Atıf Akın’s work walks the line between science and art. “My work examines science, nature, spatiotemporality, and mobility as these relate to contemporary phenomena, including migration, radiation, surveillance, hyper presence, and genetic mutations,” says Akin. He lives and works in New York and is an Associate Professor of Art & Design at Mason Gross School of the Arts, Rutgers University. 

Akın’s journey to becoming an artist is shaped by a background in science rather than a formal art education. Hailing from Turkey, where scientific education was celebrated and art was often overlooked, Akın’s transition into the art world was influenced by a desire to explore the intersection of art and science. This unique perspective informs Akın’s approach to art-making, where he integrates technology, not just as a medium, but as a subject of exploration.

“Since the beginning of my practice, I have been interested in the manifestations of boundaries–physical, metaphorical, and linguistic–that exist around science, nature and politics,” says Akın. “I believe that art is the only contemporary arena that can present critical perspectives on an issue in a multilayered, transgressive, sometimes dissonant, yet progressive way.”

“In an effort to create the most effective presentations, I refuse to settle into an established medium of expression,” says Akın. “Instead I move between various media, including photography, video, and visualization of quantitative information and programmable media.”

Akın’s refusal to limit his artistic expression and exploration to a single medium engages the viewer in many modalities.

Central to Akın’s artistic ethos is the theme of immigration and cultural adaptation. Having immigrated to the United States, Akın’s personal experiences as an immigrant shape his artistic exploration of integration and identity. This thematic thread underscores the artist’s belief that immigration enriches societal perspectives, fostering new connections and dialogues within artistic communities.

Some of Akın’s recent work includes architectural installations that feature colorful gradients and open new avenues for engaging with urban landscapes. By utilizing abstract visualizations inspired by oil silos and ripple effects, Akın invites viewers to contemplate the crossovers between the natural and built worlds.

Where Akın makes art, and chooses to display it, also reflects these sentiments. His recent residencies near nuclear sites like Hanford and Chernobyl reflect his deep-seated interest in environmental and historical contexts. By immersing himself in these locales, Akın seeks to amplify narratives of environmental impact and cultural heritage through his art.

About the Artist

Atıf Akın’s artistic journey exemplifies the transformative potential of contemporary art in challenging norms and fostering meaningful dialogues. As he continues to push the boundaries of technoscientific criticism, Akın invites us to reconsider entrenched narratives and embrace the complexities of our ever-evolving world.

Join Akın’s “Zine Making Workshop” on May 25th

Learn from Akın at Zine Making Workshop on Saturday, May 25, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. The workshop will engage with indie publication as an artistic practice in an effort to connect through cultural commons, or the shared interdisciplinary knowledge acquired by varied communities.


Published On: May 10th, 2024 / Categories: Pine Meadow Ranch, Pine Meadow Ranch Programs /