U.S. Representatives Reimagined as Their Spirit Animals
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U.S. Representatives Reimagined as Their Spirit Animals

Mitch McConnell as a Dinosaur

Mitch McConnell as a Dinosaur

Dinosaurs, creatures of immense power that once ruled the Earth, represent our country's leadership clinging to outdated practices and ideologies, despite Americans' ever-evolving lifestyles and perspectives. McConnell was elected to the Senate in 1985 and is now Kentucky's longest-serving senator. He became Senate Majority Leader in 2014 when Republicans gained control, and in 2021 he began his run as Senate Minority Leader.

This dinosaur's days of dominating are coming to an end soon, however. He has frozen up twice while answering questions from the press within the past year, and he announced his decision to step down (finally) in November, upon growing concerns about his health. Similar concerns were voiced about Senator Dianne Feinstein, and unfortunately we all know how that ended. Here's to hoping Mitch can enjoy his retirement in the sun.

(Image via Midjourney)

Liz Cheney as an Iguana

Liz Cheney as an Iguana

Iguanas are masters of camouflage, and so is our girl Liz! Despite rising to political prominence because of her famous war-loving father and her love of war, Cheney was kicked out of the Republican party in 2021 and censured in 2022. Was it because of her voting record? Of course not. Her voting record matched former President Trump's 90% of the time. It was because she spoke up against him publicly—and she knew what the consequences would be, so some see her efforts as brave.

The Republican party, however, saw it as a traitorous act. So some might compare her to the iguana who can change its colors and fit in anywhere; Cheney is now a professor of practice at the University of Virginia Center for Politics. Proving there is life after cancellation!

(Image via Midjourney)

Ted Cruz as a Spittin' Llama

Ted Cruz as a Spittin' Llama

Llamas are notorious for spitting in people's faces, and well, Ted Cruz is notorious for his nasty spit bubbles. So if the shoe fits...

You can't find llamas in Cancun, but you can find Ted there when there's a crisis in Texas!

(Image via Midjourney)

Mitch McConnell as a Wild Turkey

Mitch McConnell as a Wild Turkey

In the world of politics, being a bit wild is just par for the course. Here, the lines are blurred between nature's lawlessness and political theater.

McConnell roams supreme as a wild turkey, navigating through the thicket with the ease of a creature perfectly at home amid the chaos, a master of both the pecking order and the order of business. Wonder which wild turkey will line up to take his place in the henhouse...

(Image via Midjourney)

Kevin McCarthy as the Big Bad Wolf

Kevin McCarthy as the Big Bad Wolf

Who's afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? Well, when he looks like Kevin McCarthy, the answer is: no one. 

McCarthy has been in the Senate since 2006 and served as the House Majority Leader from 2014 to 2018. He has always been notoriously wishy-washy, and in 2023, his peers removed him as Speaker. So yeah...huff and puff away, dude. You have no house to burn down anymore.

(Image via Midjourney)

Lindsey Graham as Happy Bunny

Lindsey Graham as Happy Bunny

Lindsey Graham has been hopping around the streets of D.C. since 1995. Here, we compare him to Happy Bunny, who always has something outrageous and unpleasant to say.

But you could also say he's the Energizer Bunny, because he never quits. No matter how much we want him to.

(Image via Midjourney)

Mitch McConnell as a Turtle

Mitch McConnell as a Turtle

Final one for Mitch, scout's honor. Here, our fearless Senate Minority Leader is transformed into a turtle. This represents the slow speed at which he operates (unless there's a Supreme Court seat up for grabs), as well as the tendency to retreat within his shell when he gets scared and freezes up in public (which keeps happening more and more lately...)

McConnell is the longest-serving senator in Kentucky's history, taking up space in D.C. since 1985—the same year The Breakfast Club came out in theaters! And just like the famous tortoise in The Tortoise and the Hare, ol' Mitch has proven to be slow and steady, winning the rat's race.

(Image via Midjourney)