AQA GCSE English Literature Paper 1 (8702/1) - 13th May 2024 [Exam Chat] - Page 22 - The Student Room
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AQA GCSE English Literature Paper 1 (8702/1) - 13th May 2024 [Exam Chat]

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Original post by Tragicturtle
I mean doing the opposite of only using the extract locks you at level 2 but obviously there is more to the rest of the text than the extract so you might be locked at level 4 just for not answering the question fully? Idk-

Original post by blwuerry
Eeesh ur gonna lose some marks for sure but if the rest is quality then you could get a decent mark..try and get up lit paper 2 to be on the safe side idk how muc u will lose

The thing is I've looked on the mark scheme and it says nothing about not using the extract
Reply 421
Original post by Daniboynah
explain how shakespare presents juliets difficulties in romeo and juliet [34 marks]

Oh now it does not seem weird ..prob I was cooked in there and started talking about the difficulties BECAUSE of Juliet’s impatience and so on 🙄
Original post by fffnnnlllyyy
How does everybody think they did? Feel free to share their thoughts and feelings.

I’m not going to lie but the Lady Macbeth question threw me off a bit 💀 so much so I spent more time on than planned. As for ACC, I was really happy with the question that came up, but I didn’t write enough because I spent too much time on the Macbeth question!! Oh well. Lmao. Still another paper coming up that can redeem my grade

I'm merging your post with the main chat for this exam :smile:
Original post by Pwca
I'm merging your post with the main chat for this exam :smile:
good idea:smile:
Reply 424
in my essay for jekyll and hyde i forgot to use a quote from the extract because i was stressed. would i still get penalised? i sort of mentioned the character in the extract and what he was talking about but i’m not sure
Original post by azaaaa9000
yes in paper 2, make sure you only talk about one of the books, then one of the poetry cluster questions (power/conflict or love/relationships), then you answer two questions on the unseen poems that are the same for everyone

Cheers thumb up 👍
Original post by xAspect
The thing is I've looked on the mark scheme and it says nothing about not using the extract

it might not affect it too much then, did you use any of the test in chapter 2? (near the extract)
Original post by elsie_rose_
I think (I dont do aqa so I might be a bit wrong) but paper 1 has 2 question, ones 30 marks and the other ones also 30 marks, so that’s 60 marks in total
And then paper 2 also has two questions (MAKE SURE YOU ONLY ANSWER THOSE TWO IN PAPER 2) one is 30 marks and one is 32 marks so that’s 62 in total?!
I may be wrong cos I dont do aqa but that’s roughly 120 in total

Oh okay thank you so much
Did you use quotes from the rest of the book? if u didn’t use a quot they will knock off s couple marks but if you explain a concept well enough without it and used the rest of the novel you should be okay
Original post by tallqueen212
Oh okay thank you so much

paper 2 is 96 marks. you do a modern text, either question about power and conflict OR about love and the unseen poetry. you get 2 hours 15 mins for this.
Reply 430
Original post by Mishenkin
Did you use quotes from the rest of the book? if u didn’t use a quot they will knock off s couple marks but if you explain a concept well enough without it and used the rest of the novel you should be okay

yes i did use quotes in every paragraph i did. i even did it in my extract paragraph but i forgot to use the exact quote from the extract that i highlighted. if i talked about uttersons curiosity about hyde is that enough for the extract marks?
what was the aqa question on Macbeth?
easiest lit paper i have ever done thank god
Original post by Tragicturtle
it might not affect it too much then, did you use any of the test in chapter 2? (near the extract)

The quotes I used were based mainly off of chapter 1 and 4. "trampled calmly over the girl", "like a damned juggernaut", "We fixed him up to a hundred pounds", "sawbones turned sick and white with desire to kill him" I also talked about the front of Jekyll's house being "handsome", and the back "sordid with neglect", for chapter 4, I used "clubbed to the Earth", "ape-like fury", "Bones audibly shattered", "never, she used to say, with streaming tears, when she narrated that experience" and also just a random quote from Jekyll "we are commingled out of both good and eveil"

Not sure if chapter 1 is close enough to the extract :frown: . I just had such good points that I thought were better than the ones I could make from the extract so I chose to do that :frown:
Original post by elsie_rose_
what was the aqa question on Macbeth?
Original post by elsie_rose_
what was the aqa question on Macbeth?

"To what extent does Shakespeare present Lady M as a strong female character?"
what exams you guys have next??
Reply 437
Original post by battle_machine07
lmao same icl. I loved that scrooge life lessons question sm but lady macbeth. Bun her, whyd they do that AGAIN. so boring omg

I only revised themes. Throwing a character ****ed it up an
Original post by fffnnnlllyyy
How does everybody think they did? Feel free to share their thoughts and feelings.
I’m not going to lie but the Lady Macbeth question threw me off a bit 💀 so much so I spent more time on than planned. As for ACC, I was really happy with the question that came up, but I didn’t write enough because I spent too much time on the Macbeth question!! Oh well. Lmao. Still another paper coming up that can redeem my grade

only revised themes as they were predictions - ACC threw me off a bit but once i started writing it wasn't too bad - i kind of wrote it as if the question was on redemption
Original post by blwuerry
Did u see my mssg yesterday i predicted maan with deception lol anyways that extract was SHEEEZ but it thik it went good… my oara one was on good deception and how its used to bring characters together in an authentic love based on heatfelt emotions… 2nd was on dab deception and how its based on superficial appearances and trickery fuelled by shame of hinor…. Para 3 was the outcomes of deception and how the good and bad outcomes are contrasted in the process of one scene (hero’s slandering) but as the stark contradt of one another (one broke and tained love the other united and caused love)
i’m my three paragraphs were basically the same lol
I hated the extract but loved the question so hopefully it’s ok

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