Armstrong an award-winning city for its environmental practices - Vernon News -

Armstrong an award-winning city for its environmental practices

Award-winning city

The City of Armstrong received the Southern Interior Local Government Association Environmental Sustainability Award.

Presented on May 3 at the SILGA conference, the city says the award shows Armstrong’s strong commitment to environmental sustainability.

“Receiving the SILGA Environmental Sustainability Award is a testament to Armstrong's dedication to environmental stewardship,” said Mayor Joe Cramer. “This recognition highlights our community's efforts to protect our natural resources and build a more sustainable future for generations to come.”

The city points to a number of green initiatives making them deserving of the award.

Some examples are the Meighan Creek Diversion project to mitigate flood impacts, changes to the water conservation bylaws giving increased incentives for year-round water conservation, and city hall exceeding environmental standards with energy efficient practices.

The city has also transitioned its fleet to electric-powered vehicles to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

More about the city’s environmental initiatives can be found online here.

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