Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Early Daze (6/28/2024) | Steve Hoffman Music Forums

Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Early Daze (6/28/2024)

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by Chief, May 16, 2024.

  1. Chief

    Chief Over 12,000 Served Thread Starter

    1. Dance Dance Dance (Included on Neil Young - Archives Vol. I.)
    2. Come On Baby Let’s Go Downtown (Unreleased version)
    3. Winterlong (Unreleased version)
    4. Everybody’s Alone (Different mix included on Archives Vol. I)
    5. Wonderin’ (Unreleased version)
    6. Cinnamon Girl (Original 7” Mono mix. Released April 20, 1970. Includes guitar outro not on LP version.)
    7. Look At All The Things (Unreleased version)
    8. Helpless (Unreleased version)
    9. Birds (Unreleased stereo mix). Mono mix was released as B-side to “Only Love Can Break Your Heart”)
    10. Down By The River (Unreleased version with alternate vocals
    adamos, laf848, RAZORMADE and 52 others like this.
  2. supermd

    supermd Senior Member

    San Jose, CA
    Looks awesome, I’m so down!
    Sean, agundy, phillyal1 and 4 others like this.
  3. nortoni

    nortoni Surfer Joe

    San Francisco, CA
    Yow! A few years back, when Neil asked for what we wanted, this was my number 1 !
    RAZORMADE, Sean, JoeRockhead and 6 others like this.
  4. supermd

    supermd Senior Member

    San Jose, CA
    Did he have a list of possible projects?
    Chief likes this.
  5. barefootjerry

    barefootjerry Forum Resident

    The Early Daze album is up in NYA. You can stream “Everybody’s Alone” now. It shows a release date of 9/20/24 on the file card.
    RAZORMADE, kees1954, Sean and 3 others like this.
  6. Chief

    Chief Over 12,000 Served Thread Starter

    This is fantastic. And just a month away. Funny how he drops these things on us and then it’s out in a month or so.

    “Everybody’s Alone” sounds pretty similar, but definitely different in places. A lot of new stuff to be excited about here!
  7. supermd

    supermd Senior Member

    San Jose, CA
    Thanks for the heads up. It’s also available on Apple Music.
  8. bRETT

    bRETT Senior Member

    Boston MA
    A version of "Look at all the Things" with Neil?? Now that would be a find.
  9. silvertrees

    silvertrees Forum Resident

    Looks awesome!
    Any unreleased Young Crazy Horse with Danny Whitten is always welcome.
    Instant buy!
  10. Dr. Robert

    Dr. Robert Forum Reconstructor

    Curitiba, Brazil

    Looks like I'll be updating my Oh, Lonesome Me playlist in the next few days :D
    Sean, JoeRockhead, Mr. D and 2 others like this.
  11. marmalade166

    marmalade166 Sous les pavés, la plage!

    Aberdeen, Scotland
  12. Parc Fermé

    Parc Fermé Forum Resident

  13. Purple Jim

    Purple Jim Senior Member

    I look forward to the CD!
    bonus, Sean, malcolm reynolds and 5 others like this.
  14. Karl1111

    Karl1111 Forum Resident

    I waited for that winterlong ;)
    Sean, JoeRockhead, Mr. D and 5 others like this.
  15. simonux

    simonux Custom Title

    Will the vinyl be AAA ?
    Sean, Nielsoe and 420JJJazz666 like this.
  16. Young/Swift Axis

    Young/Swift Axis Forum Resident

    Edinburgh, UK
    Will indies be stocking it or is it website only?
  17. sc90

    sc90 Well-Known Member

    I’m a bit surprised not to see I Believe In You on this, just given the fact that it was recorded alongside most of these songs.

    I could always do with more versions of Winterlong though, looking forward to hearing it!
  18. Kiss73

    Kiss73 Forum Resident

    Am I the only NYCH fan who dislikes Dance, Dance, Dance and Wonderin'??
    wanderer1 and Patanoia like this.
  19. jason202

    jason202 Forum Resident

    Washington, D.C.
    Very excited about this one.
    qtrules likes this.
  20. barefootjerry

    barefootjerry Forum Resident

    Maybe. I remember loving “Wonderin”!instantly the first time I heard it on some live 1970 Cincinnati bootleg back in the late 90s. I always thought it should’ve been released (not counting the 80s doo wop version). It’s ok, there are lots of other songs on this new release that I’m sure you’ll enjoy.
    Heart of Gold, Kiss73 and Karl1111 like this.
  21. Catbirdman

    Catbirdman Forum Resident

    I voted in that poll, and Early Daze was my #1 too. Been looking forward to this one. Track list looks promising, and about what I expected. Newly-heard 1969 studio versions of Winterlong, Downtown, Helpless, Wonderin’ and All the Things? Yes, please.
    nortoni, bonus, Heart of Gold and 2 others like this.
  22. ronton99

    ronton99 Forum Resident

    I was at that 1970 Cincinati concert, so the release of Early Daze is a dream come true for me.
    The unreleased songs I heard that night were so strong - Winterlong, Wonderin', C'mon Baby - that I could not wait for the Crazy Horse follow up album to EKTIN.
    It never came, of course - we got After The Goldrush instead.
    I assumed that maybe the Crazy Horse recordings of these songs didn't quite cut the mustard and now we will know.

    We later got a pretty tepid version of Winterlong. It's very buttoned up and professional sounding but without the snap and crackle and organic goodness that Crazy Horse and Neil achieved.
    Likewise Wonderin' - a cool, catchy country ditty with a great vocal counterpart harmony that later showed up on Everybody's Rockin' in a doo-wopped version that is miles away from the heart of the song.
    New studio versions of C'mon Baby and Danny's great Look At All The Things are most welcome.

    Here's a footnote from Shakey about DBTR:
    "There's an alternate version of "Down by the River" - same track, different background parts, different mix - with a very intense scratch vocal (done the night of the band recording) that hints at just what a challenge singing was to Young."
    I assume that's what we will get here.
    I had wondered if there were any edits in DBTR and Cowgirl and maybe now we will know about DBTR.

    Can't wait for this release!
  23. abzach

    abzach Forum Resident

    Seems great!
  24. Mr-Beagle

    Mr-Beagle Ah, but the song carries on, so holy

    I like the version of "Wonderin'"on Everybody's Rockin'. Not a song I'd expected to be given a doo-wop treatment.
    Last edited: May 17, 2024
    bonus, Komakino___, Sean and 3 others like this.

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