Challenges to Humanity

Malcolm Yarnell: Karl Barth and Natural Theology

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In the Christ and Culture podcast with Ken Keathley and Benjamin Quinn, we explore how the Christian faith intersects all avenues of today’s culture through conversations with leading thinkers.

Today’s Episode:

Malcolm Yarnell joins us to talk about Karl Barth, natural theology, general theology, and what (if anything) we can learn about God from the natural world. (The conversation starts at 15:55.)

Plus, in “Headlines” (1:15), Dr. Ant Greenham returns to discuss the Middle East, campus protests, and antisemitism.

And in “On My Bookshelf” (39:40), Dr. Yarnell recommends some books for your bookshelf.

Additional Resources:

Scripture has to have the authority to overrule these others.

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  • Challenges to Humanity
  • theology
Christ and Culture Podcast

Christ and Culture Bush Center

The Christ and Culture podcast with Drs. Ken Keathley and Benjamin Quinn seeks to connect faith with every aspect of your life.

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