Marvel Studios Adds to the  Ongoing Collection of 'Agatha' Titles - Murphy's Multiverse

Marvel Studios Adds to the  Ongoing Collection of ‘Agatha’ Titles

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UPDATE: The post has since been removed by Marvel Studios

Marvel Studios next Disney Plus streaming series will feature Kathryn Hahn’s return as Agatha Harkness but at this point, fans might have a better idea of the series’ plot than its title. After originally being introduced as Agatha: House of Harkness, the show has seen a series of different titles emerge over the past year. Now, we can add another to the list.

In a new post across its social media platforms, Marvel Studios has rolled out another “new” title for the streaming series.

The new title, Agatha: The Lying Witch with Great Wardrobe–which is clearly a spin on The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe–, is the latest in a line of titles that fans have started to believe will ultimately be the names of the individual episodes of the show. It joins Agnes of Westview, Agatha: Coven of Chaos, Agatha: Darkold Diaries and Agatha among the six different titles revealed…so far. If thr fan theory is correct, we should expect to see 3 more title cards before the show hits D+ this Fall.

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