing anyone needs ….

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u/suspended-sentence avatar

Norfolk couple in their 20s live like it is the 1940s

They get a lovely write up, when I tell people I'm doing the same I get a visit from prevent

Scrolled down to the first photo and yup. Exactly what I expected.

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