Politics is the art of the possible | Pakistan Today

Politics is the art of the possible

On Tuesday 7th May DG ISPR held a presser and candidly answered questions regarding the prevailing political situation, rhetoric about talks between military and PTI, tragic incidents of 9th May and what was the view of the establishment in regards to the treatment that should be meted out to all those who executed that plan and those who masterminded it.

The loud and clear message in the presser was that the perpetrators and facilitators of 9th May riots needed to be punished as per the constitution and law of the land to preserve trust in country’s judiciary and that it would be a big question mark on the judicial system of the country if those involved in such heinous crimes were not taken to task at the earliest.

The notion about likely talks between PTI and the establishment was firmly quashed by declaring that there would be no deal or talks with perpetrators of May 9 violence and they were left with only one option— earnestly apologizing from the nation in regards to their crimes. It was rightly maintained that talks were held and deals made between political forces and not between army and political leadership.

In regards to a question relating to demand by PTI for forming a judicial commission to probe the 9th May incident it was rightly said that commission were formed when there was any confusion about some happening. In this case it was crystal clear who were behind the May 9th enactments. This was corroborated by showing visuals regarding involvement of PTI leaders and workers in attack on military installations and monuments of the martyrs. However it was emphasized that Army was ready for it and if it was formed it has look into many other episodes including what were the objectives behind 2014 sit in and how the parliament and PTV were attacked; How Islamabad was stormed by using KPK resources in 2022; How firms were hired abroad; How letters were written to IMF; From where funding was coming and where it was being channelized” DG ISPR has indeed made very pertinent observations concerning the formation of judicial commission. It is worth noting that the judicial commission formed as a result of alleged rigging in 2013 general elections by Imran Khan in its findings had unequivocally rejected the claim regarding rigging.

PTI has given the usual response to the news conference by DG ISPR by insisting that 9th May was a false-flag operation by the establishment to trap the party. Imran Khan out rightly rejected the suggestion of tendering apology and said that instead they should apologize from him. It is ridiculous to note that notwithstanding irrefutable evidence of PTI’s involvement in 9th May attacks on military installations and monuments of martyrs the party and its leaders unashamedly continue to remain in the denial mode.

In this regard I would like to quote excerpts from editorial of the most prestigious newspaper daily Dawn which says “It cannot be denied that the violence directed at military symbols and installations in several parts of the country on this day last year, was a direct consequence of the narrative built by the PTI following its ouster. The party had spent months framing the possibility of its chief’s arrest as a ‘red line’, all the while blaming and shaming the security establishment for its ouster from government in April 2022. This combustible mix, triggered by the controversial arrest of Imran Khan by Rangers personnel from the premises of the Islamabad High Court, exploded in the form of unprecedented, widespread violence by PTI supporters. The PTI should acknowledge that it acted in an extremely irresponsible manner by leading its supporters towards such an unacceptable reaction.”

As is evident, the paper holds PTI responsible for 9th May incidents and advises the party to accept that it acted in extremely irresponsible manner and its reaction was unacceptable. The most unfortunate and regrettable aspect in regards to this tragedy is that its perpetrators are continuing to rely on false narratives to maintain party’s image among its followers as an entity not prepared to compromised on its declared stance. That is not politics. It is skullduggery of the first order.

Imran Khan is not only propagating this notion at the domestic level but has also repeatedly tried to disseminate it to global audience the latest example of which is his article in The Telegraph in which he has apart from other things also held the establishment responsible for orchestrating the 9th May happenings to trap his party.

The PTI workers and leaders arrested for their involvement in the 9th May incidents deserve to be brought to book because they committed crimes against the state. Their arrests and trials cannot be termed as attempts to decimate the party as contended by Imran Khan. The course adopted by Imran Khan leads the country to a dead lock and he is mistaken to think that his hard stance and denial of involvement in 9th May incidents would do any good to his party or his political future.

The way forward has to be found because politics is the art of possible. False and rigid stance cannot last long. No individual or party can befool the people all the time. Reality is a reality. The reality is that PTI undeniably is guilty of executing 9th May attacks on military installations and monuments of the martyrs and Imran Khan is the mastermind behind them.

It is advisable for Imran Khan to accept the truth and apologize to the nation as rightly reiterated by DG ISPR in his presser and while the cases of those involved in 9th May incidents are decided by the courts he should reach out to his political opponents with a view to find a workable solution for pulling the country out of the quagmire it is stuck into. He should also rely on the state institutions to address party’s complaints regarding alleged rigging. That is the only way for him to remain relevant to the future political landscape of the country. Ultimately there has to be a dialogue between the political forces and not between a political party and the establishment.

Imran is also well advised to ask his party members to play a positive role in the parliament instead of invariably creating rumpus whenever the assembly meets. Not everything is lost for the party. Imran Khan can still salvage his political career provided he and his party stalwarts abandon their unwarranted belligerence and behave like politicians. There is always a next time.

Malik Muhammad Ashraf
Malik Muhammad Ashraf
Malik Muhammad Ashraf is an academic. He can be contacted at: [email protected].


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