Nedrose seniors look to make a difference | News, Sports, Jobs - Minot Daily News

Nedrose seniors look to make a difference

Madison Stromswold

Nedrose High School seniors are graduating this weekend and like many others, they have already planned the next two to four years of their lives.

Graduation is Sunday at the school at 2 p.m.

Bryson Vannett has attended the school since kindergarten, sharing his entire 13 years of education with the same nine students.

“Our class specifically is really close,” Vannett said.

During his senior year, he is taking three dual credit classes: composition, speech and algebra.

Bryson Vannett

After he is finished with high school, he plans on doing an internship with Aux Sable, a petroleum processing plant near Palermo.

In the fall, classes will start for him at Bismarck State College, where he hopes to earn a degree in process technology, which will give him the knowledge needed to turn petroleum into gasoline.

Before he wanted to work with petroleum, his career choice had been a police officer. However, when he toured the plant, seeing the equipment and the process fascinated him to the point that he changed his mind.

Post-college, Vannett would like to stay relatively close to North Dakota as large cities are not his speed. Smaller towns are his preference.

Although, if a job opportunity from out of state presented itself to him, he would not turn it down.

Madison Stromswold is the same way. After she finishes her estimated four years at Minot State University, she would like to stay close to Minot, as well.

Stromswold aims to be an elementary teacher, wanting to teach fourth or fifth graders.

She spent seventh period of her junior year in the Nedrose Elementary School fourth grade classroom as a teacher’s assistant, and she came to realize how much she enjoyed working with children. By the middle of her junior year, her career choice changed from chiropractor to teacher.

Her degree also will cover teaching middle school, but she would rather stick with the older end of the elementary students. She said she would rather teach middle school first before teaching younger students than fourth-grade.

Being a part of a small class of nine students, she also wants to teach at a school with small classes.

“I could do public [school], but definitely something smaller, like Nedrose’s class sizes. I wouldn’t be able to do anything like Minot,” Stromswold said.

She, too, has attended Nedrose since she was in kindergarten and all nine of them will be going separate ways.

Nedrose Graduates

Baric, Taya

Becker, Natalie Erin

Beeter, Autumn

Beuchler, Benjamin Lee

Bitterman, Hannah Mary Frances

Bloms, Sawyer Michael

Boyce, Kaydee Kay

Bruce, Chad Damon

Cole, Keaton Christopher

Deman, Abigail Renee

Dosch, Kayleah Jade

Gray, Kaleb

Hathaway, Tadyn Ryan

Headrick, Cody Darrel

Helde, Isabel Rose

Hill, Torianna A’Mya

Lafferty, Macy Jean

Latendresse, Kyle

Luther, Jaxon

Morin, Cherish Ann

Myers, Jodey O’Brian

Pitner, Briar

Rakness, Lawson Lyle

Rhoads, Heather Renee

Roberts, Meadow May

Rodgers, Talyn

Schuh, Malisa Marie

Sewell, Ethan Thomas

Stromswold, Madison Lynn

Vannett, Bryson James

Walter, Samantha Jeanne

Younger, Vincent Patrick


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