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I had this for a while. 

Changed by my mid 20’s. How? Got into good shape, started dressing better, got a job in sales that made me more outgoing. Have been top performer here too which boosted my confidence. Started talking more and sticking up for myself. 

Things started happening, people noticed, and my life has gotten way more interesting. 

u/Klootowooto avatar

Damn I just started doing drugs

u/HuskySkrr avatar

Go get them champ 💪

u/Klootowooto avatar

Im getting them rn! On my way to my dealers house

u/Negative_UA avatar

What drugs just curious

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Do both. Drugs are a sales multiplier

Shrooms made me a normie.

u/pireninjacolass avatar


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I started working in sales which made me start doing drugs

I didn’t pump off for five years. I can time travel now

u/BuffaloBillsButthole avatar

I did a little bit of both

This is the way.

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u/fookreddit22 avatar

I'd believe you if it wasn't this sub, and this website.

I mean believe me or don’t. Doesn’t bother me none. 

Motherfucker got downvoted for not being an incel lmao

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Your job really defines a large portion of your life. Like, back before covid when I had to report into the office everyday I was one of the more social people at work. Now that I work from home, I haven't spoken to anyone IRL other than family and restaurant wait staff in weeks.

I don't make enough to drop $15 on a cup of coffee and biscotti at a cafe or pay a cover charge to enter a club or bar in addition to the $20+ I'll end up spending on drinks. I mean I could if that was my only luxury for the week but fuck that. I'd rather try a new local restaurant or something.

Back on topic, your job changed your lifestyle. Everything else followed suit.

only $20 on drinks at a club? what are you? a nun?

u/Jowem avatar

pregame heavily is the way

u/The_Dragon_Redone avatar

Makes the drive more interesting, too.

This. Sadly it doesn't work for me cause not only do I have ressistance to alcohol I also metabolize it really fast, like, half an hour after drinking Im sober again if Im not constantly drinking, which it has its benefits like not getting hangovers, but it makes me have to drink A LOT to really get drunk and which means my fucking shyness pops up halfway through clubbing, so Im just awkward until I get used to being there and I can dance, fuck around and do pogos without giving a shit

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u/peanut47 avatar

yeah i fucking hate how 20 bucks is like 1.35 drinks. Drinking out is beyond expensive

Frrrr, thats why with my friends we just make a pre party in which we drink and talk and then we go out

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Did u get a pussy?

u/Talents avatar

I did all of that, including the sales job at one point. Issue was I completely sucked at it and I think by the end I went like an entire month with only 1 sale which was like £30 and I got fired. Funny part of it was the boss always bragged about never having to fire people cause people that did badly would always leave quickly but I refused to quit.

Yeah different folks may not work as well with the sales role in particular. 

It’s definitely more about finding something that works for a person in particular. 

When it comes to the rest like putting yourself out there though it’s a constant effort. It’s not like I woke up one day decided I wanted to be more outgoing and bam I got immediate results. It took over a year for my efforts to bear fruit. Hell I’m still not entirely where I want to be and am still putting in effort every day. I’m constantly improving in that regard tbh. 

I mean, the fact that you at least tried and didn't quit the moment you weren't making any sales is more than what many people can do, even if you weren't the best at it you at least had determination to do it, and thats a W in my book.

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u/Withinmyrange avatar

Life-maxxing is real

It’s just small changes made everyday

u/__cum_guzzler__ avatar

i'd rather kms than work sales

Same, tho I kinda wanna try it at least once, just to experience it, the entitled customers, the karens, the dumbasses who make hundreds of questions, Idk, maybe I am a masochist

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u/SummerMedium1274 avatar


I have been trying to take shortcuts to success, by asking folks for help with my vision, paying folks to do parts I don't want to do or again need help in.

People sleep on the job. People don't call leads - which is their single task, al & close leads - sell my time -- I do the work.

Not being aggressive enough. e.g realtor getting back to me 4 dsys after I email, call, and text for a property. Oh sorry ankn, just got these, looks like that property is sold. NO SHIT, IT WAS A GOOD DEAL. and putting up with that becausr I felt like I owed the owner loyalty, separate guy, for some stuff way long ago, despite not doing business with him and his employees being shit.

Should have fired the RE agent. He didn't deserve buyer agent commission for responding on his time. Fucker wouldn't even go back to an open house I left my prescription eyeglasses at. Pretty sure I left them on the step... he says he'll look into my Sunglasses. Few days later he says the owner found my sunglasses, crushedby being stepped on, asked if I wanted them back 

My fault for being a timid pusdy and putting up with that shit

I have a little business I'm trying to get off the ground all on my own now, and customers, if they aren't fucking stupid, they are trying to lowball the fuck outta you, or they agree on a price and down payment and ask for the contract then ghost you once you send said contract.

I'm fucking sick of it.

But also realizing how hard it is to make money, vs getting a W2 paycheck

Making your own money is fucking hard. Contractor's are trying to rip you off, Customer's are trying to rip you off, Uncle Sam is taxing when you buy, when you sell, and on your profits, you have competitors who have an interest in seeing you fail.

It's fucking hard.

I've grown a lot as a person.

I'm starting to understand, maybe, old people, on how they are just so sick of shit they don't put up with Any bullshit. They just aren't having it, dishing it right back. They aren't cranky or rude or disrespectful, they just don't put up with bullshit.

Things are happening for me though. It's only been 5 weeks, too, and getting better every week.

Congrats - you'll love it in the end. What do you do for a business? Feel free to DM me if you want to talk about starting/running your own thing. Out of town for the weekend, but will respond as able.

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Well way to go you

Moral of the story is that I feel like that can be replicable to a lot of people. 

I think a lot of folks have the issue of just not going outside(especially in our modern world) and not putting themselves out there. 

I went from leaving my classroom in highschool without even saying hi or bye to my teachers to going clubbing all by myself and even dancing/talking/singing/ pogoing with random people while completely sober (I had a problem with my anxiety not letting me do anything unless I was drunk af so that my thoughts wouldn't fuck with me, but thankfully I getting it fixed day by day), and for the first time I feel Im not stuck in my teens and going on with my life

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u/KVMechelen avatar

I also went from being turboautistic to only mildly autistic thanks to my sales job

u/TaxIdiot2020 avatar

Sounds like your job change did it, not just wearing better clothes and exercising.

I just hate how that’s always the standard response literally anytime says they’re bored or depressed as if it’s often not a case of survivorship bias. I mean, dressing nice and exercise is great, but yeah…

Job definitely did a lot when it comes to making me outgoing yes but I’ll say that there was a huge noticeable difference once my outfits got nicer and I was in way better shape.    

People came to me a lot more and I started attracting more attention than before without even needing to talk to people. Without what the job gave me though I think I would for sure fumble that initial attention more often than not. 

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got a job in sales

Lol fucking waste-of-space

u/make_reddit_great avatar

...said the reddit shitposter

At least I don't work in sales 💀

u/Rich-Requirement9156 avatar

You use the skull emoji bro, that's even worse

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I mean it’s made me lots of money doing next to nothing most of the time 😂

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Take a fucking shower

I already showered twice today

Washing your hands doesn't count as a shower

u/AmperDon avatar

The Sims lied to me!

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Im gonna need a shower an hour later anyway. My pc is singlehandedly causing the global warming crisis. My room feels like an oven 7/24.

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i'm him, it's me, i'm him, it's me, i'm him, it's me, i'm him, it's me

u/_TLDR_Swinton avatar

I'm Big Boss, and you are too.

u/Wonderful-Cicada-912 avatar

I'm me, it's him, I'm me, it's him

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Maybe you should try doing something fun

u/Mesarthim1349 avatar

Anon is the friend you meet that seems cool but then vanishes when you ask to hang out.

Still can be a cool person tho

u/Mesarthim1349 avatar

Yeah, just needs to come out of the shell maybe.

u/Personal_Station_351 avatar

When he has to be there he will make most of it but he would rather watch youtube shorts

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This is oddly reassuring.

u/Any-Yoghurt3815 avatar

not in the least. this sense of belongingness is contrary to the idea. a lonely death awaits us


u/Any-Yoghurt3815 avatar

I might've misread into your comment. why is it reassuring?

We often get caught up in the small details of life, and of course that can be very stressful. But if you really examine your life, nothing truly significant happens and really none of it matters. This greentext just shows us that this is a very common sentiment. You need to give your own life meaning, cause really we are just on a rock floating through space.

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Same. I can’t recall anything interesting in my life besides family matters. I’m not complaining because I know a lot of people have it way worse but I wish stuff happened

The good news is, if you start looking for shit it will definitely happen

Idk if it's good tho

u/thestrehlzown avatar

If you like Family Matters then you gotta check out Not Like Us

Bro I didn’t sleep that whole week to not miss Kdot songs what are you talking about

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u/static_programming avatar

then be like the guy who went out at night and fought random people

u/Davethemann avatar

Urkel is prettt unforgettable

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u/_TLDR_Swinton avatar

He is truly the anonymous

How is this a greentext? Anon doesn't sound confused or troubled. He never tried to have sex inappropriately with his cousin/sister/friend/family dog. No awkward encounter. He didn't shit himself in public. No massive trans penis appearing in the story. And Anon doesn't finish by getting topped, either forcefully, or by his own autism/lack of social skills.

u/The_Dragon_Redone avatar

Worst of all, it feels real and relatable.

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u/Shrekquille_Oneal avatar

Anon needs to either get either more or less mentally stable, whichever seems like more fun.

u/Personal_Station_351 avatar

less, less, less, less, less, less, less ,less

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u/smb_samba avatar

Anon should spice up their life by dropping large rocks off a bridge into highway traffic

u/Personal_Station_351 avatar

Oh, far from the only one with such thoughts, cool

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u/Red__system avatar

Anon is a plant and doesn't do anything to provoque anything

Anon expected things of a sexual nature to happen when he was 7

u/the_penis_taker69 avatar

Anon is an isekai protagonist

u/BuffBroccoli avatar

You are supposed to do things. It’s up to you, ya dang idjit

Anon learned hes boring

u/FizzyFuzz_ avatar
u/News-Initial avatar

Such is life.

u/Most_Chemistry8944 avatar

You're 5 foot nothin', 100 and nothin', and you have barely a speck of athletic ability. And you hung in there with the best college football players in the land for 2 years. And you're gonna walk outta here with a degree from the University of Notre Dame. In this life, you don't have to prove nothin' to nobody but yourself. And after what you've gone through, if you haven't done that by now, it ain't gonna never happen. Now go on back.

"Do you ever get the feeling nothing good was going to happen Paulie?"
"Yeah, and nothing ever did. So what? I'm alive"

Things happening is often expensive when it’s more than a walk in the park. I want to go to the shooting range, but between rentals and ammo, it’s easier just to spend all day playing video games.

u/ImprovisedLeaflet avatar

Anon that is the most boring fucking story

u/cherry937 avatar

most believable greentext ever written

u/Ok_Hamster4014 avatar

OP needs hobbies to fill the void.