Interesting Books on Ancient Egypt. - Skyscript Astrology Forum

Interesting Books on Ancient Egypt.

The following are some interesting books about ancient Egypt with some select quotes pertaining to astrology and astronomy. I offer these books in the spirit of Fagan?s (the modern father of Sidereal Astrology) following two quotes:

?With all our modern knowledge and scientific equipment, and with the great strides made in mathematics, we astrologers have done nothing to even remotely compare with the astrologers of antiquity.? Cyril Fagan

?Certain it is that Ptolemy?s Tetrabiblos is a gross travesty of the original teachings of ancient Egyptians?? Cyril Fagan

1: ?Serpent In The Sky?, The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt, 1979, John Anthony West. John is a true scholar on ancient Egypt and deeply believes this culture produced the greatest astrologers/astronomers known to the World.

?It was her astronomy?in the service of astrological understanding?that afforded insight into these higher realms and upon that insight Egypt acted, sometimes directly, sometimes symbolically?Like all ancient civilizations Egypt devoted much time and energy to a study of the heavens?the data of astronomy was studied for its meaning: that is to say, it served the purposes of astrology, which is the study of correspondences between events in the heavens and events on earth?What is certain is that Egypt understood the correspondence between man and the stars?In other words, it was Egypt?s astronomy, interpreted for its astrological significance, that guided the entire course of her art and architecture. On a practical level, this means that the sages of Egypt were deliberately and knowledgeably organizing the ambiance or atmosphere of an entire civilization in harmony with cosmic requirements. In principle, it should be possible, through a study of the monuments, their dates, alignments, consecrations, symbolism, proportions and so on to retrieve some of this astrological lore. For it may well be this that lies behind the intriguing but hopelessly inadequate body of knowledge astrologer?s work with today.?

?Secrets of the Great Pyramid?, Peter Tompkins, 1971. Chapter X11. Astronomical Observatory. This is an excellent chapter discussing Protor?s (astronomer) observations how the ancients used the Great Pyramid, before its completion, to sight when heavenly bodies would rise (ascendant) and culminate (MC). ?Dumichen says the word ak represents the stars culmination as it passes the meridian.? ?By combining the observations by several of what Proctor calls ?watchman of the night? stationed at different levels of the Grand Gallery, a very close approximation of true sidereal time could have been obtained?Together with the transit watchers they would be able to make observations which, in Proctor?s opinion be inferior only to those made in our own time with telescopic adjuncts?Antoniadi agreed that the Great Pyramid had been used as an observatory before the closings of its inner corridors?It was a very short step to the recognition that the earth itself could be divided into similar zones with simple relations to the fixed stars---hence the first world maps with latitude and longitude.?

Chapter X111, Astronomical Temples of Egypt, is an excellent read pertaining to Sir Norman Lockyer?s work. ?The purpose (some of Egypt?s Temples) was to narrow the beam of light to where to the point where it could indicate the precise moment of the solstice?therefore the length of the year could be determined with the greatest possible accuracy?the zodiac thus becomes a calendar going back to remote antiquity?then who could escape astrological emotion?for the precession took on an overpowering significance. It became the vast impenetrable pattern of fate itself.?

3: The Dawn of Astronomy, J. Norman Lockyer, Reprinted in 1964 by Santillana at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. A good read that ?proves unquestionably that astronomy had been cultivated for thousands of years before the Christian Era.? And the ?true cradle of astronomical science? was in ancient Egypt. Lockyer proves that all the great building structures and their ground plans of ancient Egypt were ?erected on astronomical principles, the astronomers being called the mystery teachers of Heaven. In support of this view I may state that the looking after ruined shrines was recognized as one of the duties of kingships.?

?I have caused monuments to be raised to the gods; I have embellished their sanctuaries that they may last to posterity; I have kelp up their temples ; I have restored again what was fallen down, and taken care of that which was erected in former times.? Thothmes 111

?Most academic Egyptologists who have controlled the education to the modern world about ancient Egypt?s culture are completely ignorant of astronomy.?

4: ?Hamlet?s Mill? by Giorgio De Santillana & Hertha Von Dechend, 1969. ?An essay investigation the origins of human knowledge and its transmission through myth.?

An excellent but somewhat dense read at times which offers solid evidence--- all the different world myths are perpetuating the precession of the equinoxes is the core astronomical/astrological science influencing world cycles. Hamlet?s Mill has many references about ancient Egypt as one of the main depository of this science and knowledge, pertaining to the Precession of the Equinoxes.

5: ?Lost Star of Myth and Time?, Walter Cruttenden, 2006. This is a very powerful thought provoking book. Ancient Egypt?s culture produces a clear fact that the ancients looked upon the star Sirius with great cosmic importance. The heliacal rising of Sirius began the yearly calendar of the ancient Egyptians. There are translations interpretations that say Sirius was looked upon as the greater Sun than our Sun, by the ancients. Astronomers of the modern world have taught that gravitational forces of the Sun and Moon is the cause for making our earth wobble on its axis that creates the motion of precession. Modern astronomers have recognized the universe has many Binary star systems. Walter presents much evidence, using overlooked modern astronomical data, our Sun is in a binary relationship with Sirius which is the true astronomical motion that is driving the cycles of Precession.

?Ancient Egypt recognized Sirius was not influenced by the Precession, which must have led to the conviction that Sirius was more than just one fixed star among others? There are meanings under meanings in ancient Egyptian iconography, and we?re just beginning to understand their depth.?

Walter references Cyril Fagan research pertaining to Sirius heliacal year on pages 165 and 166. Fagan students have recognized the great astrological importance of Sidereal Solar Returns. As far as I know there has been no astrological research work done with Heliacal Return Charts with Sirius. If Sirius and our Sun/Planetary System are in a Binary relationship it stands to reason there could be a possibility that Return charts of Heliacal Rising Sirius could hold some important mundane astrological symbolism. There have been non-astrological references the Great Pyramid is the ?anchor of the world.? Food for thought.

6: ?Sacred Science??The King of Pharaonic Theocracy, R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz, English translation 1982. Schwaller?s work inspired West to write ?Serpent in the Sky? and when reading the non English writings of Schwaller, West discovered a short passage where Schwaller said the Sphinx looked liked it had gone through much erosion by water. This led West to his 93 TV documentary claiming by geological science, the Sphinx was much older than what academic Egyptologist?s has taught history.

?Today we know what the Greeks seem to have ignored. The fact is that ancient Egypt possessed a very complete solar, lunar, and Sothic calendar. The Sothic cycle is established on the coincidence every 1,460 years of the vague year of 365 days with the Sothic (or Sirian) year of 365.25 days. The Sirian or fixed year, was established according to the heliacal rising of Sirius, yet the interval between the two heliacal risings of Sirius corresponds neither to the tropical year, which is shorter, nor to the sidereal year, which is longer. For it is remarkable that owing to the precession of the equinoxes, on the one hand, and the movement of Sirius on the other, the position of the sun with respect to Sirius is displaced in the same direction almost exactly to the same extent. We cannot but admire the greatest of a science capable of discovering such a coincidence because Sirius is the only star among the fixed stars which allows this cycle. It can therefore be supposed that Sirius plays the role of a center for the circuit of our entire solar system. Thus the double star of Sirius was chosen for these coincidences because it is the only star that moves the needed distance and in the right direction against the background of the other stars. This fact, known for four thousand years before our time and forgotten until our day, obviously demands an extraordinary and prolonged observation of the sky. But there is yet other evidence: Sirius, the Sothis of the ancients which was called the great provider, is constantly evoked in the Pyramid Texts?In the spirit of the temple, Sirius plays the role of the great central fire for our sun (which is the Eye of Ra and not Ra himself). The double star of Sirius which is an exceptional case with respect to other double stars because of its small companion and its incredible density of specific gravity of 53,000, (whereas gold, for example, has a specific gravity of 19.3). The double star of Sirius---which for Pharaonic Egypt played the role of a central sun to our entire solar system---today suggest the existence of a cosmic structure whose nucleus is this ?Great Provider,? the Sothis of the ancients. There might well be a need to revise our cosmology in the not to distant future.?

The following two books should be read remembering West?s statement: ?In principle, it should be possible, through a study of the monuments, their dates, alignments, consecrations, symbolism, proportions and so on to retrieve some of this astrological lore.? Also, it should be remembered it was a sacred duty of Egypt?s kingship to build, protect, and rebuild Egypt?s monuments so they would be there for posterity. Pharonic Egypt?s known history lasted 3,500-4,000 years, the longest lasting civilization know to the planet?s entire written history. West presents evidence in his writings ancient Egypt?s civilization encompasses many more thousands of years. ?I have caused monuments to be raised to the gods; I have embellished their sanctuaries that they may last to posterity; I have kelp up their temples ; I have restored again what was fallen down, and taken care of that which was erected in former times.? Thothmes 111

7: ?The Orion Mystery?,--A Revolutionary New Interpretation of the Ancient Enigma (Giza), Robert Bauval and Adrian Gilbert, 1994.

Before Robert Bauval became a writer about ancient Egypt, he was an engineer by trade. He was always fascinated by the Giza Plateau and his spare time he would visit the Plateau. One day he was in the Cairo Museum and noticed a picture of the three pyramids taken from a low flying airplane. He quickly noticed that two of the pyramids were set to a 45 degree angle but the third pyramid was off set to the same angle. He thought this strange?but understood the monument builders of ancient Egypt implemented symbolic meanings with their monuments. This set his mind to pondering WHY would the architects of Giza offset one of the pyramids to the same angle as the other two? Several months later he and some of his colleagues were on a contract in Saudi Arabia and were camping in the desert one weekend and Robert awoke early the next mourning and walked from the camp gazing at a group of bright stars. Later a colleague who was a sailor in his spare time walked next to Robert and asked him what he was gazing at and Robert pointed out the group of stars. He told Robert the group of stars was the constellation Orion and if he would hold up his hand slanted at a 45 degree angle on the THREE belt stars pointing to the horizon it would point to the star Sirius. Robert?s colleague told him the three belt stars were not exactly on a 45 degree angle that the bottom star was offset to same angle as the other two belt stars. Robert?s mind exploded with the realization the three pyramids at Giza was a sky representation of Orion?s belt. But Why? This eventually led Robert to the astronomical computer program Sky Globe; and, when Robert started looking at the Belt Stars as they moved with the Precession Cycle some amazing astronomical facts unfolded which led to a companion book:

8: ?The Message of The Sphinx? by Robert Bauval and Graham Hancock, 2000(?). I have misplaced this book so I am unsure about the published date. Basically, these two books allowed Robert to correlate a TIMED astronomical ground plan at Giza. that points to the regress of Sidereal Leo on the Precessional Cycle beginning in c. 10,500 BC. The technology of the computer and the Sky Globe astronomical program allowed Robert to trace the precessional movement of the fixed stars (sidereal zodiac) back to c.10,500 BC. This discovery involves two of the great circles used in astrology, the horizon circle where we locate our ascendant (rising degree) and the meridian circle where we locate the MC (culminating degree). The computer and the astronomical program allowed Robert to make these astounding astronomical correlations at Giza. The star that represents the Great Pyramid in Orion?s Belt has a constant cycle of one half of a precession cycle, App. 13,000 years where it is sliding up and down (altitude) on the meridian circle. When this star reaches its height on the precession cycle c.10,500 BC, the vernal point is entering, by regression, sidereal LEO the lion, hence the symbolic monolith on Giza, THE SPHINX. When the star representing the Great Pyramid reaches its lowest point on the meridian with the Precession cycle, the vernal point is regressing into sidereal Aquarius?180 degrees and one half of a Precession cycle from precessional Leo in c. 10,500 BC. This, my cyberspace mates, is no astronomical/astrological/precessional coincidence! It is becoming obvious to anyone who has a background in astrology/astronomy, the ancient Egyptians intentionally devoted most of their time, energy, knowledge, and resources for building their great monuments, that was meant to last thousands of years, in order to preserve and convey knowledge?s for POSTERITY!, using astronomy/sidereal constellations/precession as their main (silent) language. And all of these new astronomical discoveries happening as the vernal point is entering the ?foreground? of our consciousness with its regress entering the ?foreground? of sidereal Aquarius, dictated by this astronomical/sidereal Cross at Giza. ?Foreground? planets (transits&natal) were a huge priority with Fagan?s teachings associated with SoLunar charts and Quotidian charts. But this Giza mystery get much more interesting with further investigations into another book about ancient Egypt.

9: ?Myth and Symbol in Ancient Egypt?, R. T. Rundle Clark, 1959. In the conclusion of this book Clark states: ?The creation of (Egypt?s) myths was founded on certain principles. These are strange and, as yet, only partially understood. The most important elements seem to have been as follows:

(a) ?The basic principles of life, nature, and society were determined by the gods long ago, before the establishment of the kingship. This epoch??Tep Zepi??(translated as) ?the ?First Time??All proper myths relate events or manifestations of this epoch.?

(b) ?Anything whose existence or authority had to be justified or explained must be referred to the ?First Time?. This was true for natural phenomena, rituals, royal insignia, the plans of temples, magical or medical formulae, the hieroglyphic system of writing, the calendar---the whole paraphernalia of the civilization.?

To my bias mind as an astrologer?the above conclusive statements by Clarke is a huge Smoking Gun?that ?Tep Zepi?, the ?First Time? has the possibility of being some type of astrological Scope---Maybe a Worldscope at Giza? Who knows?if a future generation of astrologers could get their minds onto an astronomical program that would handle proper motion (motion of the planets) that could accurately take an astrologer back to c.10,500 BC, (the c. meaning approximate time) the astrologer may find extraordinary planetary symbolism on a vernal equinox, beginning a ?First Time? World Scope associated with Plato?s Great Year?The Precession Cycle. Food for thought for a future dedicated astrologer.

Robert Bauval is no astrologer but he strongly believes his work has indeed brought ?Tep Zepi?, the ?First Time? out of the foggy mists of Egypt?s mythology and placed it on the Giza Plateau pertaining to a cosmic time plan of some sort. I know of no astronomer who has disproved Robert?s astronomical discoveries pertaining to Giza. There has been an individual to step out from conventional academia to not only support Bauval?s astronomical correlations (for the most part) at Giza, but to correlate other important astronomical points.

?Thomas G. Brophy holds a Ph.D in physics and has worked with the NASA Voyager Project, the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, and the Japanese Space Program; and taught at The Colorado College, University of Colorado, and California Institute for Human Science where he was also Dean; his scientific articles have appeared in premier journals including Icarus, IEEE Journals, Science, and were reported in Nature.

10: ?The Origin Map?, Thomas G. Brophy, Ph.D, 2002. Part 111, Giza Monuments Galactic Zodiac (Sidereal) Clock, Introduction to Giza study.

?This study of ancient skies over Giza, Egypt will show that the major monuments?the great pyramids?have designed in their layout several congruencies with the stars of Orion?s Belt around 11,000 BC. Also the Giza monuments mark the location of the Galactic Center at its northern astronomical culmination cira (c.) 10,909 BC?Further, the complex of monuments functions as a clock. This clock can be used to calibrate the start of the zodiac (sidereal) to the northern astronomical culmination of the Galactic Center?These alignments indicate planning by peoples vastly predating Dynastic Egypt. That early culture likely informed the Zodiac (sidereal) lore of later cultures?Given the representation of the Orion?s Belt stars, the question arises: why monumentalize that epoch?...I argue that the Galactic Center culmination is signified by the complex of monuments, and should be the calibration point for the Zodiac (sidereal) calendar.?

If anyone has any other interesting books to recommend on ancient Egypt---please add to this list.

With all our modern knowledge and scientific equipment, and with the the great strides made in mathematics, we astrologers have done nothing to even remotely compare with the achievements of the astrologers of antiquity. Cyril Fagan

More from the authors of ?Message Of The Sphinx?, with their final conclusions:

?Throughout this investigation we have tried to stick to the facts, even when the facts have been very strange.
When we say that the Sphinx, the three Great Pyramids, the causeways and other associated monuments of the Giza necropolis form a huge astronomical diagram we are simply reporting a fact. When we say this diagram depicts the skies above Giza in 10,500 BC we are reporting a fact. When we say that the Sphinx bears erosion marks which indicate that it was carved before the Sahara became a desert we are reporting facts. When we say that the ancient Egyptians attributed their civilization to the ?Followers of Horus? we are reporting facts. When we say the ancient Egyptian records tell us ?Zep Tepi?, the ?First Time? was an epoch in the remote past, thousands of years before the era of the Pharaohs, we are reporting a fact.?

?Our civilization has had the scientific wherewithal to get to grips with the many problems of the Giza necropolis for less than two centuries, and it is only in the last two decades that computer technology has made it possible for us to reconstruct and see the patterns and conjunctions that unfolded there. During this period access to the site, and knowledge about it, has been monopolized by members of the archaeological and Egypt logical professions who have agreed amongst themselves as to the origin, and age, and function of the monuments. New evidence which does not support this scholarly consensus, and which might undermine it, has again and again been overlooked, or sidelined, and sometimes even deliberately concealed from the public. And we assume that this explains, too, why the same scholars have paid such scant attention to the solid case that geologists have made for the vast antiquity for the Sphinx.?

?However, after completing our own archaeoastronomical investigation, we are left with an enhanced sense of the tremendous mystery of this amazing site?a sense its true story has only just begun to be told. Looking at the awe-inspiring scale and precisions of the monuments we feel, too, that the purpose of the ancient master-builders was sublime, and that they did indeed find a way to initiate those who would come after?thousands of years in the future?by making use of the universal language of astronomy and the stars.?

For anyone interested in the Celestial Diagram Time Stamp (c.10,500 BC) on the Giza Plateau, correlated by Robert Bauval and proven by the new technology of the PC and Precessional astronomy software; Chapter 4, ?Stars and Time? from his book ?The Message Of The Sphinx?, explains in detail this Celestial Diagram at Giza. Chapter 4 leads off with the following quote:

?The various apparent movements of the heavenly bodies which are produced by the rotation and revolution of the earth, and the effects of precession, were familiar to the Egyptians?They carefully studied what they saw, and put their knowledge in the most convenient fashion, associating it with their strange imaginings and their system of worship?? J. Norman Lockyer ?The Dawn Of Astronomy?, 1894.

Lockyer is considered by many scholars knowledgeable with Precessional astronomy to be ?the father? of the new science of archaeoastronomy. This NEW science with the NEW technology of the PC is what is allowing certain NEW astronomical facts coded into ancient Egyptian Monuments and Temples to be discovered, and I believe these new astronomical discoveries belongs to the turf of the serious astrologer.

Chapter 4 states there are many references in various ancient Egyptian Texts to ?Zep Tepi?, the ?First Time?. Bauval believes he has discovered a Celestial Diagram (c.10,500 BC) at Giza that represents the ancient Egyptian?s ?Zep Tepi?, the ?First Time?. When an astrologer carefully reads Chapter 4 and understands the basics of Precessional astronomy pertaining to the Historic ?Astrological Ages?, the Celestial Diagram at Giza produces a Scope Ascendant of 30 degrees Leo and a Descendant of 30 degrees Aquarius, using the Sidereal Zodiac as the astronomical frame of reference. This Sidereal Giza Scope correlation becomes most interesting when we observe and realize the first of five Saturn-Uranus oppositions extending to 2010 occurred in Nov. 2008. This opposition fell within 6 degrees of the foreground of this Giza Ascendant-Descendant axis. Jim Eshelman, one of the few siderealist still living and who has dedicated his life to Cyril Fagan?s brilliant astrological research, teaches that any aspect that falls within 7 degrees of the angles produces ?outstanding events?. The one planet that rules CONTRACTION is Saturn (approaching the Giza Ascendant) and its opposition aspects with Uranus is shaking the World?s economies. Autumn 2008 began a WORLD financial meltdown with economical data supporting conditions similar to the Great Depression in the 30?s. Astrologers will be able to stand witness to more validity of this possible Giza World Scope in Sept. 2009-- when the third Saturn/Uranus opposition falls partile (under 1 degree) on this Giza Ascendant/Descendant Axis. Fagan and Eshelman?s methods clearly teach astrologers to expect super ?outstanding events? associated with planetary aspects that falls partile on the angles of any valid timed Scope. Also, it should be noted astrologers don?t know when the last Saturn-Uranus opposition took place in this same zodiacal degree in the Sidereal Zodiac.

Bauval and his colleague of other alternative scholars on ancient Egypt are at a loss to explain WHY the ancient Egyptians would take on the monumental task of constructing Giza-- representing a Celestial Diagram pertaining to their pre-dynastic religious texts of ?Zep Tepi?, the ?First Time?. They can only explain this by saying it has something to do with the ancient Egyptian religion associated with their highly cherished mythology. What they are not recognizing is the fact that ?originally, back in ancient Egypt astrology united science and religion.? In other words, astrology/astronomy was the World?s first science and first religion. ?Today, both science and religion reject astrology.? I strongly believe these new sidereal precessional astronomical discoveries at Giza are strongly linked to the science of astrology and have the possibility of becoming a profound discovery for the ?dedicated few? future astrologers who will endeavour to understand the astrological works of Cyril Fagan and Jim Eshelman. Fagan took much inspiration from the ancient Egyptians and we should at least allow with a open mind the same to further our astrological learning.

More writings about ancient Egypt:

Bauval?s books with the ?Orion Mystery? and ?The Message of the Sphinx? are correlating that ancient Egypt?s mythological ?Zep Tepi?, the ?First Time? (c.10,500 BC) is represented by an astronomical ground plan with the great monuments at Giza. Bauval believes ?that it represents the start of the current 25,000-year astrological cycle (precession cycle), the first tick of the cosmic clock.? He offers more astronomical depth to his work with symbolized astronomy from the ancient Egyptians with the below link:

Some recent John Anthony West's thoughts pertaining to ancient Egypt:

?But in dealing with the myths of the ancients, it is wise to exercise caution before summarily equating a legend with a falsehood, no matter that it generally does not correspond to our modern manner of communicating fact. The ancients obviously did not think of their legends as falsehoods.? John Anthony West

?Underlying all Egyptian speculation?, as R.T. Rundle Clarke has observed,
is that time is composed of recurrent cycles which are divinely appointed?There is furthermore a governing moment amongst all these cycles and epochs---the ?genesis event?, that the Egyptians called Tep Zepi, the ?First Time?. Zepi means ?TIME?, Tep means ?FIRST?. Tep also means ?the first day of a period of time?. Tep means the ?beginning or commencement of anything?. Robert Bauval, ?Message of the Sphinx?

?After digging the buried Sphinx out from the sand, Thutmosis IV, a Horus King of Egypt, dedicated a Stella in front of the paws of the Sphinx describing Giza as ?the ?Splendid Place? of the ?First Time?. ?In one simple, powerful phrase, Thutmosis 1V stated that Giza was the ?Splendid Place? of the ?First Time?. Is it not likely that Thutmosis 1V called Giza the ?Splendid Place? of the ?First Time?? because that is exactly what Giza was remembered to be in traditions (myth) that had been handed down from remotest, almost incomprehensible antiquity.? Robert Bauval, ?Message of the Sphinx?

?As Holistic thinking returns, particularly in Physics and the Arts, the late twentieth-century mind is beginning to grasp the kind of cosmic view necessary to comprehend the ancient Egyptian mind, with its deeply symbolic modes of expression, and its highly developed mythologies employed to express thoughts to deep for words.? Paul William Roberts??River in the Desert?.

?The desire to know inspires us, and the ever increasing level of knowledge and technology has allowed us to reach new depths in understanding our state of existence. But what might have inspired the ancient Egyptians? Schwaller de Lubicz believed that ancient Egypt was the legacy of a technical civilization for which there is no history or knowledge of in today's world, a civilization for which spirit and technology were integrated into a worldview that embraced life's mystery. For me, it is this technical and spiritual legacy that is so evident in the art and culture of ancient Egypt.?

?While West and Schoch were redating (with the science of geology) the great Sphinx, before dynastic Egypt, by sheer coincidence Robert Bauval, using, Skyglobe, a new computer program able to show the position of the heavens over any given point of the globe at any given time in history --- something that once required immensely long and complex mathematical calculations --- had proved beyond any doubt that, based on the positioning of sighting shafts built into the Great Pyramid (and still termed 'ventilation shafts' although it is known that they were not), the pyramid complex was designed to mirror the 'belt' in the constellation Orion (connected with Osiris in Egyptian mythology), and thus could only have been built by people with an exact knowledge of the night sky as it was over Giza around 2,400 BC --- which is exactly when Egyptologists claim the main pyramids were built. But that was the good news for Egyptology, since Bauval's survey of the plateau monuments further led him to conclude that whoever originally planned the entire vast complex could have only done so with an exact knowledge of star positions around the year 10,500 BC.? Paul William Roberts.

?Such is the intricacy of the sky-ground correlation built into the Giza complex, however, that it would have only formed a true 'mirror' of the heavens around the year 10,500 BC --- although most of its structures were evidently built some 8000 years later. However, as West first pointed out, the two largest pyramids appear to show two distinct stages of construction --- an initial platform about one third of the final height, and employing vast 100-tonne blocks (some of which had to be lifted over 45 metres to be put in place), and a secondary stage of far smaller blocks (averaging 2.5 tonnes) completing the apex. He also observed that the blocks in the earliest stage showed the same kind of weathering as the Sphinx, whereas the smaller blocks do not. This weathering is only found --- besides the Sphinx and pyramids --- in four other structures in all of Egypt: the so-called 'mortuary', 'valley' and Sphinx temples, and the Osireion at Abydos, which is said in Egyptian texts to be the tomb of Osiris himself. These four structures have another thing in common, too: they all employ in their construction enormous monolithic blocks of limestone, some of them weighing as much as 400 tonnes, all of them in the 100-tonne range, often cut in irregular shapes that actually form the corners of their buildings, and all cut so finely that they fit together in a jig-saw pattern nearly seamlessly. There is no escaping the fact that these buildings seem to date from a far earlier epoch than the structures surrounding them. Hancock and Bauval identify this epoch with the 10,500 BC date, and something often referred to by Egyptian writings as Zep Tepi, 'the First Time'. They believe that it represents the start of the current 25,000-year astrological cycle (precession cycle), the first tick of the cosmic clock.? Paul William Roberts.

?There can be no doubt that the ancients were fully aware of the phenomenon of Precession, and that they regarded it as a matter of commanding importance.? John Anthony West

?The mechanism that is central to understanding the difference between the tropical and sidereal zodiacs, and what the astrological ages are about, is one of the earth's orbital motions: precession.? Ken Bowser

?We lack the knowledge of zodiacal influences upon the vital phenomenon, although it seems that such a science must have existed. Indeed, for what reason or through what reasoning would this zodiac have been established, ascribing a planetary, elementary, and psychological character to each sign? This is certainly not just a random result, nor is it a result of systematization or vain speculation. It is true that men of wisdom have affirmed the proved existence of a systematic arrangement of the zodiac on the basis of sacred science. This zodiac has existed at all times: it was known in China, India, Chaldea, Egypt, probably among the Mayas.? R.A. Schwaller De Lubicz, ?Sacred Science??The King of Pharaonic Theocracy.

The Zodiac that Schwaller is referring to in the above quote is the Sidereal Zodiac! Cyril Fagan rediscovered the Sidereal Zodiac with his brilliant research into historical ancient Egypt.

The following is an interesting quote from Schwaller on the first page of Chapter 8, titled ?MYTH?, from his book ?Sacred Science?, the King of Pharaonic Theocracy.

?In our definition, myth is the means of expression employed by sages who teach the esoterism of natural facts inexpressible in words.?

It has already been pointed out in this thread from the book ?Myth and Symbol In Ancient Egypt? that, according to its author R.T. Rundle Clark, the most important Myth of the ancient Egyptians pertained to ?Tep Zepi?, the ?First Time?.

The scholarly work by Robert Bauval is correlating with the science of astronomy (dictated by the Sidereal Zodiac), allowed by the new technology of the computer, that Giza contains an astronomical ground plan representing ?the First Time? in c. 10,500 BC. Robert Bauval is not an astrologer and he and his colleagues are left with the profound question as to WHY would the sages/ architect(s) of Giza monumentalize something to do with a ?First Time?? If there is any truth with Schwaller?s definition of MYTH, then one would have to conclude the sages before Pharaonic ancient Egypt bequeathed with a legacy to ancient Egypt something to do with esoteric knowledge of ?natural facts? pertaining to TIME! Astrology is the study of TIME and TIME is defined by certain mathematical/natural laws of astronomy.

Cyril Fagan?s brilliant techniques and teaching?s of astrology, which is only recognized by the ?dedicated few?, does not require the tropical astrologer to switch to the Sidereal Zodiac. A tropical astrologer can use sidereal techniques and still use the Tropical Zodiac as long as the Tropical astrologer astronomically adjusts for the motion of precession. Most astrological software allows this option.

If a Sidereal astrologer was armed with an astrological program that would include proper motion of the planets, which does not exist at this writing, that would cover a full Precessional Cycle encompassing the c. 10,500 BC epoch--- there may be great esoteric, astrological (re)discoveries pertaining to the ancient Egyptian mythological ?First Time?, ?Tep Zepi?. We are living in an age that now has the technology to produce such an astrological program!

More from ?Sacred Science?, The King of Pharaonic Theocracy.

Appendix V1, The Egyptians? Knowledge of Astronomy:

Now with regard to mere human matters, the accounts which the Egyptians gave and in which they all agreed, were the following: According to them, the Egyptians were the first to discover the solar year, and portion out its course into twelve parts both the space and time and the seasons which they delimit. It was observation of the course of the stars which led them to adopt this division?It is also the Egyptians who first brought into use the names of the twelve gods, which the Greeks adopted from them.

Herodotos, 0p. cit., H, 4.

The key phrase from the above statement by Herodotos is: ?It was observation of the course of the stars which led them to adopt this division.? The Sidereal Zodiac of the Egyptians is measured and divided using the STARS! The Tropical Zodiac is measured and divided using the spring equinox as a beginning point. Ken Bowser has an excellent article about the issues between the Sidereal Zodiac versus the Tropical Zodiac of the Greeks: Go to -click articles--click A Recent Interview.

More from ?Sacred Science?:

The Egyptians, taking advantage of the favorable conditions, appropriated to themselves the knowledge of astronomy, which they were the first to study?the Chaldeans of Babylon, being colonist from Egypt, enjoy the fame which they have for their astronomy because they learned that science from the priest of Egypt.
The disposition of the stars as well as their movements have always been the subject of careful observation among the Egyptians?they have preserved to this day the records concerning each of these stars over an incredible number of years, this study having been zealously preserved among them from ancient times.

Diodoros of Sicily, op. cit., V, 57, and 1, 81

But Plato, as well, said that the great purity of the sky over Egypt allowed the Egyptians to observe the stars ?for ten thousand years or so to speak, for an infinite time.?

E. M. Antoniadi, L? Astronomie egyptienne (Paris, 1934, pp. 3-4)

Lastly, Manetho was an admirer of Egyptian science: ?Know that we would be universal scientists if it were given us to inhabit the sacred land of Egypt.?

Some writings from ?Hamlet?s Mill?:

?One might also say that while the fixed stars represent the kingly power, silent and unmoving, the planets are the executive power. Are they (planets) in total harmony? This is the dream that the contemplative mind has expressed again and again, that Kepler tried to fix by writing down the notes of his ?Harmony of the Spheres,? and that was consecrated in the ?turning over? of the sky. This is the faith expressed by ancient thinkers in a Great Year (Precession Cycle), in which all the motions brought back all the planets to the same original configuration.? Hamlet?s Mill pp 151.

If Giza is representing some type of World Scope with the ancient Egyptian mythical ?Tep Zepi?, the ?First Time? (c. 10,500 BC) ---then a modern astrologer would need the technology to explore the vernal equinoxes around c. 10,500 BC; otherwise, the scope will not serve the mundane astrologer with reliable data. It seems preposterous to even consider this possibility, much less, with the possibility all the planets could return to a repeating configuration in a precession cycle; yet, as astrologers we know there are many repeating planetary combinations that do return within certain time frames, within shorter time cycles. For example: The Jupiter/Saturn 20 year repeating conjunction cycle and its synchronicity with the Triplicities. Could there be one vernal equinox within a Precessional Cycle that does contain a formable repeating planetary phenomenon? Bauval has already proven there is repeating astronomical Star configurations associated with the Giza astronomical ground plan pertaining to the Precessional Cycle. Food for thought.

My passion for the study of astrology led me to the great astrological work of Cyril Fagan. His work led me to a much greater work of the ancient Egyptians and their mysterious work of the Giza Plateau. Reading certain books by alternative scholars listed on this topic led me to the possibility of a real World Scope at Giza. This possible World Scope can only be contemplated/understood/seen by an astrologer who understands Fagan?s ?cornerstone? of angularity with his methods of astrology.

Bauval?s work has offered substantial evidence using Precessional astronomy, with a Sidereal framework, that the Giza plateau is actually a Celestial Diagram depicting the mythological epoch of ?Zep Tepi?, the ?First Time?, which correlated with Precessional astronomy offers a date of c. 10,500 BC. Using Precessional astronomy, c.10,500 BC, correlates the dawning of the Age of Leo with the dawning of the Age of Aquarius upon us-- one half of a precessional cycle since c. 10,500 BC; hence, the greatest Monolith on the planet?the Sphinx with the body of a Lion and the face of a Man. Using the ancient zodiac symbols of the ancient Egyptians, there is only one symbol for Aquarius which is depicted by a Man pouring water from a urn.

Astronomy proves Giza is an Equatorial Marker pertaining to the rising Sun on the Spring Equinox. There are only two days in the calendar year when the rising Sun ?squares? the circle of the Zodiac and that is on the Spring and Autumn Equinox. In other words, on the Spring Equinox there is a squared Zodiac Cross containing four equal quadrants of the Sidereal Zodiac. What four degrees of the Sidereal Zodiac would hold the angles of a potential World Horoscopic Cross at Giza in c. 10,500 BC at Giza? Since the Sidereal Zodiac is Precessing as viewed by an astronomer/astrologer gazing out on the Horizon at the Stars on every Spring Equinox?then the birth of the Precessional Age of Leo in c.10,500 BC would have an Ascendant of 30 degrees Leo, a Descendant of 30 degrees Aquarius, an MC of 30 degrees Taurus, and an IC of 30 degrees Scorpio.

This possible World Scope at Giza becomes very interesting to the astrologer who is a disciple of Fagan?s ?cornerstone? of astrological teachings pertaining to the angles of any Scope. Jim teaches in his book ?Interpreting Solar Returns?, any planet in the foreground-- 7.5 degrees either side of the angles exercises a powerful influence and is the main focus to start an astrological delineation. Any planet partile (under one degree) the angles are super powerful and will completely dominate the delineating theme of a SCOPE! What astrological reason/teachings does an astrologer have to explain why TODAY--- WORLD markets are in a financial meltdown and certain WORLD banking systems are in chaos???

POSSIBLE ASTROLOGICAL ANSWER: There are five exact Saturn Uranus oppositions that will occur between Nov. 4th 2008 (Election Day) and July 26th 2010. Where do these 5 Saturn Uranus oppositions occur in the SIDEREAL ZODIAC?
Nov 4th 2008: Saturn 24Leo06, Uranus 24Aqu06. Foreground the Giza Cross!
Feb 5th 2009: Saturn 25Leo47, Uranus 25Aqu47. Foreground the Giza Cross!
Sept 15th 2009: Saturn 29Leo50, Uranus 29Aqu50. ***Partile the Giza Cross!***
April 26th 2010: Saturn 3Vi53, Uranus 3Pi53. Foreground the Giza Cross!
July 26th 2010: Saturn 5Vi31, Uranus 5Pi53. Foreground the Giza Cross!
With Saturn being near the possible Giza Ascendant?this is classic symbolism for a CONTRACTION/DEPRESSION ON THE WORLD STAGE! What the leaders of WORLD governments (particularly the United States) are trying to do is to prevent/repair the CONTRACTION! Uranus being in opposition to Saturn creates very volatile ?TENSE? situations?herky?jerky energy?unexpected Saturian events. This translates into world markets with large price movements up and down but the Force of Nature (Saturn/Ascendant) will ultimately RULE the financial markets; hence the headline news of the FINANCIAL MELTDOWN.

Being self critical of my own analysis of a possible World Scope at Giza , the worst of this Financial Meltdown should occur in the autumn of 2009. Why? Because if this Giza Scope is a true World Scope?then by Fagan?s teachings-- the worst should occur with the partile (10 minutes of separation-falling on the asc/des axis) opposition of Saturn-Uranus on Sept 15th 2009.

Are their any historical traditions/writings that hint at the Fixed Signs of the Sidereal Zodiac being special? Fagan has proven, at least to me and other siderealist, the Sidereal Zodiac was the true Zodiac of the ancient Egyptians. There was certain Priest of the Hebrew Race who had contact with the Priest of the Egyptian Race. In the Bible, the Book of Ezekiel, chapter 1 verse 10: ?And as for the likeness of their faces, each of the four had the face of a man (Aquarius), and the face of a lion (Leo) on the right side; and each of the four had the face of an ox (Taurus), and the face of an eagle (by some traditions-Scorpio) on the left side.? Here are the four fixed signs/constellations of the Sidereal Zodiac?the same fixed signs that Bauval and his astronomical work correlates with Precessional astronomy at Giza. This was proven with the new technology of computers and certain astronomical solfware programs.

It seems I have read (can?t remember) somewhere-- the last 5 degrees of the fixed constellations are danger zones. If anyone can reference this?please post. So, we have 5 exact oppositions of SA/UR occurring between Nov. 2008 and July 2010, with one of them (Sept.2009) occurring dead on the angles of a possible World Scope at Giza. Will the government bailout work or will forces of nature prevail?

Page 210, ?The Message Of The Sphinx?,


?The notion that some form of invisible college could have established itself at Heliopolis thousands of years before the Pharaohs, and could have been the initiating force behind the creation and unfolding of ancient Egyptian civilization, helps to explain one of the greatest mysteries confronted by Egyptology?namely the extremely sudden, indeed dramatic, manner in which Pharonic culture ?took off? in the early third millennium BC (precessional age of Taurus). The independent researcher John Anthony West, whose breakthrough work on the geology of the Sphinx we reported in Part 1, formulates the problem especially well:?

?Every aspect of Egyptian knowledge seems to have been complete at the very beginning. The sciences (astrology-my parenthesis), artistic and architectural techniques and the hieroglyphic system show virtually no signs of a period of ?development?; surpassed or even equaled later on. This astonishing fact is readily admitted by orthodox Egyptologists, but the magnitude of the mystery it poses is skillfully understated, while its many implications go unmentioned.
How does a complex civilization spring full-blown into being? Look at a 1905 automobile and compare it to a modern one. There is no mistaking the process of ?development. But in Egypt there are no parallels. Everything is right there at the start.
The answer to the mystery is of course obvious, but because it is repellent to the prevailing cast of modern thinking, it is seldom seriously considered. Egyptian civilization was not a ?development?, it was a legacy.?

In 3100 BC, the Egyptian astrologer/astronomer was already constructing Election Scopes. Fagan proved this with his discovery the ancient Egyptian star groupings were pentads, 5 degree groupings, instead of the mistaken identity by orthodox Egyptology the star groupings were decans?10 degree groupings. See Jim?s post: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=152

More from ?The Message Of The Sphinx?, page 202:

Heliopolitan Origins:

?The earliest-surviving references to the ?Followers of Horus? occur in the Pyramid Texts. This impression is strengthened by the constant references in the Edfu Texts to the ?wisdom of the Sages? (wisdom being one of the defining characteristics of the ?Followers of Horus?) and the repeated emphasis that their special gift was knowledge. Likewise it is noteworthy that the Sages are said to have the plans and designs that were used for all future temples?a role frequently accorded in other contexts to the ?Followers of Horus?. For example, the temple of Dendera (a little to the north of Edfu) is inscribed with Building Texts of its own which state that the ?great plan? followed by its architects was ?recorded in ancient writings handed down from the ?Followers of Horus?.

Page 195: ?In the coded astronomical language of the ancients of Heliopolis, we will argue that the notion of following the sun?s westward drift (precession) through the zodiac (sidereal) translates as ?Following the Way of Horus (the sun) across the ages?. And we will show that the ?Followers of Horus? are most likely to have acquired their enigmatic title because it described precisely what they did and stood for. They were, we suspect, astrologers and astronomers par excellent who had been following and recording the position of the vernal point (precession) across the ages from the epoch of the ?First Time? to the historical kings (Pharonic) of Egypt.?

When Pharonic Egypt began 3,000-3500 BC, they inherited a Legacy of knowledge and building plans from ancient Sages (?Followers of Horus?) that preceded their culture by thousands of years. When orthodox Egyptology started studying the ancient Egyptian culture they classified much of ancient Egyptian writings into something to do with their ancient Myths. Quoting ?Sacred Science? by R.A. Schaller Delubicz, page 180: ?In our definition, myth (Egyptian) is the means of expression employed by sages (?Followers of Horus?) who teach the esoterism of natural facts inexpressible in words.?

It appears, proven by the Royal science of astronomy that Giza and its Celestial Diagram of ?Zep Tepi?, the ?First Time?, pertaining to an ancient Egyptians myth-- could hold some esoteric knowledge for the astrologer. I believe we astrologers have much more to learn from ancient Egypt and her coded astronomy pertaining to their myths.

On page 296, ?The Message Of The Sphinx? the author?s (who I consider as true alternative scholars on ancient Egypt) state:

?The conclusion thus seems inevitable: the ancients appear to have established a global prime-meridian at Giza locked into a time frame of 10,500 BC.?

If there is any truth to the above quote, then there could be some truth the ancients left a monumental legacy to the astrologer with a World (?global?) Scope at Giza, using precessional astronomy for Giza?s celestial diagram. This is my very bias opinion (World Scope) because I am an astrologer. Even through the authors acknowledge ?The Followers of Horus?, who the authors say were astrologers/astronomers par excellence, bequeathing their legacy to the Pharaonic epoch, the author?s use other eloquent reasons for explaining the celestial diagram at Giza. The reason the authors have to use other reasons for explaining the celestial diagram at Giza besides astrology-- is simply because they are not astrologers and have never experienced the profound planetary timing symbolism associated with their own personal Scopes.

The authors after stating their conclusion that Giza represents a global prime-meridian locked into a time frame of 10,500 BC, next makes the following statement:

?All this implies, however, that the ancients were somehow attempting to ?navigate? not only in distance (?space?) but also in ?time?. What did they have in mind? How can ?time? be navigated??

The authors are still trying to answer their own above questions. To the astrologer the answer seems obvious-- astrology navigates time.

Thomas G. Brophy holds a Ph.D in physics and has worked with the NASA Voyager Project, the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, and the Japanese Space Program; and taught at The Colorado College, University of Colorado, and California Institute for Human Science where he was also Dean; his scientific articles have appeared in premier journals including Icarus, IEEE Journals, Science, and were reported in Nature.

Thomas G. Brophy has endorsed, with his own developed astronomical software, the Celestial Diagram at Giza. Brophy has added a very important astronomical fact that was not recognized by Bauval?s original discovery of Giza?s Celestial Diagram, which pertains to the Galactic Center. I want to add some more excerpts from Brophy?s book, ?The Origin Map?, chapter 111, Giza Monuments Galactic Zodiac Clock.

?The study of ancient skies over Giza, Egypt will show that the major monuments---the three Great Pyramids, their associated ?valley temples?, connecting causeways, and two sets of small ?satellite pyramids??have designed in their layout several congruencies with the stars of Orion?s Belt around 11,000 B.C. Also, the Giza monuments mark the location of the Galactic Center at its northern astronomical culmination circa 10,909 B.C. And the Khufu (Great Pyramid) Pyramid?s three star shafts simultaneously mark two ritually significant stars together with the Galactic Center around 2,350 B.C?Further, the complex of monuments functions as a clock. This clock can be used to calibrate the start of the Zodiac to the northern astronomical culmination of the Galactic Center.?

?These alignments indicate planning by peoples vastly predating Dynastic Egypt. That early culture likely informed the Zodiacal lore of later cultures as the Babylonian-Greek from whom came the modern Western Zodiac figures. Furthermore, the near?linear figure of the three Orion?s Belt stars is an obvious sky feature, or ?asterism?, and does not depend on a constellation representation to be noticed by any sky watcher. This indicates designed alignments even if the Sphinx were not a lion and even if Orion were not a constellation at all. The Dynastic Egyptians who constructed the Great Pyramids circa BC need not have known the full meaning of the pre?existing monuments, except that they were sacred and very precisely aligned to some kind of astronomical event. The question arises: why monumentalized that epoch? I argue that the Galactic Center culmination is signified by the complex of monuments, and should be the calibration point for the Zodiac?This suggests that the Giza monuments, as well as marking the date and location in the sky of the Galactic Center maximum culmination, function as a clock marking the precession of the Zodiac, and a calibration to the zero point of the Zodiac: culmination of the Galactic Center?Clock Marker 0 calibrates the beginning of Zodiac Age Leo, with Galactic Center culmination, and with the start of the whole precession cycle?The Giza monuments thus mark the culmination of the Galactic Center as the calibration for the Zodiac.

***It is important for the astrologer to recognize and understand when Brophy states: ?Clock Marker 0 calibrates the beginning of Zodiac Age Leo?-- this is ?calibrating? 30 degree Leo on the Ascendant of this astronomical Giza Cross (Angles). This may be confusing?but when one understands the precession of the equinoxes (the vernal point) regresses backwards, as viewed on the Spring equinox, representing the Sphinx on the Giza plateau, then this explains why the calculated Zodiac Ascendant at Giza in c.10,909 B.C. is 30 degree Leo---using precessional astronomy. Another way to understand this Giza Cross (Angles) is today the vernal point is app. 5 degree Pieces. Since the vernal point is moving (backwards) app. 1 degree per 72 years relative to the Sidereal Zodiac, in app 2,350 AD, the precessional age of Aquarius will calibrate its beginning at 30 degree Aquarius.

Brophy ?Giza Conclusions?:

?The complex of monuments at Giza can be seen as a ground-sky correspondence clock, calibrating the Zodiac Ages to the northern culmination of the Galactic Center in 10,909 BC as the start of the Age (precessional) of Leo. The evidence (precessional astronomy) is strong enough to warrant consideration of implications for understanding other very ancient human-created monuments and cultures. Whether there may be some mechanism by which the apparent motion of the Galactic Center, or even more specific orientations of Sun-Earth-Galactic Center, affects Earth or people, or whether the Giza monuments designers marked the Galactic Center for purely symbolic reasons, is not yet determined. Implications for present and future cyclical cultural effects, signified by the monuments to be related to human cultural capacity, warrant study.?

When the Sidereal Astrologer absorbs Brophy?s conclusions as being a precessional astronomical fact, it places us in a very unique perspective. We can simply sit back and witness what happens on the planet with the 5 exact Saturn and Uranus oppositions occurring in the foreground of the precessional zodiac Giza Cross. The third exact opposition of Saturn-Uranus fall partile the Giza Cross (Asc-Des axis) on Sept. 15th 2009. It should also be noted the Sun will be partile conjunct Saturn on the 16th of Sept. 09. Also, Pluto is STATION the Galactic Center beginning in Sept. 09. I find all of the above most interesting from an astrological perspective, particularity when we have already witness a wall street ?meltdown? last Oct. preceding the first exact opposition of Saturn-Uranus on Nov. 4th 2008, which was foreground angular the Giza Cross. The second exact opposition, foreground the Giza Cross, of Saturn?Uranus, occurs on Feb.4th 2009. Does this mean we will see new lows in financial markets? Time will tell.

Jim has taught us that ?partile aspects reign supreme?and when angularity and aspect partility coincide that outstanding incidents are most likely to come about.? If there is any astrological validly to this possible Giza astrological scope, pertaining to the precessional astronomical Giza Cross (Angles) -- then our planet Earth is going to experience some Saturn?Uranus symbolism of Historic proportion, based on solid, astrological, sidereal techniques.

John Anthony West has just released a podcast that some may find interesting. The podcast plays for about an hour so allow time.

Click play under the heading Part 1, Capitalism

Some statements from John Anthony West, ?Serpent In The Sky?, The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt?. ?The question of secrecy:?
?Beyond a certain level, in every one of the arts and sciences of Egypt, knowledge was secret. The rules, axioms, theorems and formulae?the very stuff of modern science and scholarship?were never made public, and may never have been written down. In every field of Egyptian knowledge, the underlying principles were kept secret, but made manifest in works. In astronomy, there are no texts, but a marvelously precise calendrical system indicates beyond any possibility of doubt that the Egyptians possessed an advanced astronomy. In geography and geodesy there are no texts, but the work of a number of scholars has shown that the siting and dimensions of the Great Pyramid, and of tombs and monuments dating back to the First Dynasty, as well as the whole complex system of Egyptian weights and measures, could not have been achieved without precise knowledge of the circumference of the earth, of the flattening of the poles, and many other geographical details. Finally, and most convincingly, there are no texts relating to architectural techniques. Nowhere in Egypt is there a scene showing an architect at work. Nothing indicates the manner in which the prodigious monuments of Egypt were planned, designed or executed. That architectural knowledge existed. There is the architecture to prove it. The technical skill of the Egyptians has always been self evident. And it is clear that all of this knowledge, technical and theoretical, was secret and sacred, and that these secrets were kept.?

?Schwaller de Lubicz believed that if ancient Egypt possessed knowledge of ultimate causes, that knowledge would be written into their monuments not in explicit texts, but represented by myth and symbol.? John Anthony West, ?Serpent in the Sky?, 1979.

If Bauval?s work (1996) is correct proclaiming the Giza Plateau is representing a celestial diagram pertaining to the mythological account of ?Zep Tepi?, ?The First Time? in c. 10,500 BC, then the astrologer, by using precessional astronomy with a sidereal framework, can easily see that the Giza Plateau, with its ?monuments & symbols, represents an Ascendant of 30 degrees Leo, and a Descendant of 30 degree Aquarius in the Sidereal Zodiac.

Regards, Steve
With all our modern knowledge and scientific equipment, and with the the great strides made in mathematics, we astrologers have done nothing to even remotely compare with the achievements of the astrologers of antiquity. Cyril Fagan

Interesting Books on Ancient Egypt.

A couple of books on this topic present recent astronomical research correlating the Giza plateau as a celestial diagram to a time frame of c. 10,500 BC. Using Plato?s Great Year, the 25,920 years of the Precession cycle, this fixes 30 degree Leo rising on the ascendant, beginning the Precessional age of Leo. It appears the ancient Egyptians had astronomical knowledge for calibrating the Sidereal Zodiac for this ancient time frame. I realize this is somewhat of a mystery as to WHY the ancient Egyptians would calibrate the Sidereal Zodiac at this time of the Precession Cycle.

In the book ?Mundane Astrology?, by Baigent/Campion/Harvey, Chapter 11, ?Where on Earth: The Search for the Earth Zodiac?. Heading this chapter the authors quote Plato with the following words:

?The Earth looked at from Heaven, is like a ball with twelve leathern stripes, each of a different colour??

On Page LV11 from the book by Manly P. Hall, ?The Secret Teachings of All Ages?, we find the following words:

?The Manuscript by Thomas Taylor contains the following remarkable paragraph:?

?Plato was initiated into the ?Greater Mysteries? at the age of 49. The initiation took place in one of the subterranean halls of the Great Pyramid in Egypt. The ISIAC TABLE (supposedly a key to the Ancient Book of Thoth) formed the altar, before which the Divine Plato stood and received that which was always his, but which the ceremony of the Mysteries enkindled and brought from its dormant state. With this ascent, after three days in the Great Hall, he was received by the Hierophant of the Pyramid (the Hierophant was seen only by those who had passed the three days, the three degrees, the three dimensions) and gives verbally the Highest Esoteric Teachings, each accompanied with its appropriate Symbol. After a further three months? sojourn in the halls of the Pyramid, the Initiate Plato was sent out into the world to do the work of the Great Order, as Pythagoras and Orpheus had been before him.?

?As Plato was for thirteen years under the instruction of the Magi, Patheneith, Ochoaps, Sechtnouphis, and Etymon of Sebbennithis, his philosophy consequently is permeated with the Chaldean and Egyptian system of triads.?

The author Charles Harvey in Chapter 11 of ?Mundane Astrology? states under the headline Astrogeography:

?Following the ancient doctrine of correspondences, many astrologers have, quite logically, considered that there ought to be some kind of natural, exact, macrocosmic-microcosmic interrelationship between the zodiac, as a whole, above, and the earth as a whole, below. If this is really the case, it is argued, then it implies the very tantalizing thought that there must be a precise, geographically plotable, ?astrological anatomy? of the earth, an ?earth zodiac?, which is waiting to be discovered. Indeed, as we shall see below, many astrologers have set out in pursuit of this Rosetta stone, and some even claim to be convinced that they have discovered it.?

Chapter 11 of ?Mundane Astrology? goes on to give the accounts of several astrologers with their ?earth zodiacs?. None of these astrologers begin the ?earth zodiac? at 30 degrees Leo located to Giza, correlated by the recent discovery of the precessional astronomical celestial diagram at Giza, using the Sidereal Zodiac.

Regards, Steve
With all our modern knowledge and scientific equipment, and with the the great strides made in mathematics, we astrologers have done nothing to even remotely compare with the achievements of the astrologers of antiquity. Cyril Fagan

Interesting Books on Ancient Egypt.

I am going to quote some passages and point out some Emblems from Manly P. Hall?s great work, ?The Secret Teachings of All Ages?, pertaining to things astrological as it may relate to the Celestial Diagram on the Giza Plateau. But first, I need to point out that the symbol for Scorpio has not always only been the Scorpion. In ancient cultures Scorpio was symbolized by the flying Eagle.
Nicholas Devore, ?Encyclopedia of Astrology? states:
Also in the Egyptian Sphinx, in which the Bull?s body (Taurus), the Lion?s paws and tail (Leo), the Eagle?s wings (Scorpio), and the Human head (Aquarius)?.They are depicted symbolically in the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and are builded into the Paris Notre Dame Cathedral, which is completely an astrological edifice as is the great Pyramid. In Revelation V: 7 one reads that ?the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle.?? Scorpio is reflected in a Roman nose?the eagle?s beak?have been symbolized at some periods of antiquity by the Eagle, as evidenced by the eagle?s wings on the Egyptian Sphinx (as depicted by certain Emblems).
The symbolism of these four fixed constellations of the Zodiac ?are the subject of
innumerable allusions in art and literature.? As I have pointed out in this topic with one of the ?Interesting Books on Ancient Egypt?, Bauval?s great work has proven with Precessional Astronomy, Giza is ?in fact? a Celestial Diagram with a calibrated point (Ascendant) of 30 degree Leo (c.10,500 B.C.) in the Sidereal Zodiac, using the time frame of Plato?s great Year, the 25,920 year Precessional Cycle. The astrologer who is versed in enough astronomy with Cyril Fagan sidereal zodiac teachings can easily recognize this c.10,500 B.C. Giza scope as producing the 4 angular points as 30 degree Leo (Lion), 30 degree Taurus (Bull), 30 degree Aquarius (Man), and 30 degree Scorpio (Eagle). This c. 10,500 B.C. Giza scope does not correlate to the Tropical Zodiac for the simple reason the Sage who planned the Giza plateau was using the Sidereal Zodiac for their astronomical frame of reference with the symbolic monuments on the Giza plateau. It should also be understood that Bradely researching a massive amount of Solar & Lunar Ingress charts in the Sidereal Zodiac correlates the beginning of the Precessional Age of Aquarius (30 degree Aquarius) as c. 2,369 A.D. This means today, the Sun on the Vernal Equinox is in the ?foreground? (app.5 degrees) from the mathematical/astronomical beginning point of the precessional Age of Aquarius. Let us get into the ?Secret Teachings of All Ages? (STAA).

The STAA is a voluminous book consisting of many Emblems pertaining to Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic, Rosicrucian, Symbolical Philosophy.

STAA states:
Historically the secret societies were closely identified with state religions. Basic knowledge was believed to have been bestowed by the gods in a remote age. These esoteric philosophies have always been taught by means of secret organizations. These spiritual brotherhoods of scholars, sages, and mystics have flourished among all peoples, ancient and modern, and in all parts of the world. The seventeenth century restoration of learning gradually brought about a Universal Reformation as proclaimed in the Fama of the Rosicrucians. A careful study of the emblem books of that period reveals that most of the figures and designs were based upon Egyptian or Greek mythology, and like the alchemical symbols, perpetuated the secret teachings of esoteric knowledge. The present volume (STAA) is itself made up of many symbols gathered from rare sources. It invites the thoughtful reader to explore the meanings of these emblems and devices with his own insight and for the truth seekers of the future. (STAA was first published in the 1920?s).

*Many of these Emblems are posted on the Internet with certain STAA caption words under the Emblem. I am only going to focus on subject matter in STAA which is symbolically attached to symbols of astrology, and appear to be the same astrological/astronomical symbols pertaining to Bauval?s Celestial Diagram at Giza?which could be referencing some type of World Scope.

Under STAA Table of Contents, there is only one Chapter L111 devoted to ?The Zodiac And Its Signs?. This Chapter L111 is subtitled by ?Primitive astronomical instruments---The equinoxes and solstices?The astrological ages of the world (Precession Cycle)?The circular zodiac of Tentyra?An interpretation of the zodiacal signs?and last but not least?The horoscope of the world. I find Mr. Hall?s choice of words ?The horoscope of the world? somewhat an enigma because there is absolutely no layman words that explains anything about a ?horoscope of the world?. I have speculated as to why Mr. Hall used the words ?horoscope of the world? without any explanations and can only reason he was told that there is a ?horoscope of the world??but remember I am only speculating with a bias mind of an astrologer. However on page LV in STAA is the Emblem of the ?The Circular Zodiac Of Tentyra? which is posted on the Internet with a web search. Caption words under this Circular Zodiac state:
?The oldest circular zodiac known is the one found at Tentyra in Egypt, and now in the possession of the French Government. Leo is no doubt at the head.?
This is very interesting because Bauval?s recently discovered c.10,500 B.C. Celestial Diagram at Giza begins the precessional age of Leo with 30 degrees Leo on the Ascendant! Cyril Fagan, who I consider the greatest astrological researcher pertaining to ancient Egypt says in ?Zodiacs Old And New?:
??Leo was then considered by the Egyptians as being the first of the constellations, and it is so shown in the circular zodiac??

More words from STAA on page LV:
??Probably the rarest form of Scorpio is that of an Eagle?This visible connection between the constellation Leo and the return of the Sun to his place of power and glory, at the summit of the Royal Arch of heaven, was the principle reason why that constellation was held in such high esteem and reverence by the ancients. The astrologers distinguished Leo as the ?sole house of the sun? and taught the world was created when the sun was in that constellation. ?The lion was adored in the East and the West by the Egyptians and the Mexicans. The chief Druid of Britain was styled a lion. When the Aquarian Age is thoroughly established, the sun (heliocentric) will be in Leo. Then, indeed, will the secret religions of the world include once more the raising to initiation by the Grip of the Lion?s Paw. (Lazarus will come forth.)

Page LV11 of STAA state pertaining to Zodiac symbolism:
?the four-lettered sacred name, the Tetragrammaton, assigning Jod to Aquarius, that is Canopus, He to Taurus, that is Apis, Vau to Leo, that is Momphta, and He final to Typhon. Note the Cherubic parallel?Man, Bull, Lion and Eagle.
Here again we find zodiacal symbolism matching the c.10,500 B.C. astronomical/scope
correlation by Bauval at the Giza plateau.
Page LX of STAA pertaining to ?esoteric learning of the Egyptians? with the ?Bembine Table.?:
??The upper panel contains the twelve figures of the zodiac arranged in four triads. The center figure in each group represents one of the four fixed signs of the zodiac. S is the sign of Aquarius; Z, Taurus; C, Leo; and G, Scorpio. These are the four fathers. In the secret teachings of the Far East these four figures?the man, the bull, the lion and the eagle?are called the winged globes or the four Maharajahs who stand upon the corners of creation?
These same symbolic ?corners of creation? is symbolized with the four SIDEREAL angles (Leo, Aquarius, Taurus and Scorpio) of Bauval?s c. 10,500 B.C. Giza Scope, proven by precessional astronomy.
Opposite page CXXV of STAA we find the Emblem of ?The Cherub Of Ezekiel?
Words under the Emblem of the ?The Cherub Of Ezekiel? says:
??When the twelve tribes of Israel encamped in the wilderness, the banners of Reuben (the man), Judah (the lion), Ephraim (the bull) and Dan (the eagle) were placed at the four corners.?
Opposite page CX111 of STAA is an Emblem titled ?The Ancient of the Ancients? showing a very old man surrounded by the faces of the lion, the bull, the eagle and the man. Just the title of this Emblem reminds me of John Anthony West great work where he takes the science of geology presenting valid evidence the Sphinx is much more Ancient than what dogmatic academia has taught about the age of the Sphinx.

And in the Tarot Cards we find the WORLD Card showing the faces of the lion, the bull, the man and eagle.

The greatest art the world has witness is the last remaining wonder of our world?The Giza Plateau-- with Bauval?s recent discovery, using precessional astronomy, the four angles of the c.10,500 B.C. Giza Scope holds astrological/astronomical symbolism of the lion, the bull, the man and the eagle.

Regards, Steve
With all our modern knowledge and scientific equipment, and with the the great strides made in mathematics, we astrologers have done nothing to even remotely compare with the achievements of the astrologers of antiquity. Cyril Fagan