How do you pump and breastfeed? I don't want to run out of milk 🤣 - May 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect
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How do you pump and breastfeed? I don't want to run out of milk 🤣

Sorry, obviously FTM here. If I'm pumping and nursing,  is it possible for me to have just pumped then he wants to feed, to not have enough milk in there?

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I would only pump to replace a nursing session, or if you are worried about supply, you pump after a nursing session. In my experience (fresh STM as of 25 hours ago), I only pumped with my first to replace a nursing session and my supply was just fine for the first 13 months! If you are extra worried, reach out to ur local lactation group or check with ur pediatrician/ hospital u delivered for lactation consultants!

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You can pump if you make enough milk from one side, while baby feeds on other side. You can pump to boost milk production if you don’t make enough (was my case first time). I don’t fully recall but there is a specific time of the day where you can pump a ton (it’s either night or early morning but it’s much more normally) so you can have those extra bottles for partner or for some emergency later on. But in general the more you pump the more your body will make. Obviously can’t save much when baby cluster feeds, but in general it won’t drain you out, but will increase supply. Some of my friends pumped in the beginning of each feeding session cuz of a very strong let down, that was hard to handle for the baby.

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I don't pump, just feed from the breast. Pumping makes it so much harder, in my own opinion 😄. Just nurse on demand and let baby hang out on the boob. is great!

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and you won't run out of milk. Baby is wayyy more effective at getting milk out than the pump is. You'll probably just end up with an oversupply.

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I wouldn’t recommend doing what I did with my first. That is, I pumped as soon as I got home from the hospital for 15 minutes after every feeding. I caused such an oversupply which can lead to many issues. I had a full freezer within 5 months. It was extremely painful not to pump.

This time I’m only going to pump twice a day- once to replace a feeding session and once to build a backup supply

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I pumped once a day in morning so I could slowly store a little stash for baby so dad could offer bottle if I was gone. I never created an oversupply or had any issues not having enough! It worked out great for us! Later on around 12 months I would also pump when I left her longer so my breasts wouldn’t get too full and hurt.

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I’ve always continued getting letdowns even when baby would wake up (of course) the moment after I was done pumping. You don’t run out of milk, it just becomes more work because the body is making it as your baby is nursing. I didn’t start collecting a few pump sessions thigh until my baby was old enough to do a 4 hour stretch of sleep so I knew I could pump 2 hours after putting him to bed. But there were some times he would wake up and want to nurse again right after I pumped. One let down was always enough for him since it actually wasn’t a usual feed time. I don’t know how you’d manage it with a tiny tiny without also preparing a bottle

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I would only nurse for right now and add in pumping in a few weeks. I’m not sure your reason for pumping but if it’s something you really want to do I would only pump right after baby nurses or to replace a feeding

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