Great emotions - Céline Dion with sons at Rolling Stones concert |

Great emotions

Céline Dion with sons at Rolling Stones concert

17.05.2024 18:00

This snapshot will delight fans of Céline Dion (56). The sick singer appeared more exuberant than she has been for a long time at a Rolling Stones concert. Dion posted a rare photo with her three sons - plus Mick Jagger (80).

Céline Dion spent an exuberant evening with her sons. On Thursday, the singer shared a rare photo on her Instagram account in which she laughs into the camera with her twin sons Nelson and Eddy (13), her eldest son Rene-Charles (23) and Mick Jagger.

Great emotions for Dion at the concert
"Last Saturday I had the opportunity to see the Rolling Stones on their 'Hackney Diamonds' tour at the Allegiant Stadium in Vegas," the singer commented on the sweet snapshot.

"What an incredible show! A very special thank you to Mick Jagger for the warm welcome to my family. You got us rocking!" she continued. As the Mirror reported, there was great emotion among the family during the show. Dion was seen dancing and crying in the audience during the concert.

Her children give Dion strength
Her family is very important to the singer and her three sons also give her strength and hope. "Above all, there is the love of my family and my children, but also the love of the fans and the support of my team. I have these resources and that is a gift. I also have this strength within me," Dion told French "Vogue" in an interview last month. Céline Dion's three sons are the result of her marriage to René Angélil, whom she married in 1994. Her husband died of cancer in 2016.

Public appearances are rare
A carefree evening is not a matter of course for Dion. The Canadian singer was diagnosed with stiff person syndrome two years ago. The rare autoimmune disease causes muscle spasms and stabbing pains and affects Dion when walking and singing.

Céline Dion at the Grammy Awards in February. (Bild: APA/Getty Images via AFP/GETTY IMAGES/KEVIN WINTER)
Céline Dion at the Grammy Awards in February.

Since her diagnosis, she has hardly been seen in public. However, she made a surprise appearance at the Grammy Awards in February to present Taylor Swift with the award for Album of the Year.

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