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So I went to the hospital 5 days ago with HEAVY bleeding they told me I was passing a hematoma, my uterus was filled with blood the ultra sound tech there said she was not supposed to tell me but she was letting them and me know I needed a dnc the baby wouldn’t make it, the radiologist got back said the baby was okay, the doc then sent me home, a few days later I passed the sack and new something was not right went to follow up with my ob today found out I lost the baby but I passed everything and don’t need a dnc but I’m still kind of bleeding idk if he’s right about not needing a dnc.

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one of the main reasons for a dc is to make sure the gestational sac and all the tissue clears

did they do a scan to tell you things were all clear?

a dc can be done sometimes if theres still bleeding issues or lining issues - once you passed the sac, now you might still have period like bleeding but within a week or so it should lighten and this week it shouldnt still be super super heavy...

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