7 Questions to Ask a Listing Agent
LAST UPDATED 05/15 AT 11:40 PM
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7 Questions to Ask a Listing Agent

Your house is a valuable asset, and likely the most valuable asset within your portfolio. There is no question that you want to get the best price possible when selling your home. As with all investments, getting the price you want requires answering the hard questions. To that end, the following are seven questions that every seller should ask their real estate agent before listing.

  1. What Experience Do You Have? 
    It is always advisable to go over a prospective real estate agent's credentials before choosing to list with them. Not only do you want to know that they have significant experience under their belt, but they also have experience with the specific type of property you want to list.
  2. What is Your Marketing Strategy?
    You should ask how the real estate agent would market the listing. Digital marketing is constantly evolving, so you want to ensure that their strategy is up-to-date with the latest tools and they understand how to use them effectively. 
  3. How do You Communicate?
    Bad communication can sink even the easiest deals. When you are selling your home, it is a good idea to discuss your real estate agent's communication style. It is also a good idea to convey your style and determine the best ways for you to merge the two.
  4. What Strengths/Detriments do You See in the Property?
    Every home has good and bad things that prospective clients may notice. The key is to promote the positives and address the negatives. A seasoned real estate agent can help you identify the greatest strengths of your property. They can also help you navigate the negatives and address issues that can be corrected before listing the home. It is important to listen intently to what the real estate has to say as their answers can help add considerable value to the property.
  5. How Solid is Your Knowledge of Home Loans?
    When you are selling your home, the ability of the buyer to secure the loan is a make-or-break proposition. The more your real estate agent knows about the loan products that are available and the processes buyers need to go through, the better off you will be.

    Moreover, not every lender has a positive reputation. Dealing with lenders who are shady or distrustful can cause a deal to fall through at any time. The best real estate agents have good relationships with reputable lenders and take proactive steps to keep a deal from falling through because of financing issues.
  6. What is the Agent's Track Record?
    Like sports stars, real estate agents take considerable pride in their real estate records. You will want to know their stats before you sign them on to your team. Start by asking questions regarding their list-to-price ratio; this is the final sales price divided by the final listing price. You will also want to know how long their listings stay on the market. When you are selling your home, these two stats will help you determine if the agent is the best agent for your property.
  7. Who is on Your Team?
    No real estate agent works alone. When you hire a real estate agent for help with selling your home, you want to know as much as possible about the staff they have on their team. It is a good idea to ask them about the assistants, photographers, lenders, and other people the real estate agent relies on to seal the deal.
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