Leave a comment on this article for a chance to win a Free Clicks for iPhone! If you don't have an iPhone you can win that too!📲 🎂

CBK's Birthday Giveaway!
Source: CrackBerry Kevin

🎵Happy Birthday to Me, Happy Birthday to Me…

My birthday wish last year was to successfully bring a real keyboard back to the world of smartphones, and… my wish came true in spades.

The announcement of Clicks for iPhone in early January went truly viral, getting attention around the globe.. andI've been sleep deprived since. I guess you do need to be careful what you wish for 🤣

Pretty much every waking hour of every day in 2024 has been dedicated to building the business and I dream about Clicks while I sleep (for real). But it's been totally worth it. Zero complaints. Clicks is now in the hands of thousands of Founders Edition customers and as we prep for our full scale retail launch in the back half of the year sooo many more thumbs are going to experience the joys of tactile typing.

Since it's my birthday, and there's nothing I enjoy more than writing posts on CrackBerry and giving away free stuff, I figured I'd take a break from startup life and provide a Clicks company update (for those who are interested in our progress) along with a Cracky giveaway.

Be sure to leave a comment on this article or on any of the social media channels where you're seeing this get shared (Instagram, X, LinkedIn) for your chance to win a Free Clicks for iPhone (along with a free iPhone too if you don't have one!).

We may earn a commission for purchases using our links. Learn more.

$139 USD

Clicks for iPhone

Clicks for iPhone 15

The Ultimate Typing Machine

Available for the iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Plus, iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max in BumbleBee (yellow), London Sky (grey), Royal Ink (blue) and Miami Beach (pink). Starting at $139 USD.

$139 USD

Clicks for iPhone

Clicks for iPhone 14

A New Way to Experience iPhone

Available for the iPhone 14 Pro and 14 Pro Max in BumbleBee (yellow) and London Sky (grey). Starting at $139 USD.

Clicks for iPhone Founders Edition Update

Clicks for iPhone Founders Edition
Source: Clicks.tech

A HUGE THANK YOU goes out to our Founders Edition customers who were first to order Clicks this year and be part of the journey to bring buttons back. Your support means so much. We're almost through it!

The first half of this year was about getting our initial manufacturing runs for iPhone 14 Pro, 15 Pro and 15 Pro Max completed. In many ways this was like three product launches. We initially designed Clicks to work with Apple's lightning connector (hence why the 14 Pro launched first), which put the USB-C iPhone 15 models on a slightly longer lead time. Overall we ended up a few weeks behind schedule with some of our shipments from where we wanted to be, but we're almost through it now with the last batch of our iPhone 15 Pro Max orders getting shipped out shortly.

Hardware is hard. I've heard that saying countless times in the last 20 years and can definitely attest that the old adage is true. Challenges pop-up almost daily but our growing team is committed to the mission and we're getting better every day. To cope with the demand and workload in the last five months we've gone from a small founding team to a headcount of nearly 30 awesome people in the company Slack. There's a chance I'll get a full night's sleep this year! 🤞

Some highlights from our Founders Edition Rollout:

Creating a Culture of Customer Success: We were flooded with so many orders up front that handling the sheer volume of customer inquiries was difficult. Response times were not as quick as they should have been and some things inevitably fell through the cracks. We're in much better shape now with faster response times, better tools, better policies, better processes and a Customer Success team that's empowered to take care of Clicks customers and ensure they have a great experience. As a company this is something we'll continually strive to be best in class at. PSA: Don't hit me or MrMobile up directly for customer support - you'll want to head here.

OMG THERE ARE SOME INSANELY AMAZING CLICKS USERS OUT THERE: I'm not one to kiss click and tell, but you would be amazed at some of the people who are already using Clicks in the world today.

CEOs/executives at some of the BIGGEST companies on the planet, famous authors, musicians, politicians and celebs are typing on Clicks.

Heck, Clicks even showed up on American Idol a few weeks back in the hands of Meghan Trainor. I've had the pleasure of trading emails with many of these folks over the past few months who are just as nerd-level excited about tactile typing on their smartphone as CrackBerry Kevin has ever been. It literally blows my mind 🤯

Made for iPhone Certified / Clicks App: It was super exciting for Clicks for the iPhone 14 Pro to get this official stamp of approval from Apple. Also exciting to get the Clicks app for iPhone for into the app store. There's a solid roadmap here that will allow the Clicks experience to keep getting better and better!

Made For Phone
Source: Apple

There's a groWING Clickster Community: Everybody knows the best part of CrackBerry.com wasn't CrackBerry Kevin and not even our awesome contests... it was the Community of passionate BlackBerry fans that always made this place sticky. It's been so fun to start seeing a new community of Clicksters take shape. Instead of a forum we're chilling in the Clicks Discord, but methinks we may have to spin up a Clicks forum on CrackBerry here soon too (honestly... at my age I prefer the pace and information density of an asynchronous forum thread to the dizzying and A.D.D.-inducing chaos of real time group chats lol).

The best part of the Clickster community has been that Clicks owners are unlocking even more features and use cases than we discovered on our own in building the product!

Clicks BREAKS Social Norms: It's amazing how Clicks can turn heads in public. It breaks social norms. People will literally walk over and interrupt you to ask What phone is that?! For some there's a nostalgia factor and the lingering love of buttons is absolutely real. For the younger generation they're seeing a design that is completely new to them. Beyond the benefits of tactile typing, we've had more than a few customers tell us they simply love Clicks as an icebreaker. Clicks will literally make you friends wherever you go. How cool is that?!

Clicks for iPhone Retail Launch!

More models. New colors. Local pricing. Free shipping. Retail availability.

Clicks London Selfridges
Source: CrackBerry

Clicks kept a pretty low profile the last few months as we focused on our Founders Edition customers. Moving beyond that roll out you're going to see us start making A LOT MORE NOISE.

As a company headquartered in the UK and with our first flagship color colour being yellow it was only fitting that our first retail availability be at Selfridges London! Seeing Clicks in a retail environment is just so damn eye catching.

As we extend availability in more places we're also bringing more Clicks to the world as well:

New Models: The (much requested) iPhone 14 Pro Max has been added to the line up along with the base model iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Plus. If you visit Clicks.tech from Germany, Austria, Switzerland or Belgium you'll also find we're offering a QWERTZ version of Clicks and an AZERTY version for France.

New Colors: In addition to BumbleBee (yellow) and London Sky (grey), Clicks for iPhone 15 are also available in Royal Ink (blue) and Miami Beach (pink). We've crushed it with our colors and names if I do say so myself 😁

Localized Pricing: For the Founders Edition our pricing was in USD, but as we go forward we also have local pricing for Canada, Britain and Europe (if you purchase from elsewhere the price is in USD converted to your local currency).

  • 14 Pro, 15, 15 Pro: $139 USD, $179 CAD, $109 GBP, $129 Euro

  • 14 Pro Max, 15 Plus, 15 Pro Max: $159 USD, $199 CAD, $129 GBP, $149 Euro

Free Shipping: When we launched Clicks we didn't know where our customers would come from, so we started with one shipping facility out of Hong Kong and everything shipping internationally. Our Founders Edition units have been delivered to over 80 countries! We've begun partnering with local distributors in key markets and over the next few months will have local shipping support for the US, Canada, Europe, Asia and more. For those ordering online from Clicks.tech there will always be a free shipping option!

Retail Availability: While our primary focus in 2024 is to sell online via Clicks.tech, we will be announcing some retail partnerships in the weeks ahead that are going to next-level our mission to bring buttons back to the mobile world. Mums the word for now but I'm super excited!

Order Your Clicks: The demand for Clicks is high, so if you're interested in getting your hands on Clicks the best thing to do is jump over to Clicks.tech and place your order. Be sure to pay attention to the order times. Some of the models/units are in stock and ship right away, while the new models and new colors have a longer lead time and will be here for summer (would still recommend ordering now to get to the front of the queue).

What's Next for CBK and Clicks

Cbk Making Noise
Source: CBK

When I announced I bought CrackBerry.com back in January 2022 I was initially really excited, but I quickly realized something wasn't feeling quite right. With BlackBerry gone from the world of mobile, I was missing that thing that I loved.

As much as "CrackBerry Kevin" has been referenced over the years as being a tech blogger, tech journalist and/or youtube creator (I chuckle at the last one), the reality is I've never really been any of those.

At the core I've always been an evangelist for the products I love. And I'm not one for being impartial. I'm 100% biased to those things I love!

With Clicks (and some of the other projects I'm involved in like Apostrophy), I now have those missing things I want to be preaching to the world about again!

So while I've been pedal to the metal on building the business this year, now that our team is growing I'm hoping to free up some time so I can spend a lot more time being CBK and making some NOISE. Expect to see proper Clicks coverage soon!

As for Clicks itself… we've been getting tons of requests.. with When is Clicks coming to Android? as the biggest by far. I'm not allowed to comment on "rumors and speculation", but you can definitely REQUEST YOUR CLICKS and note that we are paying attention 😉

Contest Details - ENTER TO WIN

For your chance to win the Clicks for iPhone of your choice (along with a free iPhone if you don't have one), just leave a comment on this article or in any of the locations where I shared it (Instagram, X, LinkedIn).

If you're looking for something specific to comment on, you can… let me know why you love real keyboards, what model of Clicks you're looking for, or just wish me a Happy Birthday! 🎂

Contest closes at midnight pacific time on May 31st, 2024. The winner will be announced and contacted in the first week of June, and I'll update this section of this article with the winning username.

Good Luck!

CrackBerry Kevin

$139 USD

Clicks for iPhone

Clicks for iPhone 15

The Ultimate Typing Machine

Available for the iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Plus, iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max in BumbleBee (yellow), London Sky (grey), Royal Ink (blue) and Miami Beach (pink). Starting at $139 USD.

$139 USD

Clicks for iPhone

Clicks for iPhone 14

A New Way to Experience iPhone

Available for the iPhone 14 Pro and 14 Pro Max in BumbleBee (yellow) and London Sky (grey). Starting at $139 USD.

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