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Bangladesh Bank rejected claims of a new heist of foreign exchange reserves reported by an Indian newspaper.

In a statement, the central bank said, ‘An Indian newspaper published news regarding a new reserve heist of Bangladesh. This is to inform everyone that it is absolutely a fake news. We have a three-tier confirmation policy with the US Federal Reserve now and have regular reconciliation of transactions.’

The news portal published an article titled ‘Are Indian hackers behind this month’s Bangladesh Bank heist involving billions?’ stating that unidentified suspected Indian hackers used digital means to extract billions of dollars from Bangladesh Bank about a week ago, according to at least three officials familiar with the heist.

‘While the sources were chary to disclose the amount sucked out of Bangladesh Bank, they confirmed that Indian and Bangladesh authorities, including the security agencies of the two countries were aware of the “sensational” heist and were “quietly” probing the crime,’ the report claimed.

The news portal, however, did not provide clear information about the heist, and the source of the information was unclear.

In February 2016, unidentified hackers stole $81 million from the country’s account with the Federal Reserve Bank in the United States.