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History Sandbox / HighSchool

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* ''Bubblegumshoe'', an application of the ''TabletopGame/{{GUMSHOE}}'' RPG rules to the KidDetective genre, naturally has to deal with a number of high school-related tropes.


* ''Bubblegumshoe'', an application of the ''TabletopGame/{{GUMSHOE}}'' MediaNotes/{{GUMSHOE}} RPG rules to the KidDetective genre, naturally has to deal with a number of high school-related tropes.
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[[folder:Anime & Manga]]
* Many, ''many'' SliceOfLife anime and manga series take place in high school, to the point that it eventually developed [[SchoolgirlSeries its own subgenre]].
* In ''Anime/AngelBeats!'', the high school is eventually revealed [[spoiler:to literally be Purgatory, intended to purify the souls of dead high school students to let go of their regrets.]]
* ''Manga/AzumangaDaioh'' falls into this category, though it's in a Japanese high school and those usually don't have lockers in the hallway.
* Miyagami Academy, the school in (and main setting of) ''Anime/BestStudentCouncil'', is not only huge, it has a cannon that its AbsurdlyPowerfulStudentCouncil can use and an underground tube (with high-speed roller coaster-style chair) connecting the dorm and main school building.
* The CLAMP school, which shows up in ''Manga/CLAMPSchoolDetectives'' and ''Manga/{{X1999}}'', is in the shape of a pentagram and contains all of the facilities necessary for daily life. In fact, the whole of the CLAMP campus contains schools from kindergarten through highly advanced university, and houses in excess of ten thousand students, plus various other people. The claim that it is wholly self-sufficient is made at least once.
* ''Literature/HaruhiSuzumiya'': Still a lot of focus on {{Moe}}, but at least the girls look more their age (Haruhi-chan spinoff notwithstanding). As for the school itself, most of the action takes place in the club room where the titular character hosts her SOS Brigade, though there is focus on other parts of the school.
* ''{{VisualNovel/Kanon}}''. Most girls are still OlderThanTheyLook, but not so much as in the example.
* ''Manga/LuckyStar'', set in Ryou High School, is an odd example. Even though it's supposed to be high school, everyone looks and sounds like they're Becky's age (see above) and the music sounds a lot more appropriate for grade school, consisting of a rinky-dink piano and some other such instruments. However, Konata and Patricia do have a part-time job, and there is talk about breast sizes or current events every now and then.
* ''Anime/PaniPoniDash''. Welcome to Momotsuki Academy, where one of the classes is governed by 11-year-old supergenius Rebecca Miyamoto.
* Usagi and her friends are said to have gone to high school in the Sailor Stars season of ''Anime/SailorMoon''.
* ''Manga/SchoolRumble'' is a romantic comedy set in high school.
* ''Manga/YamadaKunAndTheSevenWitches'' takes place on a high school and uses most of the standard tropes, though with the twist that most of the plotlines derives from PsychicPowers that are [[MagicKiss used by kissing]].
* ''Anime/YuGiOhGX'': The show setting is of Duel Academia, a high school for learning how to play the card game Duel Monsters. [[SeriousBusiness Why parents would send their kids to a high school for the sole purpose of learning how to become more skilled at a fairly ridiculous children's game is anyone's guess]].

[[folder:Comic Books]]
* {{ComicBook/Archie Comics}} prominently feature Riverdale High as the school the majority of characters attend.
* ''ComicBook/{{Robin|1993}}'': A fair portion of the story arcs are based on things occurring at Tim's various high schools, with various common high school problems present and discussed and quite a lot of time is spent on high school campuses. The series follows Tim from a high school freshman up until a few weeks after he drops out as a senior.

* ''Film/TwoThirtySeven'' covers a single day in an Australian high school from the perspectives of six troubled students, leading up to a suicide at 2:37 p.m.
* ''Film/AssassinationOfAHighSchoolPresident'', shot at Bayonne High School in Bayonne, New Jersey.
* Creator/JohnHughes's ''Film/TheBreakfastClub'' takes place entirely in and around the fictional Shermer High School in the fictional Sherman, Illinois.
* The high school in ''Film/{{Brick}}'' never got an official name, but it was filmed in San Clemente High School.
* ''Film/FastTimesAtRidgemontHigh'' pretty much hit every High School trope.
* ''Film/{{Heathers}}'', a BlackComedy about doing in the {{Alpha Bitch}}es, a [[SpiritualSuccessor Spiritual Ancestor]] to ''Film/MeanGirls''.
* Frederick Wiseman's 1968 documentary called simply ''Film/HighSchool'' seeks to document a DayInTheLife of a typical American high school, in this case Northeast High School in Philadelphia. The theme throughout is high school's role in enforcing conformity, and the authoritarian teachers who stamp out individuality in students.
* ''Film/HighSchool2010'' is set in Morgan High School, which is run by a principal with zero tolerance for his students doing drugs. When Henry gets high a couple days before the principal announces he'll be screening the student body for drugs, expelling anyone who tests positive, Henry and his friend Travis decide to give everyone in the school pot brownies so they would all test positive, resulting in all the results being thrown out.
* ''Film/HighSchoolMusical'' has a grand total of... two teachers and one coach. One of the teachers was shown for one scene, and the coach is Troy's dad.
* ''Film/HighSchoolUSA'', as should be obvious from the title. Mostly notable for featuring a bunch of former teen stars as the teachers, and a bunch of (then) current teen stars as the students.
* ''Film/KidsInAmerica'': Takes Place in a high school.
* ''Film/MeanGirls'', demonstrating how peer pressure and academics conflict with one another during high school.
* ''Film/RomyAndMichelesHighSchoolReunion'', which takes place ten years after the titular characters graduated in Tuscon and moved to L.A., and explores how the emotional baggage and humiliation experienced in high school carries over to adult life, and how the protagonists decide to confront it.
* As one might expect from the title, ''Film/SpiderManHomecoming'' puts almost as much emphasis on Peter Parker's life in Midtown School of Science and Technology as it does on his exploits as the eponymous web-slinging superhero.

* ''Literature/AlmostAFantasy: Alex doesn't get along with his school mates and actively dislikes studying. Tests make him anxious and deprive him of sleep, which is one of the reasons why he starts therapy.
* In ''Literature/SixteenThirtyTwo'' a West Virginia mining town circa 2000 is transported back in time and the local high school becomes the greatest repository of human knowledge in the world. The author then demonstrates just how much knowledge is available in such a typical school.
* ''Literature/MacdonaldHall'' is a series that takes place in a high school ... specifically an all-boys Canadian BoardingSchool located near an all-girls finishing school.
* In the ''Literature/{{Discworld}}'', the four schools described in any detail are the Assassins' Guild School (initially boys only, now co-ed), the Quirm Academy for Young Ladies (girls only) and Hugglestones (boys only). One of the Yearbooks adds the Thieves' Guild School, which is described in terms of TheGoodOldBritishComp. The first three pack in every trope you can think of concerning British boarding school life and expressly parody both real and fictional public schools[[note]]"Public" in the British sense of being exclusive and fee-paying[[/note]] with every knob turned up.
* Literature/JessicaDarling spends the first two books in her series attending Pineville High and being entangled in all the usual drama and jockeying for position. [[{{Deconstruction}} Deconstructed]] as the series continues to follow her after she graduates, and she is astonished when she looks back and realises just how little it all meant.
* In ''Literature/PrincessHolyAura'', Much of the daily life of Holly Owen and her friends is spent there, and is handled realistically for a high school in upstate New York.
* The blurb for Creator/LaurenKate's ''Literature/{{Unforgiven}}'' starts with "High school can be hell". And Trumbull High literally is Hell for Lilith - a tailor-made Hell that she's spent the last three millennia in. All teachers are nasty or clueless, other students look down at her or downright bully her, apparently only because she is poor and has an ill brother, and when she tries to rebel, she only gets detention. For bonus points, since it's Hell, there are no weekends. And the whole plot takes place in the 14 days leading up to the prom, which seems to be the single obsession of all students (apart from Lilith, that is).
* ''Film/TheWave1981'' by Todd Strasser, based on a real-life social experiment carried out by a Palo Alto, California history teacher with his class in TheSixties. In order to teach his students how fascism arose in Europe and demonstrate that it can happen here, the teacher organizes them into a fascist movement, complete with [[PuttingOnTheReich armbands and salutes]]. It [[GoneHorriblyRight succeeds beyond his wildest dreams]].

[[folder:Live-Action TV]]
* ''Series/AfterSchoolSpecial'': Numerous afterschool specials on each of the three networks -- ABC, CBS and NBC -- had stories set at a high school, always to address a given social issue. And there were many, ranging from administrative censorship to cheating, bullying to drug abuse ... the list was endless.
* ''Series/ANTFarm'' uses Webster High for the setting of most episodes. Justified as the premise of the show is gifted middle school kids attending high school. It has lockers, one main hallway with a large staircase and at least a couple of minor hallways. It also has a science lab classroom, Home Ec, the Ant Farm (which is where the Ants spend at a lot of time), and what looks to be a makeshift auditorium. Only a few episodes take place entirely outside of school and that was during their summer vacation.
* ''Series/AsTheBellRings'' is a curious Creator/DisneyChannel show. Originally the Italian ''Quelli dell'intervallo'', the 5-minute-episode show came to Britain and was remade with a British cast... but in a very ''American'' style school (Creator/WilliamShakespeare High), with no uniforms, lockers and ''one'' set - a corridor with a Shakespeare Bust in it. You'd think Disney would at least ask the cast what British schools are like, but no. It was remade for a U.S audience and later featured Music/DemiLovato.
* In ''Series/BeverlyHills90210'' the characters actually attended junior year twice, in a move to extend the life of the popular show.
* ''Series/BostonPublic'' featured, well, a Boston Public High School. While it's size and economic status would change depending on the episode, most of the time it managed to keep the feel of a public high school (with multiple classrooms no less).
* ''Series/BoyMeetsWorld'' had it all, and did a lot of LampshadeHanging about it. The school was named for John Adams (probably a reference to the fact that William Daniels, who played one of the only faculty members we ever saw, had played John Adams in both the Broadway play and the film adaptation of ''[[Film/SeventeenSeventySix 1776]]''); it had two classrooms (to accomodate a second teacher introduced for one season) but only one hallway (The "Senior Hallway" seen in later episodes is the same set shot from a different angle). In one season finale, a recurring character who had left the cast years ago reappeared, and explained his absence by pointing offstage and announcing that all his classes had been down the other hall. The regulars responded with shock and fear, as they had never set foot in that part of the building themselves.
* ''Series/BuffyTheVampireSlayer'' had unusually expansive high school sets, though most of the action took place in the library anyway.
** Buffy's high school had the obvious drawback of being built directly on top of a gateway to Hell, which tended to give typical school problems a supernatural and lethal twist (oh, and assuming you got out of the place alive, the Hellmouth still made the entire town a magnet for vampires, demons, etc).
* In ''Series/CaliforniaDreams'' there was one hallway, but which had a slightly unusual architecture, and it had two classrooms, one which never changed, and one which housed everything from auto-shop to cooking class and was eventually also used for the graduation ceremony.
* Subverted in the [[Series/TheKidsOfDegrassiStreet first]] [[Series/DegrassiJuniorHigh two]] ''Franchise/{{Degrassi}}'' series. which were shot in real schools, often on weekends, when no one was present. The setting of ''Series/DegrassiHigh'' is now a community college (Centennial) in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
* ''Series/EverybodyHatesChris'' has [[Film/TheGodfather Corleone]] Junior High, [[Series/SanfordAndSon Lamont Sanford]] Junior High and [[Film/TheGodfather Tattaglia]] High.
* ''Series/FreaksAndGeeks'' managed to get the look fairly well with a single T-shaped hallway set, plus classroom, cafeteria and gym sets. They did go through ''three'' different schools as exterior locations over the course of [[ScrewedByTheNetwork 18 episodes]], however.
* In ''Series/GilmoreGirls'', Chilton, being a private school, does not obey many of the standard public High School cliches. However, plot-driven class lengths are so powerful that the average class lasts about three and a half minutes.
* ''Series/GirlFromNowhere'' is an anthology that revolves around the lies and misdeeds taking place between the student body and teachers of various high schools.
* ''Series/{{Glee}}'' is set at [=McKinley=] High, Which [[IndecisiveParody may or may not]] be a parody of this.
* The main cast of ''Series/GossipGirl'' go to Constance and St. Jude's high schools during the first two seasons.
* ''Series/HeadOfTheClass'' was set in UsefulNotes/MillardFillmore High School, and the students seemed to spend the entire day in the same room. This was explained by their being in a special "gifted students" program, which sometimes does work that way in real life.
* ''Series/JoanOfArcadia'' uses a high school with a science lab and art room, but probably only one hallway.
* ''Series/LizzieMcGuire'' ushered in a newer tween version on the Disney Channel, leading to other, similar shows like ''Series/PhilOfTheFuture'' and ''Series/HannahMontana''.
* Rarely seen, but ''Series/MarriedWithChildren'' often referenced James K. Polk High, whose mascot was the Dot.
* ''Series/MrIglesias'' has Creator/GabrielIglesias (playing [[TheDanza "Gabe Iglesias"]]) as a history teacher at UsefulNotes/WoodrowWilson High School. Most, but not all, of the action takes place in the school; in addition to Gabe's classroom, there's the school office, the school auditorium/theater, and at least two hallways.
* ''Series/MySoCalledLife'' popularised the unisex restroom. (In reality, it was the girls' restroom, but Ricky spent so much time in there it might as well have been unisex.)
* In ''Series/TheOC'', the characters attended Harbour High School. The show often featured the physical building, but very rarely any storylines specifically tied to it.
* ''Series/OurMissBrooks'' may be television's UrExample, with much of the action taking place at Madison High School. A SoundToScreenAdaptation, the program first aired on the radio in 1948, debuted on television in the autumn of 1952. The show's official GrandFinale, a film released in 1956, was the second [[TheMovie cinematic adaptation]] of a television series ([[Franchise/{{Dragnet}} Joe Friday]] beat Miss Brooks to the punch by four years).
* The TV show ''Series/RadioActive'' was mostly set within the high school radio station (begging the question of how many high schools actually have radio stations manned all day by all of five students, who one would think would have to attend class occasionally), though there are at least two hallways.
** High school radio stations are not at all unheard of. Usually these are very low power stations and you'd be lucky to be able to pick them up at the far end of the parking lot, but they do exist. The students manning them get credit for doing so (usually as a speech/theatre type class, or possibly as a business class, since the station may sell ad spots to local companies), so they're not exactly skipping class to run the station (though they do still have to take core courses like math, science, English and so on ''sometime'', so you'd think they'd need at least a few more students to be able to cover the full day).
** Two hallways (outside the station's green room where the lockers are, and outside the vice-principal's office), two offices, one classroom, and, in one episode each, a library and cafeteria. The school was also Upper Redwood High, which of course allowed the rival school (the one always named as a sporting opponent) Lower Greenwood High.
* ''Series/{{Room 222}}'': A high school dramedy from the late 1960s and early '70s, with most of the action at Walt Whitman High School (in a blue-collar Los Angeles neighborhood) taking place in the classroom of Pete Dixon; some scenes shifted as well to the classroom of Alice Johnson, a pretty young college graduate who (in the first season) was in her rookie year of teaching and was gently mentored by Mr. Dixon. Most stories were innocent enough, although there were some very meaty topics thrown in: censorship, plagiarism and cheating, teaching competence, the Vietnam War (still very prevalent in the early 1970s), race relations, the needs of special education students, bullying, anti-gay harassment and much more. Seymour Coffman was the principal and Liz [=McIntyre=] was the guidance counselor.
* ''Series/SabrinaTheTeenageWitch'' went to a school with two hallways and a cafeteria, but very few classrooms. Their mascot was the Fighting Scallion.
* ''Series/SavedByTheBell'' also had the archetypal one-hall layout, though was fortunate enough to have multiple classrooms. It also had unisex bathroom scenes, but less often. To further compound the claustrophobic nature of the set, there exists a [[http://www.x-entertainment.com/messages/486.html theory]] that the entire ''Saved By The Bell'' universe is contained inside the school. Furthermore, Bayside High is an example of TelevisionGeography: in ''Good Morning Miss Bliss'' (the original title of the series), it was Midwestern, moving to northern California for ''Series/SavedByTheBell''. The selfsame school reappeared years later in ''Series/ThatsSoRaven'', by which time it had migrated to San Francisco.
** ''Saved By The Bell'' only appeared to have more than one classroom. There was just the one, but it had multiple doors, so a simple rearrangement of the furniture made it appear to have more.
* ''Series/TheSecretLifeOfTheAmericanTeenager'': A standard episode mostly involves the teens [[InfoDump infodumping]] in the one hallway of Ulysses S Grant High. It wasn't until the second season that they were even shown in a classroom. There were brief appearances of a coach, a secretary, and a teacher in that first of about three classroom scenes. Other than that, the school staff seems to only consist of the guidance counselor.
* ''Series/SquarePegs'' had unusually an expansive high school set.
* ''Series/StrangersWithCandy'' has Flatpoint High, complete with all the classic sets and a couple of less common ones. Certain teachers spend an unusual amount of time down in the basement, and then there's the teachers' lounge, complete with its own shower. The principal's office also bears the distinction of being accessed via secret passage.
* ''Series/TheSteveHarveyShow'' has Booker T. Washington High. It has two hallways, a music room (sometimes it actually had instruments), an office, another classroom, and a cafetorium. There was a staircase that led to a second floor of the school but that part of the school was never seen.
* The school in ''Series/StudentBodies'' had hallways, a cafeteria and the school paper office, though no classrooms.
* ''Series/SummerHeightsHigh'' was actually shot at an Aussie High School in documentary fashion.
* ''Series/SuperhumanSamuraiSyberSquad'' featured both a hallway and a cafeteria with a small stage. At one point a closeup of one of the cafeteria walls was used for a scene in the principal's office.
* ''Series/UnnaturalHistory'' is set at Smithson High, which is attached to the [[LawyerFriendlyCameo National Museum Complex]].
* The setting for ''Series/TheVampireDiaries'', often with a HighSchoolDance going on.
* ''Series/VeronicaMars'' attends Neptune High, which has a very liberal attendance policy, and lets the more popular students "buy" additional liberties such as pizza delivery. She has also held unisex restroom conferences.
* ''Series/{{Victorious}}'' is set at Hollywood Arts High School, and all bets are off about it fitting ''anything'' about this description.
* ''Series/WelcomeBackKotter'' was set in Buchanan High, and followed the archetype of a single hall and classroom.
* ''Series/WelcomeFreshmen''
* The ''set'' of ''Series/{{Zoey 101}}'' is the characters' high school, Pacific Coast Academy. Justified in that it is a private boarding school, and that the entire premise of the show was to add girls to a previously all-boys school. Technically it could fit into the CaliforniaUniversity trope: though it is not ''set'' at a university, the show was filmed in California at Pepperdine University.

[[folder:Tabletop Games]]
* ''Bubblegumshoe'', an application of the ''TabletopGame/{{GUMSHOE}}'' RPG rules to the KidDetective genre, naturally has to deal with a number of high school-related tropes.
* ''TabletopGame/TeenagersFromOuterSpace'' is this in spades, with a mix of American and Japanese High school tropes, heavily based on both the Live Action TV and Anime and Manga examples elsewhere on this page.

* ''Toys/EverAfterHigh'' is a SpinOff of Monster High, now following the children of various fairy-tale and fantasy stories.
* ''Toys/MonsterHigh'' is set around students of a high school populated by classic and fantastical monster creatures.
* ''Toys/MyScene'' was an attempt for Mattel to complete with Toys/{{Bratz}}, placing Barbie in a high school setting.
* ''Toys/RainbowHigh'' is set in a high school focused on fashion and performing arts, with each character [[ColourCodedForYourConvenience having a themed color pallet]] to their fashion looks.

[[folder:Video Games]]
* The main setting and theme of ''VideoGame/{{Bully}}'' is High School, as you control a BullyHunter who tries to bring peace to the ever-warring cliques of [[BoardingSchoolOfHorrors Bullworth Academy]]... by beating the crap out of them. Plenty of high school hi-jinks ensue; panty raids, sabotaging football games, wedgies, swirlies... the whole 9 yards.
* Everyone in ''VideoGame/TheCaligulaEffect'' attends Kishimai High School, and thanks to a GroundhogDayLoop they stay there for as long as they're in Mobius. As such, while everyone in the setting is ''physically'' high school age, much of the cast is either [[YoungerThanTheyLook Younger]] or OlderThanTheyLook.
* ''VideoGame/CorridorZ'' is set in Massville High School, which has become infested with zombies, and is in lockdown. Three survivors (Logan the jock, Megan the cheerleader, and Sgt. Williams) need to make it to a guarded door where they can escape by running through the halls to it from hordes of zombies.
* ''VideoGame/EscapeFromStMarys'': Set fully in a high school, with typical school tasks, like playing basketball, working with the website team, hunting for aliens, traveling through time...
* The obscure Nintendo 64 dating sim ''VideoGame/GetterLove!!'' (released only in Japan, to no one's surprise) has four boys and eight girls who go to high school. The school itself is located right in the middle of the map, but it's only purposes are to meet Makoto or Meifa, to get together with someone if you've planned to go to someone's house, the beach, or the Shinto shrine, or where Alfonso explains the rules of the game to everyone before things begin. All the girls' lesser endings take place somewhere within the school, seeing that the end of the game marks the end of everyone's summer vacation for the year.
* A sizeable chunk of ''VideoGame/GrowingUp'' takes place during your character's high school years.
* ''VisualNovel/KatawaShoujo'' has its action put in Yamaku, Japanese high school for disabled, ill and/or otherwise requiring assistance students. (however, it also accepts healthy people, but they are a minority)
* Sora and most of his human friends are supposed to be High School students in ''Franchise/KingdomHearts'', but he doesn't seem too concerned that he's now missed a whole year of school while off saving the multiverse. He even expresses amused bewilderment in Twilight Town when Olette asks him about "homework" upon meeting him. Kairi, however, ''was'' shown to attend school while she was back home.
* ''VideoGame/ObsCure'' (aka ''Mortifilia'') is a ''Franchise/ResidentEvil''-style SurvivalHorror game set in a high school and based on teen horror movies. The sequel moves on to a university, though you do return to the ruins of the school late in the game.
* While all of the ''Franchise/{{Persona}}'' games have a high school as a main location, it wasn't until the third game that high school life itself became a focus:
** All of the main characters of ''VideoGame/Persona3'' (with the exception of the elementary student and the TeamPet) attend Gekkoukan High School during the day, with the protagonist being a second-year (equivalent to a junior in most American high schools). A good many of the game's Social Links involve participating in club activities such as the sports and fine arts clubs or the AbsurdlyPowerfulStudentCouncil. It also transforms into an EvilTowerOfOminousness at night during [[TimeStandsStill the "hidden" Dark Hour]], when DemonicInvaders called "Shadows" prowl the halls. No, really.
** Much of ''VideoGame/Persona4'' takes place in Yasogami High, and your party's starting members are second-years again (though a few first-years eventually join the team as well). Also, the school doesn't change into the EvilTowerOfOminousness, the Student Council is basically invisible, and more attention is paid to the fact that it's a school and not just a place to hang out with people (homework, projects, tests and such are much more heavily featured than P3).
** In ''VideoGame/Persona5'', you attend Shujin Academy as part of your probation. Though maintaining good grades is still an important part of the game, you're mostly treated as a pariah by the rest of the school, to the point where you have only ''one'' school friend outside of your fellow Phantom Thieves (two if you count your homeroom teacher) and cannot join any club. Though the first major antagonist is the school's volleyball coach, Shujin itself is far less central to its game than Gekkoukan and Yasogami were to theirs.
* The ''VisualNovel/TokimekiMemorial'' series by {{Creator/Konami}} is a Japanese High School DatingSim series, where the player incarnates a freshman spending his 3 years of High School improving his academic marks, looks, and physique, in order to graduate, and to become HighSchoolSweethearts with one of the numerous girls (boys in the [[GenderFlip ''Girl's Side'' branch]] of the series) he'll meet during this time. All games take place in High School, save for the cellphone-only game ''Tokimeki Memorial 4 Chu!'', which has a Junior High setting.

* ''Webcomic/{{Annyseed}}'': Despite being set in a version of ''TheGoodOldBritishComp'', this features mismatched American high school motifs, such as lockers and trophy cabinets in the hallway, students wearing their own clothes, and high school stereotypes like the ''AlphaBitch''.
* In ''WebComic/AutumnBay'', Stephen meets up with Adam at Jenkins High School and [[http://autumnbaycomics.com/comics/5 wonders what "weird crap" they could find there]].
* ''Webcomic/BadMachinery'' provides a sort of amiable, occasionally surreal, British take on some high school themes. Being set in and around a grammar school rather than TheGoodOldBritishComp, it isn't tied to that trope.
* ''Webcomic/ElGoonishShive'' features two different high schools - Moperville North and Moperville South. Half the cast attends North, while the other half attends South. Moperville North's mascot is "The Frenzied Turkeys". Even though it's a webcomic most of the action takes place in the corridors and cafeterias, just like a TV show.
* ''Webcomic/{{Falconhyrste}}'' takes place in a mysterious, supernatural boarding high school.
* ''Webcomic/PennyAndAggie'' often veers from this into HighSchoolRocks territory and back, as it can swing from an Archie-esque mistaken-identity farce to Riverdale-esque kidnapping plot on a dime.
* ''Webcomic/PhillerSpace'' begins on Philler's first day of high school.
* ''Webcomic/UrbanAnimal'' has most of the main cast are students or staff at a high school.
* ''Webcomic/TheWotch'' and its spinoff ''Webcomic/{{Cheer}}'' are centered around Tandy Gardens High, home of the fighting Kangaroos. Their mascot costume is so embarrassing even their token Australian exchange student refuses to be seen in it.
* ''Webcomic/{{Zoophobia}}'' revolves around the Zoo-Phoenix Academy and its staff and students, a majority of which are creatures, hybrids and demons.

[[folder:Web Original]]
* ''Roleplay/FireEmblemOnForums'': While most games in this series of roleplays avert this trope by virtue of high schools not existing in the medieval HighFantasy settings characteristic of these roleplays, ''[[Roleplay/FireEmblemOnForumsDemonSoulSaga Demon Soul Saga]]'' plays this straight due to the protagonists of that game being Japanese high school students attending Our Lady of Hermelin High School.
* The default map for ''VideoGame/MitadakeHigh'' is a high school, funnily enough. Some logical thinking about where things are coupled with some hijinks like you get up to in your actual school will soon leave you knowing the place like the back of your hand.
* Since the involved characters are high school students, the pregames for ''Roleplay/SurvivalOfTheFittest'' versions two, three, four, and five took place in the schools the characters attended (Aurora in v5, Bayview Secondary in v4, Southridge in v3, Bathurst, Hobbsborough, Franklyn Senior, and PJ Gilroy Academy in v2) and the cities they lived in (Seattle for v5, St. Paul for v4, Highland Beach for v3, [[WretchedHive Denton]] for v2).
* ''WebVideo/TitanAcademy'' uses the trope with the Singaporean High School system. While the faculty's name is 'Titan Academy', it functions a lot more like a high school.
* [[http://wanderers-library.wikidot.com/i-dated-a-teenage-cyclops-part-one I Was A Teenage Cyclops]], a story from ''Website/TheWanderersLibrary'', combines traditional teenage drama with Time Cube to great effect, twisting many typical high school problems in bizarre ways.

[[folder:Western Animation]]
* ''WesternAnimation/AmericanDad'' has Pearl Bailey High School.
* ''WesternAnimation/AsToldByGinger'': All the melodrama and social hurdles of High School, [[JuniorHigh without the High School]]. Funny thing is, when the characters finally got there, the show got canned.
** Funny thing about this. The story did end and there were six episodes prepared on their high school lives. These episodes were shown internationally but only the first one was aired on a random day without much notice. Nick USA canned it and just showed the last few episodes on VHS and had to change the dialogue due to parts that were from skipped episodes.
* ''WesternAnimation/CloneHigh'', about a high school of people cloned from famous historical figures.
* ''WesternAnimation/BeavisAndButtHead'' "attended" Highland High School. So did Daria, until she got her own show; ''WesternAnimation/{{Daria}}'' had multiple teachers and classrooms, but sets are cheaper when everything's animated anyway.
* ''WesternAnimation/FamilyGuy'' has Buddy Cianci Junior High and James Woods High School.
** For those who don't get the joke: Buddy Cianci served two stints as mayor of Providence, RI (1975-1984 and 1991-2002). He was forced to resign both times: the first time because of assault charges (to which he pleaded guilty), and the second time due to criminal racketeering charges (of which he was ''found'' guilty, though only of one charge out of the 27 levied against him). He became legally eligible to hold office again in 2012, though he was defeated in next election for mayor of Providence in 2014, and Cianci died of cancer in early 2016.
* When not on world-saving missions, ''WesternAnimation/KimPossible'' and friends attend Middleton High, apparently the only high school in a mid-sized city. The only faculty member seen in most episodes is the DrillSergeantNasty coach/teacher, Mr. Barkin. The mascot, portrayed at pep-squad events by hapless sidekick Ron Stoppable, is the Middleton Mad Dog.
* ''WesternAnimation/XMenEvolution'' The X-Men heroes and villains as teenagers in High School? A ''real'' high school, not just Xavier's mansion? Yes, it could be done.
