The cheapest week to travel this summer | Skyscanner UK

Discover the cheapest week to travel this summer with Skyscanner

We’ve crunched the numbers to find the cheapest week of the summer holidays to fly. So, if you’ve been holding off on booking your next trip, now’s the time to start planning.

Firstly, it comes as no surprise that our data showed that the first two weeks of July are the most popular time to head away this summer and that this is also the most expensive time to travel. Yet even though 63% of UK travellers know that there are cheaper weeks of the summer to travel, only 4% are actually taking advantage of those cheapest weeks.  

After crunching tens of thousands of data points, we can now reveal that the week of 19th August is, on average, the cheapest week of the summer holidays to fly. This means that UK travellers can save 17% by travelling on the week commencing 19th of August versus 22nd of July. That’s an average saving of up to £268 for a family of four!

The cheapest week to travel

Find the cheapest time to travel from the UK to popular holiday destinations this summer:

OriginDestinationCheapest week to travelAverage ticket price
LondonIbizaw/c 12th August£138
ManchesterDublinw/c 5th August£65
EdinburghCopenhagenw/c 26th August£87
BirminghamLisbonw/c 15th July£148
NewcastleBarcelonaw/c 22nd July£76
*Ticket prices accurate as of 14th May 2024. Subject to fluctuation.

Wondering when’s the best time to book?

Check out the best time to book for these traveller-favourite destinations:

DestinationBest time to bookCurrent flight price
Reus, Spain6 weeks aheadFind flights
Faro, Portugal9 weeks aheadFind flights
Antalya, Turkiye1 week aheadFind flights
Amsterdam, Netherlands21 weeks aheadFind flights
Cork, Ireland5 weeks aheadFind flights
Asian tourists women  standing view flight schedules at the airport to prepare for boarding
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Spotlight destination #1: Pula, Croatia

Cheapest week to travel: w/c 8th July

Best time to book: 12 weeks in advance

The history and heritage of Croatia’s Istrian Peninsula is just as fascinating as its villages are charming and romantic. From Roman remains and Venetian influences to native wine varieties and truffle-topped fare, Pula is the best base to explore all that this incredible region has to offer.

Important monuments are spread throughout Roman Pula, including the Arch of the Sergii, Gate of Hercules, Temple of Augustus and Pula Forum, and the well-preserved Pula Arena, which is the only remaining Roman amphitheatre with its four side towers completely intact. Beyond this seaside town, ferry over to Brijuni National Park and bike between archeological sites. Then, continue north to the alluring town of Rovinj with its Venetian heritage, and go truffle hunting in the Motovun forest followed by wine tasting at top local producers.

Spotlight destination #2: Monastir, Tunisia

Cheapest week to travel: w/c 24th June

Best time to book: 16 weeks in advance

The white-sand beaches of this resort town attract holidaymakers looking for a sun-drenched destination. But there’s more than meets the eye. Inland from the stunning Mediterranean coastline, Monastir and its surroundings are also home to numerous golf courses, cultural museums, important historical monuments and souks overflowing with handmade products and aromatic spices.

Explore historic Monastir starting with the Ribat of Monastir, an Islamic fortress constructed by Arab conquerors that happens to be the oldest on the Maghreb coast. Inside, you’ll also find the Monastir Museum of Islamic Art. South of town, discover the impressive and well-preserved Roman amphitheatre of El Jem. Of course, if a relaxing holiday soaking up the sun is all you’re after, then Monastir’s numerous beachfront resorts — some all-inclusive — are ready to pamper you during an unforgettable stay.

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