McMaster offers to meet with students about investments only when pro-Palestinian encampment ends [Video] – Canada News Videos
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McMaster offers to meet with students about investments only when pro-Palestinian encampment ends [Video]

Ontario News

McMaster University says its chief financial officer would meet with student groups to discuss the school’s investment strategy and consider ways to make things more transparent — but only after the student-led, pro-Palestinian encampment on campus ends.

That’s an offer that the two student groups leading the encampment quickly rejected.

McMaster President David Farrar posted a message including that offer and others to the school’s website Thursday.

Farrar’s message said when the encampment ends, McMaster will:

  • Arrange a meeting with the chief financial officer to share more information about McMaster’s investment strategy.
  • Initiate a discussion with the chief financial officer and other university leaders to consider recommendations to increase the transparency of McMaster’s investments.
  • Create a new process so groups or individuals with concerns about McMaster’s investment approach have a clear pathway to share their views with the university’s financial leadership.
  • Ask the university’s International Strategy Advisory Group to develop a framework for human rights considerations in international agreements. …
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