Oh yeah, I understand about not always agreeing on topics. I enjoy the differing opinions.

I don’t mind Billy working at CW. What I find annoying is his lack of respect for Devon, the other owner of the business. Billy walks around throwing out orders to Devon as if he expects Devon to do whatever he wants and that’s not how it works. Devon is his boss not the other way around. He’s was barely showing Lily respect and she’s the CEO, also his boss. Now, she doesn’t trust him after this move. He failed at Jabot because he knows Jack will never hand over the entire business so now he’s at CW stepping on toes trying to take power. I’m on the HW side of this story because they’ve worked too hard to allow Billy to come in and tell them what will happen in any aspect.

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Neil is Devon’s father. Tucker is his birth father. I like Devon being protective of his family’s legacy,

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Is Jill being sneaky again by giving Billy more control without discussing it with Lily and Devon?

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Tucker can’t be trusted. Neil is his father,

Whether Jill is wrong or not, I think Devon is beyond annoying. He asks Tucker to help, then says basically, I still hate you even if you help save the business. Tucker should walk away.


Very true…Devon OH Tucker I NEED YOU, then once you do as I want you can go back to being dead to me


I saw Devon in today’s show. Tucker is not a favorite of mine. However, Devon was so smug and arrogant with Tucker that I couldn’t stand him.

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Tucker will never give up on asking King Devon for forgiveness.


What billionaire doesn’t have a trusted fixer to ferret out information and locate esoteric materials? Even Victor has Michael on retainer for that.

I don’t see the problem digging up dirt on Billy. He’s lived his life and failures out loud. It should be a simple matter to compile a damaging dossier of failed business ventures and broken crockery he’s left in his wake.

But what kind of issue would be enough to pry Billy out of Chancellor/Winters leadership? His past is unseemly, criminal and paid off by others, annoying and having a penchant for needlessly burning bridges because he likes to watch the fire. He regrets the conflagration when he finds he needs that bridge for crossing to his next objective — But those characteristics are not enough to drive Billy away. So, you attack Billy’s weakness, his soft white underbelly — Chelsea and Connor.

Devon can’t trust or use Nate without dangling a carrot in front of him to buy loyalty. He doesn’t entirely trust Lily to do what he wants done. Mamie is Krazy, blood boiling to destroy Jill; good in a knife fight, but not much help in a corporate take-over where subtlety is necessary. And Devon’s so prickly about Tucker, it’s to laugh he approached Tucker for his old Chancellor take-over plot with Mamie — A plan that didn’t exactly exist because Tucker operates by the seat of his pants? It’s no wonder Mamie bailed on him. Tucker’s return to Genoa City has been one long failure to launch.

Tucker’s curiosity is piqued, and he’ll do anything to gain a toehold in Devon’s life, and is not above manipulating a medical condition to generate an emergency where Billy has to carry Chelsea’s purse, and the Winters take that opening to strike against Chancellor’s superiority over them.


hotspice58 says: Neil is Devon’s father.

Devon betrayed Neil many times and only regrated getting caught. Neil created the original Hamilton/Winters; Devon had no business intellect. And Devon has to constantly reminded that Neil wouldn’t act as rashly and hold grudges against a competition he cannot beat.

Tucker is his birth father.

Tucker is Katherine Chancellor’s son with Arthur Hendricks and resentful of that association for most of his life. Tucker says he returned to take over Jill’s majority ownership of C/W to secure it for Devon — It has nothing to do with your resentment that Katherine made certain you were given no part of her prize possession (through marriage), Chancellor Industries. Devon doesn’t have the instincts or ruthless determination to succeed and plan for the worst-case scenario. He learned nothing from Neil or Katherine, and is leaning on untrustworthy people with their own agendas for power.

I like Devon being protective of his family’s legacy,

Devon is letting his ego play catchup to getting rid of controlling internal corporate management to cover his @$$.

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Yeah, I think it’s embarrassing that the high and mighty Tucker has to grovel at Devon’s feet for any crumb of validation he can get.

Victor has never done that. Even John Abbott didn’t do that. He supported his children, bu they competed to be the best. Jack even had to compete against Jill at Jabot over the years. They wanted his respect and approval.

That’s why Devon’s behavior so atrocious. He the Kim Jong Un of his little Winters world. He acts like a whiny toddler who should get everything he wants because no one holds him to a higher standard. He doesn’t have to compete, or earn his place like all the rest of the characters, it is always just given to him.


Billy wasn’t the one that set up an appointment with Sharon for a meeting behind Devon’s back. Devon did that behind Billy’s back. He even had the nerve to invite Nate, and then he had the nerve to tell Billy well don’t worry we’ll give you the numbers. :roll_eyes:

If you give respect you get respect back. Devon is less than respectful. Frankly I hope Billy crushes him.


I volunteer to help him pack.

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A real sourpuss! He always looks like he’s going to cry.


Not a prayer that he has the smarts or the power to do that. But I can see Devon getting his company back and taking Abby, Nate, maybe Audra and Lily with him. Or Lily will stay at Chancellor’s with Jill and Billy where she’ll have more power.

I think Tucker will love being back in the game against Jill and with Devon. It might bring Tucker closer to Devon short term and have time with Dominic. It’s hard to tell if that will happen. But I like Tucker involved in a scheme and away from Ashley’s mess.

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Wow… Devon is unbelievable!


And I hope Billy is the one that does it

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So true, and Billy only found out about the meeting when Sharon asked why weren’t you at the meeting…

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I’m seeing something completely different from your vision. I think Devon and Lily will succeed in getting Billy removed from the company, with or without Tucker’s help. Jill will surrender and sell her part of the company to Devon. So Devon won’t need to get his company back. He’ll have it all. And he’ll still treat Tucker like crap.

This! I saw this from the second they made Abby have Devon’s baby.

Josh Griffith’s plan all along was to take away all of Jill’s possessions, and her Chancellor heirs/descendants name, and give it to Devon. It’s the whole reason for the merger. So Devon can take Jill’s company. That’s why Chance isn’t going to exist pretty soon. Viewers realize he’s the real Chancellor when he’s on canvas.

The whole reason for that stupid twisted baby story was so Devon could have a child with the last name Chancellor. So, he needed Abby married to Chance, while Abby had Devon’s baby. (Of course Dom isn’t really a Chancellor, since Devon’s not a Chancellor, but Devon wants that prestigious name regardless).

This whole thing is to wipe out Bill Bell’s first 35 years of Kay and Jill’s history.
Josh Griffith’s Y&R is having fake Chancellors pretending they are real ones. It’s simply bizarre.