AP World History Livestream REVIEW—Units 7-9 (90 minutes) - INBELLA

AP World History Livestream REVIEW—Units 7-9 (90 minutes)

e [Music] oh my goodness welcome y’all to the final night of our AP World History review we are going over units 7 through 9 tonight we’re going to be here for like 90 minutes at least the review part will be 90 minutes and it’ll be posted on my channel right after uh although I don’t know if you have much time to uh get it uh go back and watch anything you know with the exam being tomorrow the most important thing I’ve seen lots of things y’all are asking in the comments but the most important thing that you can do tonight is get some sleep y’all get some sleep get like eight hours of sleep wake up in the morning eat a good breakfast get to your testing facility on time 7:30 wherever you are um and uh and that’s going to help you way more than staying up late you know cramming whatever if you don’t got it by now probably not going to get it so get the sleep that’s actually going to help you because you know science um but anyway it it’s the last night and tomorrow’s at exam and we’re going to go through sort of the big level ideas that you need to know for unit 7 hopefully those M grapes so you can crush them and make the sweet wine of knowledge flow from them but I know yall are stressed so let me tell you something I uh read a survey the other day it said 30% of pet owners allow their pets to sleep in the bed with them so I tried it now my goldfish is dead [Music] I tried I tried to keep it straight I couldn’t do it okay oh poor Randy okay uh I say we go oh Randy okay uh let’s go a and get started uh with oh by the way um just like the previous nights if you want to use the Super Chat to shout out your teachers or your whatever uh and make me say something like skibby and all stuff that you guys love apparently to make a 44y old bald man say uh I will be reading those between the units and I’ll be reading them after um you know between the units and then after we’re done with the review and just to remind you because I don’t want anybody wasting money I I just want to remind you I can only read them if they’re submitted by 9:30 p.m. okay 9:30 whatever and that’s here eastern time so whatever time period time period history review uh whatever time zone you’re in just do the math and make sure that they’re in by 9:30 okay enough of that let’s go Unit S global conflict oh this should be a fun one uh big idea number one in unit seven and by the way we have got seven big ideas for this unit big idea number one internal and external factors contributed to significant change in various States across the world after 1900 that sounds really vague but let’s fill it in and get some specifics so uh internal and external factors caused the uh significant change in the various States there’s a few that you’re required to know the first is Russia okay uh here we need to talk about the Russian Revolution I’m going to cover in like 15 seconds so much more to say but here’s the big idea Russia was lagging behind e you know the economic growth of the West and you know they’re also reluctant to expand their civil liberties during this period and that led to those were sort of the internal problems and that led to external problems namely the loss of the Crimean War the loss of the Russo Japanese war and so uh ultimately in the Russian Revolution the Bolsheviks seize power under the leadership of Vladimir lenen and establish a communist government so we’ve got a you know significant change in that state then another required one you need to know is Ching China so internally there’s lots of ethnic tension uh within Jing China so there’s you know rival ethnic groups all over the place uh they’re in constant danger of famine there’s diminished government revenue remember this is the period of uh sort of um Western domination of China so they’re they’re kind of in a bad way those are their internal problems their external problems are throat throat threats from uh encroaching Western industrialization the result ultimately was that the last Chinese dynasty was overthrown by sunat sin and we get the Republic of China uh as as a result the China turn into a republic as a result of that it’s not going to stay there long we’ll get to that later uh but like CH 2,000 years of Chinese Imperial dynasties and now it’s over and if you all would like to pause this and you know go have a proper cry over that I ain’t going to judge you but I’m going to keep going another uh example of these changes in States uh is the Mexican Revolution so in the Mexican Revolution or in Mexico during this period there’s this huge wealth gap between you know the wealthy and the poor especially with regard to land okay and then also complicating this was this Mexico’s long-term cooperation with the United States with United States investors uh to the detriment of the landless poor and so that led to a revolution led by Francisco Madero uh which sought to correct the internal and external problems it and then again so much more to it than that but that’s the basic idea of the way uh states are changing in this period as a result of internal and external factors and that my friend leads us to big idea number two World War I was caused by a combination of militarism alliances imperialism and nationalism those are those main causes you got to know about what caused World War I I’m just going to break it down real quick militarism okay uh before World War I there was a huge buildup of military weaponry thanks industrialization that’s you know and when there’s lots of uh standing armies and there’s lots of new military Technologies everybody wants to blow someone’s crap up it’s just it’s kind of what happens so militarism is the first cause of World War I then there was the alliance system so these were you know defensive groupings of Nations that were stacked against one another and the idea was and you know in in an antagonistic relationship and the idea was that they sort of made promises to these other states that if one of them attacked that meant that all of them would retaliate okay so that’s the alliance system we got militarism alliance system and then we have imperialism talked a lot about this last night and you know long story short Fierce competition as a result of imperialism till a claim on the you know the few untouched places uh of the world uh especially you know Africa during uh the late 19th century um uh to uh you know for European powers to grab those for their own um colonial empires and then finally the fourth cause of World War I was National ISM we talked again about that last night so recall all that that we said uh but basically it’s just you know intense feelings of pride in one’s national identity and if anything slights that national identity then the only real way to retaliate against that you know everything is an insult insult to uh you know a state’s National Honor when nationalism is is beating and thumping uh and so when you combine that with militarism well then you know you somebody insults you you want to you know blow them up so all those causes the main causes none of those in particular caused World War I but put all of them in a pot and you just got to add one little extra ingredient and that extra ingredient was the assassination of Austrian Arch Duke France Ferdinand now he was Austrian he was uh assassinated by a Serbian nationalist so what should have been just you know Serbia and uh Austria fighting it out oh I can’t believe you killed the guy no but whatever and he had these policy what what should have just been a little squibble between those two states because of the alliance system that whole thing blew up and then we get World War I which leads us to big idea number three governments used a variety of strategies to fight World War I including propaganda to mobilize their home fronts and new weapons technology in the battlefield as much as you might want to know about all the battles and how they were fought and this that’s that’s not we don’t really need to know that stuff there’s a few things that you need to know about World War I number one it was what’s known as a total war which means that each country that fought in this war basically leveraged all of its assets uh uh domestic and you know both at home and abroad in order to fight this war okay one of the means that uh States used often to keep the war effort going was propaganda so propaganda was a you know a way of communicating that spreads bias uh and inaccurate information uh as a means to invoke like fear or anger or hatred or whatever in a group of people in order to Rally them to a cause and so you know you have posters and advertisement that portrayed enemies as these vicious brutes and you know like they’re less than human they’re coming for your children they’re going to eat them etc etc and so you know those are meant to instill fear and keep people sacrificing for the cause because remember this is a total war we need people people at home home to be sacrificing just as much as uh the the folks on the field also when you talk about new technologies in World War I that made this one of the deadliest Wars in history up to that point uh and I’ll just run through a few of them uh poison gas uh machine guns submarines tanks um and all of these sort of put together kind of led to the main feature of the way World War I was fought namely via trench warfare now trench warfare itself was not a new thing it had been used for a long time but um the extent of it in World War I was astonishing like thanks to these other Technologies those miles and miles of trenches that they dug ensured these lasting and long and bitter stalemates which also led to incredible amounts of casualties okay that’s all we’re going to say about World War I the war ends with the treat the signing of the Treaty of versailes in 1918 and then it’s over it it was much more intense uh to live through it than to hear it here in this review but that leads us to big idea number four following World War I governments began to take a more prominent role in their nation’s economies okay so governments get in their hands all Filthy in the economy okay what did that look like you need to know a few examples first uh comes to us from the United States so 1929 we get the Great Depression it begins in the US but then spreads to the rest of the world partially because mainly because uh all the European States uh that were rebuilding from World War I were like borrowing money uh from um the United States in order to finance all that and then when the US economy tanked well they didn’t have any boom boom to go spending on you know all their infrastructure and that sort of thing the president uh that that was in office when the Depression started Herbert Hoover you don’t need to know his name but um he was like very much hands off you know the economy okay lot a fair no no worries the the economy will essentially fix itself if you just give it long enough that did not work people were not excited about that policy and so they elected Franklin D Delano Roosevelt Roosevelt is a name you should know um because he led the charge uh under the uh the title of the New Deal whole set of policies named the New Deal um to get the government massively involved in spending in order to rescue the United States economy from depression now I wish I could say more we’re not going to say anymore but the point is that’s an example of government involvement in the uh in the economy in the inter War period then let’s talk about Germany so after World War I Germany’s economy was ruined uh for many reasons but one of them was because of uh rampant inflation uh which sort of transformed into what’s known as hyperinflation which like their their money essentially became worthless like somebody go to the stinking grocery store to buy bread and they got like 4 million marks to buy bread because their money was worthless um and so that created a um serious economic hardship in Italy in part in large part this leads to the rise of the fascism uh in the Nazi party um and uh the rise of Adolf Hitler and his leadership in that um and we’ll get to more about him later but for now what you need to remember is that through Nazi policies there was intense government intervention in the German economy to bring Germany out of this you know uh economic um it’s not even a downturn it’s serious depression um so what did they do well the Nazi government uh canceled their reparations payments uh they spent massive amounts of money on building their military up etc etc then we go over to the Soviet Union the Soviet Union’s uh the government intervention in the economy there took the form of uh fiveyear plans uh thanks to our boy Joseph Stalin I shouldn’t say our boy it makes makes it sound like he was a great guy he was not um but the fiveyear plans basically Were Meant to transform the USSR into an industrial power but to do it very rapidly okay now that caused all sorts of problems but one of the main features of those 5year plans was the collectivization of Agriculture basically taking all the the land uh in Russia that was uh aable and farmable and basically now the state owns it and uh that food is going to serve the Soviet Union and the way that worked out was that that food in large part was shipped to Urban industrial centers okay so you got Farmers out in the rural area shipping their food to Rural and excuse me to Urban industrial centers CU remember the government plan here is to industrialize rapidly and that means uh centers of Industry yeah they they got to be fed so the the the unfortunate part there is with Stalin’s obsession with supporting the workers in those Urban centers that led to widespread famine in the rural areas and widespread death uh especially in Ukraine okay um and that was that was by decision from Stalin it wasn’t like something that just happened he he decided to do that and that brings us to big idea number five we’re getting it we’re getting it all right five out of seven World War II was caused by the unsustainable peace agreement of World War I economic crisis and the rise of fascist regime regimes most notably Nazi Germany okay so uh let’s talk first about the uh um unsustainable peace agreement uh that was the Treaty of Versa uh and it was problematic in many ways but there are two especially problematic parts that I want to draw your attention to First was the war guilt clause which essentially pinned the entire blame for the uh war and all of its destruction and all of its death on Germany alone okay and you’re like H who cares but in if you were German during this time that was a source remember nationalism is a is a massive force during this period that was a huge like uh that that created an enormous amount of national shame for the German people then uh also in the Treaty of Versa the second um problematic part was the um the demand that or the requirement that Germany pay reparations uh in order to which essentially you know pay money uh in order to um rebuild everything that they had destroyed which according to that previous Clause was all their fault anyway and as I mentioned in the last point that essentially destroys the German economy so yeah Treaty of versailes not great it it it essentially is going to lead us to a second world war but also thrown into the pot we’ve got economic crisis okay we got the Great Depression we got hyperinflation in Germany Etc and then third we’ve got the rise of fascist regime regimes so we’ve got musolini in Italy he was the original fascist but uh here just for time sake we’ll focus on the rise of the Nazi party in Germany So within the Nazi party uh the their policies and their rhetoric was characterized by extreme nationalism extreme militarism uh and they they wanted to restore German greatness on the world stage after that humiliation uh that they suffered in World War I and so it was policies that canceled reparations then uh as once Hitler comes to power uh he begins annexing land all around Germany because he wants some living space that old Laban SRAM and uh and Britain and France the his you know the Germany’s antagonist in the first world war their response or I should say Britain’s especially is appeasement like let’s not start another world war I’m sure Hitler is not going to take any more l oh he took some more but that that’s got to be it I mean he’s not going to take any more anyway when when word got around that Poland was or that that Hitler was going to invade Poland that kind of was the last straw for that policy of appeasement uh in terms of you know Britain and France drawing a Line in the Sand so September 1939 Germany invades Poland and that’s how you get World War II and that leads us to big idea number six World War II was another Total War and totalitarian and democratic nations deployed all their Nations resources to fight and win okay so lots of similar stuff here to World War I so when you to talk about the methods that uh this Total War by which this Total War was carried on um similar to World War I you got propaganda um you’ve got uh you know the manufacturing sectors of these uh States repurposed for military output that again I don’t think I mentioned this for World War I but again in World War II uh these these states that had European States that had spent the last period building up these massive Empires they call up colonial men to fight in the war etc etc um but then we need to understand um how different styles of government handled mobilization for war so let’s look at a uh Democratic example and then let’s look at a totalitarian example so Democratic let’s look at the United States and the way that they mobilized so the United States arguably by far had the strongest industrial sector of them all and like they were not in danger of Destruction since you know they’re very far removed from the conflicts going on all the way across the Atlantic Ocean and so when the war broke out the United States we’re not interested we’re not going to we’re not going to be involved so isolationism at the beginning but that didn’t mean that the United States didn’t take sides okay so you know United States with that phenomenal industrial capacity produced an astounding amount of Munitions for the war effort um and brought you know as as men were off fighting they brought women into the factories to to fill their jobs um and on and on so that’s you know that’s how the United States essentially did it uh let’s give an example of how a totalitarian government did it um and we will look at um well look at German mobilization here so they Germans didn’t use citizens as much as the United States instead they relied on forced labor for much of what they needed to do to mobilize some of that uh a healthy portion of it was done in concentration camps by you know enemies of you know the German State uh which we’ll talk about more in a minute that ended up being counterproductive for them because the conditions were so harsh in those camps that productivity suffered greatly also in waging World War II there was a significant just like in World War I a significant repression of civil liberties okay um that I just mentioned you know the concentration camps uh in Germany uh many uh Jews were sent there um and uh other undesirables as the Germans would would say you know the Roma uh homosexuals uh disabled people etc etc uh so clearly trampling upon their um their civil rights by doing so but it wasn’t just totalitarian governments that did this de democratic governments uh repress civil liberties as well um in both World War I and World War II the United States very much curtailed freedoms of speech uh and in in other uh democracies as well like um uh what’s the other one the island across the sea Great Britain that’s the one that’s what I’m looking before um but by far in you know in my opinion the the most um most notorious of these uh rep repression of civil liberties was uh from the United States and the project of Japanese internment so uh by executive order from the president after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor in Hawaii um Roosevelt signed an executive order that uh required uh many of the Japanese americ amans like these are American citizens Japanese American citizens on the west coast to um to move to these internment camps where they were held without uh any of their constitutional rights okay that’s enough of that um also the last thing we need to know about um World War II is some of the new military tactics and the technology uh that ensure that this was the deadliest war in history so there was the firebombing of Tokyo and Dresden firebombing is you that’s the the use of incendiary bombs uh which are meant not really to cause a huge blast but are meant to start fires okay and so within those bombing campaigns hundreds of thousands of civilians died uh as a result of that the most notorious new technology of the second world war was of course the atomic bomb so uh the United States developed this um in order to you know Force Japan to surrender in the Pacific Theater uh they dropped to of these bombs on uh one on Hiroshima One on Nagasaki um and despite the civilian casualties it achieved their aim which was the surrender of Japan Unit Seven big idea number seven this is the last big idea of this one and we’ll get to some shout outs the rise of extremist groups led to the attempted destruction of certain populations through genocide and ethnic violence okay before I get into this this is a this is a touchy one just be careful in the comments really you I mean moderators will we’ll we’ll boot you for sure please please just okay we’re good I mean I know none of you would do that it’s it’s the uh it’s those other folks who are just coming in they don’t know what’s going on in here um so we need to talk about genocide attempted genocide uh and the example I want to use here is the Nazi Holocaust so so under the um under the the rubric of what was known as the final solution um basically the Germans sought to the Nazis sought to rid the German population of the Jews and so there was a forced removal uh from the popula of that population into concentration and death camps uh where you know the stronger folks were sent to forc labor and then for the others there was mass extermination for those who were deemed weaker um and that mass extermination happened with industrial Precision at and at industrial scale um so so um yeah that’s that we’ll um we’ll leave it at that there was other ethnic violence as well I mentioned Ukraine earlier so um in the Soviet Union you know this Ukrainian Farmland was especially productive uh in feeding the Soviet Union and farmers represented Stalin’s not represented resented Stalin’s collectivization of Agriculture why because their food was confiscated to feed the urban populations and it didn’t leave enough for them so their response was to burn crops kill livestock etc etc and that created a massive famine like 7 to 10 million peasants died as a result of that um and so what little food was left Stalin went ahead and took those crops that were you know grown elsewhere and kept sending them to the urban workers um and there was no help for the Ukrainian peasantry that was what was known as the Hol demore or death by hunger okay that’s unit 7 unit 7 ends on a bummer for sure but let’s do some super chats all right uh remember I’ll be uh reading a few of these uh right now a few of these after Unit 8 and then the rest of them uh after we’re done and we’ll just go as you know as long as we need to and um make sure that they’re in what if you want me to read something it has to be in by 9:30 p.m. eastern time all right let’s start uh Simone soers shout out to Mr schwarzman from Sha Sha best teacher ever Alexis heimler Shout Out Mr hara’s class from BG shs he did an amazing job and a good luck to us and I JS studied Friday and you’re a 1 God bless you for real you’re the goat well thank you bake Mr Molen it is dday minus one and I love you Cole I love you Cole H car crazy London shout out to JV the most Sigma looks maxer in Ohio Delilah Collins please shout out Mrs Whitney Baker she’s the greatest teacher ever and she loves your channel plus tell her she walks like a Sim well I love her back thank you um Aldo reg regalo reg Regal uh Hey pts Dr regalato here proud of BNC period oh he’s a teacher come on I love it I love it Western Front Productions heimler you and Dr regalad need to 1 V one in fortnite also b period is slightly better because of sebbi the chosen one okay I got to tell yall something about fortnite I I caught myself daydreaming uh earlier that when I started the stream like I didn’t I just like lit this happened and then I noticed it I started the stream in my Daydream and the first Super Chat was hey let’s let’s ditch this and you should just stream some fortnite and I was like yes let’s do that and then and then I caught myself dreaming that and I’m like man that would be nice that would be nice but ultimately irresponsible so Nate de great YT uh hey h can you shout out Miss casy from Summit High School Trevor deap Penta Shout Out Mr Pierce also shout out to tubby Ben fleo shout out to Mr Pierce he’s skibbidy Matthew Bina shout out Mrs B from patm high school professional procrastinator shout out to our teacher Mrs martello also thank you all the way from Colombia you’ve been a savior to every one of my class well hello Colombia Tori shout out to Tori Lily Eric and Gabby and Mr Williamson’s first period and tell Eric he can’t sleep through this one Andre shout out to Mrs kopas AP World History Class y’all are sigmas Lily Smith shout out to Mr a uh Ain Ain 6B class at First Coast har Destiny gamer let me do a few more of these Destiny gamer shout out to Dr salvator mumii mumii uh I hope I said that right M school thank you for making sure we were all stressed out especially Johnny James Cole shout out to Dr Reynolds because he is my favorite teacher please say how I should be a student of the year since I learned Jamaican for her uh Addie Ral rajal hey heimler can you shout out Dr de antonus Dr deonis uh at AIT and tell Darwin to lock in and do his aush work all right one more Kurt Von weav please bless the pencils I’ll be using for the AP World exam tomorrow with your magical powers pencil’s blessed okay let’s go back and uh get going with Unit 8 but first water yall are all telling me to stream fortnite I really think you’re over underestimating how good I am if you would tune into to that I hope it’s not because you want to see some excellent playing because you would be disappointed you have to set your bar real low okay let’s go to unit8 uh we’re talking about the Cold War and decolonization no big deal just two of the most massive developments in uh the 20th century but let’s give it a shot big idea number one and by the way we have eight Big Ideas here unit8 is Beefy so G thyself the Cold War was a a decades long ideological struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union that shaped to a significant degree the geopolitics uh in the second half of the 20th century uh I think I meant to say World geopolitics in the 20 second half of the 20th century okay so cold war begins almost as soon as World War II ends and there’s a few causes that you need to know number one conflicting ideologies between the two major powers that were involved in the Cold War the United States ideology was Democratic capitalism Soviet Union was authoritarian communism both of these states emerged from World War II as the the most powerful states in the world so that was one cause conflicting ideologies next cause of the Cold War was Mutual mistrust between these two Powers so remember uh I don’t think I said it but hopefully you learned it that uh the Soviet Union and the United States were allies in World War II um but like not because they were buddies but it was more of a practical necessity um but even before the war was over they started giving each other the side eye uh mainly because of their disagreements on the nature of the postwar world so you know right as the war is ending Stalin claims a lot of Eastern Europe and refused to allow them to to have Democratic elections which that you know Stalin and uh the United States and Great Britain they all agreed that that that they would have Democratic elections Stalin was like no not interested so that’s creating Mutual mistrust also contributing that was their disagreements over Germany so there was the Berlin Wall which divided Germany into Soviet and Western uh that caused all sorts of problems um and basically right after the war as they’re talking about how how should we treat Germany this time because remember last time when we you know uh shamed Germany on the national stage and ruined their economy that led us to the second world war so Soviets wanted to keep Germany weak because I mean understandably Germany did quite a bit of damage uh uh to the Russians um but um the Western Powers advocated for German economic recovery because again if if we turn Germany into a Potato Patch again then that I guess we’re just going to run this whole thing over again in World War II so there’s a huge disagreement on how that was going to go now that was just the causes of the Cold War okay it’s going to last for like 40 years and it’s going to shape dang near everything in you know globalized World politics but one thing you need to know that’s uh that arose out of this conflict was the was was a reaction to it and that was the non-aligned movement so um we’ll talk about decolonization in a moment but as the process of decolonization was creating all these new States across the world uh the US and the Soviet Union start racing to influence each of these new States and uh you know get them onto their side oh you like democracy you should come with oh you like communism you like all this money too come you know like they’re trying to you know divide the world into US versus them some states some of these new you know decolonized newly independent states they they resist getting caught up in that cold war rivalry and therefore that’s how you get the non-aligned movement so in 1955 Indonesian president akmad sucaro hosted a meeting of 29 African and Asian heads of state who represented uh new states that were formerly colonies or those still resisting colonial rule in search of Independence and they describ themselves as nonaligned in order to communicate that they refuse to be controlled by this conflict between these two superpowers we’ll say more about that but first let’s go to big idea number two the major effects of the Cold War included an arms race new military alliances and proxy wars across the globe okay so let’s talk about arms race first both the Soviet Union and the United States spent metric buttloads of money developing larger and more powerful stockpiles of weapons not least nuclear weapons and when you got that many nuclear weapons and other kinds of weapons pointed at each other at least attention obviously naturally um that was a big feature arms race excuse me uh then another feature was of the Cold War was military alliances um you there’s two here you need to know first is NATO the North Atlantic Treaty Alliance uh this was a an alliance led by the United States and uh it basically was a conglomeration of many western states in Western Europe uh in order to oppose Soviet expansion uh the Soviets responded to Nato with the Warsaw Pact same idea so this this included the Soviet Union and their satellite States in Eastern and Central Europe and it was to guard against the encroaching values and political ideologies of the West Okay so military alliances then we had a series of proxy wars okay um now because the US and the Soviet Union understood they that they could not attack each other directly because like it would be over all everything would be over like nothing would be left after all that destruction um they understood that if they fought each other it would be mutual assured destruction so because of that conflict between the two was carried out in a series of proxy wars and you have to know an example of each from three regions uh Latin America Africa and Asia okay so in Asia you got the Korean and Vietnam Wars I’m just going to lump those together uh because there’s a lot of similarities there in both Wars new countries were split between communist and anti-communist forces that you know struggled for dominance and so what did I just say before the US comes in and backs the anti-communist forces the Soviet Union comes in and backs the Communist forces so both of those Wars long story short essentially end in stalemates uh they kind of began where they they ended where they began except there were like hundreds of thousands of people dead uh in their wake simply because it was a a small stage for the larger Cold War to play out okay that’s Asia Latin America okay proxy war there uh was in Nicaragua so 1979 group of revolutionaries known as the sandinistas over through the Nicaraguan dictator and assumed power now once they uh were in once they were in power the sandinistas implemented uh socialist policies with support from Cuba who was Communist and the Soviet Union they liked that sort of thing especially uh over here in the western hemisphere in response to that the US government invested heavily in another group that sought to overthrow the sandinistas namely the contr ultimately it ended in 1989 with you know a ceasefire and a military demob ization uh agreement on both sides then last we need to know proxy war in uh Africa and here we’ll do the angolan Civil War uh so by 1975 after angolan Independence civil war broke Out Among the various rival ethnic groups which is a uh you know a conflict that was destined to happen because Imperial Powers Drew boundaries Colonial boundaries around rival ethnic groups so once they’re independent all these groups are fighting over who’s going to rule Angola the US and its allies support the non-communist groups just like every other proxy war uh while the Soviet Union and its allies supported the Communist groups just like every other proxy war and as a result the angolan Civil War became a longer and deadlier War thanks to the involvement of those two superpowers so like in the end Communist forces won and assumed power but the point to remember with all these proxy wars is that because they become us they’re a small stage on which this larger conflict plays out they become in many cases much longer much deadlier um simply by virtue of the fact of being sucked up into the sphere of influence of the Cold War that leads us to big idea number three hope youall are feeling good during this period some states adopted communism but none more significant than China it’s arguable but we’re going to talk about China so uh what were the causes of uh China’s Communist Revolution well first there were grievances over China’s dependence on Western Powers okay remember a little while ago I mentioned that the revolution of 1911 established China as a republic under the leadership of sunat sen however by the 1920s internal tension was brewing against the Nationalist party who was in power because of their perceived dependence on Western powers and institutions and so you know cramming a bunch of the narrative together after an on and on after on and off again Civil War um the the Communist forces under the leadership of ma dong uh with significant aid from Guess Who the Soviet Union were numerous enough to successfully defeat the Nationalist party and then China officially becomes a communist state now let’s talk about ma Dong’s communist policies H how did Communism shape the Chinese State well he enacted the collectiv collectivization of Agriculture just like Stalin did in the Soviet Union but different from the Soviet Union in China it was a relatively peaceful and bloodless process because uh the Communist Party had a lot of support from peasants due to various things during the Civil War period so both collectivized agriculture in uh in the Soviet Union caused a death of millions in the uh in China it was relatively bloodless another communist policy uh under maong in China is the state control of the economy in the Great Leap Forward uh don’t worry mes M’s going to show his true colors here in a moment uh if it wasn’t with collectivization of Agriculture I wonder if it’s going to be with the Great Leap Forward um so the greatly forward was an economic plan to rapidly industrialize China through the development of heavy industry in rural areas kind of similar to Stalin’s 5e plans however uh Stalin focused on Urban centers whereas mau’s program focused on rural areas the problem was the industrial goods created in those rural areas were not great quality and then add to that bad Harvest and that led to the starvation of somewhere between 20 and 50 million Chinese people not not because not because there wasn’t enough food but because whatever was grown ma wanted to continue to export to give the illusion to everybody that was watching uh around the world that communism in China was going just fine okay uh other socialist movements uh I’m only going to give you one uh that um that redistributed land and resources uh good one here is Egypt um and uh you know here the you know the British and the French completed work on the Suz canal in 19 1869 um and it is hard to overestimate just how uh much they drooled over the Suez Canal this is extremely strategic water route uh to seab based trade in the Indian Ocean you don’t have to go all the way around Africa anymore you just go right through the sus Canal how nice but in 1952 Egyptian leader Gamal Abdul Nasser proclaimed Independence for Egypt and nationalized the Su Canal which means he brought it under the authority of the Egyptian government not the British and French government so what did the British and French do well they they and the Israeli forces British French and Israeli forces invaded Egypt in retaliation but Soviet Union backs the Socialist Nasser uh and at that point um you know US president Dwight Eisenhower begins putting pressure on Britain and France to withdraw and ultimately they did uh then there was an example of socialist policies in Asia here we can go to Vietnam so after uh Colonial Independence two rival governments were established as I mentioned earlier uh the communist government in the north quickly began a program of a land redistribution so you know prior to this a few wealthy land owners held nearly all of Vietnam’s agricultural land but under this program their ownership was cancelled and the land was given to the r peasantry similar thing going on uh over in Latin America and your example here is Cuba so 1956 Fidel Castro leads a revolution in Cuba that established it as a communist state and so with support from the Soviet Union Castro immediately launches a program of land redistribution and you know uh State supported wage uh increases uh so that like 15% of Cuba’s wealth was transferred from the rich to the poor okay so talking about the the spread of Communism that’s a lot of socialist policies and communist policies that’s it okay big idea number four four out of eight this is a big one all right process of decolonization essentially occurred in one of two ways negotiated Independence or armed conflict okay let’s talk about decolonization so two ways this happened one negotiated Independence you only need to know one example here you can know others but the one I’m going to mention is India so India uh of course British colony uh Indians themselves formed the Indian National Congress in 1885 which PE petitioned the British for greater degrees of self-rule but British be British and they largely ignored those petitions so that that tension them ignoring it all that that kind of reached a boiling point after Indians fought in two world wars for the British and were still not rewarded with self-rule and so you know like after World War I um that tension took the form of a movement led by mandes Gandhi which um you know was non violent and characterized by Civil Disobedience but and we’ll talk more about that in a moment but after World War II the British I mean they’re broke like they’re broken up from the war and there was enough people who supported Indian independence in Parliament that they officially recognized uh India’s independence in 1947 so negotiated peaceful Independence that’s how decolonization occurred in India but big butt massive butt it was negotiated which is to say there was no war but even though war did not break out during Indian independence there was a lot of violence that occurred because of Britain’s plan to partition India into two states you had India for the Hindus and Pakistan uh for Muslims this is known as the partition of India um and as each group migrated to their new States you know some South some North there was a enormous amount of violence that occurred which led to about a million dead in its weight so that’s negotiated Independence uh and now let’s look at decolonization through armed resistance through fighting here it’s hard to get any better than Algeria in North Africa which was a French Colony goodness something’s stuck um French Colony uh Algeria so Algeria had what was a was a hot spot for French migration for a long time Algeria was a a settler Colony uh to use the term that we used last night for French citizens so for French people and so there was a lot of French people that lived in Algeria and so when all this decolonization stuff is going on throughout the world uh French citizens living in Algeria resisted uh decolonization in Algeria pretty fiercely so in response 1954 Algerian Muslims formed a National Liberation Front they rebelled violently against the French in order to secure Independence and the franch go ahead and respond with brutality and the war continues till like 196 uh 2 I think when uh French president Charles de gal comes back to Power and declares the end of war end of the war and algeria’s Independence so that’s one example of each negotiated and armed conflict that leads us to big idea number five five out of eight five out of eight the redrawing of political boundaries during decolonization led to conflict and population displacement okay I’m only going to give you one example here of uh redrawing of political boundaries that led to conflict uh and population displacement and that is the nation of Israel and I’ve I was going to never mind we’re still having some problems there clearly um uh this this what we’re experiencing today this is where it begins um so uh and it’s a result of colonial boundaries and colonial policies so before World War I Palestine was part of the Ottoman Empire and therefore was home to a majority Muslim population but the Ottomans were on the losing side of the war and Palestine was transferred to Britain under the mandate system and that created a problem the problem was that since the late 19th century nationalistic ideology a nationalistic ideology uh known as Zionism uh sort of came to life among Jews who were scattered around Europe and one of the one of the main desires of Zionist ideology and Zionist uh and Jews who Embrace Zionism was to have a state of their own and to have that state in Palestine which is their ancestral land of of Israel and so after getting some support for that idea from the British uh during and after World War I in you know increasingly large ways of Jews migrated to Palestine um and the Arab Muslim population there fiercely resisted that migration in addition to that fiercely resisted the Zionist understanding of that land this reenvisioning of what they believe to be their territory and so after World War II the United Nations declared that Palestine would be partitioned into two states one for Jews and one for Arab Muslims I don’t know I don’t know what they’re thinking it works so well over in India but they went ahead and go went for it so that was the partition plan Jews not surprisingly you know embraced this plan this this was a win for them they embraced this plan and declared independence in 1948 almost immediately Palestinians took up arms against the Israelis uh with support from neighboring uh Arab states and again there was lots of conflicts over the course of the second half of the 20th century uh and even into today so um that was an example of redrawing political boundaries by Imperial powers and all the conflicts that it um creates so that’s imperialism for you okay big idea number six in newly independent states governments often took a strong role in guiding economic life in order to promote their own growth and development okay we’re going to get the government back involved in the economy again uh and this time we’re going to focus on decolonized States so I already uh introduced you to my boy uh Gamal Abdul Nasser in Egypt uh remember how he nationalized the sus canal um also he initiated social welfare reforms including free schooling and health care for Egyptian citizens so government very much um getting involved in the economy in order to uh bring these new states to life there are other examples you can know we’re not going to go into them you only need to know one there’s Indira Gandhi in India and you know her adoption of the Green Revolution Etc uh there’s uh Julius in uh inura I I always say that wrong it gets anyway um in uh Tanzania has modernization policies some somebody yeah sorry about that okay uh big idea number seven we got this one and one more so movements to uh resist oppressive power structures multiplied in this period some were characterized by nonviolence others by violence okay so resistance to um Power structures there’s a few examples you need to know first Under The Heading of nonviolent resistance I’m going to give you three examples here they’re all required okay three main figures you need to know Under The Heading of non-violent resistance number one mandes Gandhi I mentioned him earlier a couple just give one example of his nonviolent civil disobedient um movements the Homespun movement uh this was a protest of um Britain’s economic domination of India’s cotton industry and so as a result Gandhi encourages his followers to make their own clothes at home that’s why it’s called the home spun movement he also led the Salt March uh in which was you know a response to the uh British Imperial salt tax in response to that Gandhi and his followers walked several hundred miles to India’s West Coast in order to harvest their own salt long story short over time Gandhi’s actions were crucial in one of the most momentous political changes in Indian history namely its independence from Colonial rule and that is important don’t don’t miss that it’s not just that you need to understand nonviolent resistance and some of the things that they did you need understand how that nonviolent resistance affected political change so in Gandhi’s case it it I mean there’s arguments over how effective it was but in G’s case uh it was um it was uh the political change Was the independence of India then over in the United States second example you need to know was Martin Luther King Jr so in the US uh King took up the tactics of Civil Disobedience and um and non-violent protest in order to um draw attention and change America’s racial segregation laws okay so one example here in Alabama King stag the Montgomery Bus Boycott along with the rest of the folks in the Civil Rights Movement uh and there they you know black Americans boycotted the C the city’s public transportation system and that caused significant economic distress now there’s so many others stins Etc but how did the Civil Rights Movement under the leadership of Martin Luther King how did that affect political change well ultimately the Civil Rights Movement affected political change uh since the United States Supreme Court Outlaws racial discrimination in schools in 19 in the 1950s um and then in 1960s as Congress passes anti-discrimination laws so that’s how it affected uh political outcomes third uh person under this heading that you need to know is Nelson Mandela so in South Africa so under the policies of apartheid black South Africans were among many things just denied basic rights okay therefore Nelson Mandela who was a prominent member of the African National Congress LED black South Africans in Acts of nonviolent resistance that included strikes boycotts all all the all the standard stuff when it comes to um non-violent resistance but here’s a a big difference uh Mandela is similar to to King and Gandhi in a lot of ways but here’s where he becomes different okay so if you’re comparing this will be a good comparison um unlike gandhian King Mandela eventually changed his mind on the tactics of non-violence and he he he went the other direction towards um you know supporting violent uh action um you know although he was jailed for more than two decades for his leadership uh and connection with various violent acts when he was released in 1994 he ran for president and one office which was ultimately the final nail in the coffin of South African apartheid all right so that’s nonviolent resistance in the face of um Power structures other responses to conflict led to the intensification of violence I’m only going to give you one example here that’s a Gusto Pino in um in Chile now Pinos l a led a military coup to overthrow the democratically elected uh president Salvador alende who happened to be a Marxist and remember we’re sort of like you know we’re still in the context of the Cold War here so with significant help from the United States Pinos over P overthrew alende and P ruled as a brutal dictator okay so under P military conducted raids uh executions they tortured people uh that were you know P’s political enemies uh including members of leftist political parties labor unions Catholic Church etc etc so his leadership uh actually intensified violence then uh lastly we need talk about violence against civilians my big idea went away there we go uh violence against civilians in order to achieve political aims so uh I’ll just give you one example here again and that is Al-Qaeda um so this is a militant Islamic group that had deep grievances about the involvement of the United States in Middle Eastern states and you know US foreign policy there and so Al-Qaeda responded under the well we’ll get to that in a second so Al-Qaeda responds with acts of terrorism against civilians in order to pressure the United States to change their policies in that region and under the leadership of Osama bin Laden the most infamous of these terrorist attacks was the September 11th attack in 2001 uh and here in the United States that left more than 2,000 Americans dead but instead of affecting the kind of change that Al-Qaeda wanted namely a you know pulling back of uh United States presence in the Middle East uh they got actually more and that leads us to the final big idea for Unit 8 the Cold War ended because of US military development the Soviet Union’s failed invasion of Afghanistan and the reform policies of male gorbage okay let’s run through these real quick uh so cold war ended because um advances first of all in US military development okay so in 1980 the United States elects Ronald Reagan he leads the federal government into massive spending on Military and technological development uh he’s he’s a real hardliner uh in In Cold War policy the Soviets try to keep up with that kind of spending but since basically the 1970s the the Soviets um or the Soviet economy had been stagnant and not growing and despite the massive amounts of spending they could they could not keep up with that kind of spending and that led them into further economic decline not a good place to be so that’s first uh second reason the cold war ends and the Soviet Union Falls is because of the Soviet Union’s failed invasion of Afghanistan long story short in 1979 Soviet troops invade Afghanistan because there’s a communist regime there that needs help um and Afghan Muslim groups are trying to overthrow it um but the Afghan Rebels were supported by the anyone the United States that is right um including Saudi Arabia and Pakistan as well ultimately this was a losing War uh for the Soviet Union they spent almost a decade there and it further depressed the Soviet economy and then finally the last thing that led to the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War were the policies of the Soviet leader Mel gorbachov so 1985 M gorbachov comes to power in the Soviet Union he introduces significant reforms two of them you really need to know number one Paris sta this is ultimately a restructuring of the Soviet economy um to reduce the level of central planning from the government okay so just get the government’s hands out of the economy a little bit little bit of free market stuff in there um because their economy was in a bad way and uh according to gorbachov this would fix it that’s parista glassos the second policy it’s a word that means openness and so under this policy all the you know dissent and criticism against the government and its policies that had been like brutally silenced by previous leaders was now allowed and as it turned out they had a lot to say when they were not going to get killed for it they had a lot to say in that started causing tension third uh the third policy that led to uh the collapse of the Soviet Union was that gorbachov announced that the Soviet Union would no longer use military intervention in order to prop up Communist governments in Eastern Europe and so at that kind of news Eastern or satellite states in the Soviet block uh Eastern Europe begin seeking Independence real fast uh and in response to all those destabilizing forces that I just mentioned the Soviet legislature in 1991 votes to dissolve the Soviet Union and with no Soviet Union there’s no more Cold War War cold war is over at that point so that is unit 9oo baby we got one more unit to go one more unit to go we’re going to do some super chats first the only reason I keep reminding y’all so emphatically to get them in by 9:30 eastern time because I don’t want you to spend any money and then then not have it read I I because I love you guys do better things with that money all right let me pick up where I left off all right here are some characters I don’t know but uh shout out to Mr helli he’s very skibby Ohio Cammy hey himler shout out my best friend Cullen and tell him to lock in and study so that he can Ace his world AP World exam you’re the best yeah Cullen lock in uh mcil mcil can you wish my best skib Ohio rizzler friends Ezra Ben Tobias and myself good luck on our AP exam good luck Marshall uh Garrick my skibby bear I hope and pray that you unlock your secret Ohio Riz brain and get a five on the exam we love you pooky bear salora hello heer your videos have been a huge help well thank you wish me luck because my AP World History exam is tomorrow please shout out my teacher Mrs Hubert uh good luck uh E’s my friend Abdul Yol uh cheated on AP l do I snitch oh uh oh gosh uh maybe ask your AP Lane teacher no that’s a snitch that’s already a snitch uh I will I will tell you what Obi-Wan Kenobi told Luke upon his refusal to go with him to learn the ways of the force you must do what you feel is right of course Dominique shout out to coach Brandon in his third period class for being the best possible class he could ever ask for wow love it oky doie thank you Robo Mason shout out to Mrs Elmore at HHS love you pooky Ethan andian please convince Mrs Vanden vandenbos to give me bonus points I need it I’m I donated my weekly allowance oh my gosh sounds like you do need it I hope this helps Davis canell shout out to Mr David from Veritas uh Jason David all right and uh Garrick Johnson is skibby Ohio Riz personified if that is the ver to I’m thinking about and the Jason the Mr David that I’m thinking about then hello uh and good luck mllo my goat bless me and my friends before this test you are blessed hope shout out to Mr Leatherwood love the union all right few more here few more Michael shout out the goat uh Miss Terrell from Woodbridge High oeno hey hler it’s Sammy my boyfriend Gavin bastias refuses to study even though the exams tomorrow do you think he can get do you think you can get chat to tell Gavin that he’s a lazy beta a beta he’s a beta lazy bum and needs to lock in all right y’all it’s time to tell Gavin to lock in I’ll let you do it however way you like but Gavin let’s do this Owen shout out to Emily demerest from CHS and her new baby ah Mr Rhino hello King hler uh my name is mcka and my friend Sammy is failing to get their boyfriend Gavin bestias to lock in for the AP exam please help us I feel like I’m getting in the middle of so many things right now uh but I’m I’m an impartial witness here so um yeah uh Gavin let’s lock in uh Ally hi again are you World War I because with you every battle feels Worth Fighting For especially the AP World exam I like what you did there all right one more Jerry guo shout out to Mrs Brumby at BHS Mass she’s a w teacher and also to my boy Aiden the Ohio Sigma skibby RZ Lord okay I am going to come back and finish up unit 9 it looks like I got through six pages so far out of 93 so we’re going to be on for a while after unit which totally happy to do especially since this is the last one however I will say if you’re here in the uh you’re here in the east coast I do hope you go to bed on time I whatever whatever just I’m you’re not my dad no just a bald guy in the internet trying to give you good advice all right let’s go through the final unit here Unit Nine globalization this is 1900 to the present is big idea number one and we’ve got eight Big Ideas here big idea number one new technologies increased the speed of globalization and had widespread effects on the global population in the 20th and 21st centuries okay let’s talk about globalization and the new communication and transportation technologies that essentially shrank the world communic communication Technologies you had the radio you had the cell phones you had internet the effect of those was that you know people all across the world were able to stay in contact with one another at great distances another effect is that people increasingly came into contact with ideas ideas from outside their culture which in turn led to a kind of globalizing uh like a global mass culture okay we’ll talk more about that in a second also Transportation Technologies uh here you’ve got air travel um which facilitated migration and further Economic Development Across The Globe one that the the test Riders love to bring up is shipping containers everybody loves shipping containers uh basically you know these increased the the freight uh and amount of goods that could be shipped internationally which had the effect of increasing Global Commerce and everybody’s you know like you know making more money not everybody it’s not equally distributed anyway not not the point right now also new Energy Technologies uh were the result of um developments in the 20 20th and 21st centuries uh we had petroleum and nuclear power um basically these just had the effect of increasing worker productivity and increasing the amount of goods that could be manufactured and uh increasing the amount of energy that was available to human beings in order to carry on such tasks um and then there were medical inov uh Innovations um few that you’re required to know number one birth control um this was largely developed through the activism of feminist movements in the United States and other Western countries basically gave women increasing control over whether or when they would have babies and um and that actually led to a declining birth rate in Western countries which was which is a demographic um uh Trend that uh those Western countries are trying to combat at this moment another Medical Technology uh that enabled longer lives was vaccines this these put an end to many diseases especially in wealthier Nations things like polio measles Etc uh then you get the rise of antibiotics which reduced infection which and and you know vaccines and and antibiotics combin these both it means people are living longer lives also in the 20th century in the 21st century uh we get advances in agriculture here we get the Green Revolution uh which was basically agriculture uh and they threw a bunch of science at it you know they genetic engineering uh of um uh wheat and grain and other crops um and the reason they did that is because then will produce more abundant harvests uh that was especially uh applied in um the uh developing world to mixed results um then there was under agriculture there was a further expansion of commercialized agriculture so all of the above that I just said meant significant increases in agricultural productivity which meant that there was more food to feed the Earth’s growing population but more and more and more of that food is not being grown by people for their own consumption it’s not being grown by people who own Family Farms or whatever they’re more and more being grown by large Agro businesses uh that are specializing in a couple of crops okay big development that leads us to big idea number two new and old diseases continue to pose a threat in the age of globalization Okay so we’ve got diseases number one associated with poverty okay not all diseases affect populations the same way so diseases that show up a lot in impoverished areas of the world things like like malaria tuberculosis chalera um those are not very widespread in uh wealthier Nations uh of the world because they have access to uh those those vaccines Health Better Health Care Etc so um so more impoverished countries those ancient diseases continue to spread among populations even though there are interventions available so that’s uh diseases associated with poverty now we also have to talk about diseases that led to pandemics during this time period we talk about ebola we can talk about AIDS um but I’m going to focus here on the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918 um and I’ve been asked a lot can you use covid-19 on um uh on on the exam as an example of a disease that led to a pandemic uh yeah yeah absolutely you can um but you can’t just like throw out covid-19 you have to understand you have to explain what are the what kind of effects did it have what kind of economic effects did it have as it spread what kind of social effects etc etc so I’m going with the Spanish Flu uh or the flu pandemic of 1918 spreads throughout the world uh at the end of World War I and it’s way under selling it to say that it was devastating on the populations infected with it um especially because it infected uh sort of younger working age people um pretty significantly all those pandemics there’s two points that you really need to be able to um explain with them number one as they spread uh they have serious demographic consequences so for example a Spanish Flu it causes social disruption right lots of things are shutting down it causes economic slowdown because people don’t want to go out and shop uh it causes the cessation of social functions people aren’t going to church or to school or to whatever so social economic consequences that’s what need to understand about those uh diseases secondly they also created the occasion for technological and medical advances okay so these diseases come they start devastating populations that often means that scientists kick into high gear and in some cases in many cases they developed some kind of intervention for that for example in the 1980s AIDS AIDS was you know a deadly disease and although there was initially not much uh research put into it for various reasons later uh medications were developed which turned this once deadly disease into more of a chronic illness okay so there you go and then finally under the category of diseases we need to talk about diseases associated with old age so in more developed Nations wealthier Nations people have access to medications better diets and that means people are living longer and that’s great that’s lovely no problem there but when people live longer that means there’s this whole other set of diseases that start to crop up in much larger numbers because they’re the diseases that really only affect the Aged population here you’ve got heart disease you got Alzheimer’s you just need to know one of them and that leads us to big idea number three globalization has created some significant environmental problems with various attempted Solutions oh baby globalization causing problems there’s a few problems you need to know by name one D4 forestation um you know because there’s so many more mouth holes to feed uh in this world forests are being cleared at insane Pace uh in order to make room for more Farmland uh so that’s deforestation you also need to know desertification this is when fertile land becomes desert likee just like it sounds like in the term um because of you know deforestation and the application of harmful chemicals to the land and then it can’t grow anything anymore that’s a problem uh the third one you need to know is a decline in air quality um so industrial advancements mean more pollution in the air uh and that is disproportionately affecting um you know peripheral and semi- peripheral countries not necessarily the more developed countries although there there’s certain certainly problems especially in urban areas then uh another effect is increasing consumption of the fresh water supply two problems here one there’s you know way more water that’s needed for farming in order to feed the global population remember I talked about the expansion of commercial farming yeah they use a ton of our uh fresh water for you know watering their crops and their animals in order to feed everybody which you know grateful no problem there but there’s only so much water and so uh combine that with the fact that many impoverished Nations don’t have adequate access to clean drinking water and globalization is causing uh troubles also under the category of environmental um issues uh increasing Global temperature the term for this is climate change and you know as a result of industrialization carbon emissions have been released into the atmosphere and that has over time increased the global temperature and we don’t need to get into the science of it all um but uh if it’s left unaddressed it could cause weather disasters and there have been a few International attempts to address climate change uh the Kyoto Protocol in 1997 and the Paris agreement in 2015 now the when it comes to climate change what’s probably most important to to remember well knowing what it is that’s most important but then the debate that has sort of come up around it uh there’s a debate because um as these big nations are getting together in the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris agree they’re saying hey we need to limit the amount of uh uh carbon emissions that we release into the environment um they all all the wealthy Nations look around at each other go yeah yeah that’s a really good idea we should do that but then you’ve got all these members of developing nations who are you know still Along coming along the path of industrialization they’re like whoa you can’t stop us from doing this is our our way to become equal members on the world stage on the economic stage and so that’s a big debate is you know how do you limit uh carbon emissions without stunting the economic development of um Nations that that need it and then big idea number four we got eight Big Ideas here big idea number four both the nature and the scope of the globalized economy have changed significantly since 1900 so how did the economy change since 1900 well there’s three ways number one the proliferation of free market economics again this is not everywhere but this is a big Trend after the collapse of the Soviet Union and in the middle of decolonization States all over the world began adopting free market economics which is in in its purest form economics unhinged from State control and state intervention key examples here would be uh Ronald Reagan in the United States and Margaret Thatcher in Great Britain both of them were conservatives who emphasized free market economics through many policies but you know for example the deregulation of business uh tax cuts um uh uh lower government spending on uh welfare issues and that sort of thing then there was the rise uh Under The Heading of global economy then there was the rise of something called knowledge economies and this is interesting because during this period the the global structure of work and how it’s carried out changes wealthier Nations most the most developed Nations begin to major in um what’s called knowledge work okay so Finland Japan United States Etc people in these workers in these countries like they don’t really make things they just think about things or they they they provide services like teaching or legal or engineering or design or what whatever so essentially facilitating the making of more things in a lot of ways so that’s what’s happening in more developed countries in less developed countries they be they’re becoming the manufacturing hubs of the world so so these you know knowledge economy countries they’re not making stuff anymore at least they still do but not not as their main thing um whereas places like Vietnam and Mexico all the stuff that needs to get made now is being shipped over over there for various reasons which I believe I’ll mention here in a second if I remember um but also Under The Heading of globalized Economics we need to talk about uh the rise of multinational corporations so multinational corporation uh basically a company that’s Incorporated in one country but does business in lots of countries across the world and has presences in many of those places and basically the way it breaks down is these multinational corporations employ knowledge workers in their own country country they manufacture Goods in another country very cheaply um and then they sell those goods on a global market lots of examples you could use here um one one of the the two that are in the the curriculum are Nestle who sells chocolate uh and Mahindra and Mahindra which are which is an Indian automobile manufacturer and then finally Under The Heading of global economics when you talk about the rise of regional and Global free trade agreements what in the fresh heck does that mean well it’s an agreement between countries or whole regions to reduce trade barriers like tariffs for example there’s uh couple of these you should know by name there’s several you could know but a couple uh number one NAFTA the North American Free Trade Agreement uh this is an uh uh Free Trade Agreement to to lower barriers to trade between North America uh excuse me um Canada the US and Mexico um and the point is to to bind themselves together like this economically is supposed to uh uh produce more wealth for all of them so that’s NAFTA and then on the other side of the world you got the association of Southeast Asian Nations and that’s integrated several nations of Southeast Asia into a mutually interdependent economic unit and it’s done some good things for those member nations and that leads us to big idea number five since 1900 increasing globalization increasing globalization has led to calls for form in terms of Human Rights and economic inequality so globalization has created a global dialogue about the uh the underbelly of humanity the ills of humanity um and so there have been Global movements to address those first in terms of Human Rights um when it comes to race relations uh and um rights among people of different ethnicities uh we mentioned apartheid in South Africa earlier uh Nelson Mandela led the charge to upend the system and was imprisoned but again as a result of the global Community watching this you know offering Stern rebukes from these human rights activists all over the world um which was the effect of globalization that he was ultimately released aarth is over uh then in the US um racist Jim Crow laws uh were um outlawed with the Civil Rights Act of 1964 part of that was the pressure from outside places um that uh the world is watching anyway the point is it’s Global okay uh rights based discourse in terms of class we need to talk about that uh good example here is the cast reservation system in India um you remember the the cast system in India where everybody is sort of like um born into a certain social stratum and uh the lowest members of that cast system were for from time in Memorial sort of of systematically marginalized marginalized in Indian society and so the reform here uh as a result again of globalization uh and these rights-based discourses that were created as a result um was the cast reservation system and that mandated basically a certain number of jobs to be reserved for those lower cast members uh then there were rights-based discourses in the global on the global theater for gender in 1975 we got the United Nations First World Conference on women they draft at that meeting they drafted declaration of rights for women which included the right uh of women to vote women’s suffrage and uh over the course of the 20th century most major Nations recognized the right of women’s suffrage um okay so then finally under uh the The Heading of reform movements and globalization uh let’s talk about religion and culture uh one example of each in religion we get the rise of Christian Liberation theology in Latin America in nutshell liberation theology says that Christ was always on the side of the poor and is always against the rich and the powerful as opposed to what they were taught from Imperial uh Christian teachers that um uh well we won’t go into that but Liberation theology was the opposite and so uh practitioners and Believers of this uh sought to free uh you know uh to be uh free of oppressive economic political and social abuses and they were Guided by this particular ideology then Under The Heading of culture uh we get the negritude movement uh this comes out of French West Africa so this is a an artistic movement that celebrated Blackness uh which had prior to this been basically an instrument of Oppression for a very long time and so in the negritude movement there was poetry and art that emphasized the Magnificent cultural offerings of black people and what they gave to the world okay and that leads us to big idea number six all right almost there we got eight Big Ideas we’re almost there after 1900 culture became increasingly globalized okay so um we we’ll go fast through this one so globalization is affecting everything economics politics but culture is also being affected and also not only being affected but reflecting an increasingly globalized Society music for example uh there there’s uh a couple illustrations here reggae uh the popularizer here popularizer uh here is Bob Marley and uh it was a local uh Jamaican form of music but then spread throughout the world like everybody knows who Bob Marley is and everybody loves Bob Marley uh that’s an example of this trend also maybe more in your wheelhouse uh K-pop is another example it originated as a um as a distinct musical style in South Korea but now you know everybody is listening to it also in effec of globalizing culture we had uh movies uh entertainment so the mid 20th century uh Hollywood in the United States is the biggest exporter of films and these films are viewed all around the world and the effect of that was that you know there was the influence of American values in places that otherwise might not be influenced thanks globalization on the and then uh a different example in from the other side of the world would be Bollywood um although I’m told more properly it is the Hindi C Cinema industry um but anyway it’s a huge movie industry coming out of India and it reflects Indian sensibilities but they’re popular all over the world and then finally uh globalization has sort of created the occasion for the the widespread adoption of consumer culture Okay so it’s increasing Commerce is increasingly Crossing International borders uh thanks to online uh platforms like Amazon Alibaba Etc you’ve also got Global brands that are known everywhere things like coca colola or Toyota um or whatever and that leads us to big idea number seven we got this one and one more y’all still with me y’all still with me all right despite the benefits of globalization there have also been significant resistance mov movements against its effects uh okay so real quick here most of the benefits this the point your ear holes this way this is maybe one of the most important things I’m going to say about uh about globalization so you write this on your exam you’re golden most of the benefits of globalization have been experienced in the global North which is to say you know it’s like what we call develop Nations but in many cases less developed nations in the global South have experienced globalization more as a threat okay because the the benefits are not distributed equally so there have been movements to resist these effects um so you know mainly these are you know resistance movements are formed to protest Global institutions that have facilitated this inequity propagated by global Iz ation so the World Trade Organization for example was uh the subject of a mass protest in 1999 uh in the United States and what became known as the battle for Seattle around the same time uh protests against the international monetary fund erupted in Germany and you know both of these protest movements pointed out that these International organizations well yeah they’re facilitating Global cooperation and trade they’re actually favoring this is the protesters argument they’re actually favoring richer Nations and thus inequality that inequality needs to be remedied okay that’s the fight ladies and gentlemen I’m going to talk real quiet because we’re here big idea number eight the last big idea of the night all right let’s go globalization has changed the way Nations and States interact across the world yes uh essentially here we just need to focus on the fact that globalization and that development has led to the need for Global institutions to facilitate those interactions uh key example here is the formation of the United Nations it’s formed after World War II and its purpose was to maintain world peace and Foster International Co cooperation in order to maintain World Peace there is you know a whole host of bodies that make it up there’s the security Council there’s the international court of justice um they also uh produced a document known as the universal Declaration of Human Rights and this document recognized um the inherent rights of all members of the global Community regardless of what rights were recognized by their individual states it was pretty massive because we had you know right to life uh gender equality banishment of slavery etc etc the UN also plays excuse me the un also plays a big role in economic cooperation um the protection of political refugees um addressing world hunger and on and on and on they do a lot of stuff but the point here is that the UN and other Global organizations like it reflect the needs of an increasingly globalized world that’s it that’s it my guys all right uh thanks for sticking through that and if you’re going to leave now before all the I read all these super chats which by my Reckoning is going to take about seven hours but I’ll be here for it I will be here for it um I just want to say thanks I’m so glad that we got to go through this year together even though I you know I I don’t actually I was a set of pixels in in your you know eyeballs um I’m just I’m I’m glad that we got to go through it together and when you sit down in that exam tomorrow I will be thinking about you I will be cheering you on uh and I just want you to know I’m proud of you I’m proud of you for taking this difficult class for studying uh for doing the best you possibly could and uh whatever happens tomorrow I’m proud of you so hope to see you next year if you’re going into um APUSH or APG or APO or whatever I got you I got you so so come on back to the channel and I’ll see you then so if you’re leaving good night but for the rest of you let’s see what we got here oh yeah we got we got some we got some well I might as well take a drink of water first okay by the way I’m going to let y’all know excuse me I’m G let y’all know what time I’m reading like when these were submitted so that if you know like roughly when you submitted yours then you’ll know where I’m uh where I am so anyway at this point I’m reading 753 it’s before we even started um okay Khloe Caputo shout out Wyoming seminar shout out Wyoming SE Seminary last time also shout out Dr kek kashak uh and orisa worship His fave sa shout out to coach Tolbert at Grayson High School oky DOI shout out uh for Miss Ino at MHS can you say Marco Polo what are you doing here also thank you to you hler thank you uh yasen something’s not right in there okay uh yason hey h quick question first just wanted to say thank you for the reviews you’re welcome anyways do you have skibby RZ or are you a sigma who lives in Ohio well yes and I think you know the answer to that you know okay uh and thank you thank you very generous of you Juan Bravo shout out to skibby Sigma Ohio Roblox final boss Mr Ro Rous from Morton Freshman Center Kelby Wickland Sigma rizley shout hay uh shout out to Mr Kierney at AHS furus Blair say Hi to Miss BS BS at Ma High School best AP World teacher spxy Dixie uh thank you heimler for all the work and dedication you have put into this and for the chat well thank you you’re welcome um Good Luck to y’all I know y’all are getting fives on this well I love that uh Joe jff Jo jojaba Fernandez hi please shout out my good friend Taylor Nassau cause she’s her uh also please say happy bday sopia happy birthday Sophia uh thank you H Butler melon um Shout Out Mr Ellis at EHS he is very skibby Sigma and is going to help me cook up on the exam also shout out Champa rice indeed Champa rice thank you melon uh jacqu hler can you shout out everyone at Jefferson uh shout out everyone at Jefferson five on the AP World exam tomorrow and we will do it thank you and Irishman Mr mcnalty yeah Jefferson all yall fives evm please shout out uh triny and vote Eevee for Council waye shout out my favorite white boy Mr uh nyer uh in neoc City Academy uh for rag three anything something uh now that I know my West Hills folks are watching after the infamous Reyes shout out I wish you all fives good luck everyone Mr Mrs troli Mrs trabol sending Positive Vibes to her AP World students at Clark High School you got this oh my gosh teacher super chatting so she can wish her students good luck that’s lovely uh saber Sun hey Pooky can you Mew for the sigma Mr Woodcock I mued once and I and the best it was the best Mew that has ever been done and it’s all over the internet I would only go downhill from there forsen please shout out yazen galed AKA honey bun Peter Hanks thank you Andre shout out to miss Mrs kopas AP World History Class y’all are sigmas for real for real swabby can you shout out Mr Freeman my AP World teacher yes I can hey Mr Freeman uh tween twizzy Shout Out Mr armanto at sfhs he for real the goat Rees Rees Reese Aron shout out to the goat Miss hinst for making this my favorite class sending love from the best and favorite class D bin Milo heart lob lock in chat remember Big Ideas yes you should absolutely s uh shout out to miss sharp at gsmst Sayed and an no Sayed and Ian were cooked for this world exam but Pooky heimler came out clutch in clutch on God no cap no lie and Shout Out Dr Morgan because he was mad he didn’t get a shout out a sorry hey Mr Morgan Dr Morgan Gage Brock Shout Out Mr Green and uh Mr Zinger Zer at prhs ller 111 wow that’s very generous thank you shout out to Mr Frank for being the goat and Daddy heimler to for getting me a five last year on AP World nice hses you got this uh GL should know what that means I don’t uh oh good luck it’s good luck uh hash Ezra Cho for president Elizabeth ba shout out to The Talented women at Notre Dame Academy is Aden shout out Naomi Big T lils uh we are getting fives Liam hav is choa rice better than sliced bread you know it is Scarlet Daniels Shout Out skib rizzler Mr Miller his mustache is awesome this is from your favorite students Scarlet forest and lla LeBron James yo heer I’m a huge fan thank you in exchange for my $10 please slowly sing everyone at Savio is going to crush the AP world testone it’s Sav going to C the apparently I can be bought that’s okay Joseph Peterson shout out to Mrs McKenzie and Mr Williams Mo legit most Sigma skibby rizzler teachers known to mankind dk7 thank you n Shout out Miss lagot she’s pretty Sigma and skibbidy Brian Johnson shout out to Mr glosson and go Cru Arcane Elias B my glorious King my Pooky and the Goat good luck on the AP exam from Connor C also shout out Mrs Young at fphs in Virginia paper Shout Out Mr Miller praise the Glorious mustache and hler for carrying me in AP World History this year our indentured servitude is almost over Aiden shout out to Miss White from nphs don’t trust the government we love you Mrs White thank you for being an incredible teacher and for a great year uh walino shout out to Yasmin from tahs thank you heimler Jonathan caseras can you shout out Mrs Stanley from Hilton High School Hilton High School for being an amazing teacher this year also when the Champa rice merch coming out I got some ideas Vex Hall hi hler thank you so much for thank you so much got helping me pass for helping me pass I think can you please say colon 3 in a very silly way and it’ll make me get a five for sure call what that that that was what came out all right e Bailey question can brain cows give you diseases no totally clean Alvin Chen hey Alvin Chen from jdhs uh shout out to the teachers that teach AP World Mr Barkley Mr Callis shout out to my w Sigma Ohio friends Ryan and Ethan Lynn shout out to Lillian Kim who’s taken the AP World History exam on her birthday oh man mateline shout out to Mr Dimitri in PA for being so hash lit we are going to be Ash cooking this AP exam Caesar barahona Mr Lila or Lila is the most skibbidy Ohio teacher from gahs Doom shout out shout out stinky Josh from Victor high school for causing the big stink he got your review packet and said it really helped him get his brain cows milked well that’s great I’m glad to hear that Jack Mueller can you please Shout Out Mr uh Jan Jan Janice uh and Mr Michael the rizzler Eon in Inu sorry if I said that wrong Star starart High School Colorado thank you for helping us study daddy heimler well you’re welcome uh Jake F can you sing this B I don’t know I hesitant to say that I don’t know what it means okay Ahmed Bala uh batala can you live stream play fortnite with Freeman after the AP exam I’ll ask him we’ll see I don’t know I might be I might be sleeping for a week after the AP exam like y’all Henderson Yang meow shout out to Professor IMC from IRS Ethan inan please convince Miss vandenbos uh to give bonus points oh we needed oh here we go again uh I need it I donated my weekly allowance uh JP can you please tell Miss batty that she’s the AP World History goat and we’ll lead our class to a five lead our class to five town tomorrow morning uh ree Cerrone shout out to dash Chargers here JP plays heimler you helped me so much this year thank you for everything you do and good luck everyone tomorrow yes uh we must believe in Champa rice stks straight mses shout out to Mr Wing at ECS Georgia you’re so Ladell Ray vinyl Onika Burgers bread 445 shout out to anhel fona uh and Miss canella cchs Pierce G hey heimler can you tell my teacher Mr Lee that he is a beta with El RZ that’s rough uh and the Texas Rangers are a poverty franchise wow sounds like some strong words there okay Bella shout out to your BFF Isabella and Maria from JHS LeBron James Shout Out Mr Donald Russell he’s as good at teaching as Champa rice was at feeding John Brean or Brean Shout Out Mr padovich from Indian Trail High School kachel what’s your favorite fortnite user I want to play with you please fortnite user oh what’s my fortnite user oh my gosh I don’t think I I love you but I don’t want to say that publicly although I kind of outed myself the other day anyway I love you but it’s kind of just it’s kind of my thing right now this me and my kids we’re just doing it so I love you maybe I’ll open it up later I don’t know I don’t know uh Johari thank you Mr Sue shout out to Mr Sue’s AP World History classes at iths good luck tomorrow go get those threes fours and fives abilly Emily shout out to my skibby Ohio rizzler friend Jacob Ry guy P guy oh by the way hopefully nobody’s submitting uh their super chats anymore it is after 9:30 where I am and let me just make sure something’s going on here it is on Loop okay yeah so we’re past time now for for submission so uh so that’s that all right let’s keep going Ry P guy shout out to the skibby sigma Mr pin toester shout out my teachers Mr fari and Mr longsworth they are the biggest Sigma ridlers that I know also Eggman is him next tracker pray for me and my friends to get a five hler you’re the goat and carried us through the class and bless us in every way you know how count yourselves prayed up bonds for a weight shout out to the goat Mrs Beardsley Evan Evelyn Hernandez Shout Out Mr hack my Alpha of the aics Empire Adam Jones shout out to Mr skibby rizzler Mr Brian Bowman Jr the real Darth shout out to Mrs shirea uh and at Boltz uh she left two weeks ago to give birth very nice congratulations Sean shout out to Mr troan the best teacher ever Lena can you please say PJ lunar and El elenia Ali okay H PJ lunar and Aliana will get fives dk7 can you please say Davis Keaton Rudder is a song High Dynasty Sigma with Champa rice Riz and is also a skibbidy phantom tax farmer Shannon for foron can you shout out Miss Levy at Sak sakim s sakim uh North goat uh Justin berer please ask Miss Moore to buy me a Chipotle bowl with guac Lily bony thank you uh spruce moose shout out to Mr hickle from diamond high school for being the goat Eli L uh thank you Maddie Shout Out Mr Crowley 307 and chingis fan Sun Tran Juliet Mr valdi is a skibby sigma bald King goat teach Juliana Rodriguez shout out to Mr Thompson at LHS he slays Queen Megan Brown CVA HS AP students in Arizona I’m so proud of you trust your gut tomorrow milk your brand cows you got this that is excellent advice Benson shout out my best friends Megan song and ocean pan and tell them don’t be nervous because they worked hard and Shout Out ver Vergara he the goat at bths AC shout out your pookies Mrs Brown at skibbidy Liverpool High thank you Baka mediocrities shout out to my boy Mr Woody please he’s a goat of an AP World teacher our Articuno shout out Miss Brown and baby grank Riz skib Ohio Sig Mi here Shout Out Mr Ley Le for at Northside High School he’s the goat and your biggest fan Aaron joerger hler my friend Dean from ug ghs 7th period never studied or took notes for the AP exam do you think he’ll pass also 7th period goser is the best yeah I think declan’s going to do just fine uh Gucci Shrek heimler please shout out my girlfriend Briel please say please say are you ready to get those brain cows Phantom text Innovation I like it Tom thank you Mr Drax shout out to Mr Woodcock from CHS he is so Sigma Sophie shout out to Mr mhof again he is your biggest fan uh pretty sure he’s taking notes right now good luck Hereford High pixie please shout up hi please Shout Out Mr Telles from PHS and Haley B Joel D shout out to John Dominguez from PHS for being a fun pal well that’s wholesome Steph thank you uh Eli L shout out to the Glorious King Mr Sergent uh Marin I love you rizzler heimler shout out period to AP World History MCHS orange shout shout out Lexington High’s best Sigma coach Adams TKD Anthony shout out to the Bros Ayan and sonat good luck with those names thank you uh and the homie Mrs Richardson over at Patterson High School Patterson Mill High School also can’t forget my favorite bald man with a plan a heimler good luck tomorrow uh thank you for that I appreciate that very generous and good luck to you all Tess Inu shout out to Mr Lan from SMA High School in Georgia for constantly reminding us of the alpacas and the Manu braided hairs best French man Iman T shout out to The skibby Untouchables Miley and I pixel gaming shout out Papa Grom like tuon uh rhyda shout out my skibby toilet gang Daniel y Noah L and Tristan for being Sigma and studying with me also shout out to my teacher Mike K Vidant toari Tanish got a skibbidy bench we’re getting a five Galaxy Master Mr delari is a w skibby rler and earn me a five okay hold on let me get my mouse it’s G to be easier to scroll and there is a lot of scrolling so Andre k skibby Pooky bear heer please give us a room tour I love you so much well I love you too uh I should I should make a video on that thalos mitsu Antonio don’t stress too much about tomorrow you’re going to do great well that’s lovely Hamza ezi shout out to the shik Musa boy Squad we all love you e Papyrus believes in you all crutch evaluate to the extent to which skibby toilet impacted the rising of 1900 in including Duke Dennis and baby gr’s Phantom taxes during 1750 to 1900 well I guess I guess the the DBQ topic is actually leaked now so that’s a bummer uh Philip Owen shout out Miss Schmidt from Belleview High School Nate Woods shout out Miss noval uh at Coral Gable Senior High she prepared us for this test I love to hear that uh also Nathaniel Woods is the skibby sigma and getting a five roswald can you shout out the skibby sigas Mr stefans AP world class Stevens Stevens stefans uh AP world class in P UHS we love your videos from his B6 and S class uh Ben and Donnie my sweet little rodents sign my petition to be a dictator it’s called elect an experienced citizen as dictator to reform Society I’m a pass I’m a pass but thank you good luck on that uh Fabby verse World say on skib Fabiola and R will will pass Milkman shout out to miss baras from onhs IDK Shout Out Mr mnos mpos uh and Jerry bu uh bararan Tammy Zen or uh yeah Tammy uh shout out to Khloe Kumar she is the stigma boss I think Sigma it’s supposed to be Sigma Sigma boss Christian Gray shout out Miss nadasi we getting a five on this one eki love you ha Buu shout out all of CHS MGA every night Shout Out Mr Edwards from BC high fives only baby Aurora Delgado shout out to Mr Harris from Communications Arts High School he is the goat and he’s in love with you heimler hash harler 2024 uh Kimberly mrai thank you and Miss Brin Spicer for all the help thank you and Miss bin Spicer you’re welcome Siri can you please do can you please dab for the best history teachers um my phone why is my phone picking me up stop it uh can you please dab for the best history teachers Miss kery and Mr crawl well just just for them it was a weak dab it was weak it’s not because I don’t love them uh Gabe liov shout out to the two best AP World teachers Mr Augustus rck and Mr Yan Sharma good luck period n in your mogging adventure uh ant gamer please Shout Out Mr pin the seven foot goat and Mr Miss crel Crandle uh last but not least the big Taj sponsored by AI Emma thank you brindan please give a shout out to Carly Massie from Clear viiew Regional High School and then say my name isn’t Steve it’s actually John heimler Lea shout out my amazing girlfriend Nikki F fan aif shout out skib Sigma rizzler Java defar from APA hphs Genesis Lopez big shout out to my amazing AP World teachers Miss Miner and Miss Nunes from Lion uh wish good luck to Block C the best class Ali Ali 0000 I was wondering if for the DBQ you need POV for all the paragraphs and four documents was enough yes four documents is enough and you need uh some form of sourcing at least twice in order to get that point uh also thankful for all your help Ally shout out to Queen Mr Jordan we love you heimler Josh Roga please say that you love Mr Becker from Desert Mountain and his fourth period class is going to lock in tonight and get fives on the test tomorrow I love Mr Becker Don fa please shout out Out Mr coff uh from Edgewood High School bro chip your eyes are beautiful thank you also shout out Mrs Bennett box topper X shout out my world history teacher Mr Kilgore he’s so Sigma Ariana shout out to Mir and Ariana we are locked in please manifest five for us guys I’m manifesting there you go by the way I am reading right now from 8:04 that’s the time wait we started at 8 all right we’re at 804 that’s that’s where we are uh Nathan Russ no no yeah yeah Nathan Russ two important questions choma rice or gunpowder gunpowder Kendrick or Drake you’re the best uh choma rice all day and I don’t know anything about Kendrick or Drake so I don’t want to choose but there it is uh Johari shout out to miss Reyes and her seventh period we sigmas Avery Grant shout out to Mr Wetmore from JHS he calls you Daddy original character Shout Out Mr minhas doing God’s work at UH D aahs sorry Shout Out Mr minus doing God’s work at DS Marcos Rodriguez shout out to Mr Alonzo sixth period the best period uh cat shout out Mrs Miss Harris at Myers Park High School she has pictures of you all over the classroom and in an awesome and is an awesome AP World teacher uh lee Matt Lee Matt please wish Matt Nick Marie Ryan Haley rapael Logan Brandon Mitch Isa or Issa and Ava good luck we get in fives uh Alejandro Castillo Castillo or Castillo shout out to heimler for sending Mr cabal’s class uh at TV s a message for the exam you both are my baldheaded goats this kld shout out to Mr Garcia’s 6 period class at ppchs pray for us Lucas Desta shout out to Mr stankard from lbhs for being the best AP World teacher I could have asked for this year and thank you for all the helpful videos Dunham fam one shout out to Goat Mr Dunham from wfhs and his cat Bruce Wayne Logan scary shout out Mrs Sabo and Mr Cox for being Rizzy Jacob Webb please shout out k Kim Jacob Stefano Cass tame and the most skibby teacher in Texas Dr cook sperman Phil Shout Out Mr minck in the Wales Lasser High School Lasser all right supercloud shout out Mrs wit and Elon herd let’s get fives uh Jonah uh Jonah Vasquez Shout Out Mr Porter the goofish goat from cphhs Ryan the lion Shout Out Mr Trotter from Oxford High School skibby toilet oi oi oi shout out to M Mrs Alon second period Sigma RZ big blue bem Shout Out Mr uh Vasquez his Aura is Limitless random someone shout out my teacher Mrs sand from RR I believe that means riveridge love it ducky can you shout out Mrs youngquist from Highland uh or higland there’s no h says Highland or higland the most skib teacher skib Sigma teacher ever zou shout out to Mr Morris at Garden Grove he’s a sigma Alex Powell shout out to Mr witk uh Kalin boring boring hi Derpy Miss deari at jbhs she at equals Onika Burgers Kaylee thank you heimler you’re welcome you’ve greatly helped me in my AP History classes uh Shout Out Mr Davis from CHS he is so cool and plays your videos in class love it thank you Mr uh no the NOS music shout out Mr steel from dvhs and his shiny forehead is almost Shiner than heimler’s shiny forehead wow that’s impressive uh okay uh Juliana Rodriguez Shout Out Mr Thompson at LHS he is so slay Queen Ethan mandaville hi I want to thank you for all the help I’ve gotten from you this year also shout out Miss uh snash from Worster high school she’s a real Sigma you’re welcome uh K Shout Out Mr dooy dno dno from Pacifica High School please say he has a cool beard too clearly he does Cindy shout out to Mrs La for being my favorite teacher I’m sorry for yapping too much but at least I still got my work done Joseph shei hi Mr hler can you please tell Edward and Phillip to stop spending money in genin impact and brawl stars and give back to Joseph’s Hello Kitty and give back Joseph’s Hello Kitty phone case Brian McGregor shout out first period Mr Collins class Champa rice Fahim shout out my glorious Champa Rice King Mr schar your mother Michael orth from THS Sirius Mrs Butler at pgsa win trees thank you for the videos hler you’re welcome you help me get a five and you help me get a high a from their view guides that’s great Shout Out Mr scrambling and the most Sigma AP teacher at uh Piper or peeper High School way wavy Stingray thank you GG man of zrom I know he’s going to be mad at me but could you please Shout Out Mr Miller he has comically a large mustache and Cat Rachel Shout Out Mr hell’s class at Riverside High School Anton chigur shout out to our Lord and savior Paul Quintana Jr and to Judah Mones Paige please Shout Out Mr Cross from Sandra Day from paage agastia thanks heimler for making this class so fun you’re welcome Hunter shout out to the best AP World teacher Mr Caleb Childers he’s the best Sigma skibbidy teacher in Olive Ohio uh okay there we go Camille Garrett hash Champa rice maxing shout out to e eard eard uh the whest teacher ever all right I’m going to do one more and I’m going take a little bit of a break to get some more water and like 90 seconds this is Ry W I’m reading from 807 by the way shout out to miss Brandy for being the best teacher thank you for making class fun and for putting up with our class I hope our whole class gets fives all right love it all right give me give me like 90 seconds let give me some more water here and then we’ll get right back to it y’all just chill for a second I’ll be right back e e e e okay we’re back we’re back here we go see we can get through all of these it is now 10 o’clock if you’re on the East Coast I hope you’re hope you’re making plans to go to bed all right it’s the last time I’ll say it all right you do you all right I’m reading from 8:07 PM right now graph fixity love you heimler can you say shout out skibby Sigma love you heimler can you say shout out skibby Sigma Mr Calderone from Lo High yoj shout out to W teacher Miss Ahmed from cims Jaden Almighty Alias shout out to miss lour from periods 1 and two to tell her to please continue making silly drawings on the Whiteboard PS the one piece is real Daniel Cuts can you please grab a random piece of paper book and look at it and say Daniel Cuts yeah that’s a five and then throw it behind you sorry air is blowing um there you go Daniel good luck uh Angelina Co costabile C cabil cost you know there it is uh shout out Mrs red Lavar real shout out to the skib skibby sigma ultimate Miss Richards at Cary high school and shout out to the duck of the day it has much Phantom tax and Riz Ahmed Bala uh will you teach AP afroamerican studies here in your channel no plans as of yet several people have asked but no plans as of yet uh Maddox rubo thank you Miguel Martinez boy oh boy Mr heimler You Are My Sunshine of the love of my life I just want to say that Miguel has W skibby Riz and Owen is an L rizzler Christopher deth deou Shout Out Mr Phillips at nchs verm shout out to Mr friot from SBA best teacher J Bar 3 shout out to the very skibbidy brain rot W Mr Townsen DH H dhsh Shout Out Mr Williams WAP weasel from Jerome boys do things three Mr heer we the students of Mr and seli greatly admire your work and we’re wondering if you could discuss State Building in Africa from 12200 to 1450 yeah I I did I did and thank you for asking um you are truly my rizzly bear Sigma uh well thank you for those kind words I appreciate that chip chat Mr Sadler he plays your videos every day good luck to Marissa and lenia on their exams Michael groy answer on bottom if you are American in the living room what are you in the bathroom answer European oh can you shout out Mr Teeter in his class for a five That’s a classic uh to fungus shout out Connor Jones and Tanya Hillard omry J shout out to Mrs luir at Maloney High School Limelight hey Mr hler shout out to Julia for committing to UC Berkeley and shout out to Mr Clem’s B set AP World History Class Patrick shien thank you Mr heimler shout out to Mr Kate’s class Joey uh 328 gaming shout out to Mr Casi from Galileo High School wavy Stingray shout out to Mr Smith from ajhs hey Mr Smith shiv hacks if I don’t if one don’t get a 3 + one will unleash the alpha skida Ohio Sigma wolf inside of me and Phantom Champa rice taxs myself good luck to all sigmas thanks heimler Thunderheart Sophia says shout out Drew white at cphs visualize baby alpacas poopy head Shout Out Mr rolina from too Jazzy and Adrien I’m a lunchbox from fifth period shout out to Mr rer from DHS XX illusion XX shout out to Mr leot from HHS s nll some yeah something like that shout out to Mr C he has that skibby Champa Riz IBU Hima can you please tell Daniel to lock in those mcqs don’t answer themselves KY CM Nick Mr slint will open slint Subs restaurant goat Maddox Rubble please shout out Mrs stoud the best AP World teacher ever Jacob good luck Reena you’re going to get a h Hunden J uh Z zc love you heimler big shout out to Mr P at mvsa 444 oh it happened it happened sorry uh 444 rri it’s not you guys it’s me can you say shout out to the AP World goat Mr babenko from whs he said he’s your bald buddy Swifty uh Swifty Swifty Fury shout out to the sigi skibbidy sigma teacher Mrs CP at phhs Brew huo can you shout out Miss can you shout out my to my teacher Mr Reyes he has been the best possible teacher anyone can ask for with a class like this thank you tobler uh Toof fungus shout out to Silas zedler and Jim Barber my teacher Serena Juan shout out to my Queen Amy Raymond from FM she’s been recommending your videos all year well thank you Timmy carev hey heimler and all of Frank labella’s AP World classes are very thankful for ing us through this course can you please say LaBella is my skibbidy BFF uh shako bo Shob Bo shout out to Mr McKinley he’s the coolest teacher ever you’re just as Sigma as him as David’s version shout out Patty Hayes sgf your videos are the only thing he used to teach us and it works thanks PS also thank Shane and Amelia for skib RZ ree Evans shout out to miss uh Mrs Oro please let us watch Hamilton amuda Joshi first of all I’m forever indebted to you hler my man my Lifesaver also shout out to Mrs Fox from Independent high school love her all right I’m reading from 8 11 p.m. now Matt J shout out to miss ersek ersek and uh Mrs glassier from shhs love y’all as teachers Moon rabbit shout out to miss Vincent from EHS manifesting all fives arm wrestling fella shout out to Mr Dave Stuart cool fella bronius bronius Omega shout out to Dr Beers oh no oh Dr Beers deserves better than that shout it’s happening involuntarily oh no okay shout out to Dr Beers and Mr Long Henry from aahs Alicia Michelle shout out to my piggy I’m the beef to your bacon Lil gbear shout out to the best apold teacher Mrs creger jod ver sing shout out to Mr Schmidt at jghs he’s the RZ God sh why is is happening I mean that’s what you get in live stream y’all this is the reality this real I this is the last live stream of the whole season season semester and uh I’m I’m as I’m as worn out as y’all all right I’m not going to keep drawing attention to my yawns okay it’s probably just GNA keep happening shotte Cooper shout out to miss shook from Mari high you’re awesome La laati uh shout outs to AP World History Mr Dinkleman from atand high for carrying us through the year thank you hler for being in on our journey gosh I’m getting attacked Chomper rise Chomper rice Chomper rice Jeremy Schubert hates Chomper rice vote Jordan Alexander for class president local Lucifer shout out to Mr Carlson our glorious Commander Timothy Cornell shout out to first shout out first to you my hero and of course of course my AR tadia Florida students you got this oh are you going to be in KC I am not but Timothy thank you uh Lily bony bony shout out to Mrs Squires our favorite AP World teacher and our class at canterberry tell them to lock in good luck everyone tomorrow incoming five emmer bno can you shout out the best AP teacher Miss Mahone Debbie price Mr mcor’s class from mhsb is ready to cook tomorrow tomorrow any advice for us who have lost all hope love you uh if you lost all hope just just just do it you just do it just do it and you get through it and then everything’s over and then you get a five that’s it Dalia Lopez shout out to Mr whitel uh fourth period our teacher played your videos so we got our brain cows milked good PS can we rub your bald head for good luck I don’t I want to say yes I want to say yes was the I got one little check inside of me that’s saying maybe maybe not but I still love you guys um W wolf girl fight can you say Miss Uno is a skibby sigma Nicholas Paulo shout out to miss miss Snider you’re both my AP World goats jaxter coulston thank you for teaching you’re the only reason you’re the only reason my skib Sigma friend is passing this test Duke Denzel Dennis shout out my boy Joshua Lee who was born with ob CD Nati shifer shout out to Mr Key’s class at Allen High School Bri Mr oliveros 8th period biotech all are s are all sigmas Andy and Guan shout out to Mr Lee Scott melami yo to my favorite AP World student John Mickey from Kalani hi you’re such a skibbidy sigma Ohio and I will always remember you Fabiola Lobo shout out to Miss Brown from Coral Reef for being an amazing teacher also please say that Fabby yisa Madison and Bianca will get fives all right maybe at 8:14 maybe what we need y’all are seeing never never before seen some people wonder if this is green screen this is real Never B foreen on camera the stash uh yeah maybe this will help I’m going to eat a starburst here probably is not going to help probably sugary and going to close up my throat and make it harder to speak but I’m eating it I’m not going to chew in the microphone though this is content content y’all all right here we go here we go at 8:14 thank you guys so much for this despite the fact that I’m yawning and tired I love hearing these things my moderators are texting me making comments on my choices why does Starburst take so long to you I can’t can’t do it I’m losing it y’all I’m losing it okay I’m back I’m back oh my gosh I really am really losing that what is happening oh oh it’s my first time crying on the internet all right let’s get back to business here for y’all who stayed late to see this uh y’all got a show all right uh Roger goat shout out to Abita Garza the best AP World teacher ever please ask her not to harm me if I don’t get a five on the exam where’s my where we at uh stop it where’s my hat box hii bear read this Mr O’Neal you are the most fantabulous Sigma teacher ever love your D1 crash out Eddie and the one that got paid Logan Longwood High School Andrew rahana can you say adicha and Zena are the cutest couple uh Rachel Hungerford wow very generous thank you shout out to the best WAP teacher Mr Walker and the bsh bsh gang is going to cook see Schultz uh shout out to Wy east class of 26 yall are going to cook with that skibby W RZ dub East Brie thank you please shout out Mrs Bruder my AP World goat Sebastian crashman can you please Shout Out Mr Cornell’s bday class with Andy Eric and Scotty Louis Z or Louis Z shout out to miss Hampton the goat from Mitchell High School hope everyone gets a five if jengus Khan can do it so conu that’s lovely average Willie what’s up baru toy barbuto is probably mad I’m giving heimler his arch nemesis money 27 DRT shout out to miss chin nope can’t say that um spaghetti can you shout out my world history teacher and varsity tennis coach his name is coach Wes midus and he’s retiring after 20 years in education congrats slush lovable yo heimler shout out to Mr a Martinez Mr Nolasco Diego p and Feliciano Vargas tell Mr Martinez to give us ale points thank you I shout out to Goat teachers Jacob Levy and Mrs L LEL zakova 777 shout out to my sunshine the riest sigma Carl Wallenberg he’s he will get level five RZ on the skibby test KK ma shout out to Mr long from MHS best aper I’ve had GNA get a five because of him he’s so Sigma crafted Blaze Our Savior shout out to Mr uh gothier go gothier uh in shs Toros Michaela pasal Pascual Pas I’m sorry I didn’t say that right dear heimler you are actively carrying the AP History Community thank you so much you’re welcome uh and thank you for saying that shout out to Michael Kennedy at mhhs he’s moving to Texas and the history table 55 dog shout out to Mrs Leslie Staley and Jeremiah Bruce from Brooksville High School the real sigmas please Mrs statley my queen is retiring well happy retirement Adam mosa I’m reading from uh 817 now Adam mosa can you please Shout Out Mr Mao third period and what are the major Empires we should know for the whole course uh I can’t name them all right this moment uh but check out the uh check out the videos um brenley mp3 brenley mpp3 hi heimler Shout Out Mr khabib at gsds in in North Carolina specifically second period he’s a major yapper please tell him to stop yapping about the Mongols there’s so much to Yap about with the Mongols Ashton B Shout Out Mr Reese please also Jaden who decided to go Yummy Bowl halfway through our study period Zack J please shout out Miss Hart from Kings Way Christian his students are skibby Sigma rizzler from Ohio thanks for all the help in AP World History you’re welcome hi Shout Out Mr E and Miss L from Bronxville High School World endless Nutella I did the McQ on your second practice test and got 80% of them right I just went four minutes over I just needed that tiny speed boost how did I do it that was really 80% is fantastic by the way that’s you’re on your way to a five with that izy e shout out Mr Mrs depa the girl boss pchs epic 314 shout out to Kelly G the goat of DBQ yapping Sammy Mr dwart from the WL a happy late teacher appreciation James harro shout out to the greatest Alpha Sigma skibby toilet Mr per periz perezi period 5 Ferguson if it wasn’t for his Riz I would not pass Justin shout out to the goat Mr Dolan Ryan fam shout out my Sigma skibby goat Mr Bartlett at staum high school period five on top and I’m going to Phantom tax A5 on the AP exam Sigma dude 127 Shout Out Mr zadnik best AP World teacher at East Meadow by the way we are all cooked tomorrow regardless Jacob Hungerford I am the man who arranges the blocks well you sound like a very good man to know uh Alex shout out my apgov teacher from grosmont Grossmont uh Mr stevon he knows you’re the best so please call Mr stevon the goat he is he’s the goat Barbie Jame Shout Out Mr Greg Zimmer best history teacher there ever was also thanks for helping me study for my AP test my savior you’re welcome I’m at 88:18 now Kaden Washington who do you think will win the sigma Wars the sigmas and Alphas or the betas and the omegas H maybe it’s the alphas and the betas together teaming up jir 23 shout out to Mr Mrs uh uers sax and the Savio class and also shout out to my friend fondal uh chobi uh Pascal labite Shout Out Mr ellingers or ellingers fifth and sixth period at mths and tell him you tell him to let us watch movies after the test thanks for carrying us he couldn’t have done it without you movies are movies are nice yeah I mean but I’m sure he’s got a great plan for you a please Shout Out Mr schuerman at Travis High School Assan H can you please Shout Out Mr stultz from Harmony Garland for being the best teacher and his skibby RZ Willow Tree 1122 thank you Eddie shout out to Mr saba and his sidekick Yanni boss all right uh Cristiano shout out to Mr Bob Mr Bob Blanchard from fifth period AP hitmon toat uh I don’t take any APS but big shout out uh shout out to my big friend Brendan who’s Curr currently studying hard AF Jackson Cox shout out to miss Cardenas from Mount View High School yes sir Miss chin the batty with the fatty you feel me Daniel Q Joe you’re cooked on the AP looks maxing test since you’re a beta male with no Ohio Riz your majesty Emperor heimler has skib RZ and unlimited Aura thank you very that’s quite flattering uh Corvina magistra G gahani Suma EST little Latin there love it Willow Tree 11122 thank you Camden y greetings choa rise gang shout out to H’s bald brother from another mother Mr Pace the goat AP World teacher Kobe Fletcher shout out to Mr McDonald from Green Upstate high school he loves Champa rice and Arsenal Football Club he’s the best AP teacher ever and the funniest British man I know go Arsenal sturdy wooden table heimler you’re going to have to make an important decision buddy I wish I could say no pressure but it’s kind of a big deal period five or six for Mr D uh D dionis make the right choice I know you will yeah obviously it’s six clearly Matthew Mendoza uh chat we only on unit five we are cooked Josias redor shout out Mrs Miss Nicholson J Bar 3 Lara is not locked Lo in and August is more logged in CIA shout out Miss Long from Olympia High School lightridge physics hi heimler shout out Miss Auto we love you at LHS Oliver anguish shout out to period B at period shout out to b period world at CAF CFA and not F period ryet thank you crush Crusher Hero 7 shout out Miss Mr fanction a tree uh enthusiastic shout out to Mrs Joselyn Co of Carmel High School for being such a wonderful teacher in person Matthew white shout out to Dr uh suzer best US history teacher person person him can you can you please use your domain expansion infinite void on Maya Paulson she has too much cursed energy and will eventually surpass sukuna don’t know what any of that means I hope it’s not dirty uh Josias RoR shout out to me Josias RoR uh for future president indeed Will sumall shout out to Mr Graham at Blackburn and Rockbridge please give good luck to our friend Isabella Shaw she’ll need it to get a five clueless shout out to Mr Mrs Hughes Champa rice gang in Montgomery also good luck Lucas on your exam oneeyed Willie 21 Shout Out Mr zamp from OS happy retirement bth Shout Out Mr shus and his magic Mustang Stacy D natal West senica East Whoppers you got this Miss D love that Andrew Roy Andrew mcroy Shout Out Mr McCulla skibbidy dum dum yes yes daylight 77 shout out to shout out to my AP World History teacher Miss McCabe she’s chill Kate sprinkle thank you Leonardo Garcia shout out to Mrs Watson from enhs second period is her favorite and the best wiyd hey himler greetings from Syracuse could you shout out Mrs Schumacher she’s the most Sigma W RZ world history teacher in all of New York quite that’s quite a thing milk biscuit shout out Steven priy Vadim or vadm and Javier Isabella rapacioli y’all got this you know more than you think you do that sounds that sounds right to me the one person in the comments that one person in the comments please heimler hi himler please shout out to Mr Santo the ultimate Sigma awesome history teacher also shout out AC students we love your videos you’re so skiy well thank you you hey right back at you you’re every bit of skibbidy too it’s the first time I’ve actually used that to compliment somebody um felt good all right anyway thank you Benjamin e shout out to Mr trout class AP World Max Cheerio Max Cheerio Mr schwag and Miss McLoud our W teers shout out to Pine View chimies and gc’s Nathan young fun Sigma Manis shayen and Eddie Zeke shout out to Carlos rolina of too PGA uh High School in CMI Florida sorry I’m sure I pronounced that wrong Daniel Q your majesty please shout choma rice and hit an emote I took the emotes off sorry uh Geto shout out to coach Canon at Christian Brothers High School in Memphis Tennessee we love you coach Eli duus shout out Miss air from rhs for being the best Maverick o 007 Shout Out Mr gross AKA Lil Man Dan thanks for putting up with us fourth period Liza shout out to Mrs Westbrook my icon my queen Abby Harbinger shout out to miss RS skibby classes please bless us with fives rayy hi himler it’s uh mtika and Sam we think you’re the man thank you please say hi to Mr manie and block six we love and appreciate you for helping us with our favorite subject well thank you all right Emanuel Mr zerbel is the number one skibby alpha ra Raphael Marquez shout out Miss Roberts she loves Daddy heimler uh Andrew for pre heimler we love you and Mr Mr Moran’s AP World boys and Sophia Hannah and Sarah from Green Hope say hi well hi we’ll get fives skibby Andrew for oh Andrew for class press Andrew H shout out to Sigma Mr gurnie from AP World History W sorry periods one and six his Mee streak never stops for gold God gurnie wish us luck tomorrow heimler good luck all the best to y’all good luck uh weird dude Juma rice nice electric fast feet T Guth and Miss Goldberg are absolute G’s Marley sedor sidor shout out the coolest AP World teacher M Mrs Ferdman and sing Melody and sing this melody to Baby I love that you think I know what baby is I don’t and I was like AP AP o like AP AP no G to get a fire I don’t I there you go uh Jacob shout out to best teacher Mr McFarland at BHS star America raw David farmer thank you Lucas uh shout out Miss Norton skibus Sigma AP World Class fives all day phantom tax resz man man can you say shout out to King TOA lose or L heimler can you please say Turn down for what and shout out to Sophia Mia and L LZ thank you for helping me study for AP you’re welcome double dumpling can you shout out to my skib teacher Mr Pino uh who teaches us amazing AP World lessons and fights for cancer treatment through his fundraiser Castaways against cancer Mr Pino is skibbidy cchs indeed sounds like he is well done sir har lad thank you R2 shout out Dustin he shout out Dustin she has W RZ baby grank Livy Nutella Shout Out Mr de rubira and my BFF Tanya Goodluck someone random wait yeah someone random thank you Benjamin e shout out to Mr Trout from St Monica’s DRZ md3 shout out dead Murphy AHS Nash you’re my LeBron king I love you toddy s going to conquer the exam Song Dynasty style tomorrow thank you for all your work thank you for all your work and because both of you both you and my teacher Miss Frankie I will Ace tomorrow behind you all the way gr ghou thank you Tombola Dearest timler please shout out North High Dylan Ria Reagan Jonah and Miss May thanks love you my skibby Sigma rler keep on being goated David farmer Shout Out Mr wessell we love you Yousef elasri are the leaked exams accurate no idea I haven’t seen him Ava casy shout out to Mr frick from Lake Bentley big old well Shout Out Mr Kramer biggest Sigma in the world Kate sprinkle Shout Out Mr Libby third period AP World not Blake we love you heimler w Willis 12 shout out Wanda Moon the most skibbidy s shout out Wanda Moon the most skibby Alpha Sigma someone random could you please say hey Sigma rizzler cath th Enthusiast um Tell G Gabe he is not as Sigma as me thanks heimler you’re welcome Julia Hoskins please Shout Out Mr Kabal from TPS uh cabal the average Willie thank you very generous uh shout out to Mr barbuto from Shelby junior high amazing teacher we are barbut toist amazing teaching style known as baruto ISM well I would I would like to see what that’s all about um Haik Mo Miz hi hler my name is H Haik Haik Haik uh and I’m not actually in AP History but actually in honors Global just wanted to say this the first time watching your live and I love it well thank you sir thank you um all right I’m now reading at 8:29 p.m. y’all really y’all really did it grateful grateful but I’m at 829 Ben shout out to the kindest teacher Mrs skill uh from CHS Bol hello first I would like to say that you’re skibbidy thank you and shout out to Mr twidle twiddle who loves your videos and shows them to us like every day I love I loved you thank you for helping me study you’re most welcome thank you mty plays hi Mickey Mouse and Dan Dan and Antonio Kool-Aid bro 92 shout out glorious King Eric Shelton second and fourth super nugs shout out Dr cashen from hos Bentonville he is the second most handsome baldman ever and very skibbidy he is a level 99 Riz boss for real on Champa rice all right Maggie Webster Maya Charlie and Maggie can get fives miam shout out to Mr odonnell from seminal we love you a wasian fried rice this is Mr Manny tell June she better get a five Alexandra Frasier shout out to Mr Becker he’s your biggest fan and the best AP World teacher in the entire universe I will be getting this five because of him gr go Miss r r is the sigma fogy where my hug at Alice wanders Swan please shout out Mick Miss I think it’s Miss McGee uh best AP World teacher ever she is so kind Brendan fre Shout Out Mr Cross my goat Addy Newman shout out Jackie stier in Alexandria Minnesota the be most Sigma teacher of all time and to Addie H in Jackson drum Gabriel Alvarez shout out to shout out Tera Mr Alonzo lucif Form shout out Dr Ray from IM imali high school he bought the AP World History review guide for us so that we could study well that is lovely good teacher radar shout out to Mrs Sloan from South High Ray says hi speeder X 999 shout out to best AP World teacher Mr am Amaral at AHS sorry this chat makes you say Jen Alpha Brain R so much that’s all right it’s great fun he he shout out to Mr Lano CT Shout Out Mr Kelly from Manas Manhasset Manhasset high school thank you CT Eli love from Metro in the lose shout out Lo love from Metro in the lose shout out to miss Christy and the dopd squad Ben Martin Elliot Gavin jiren Eli Jeremiah Alex West Tommy Hugh and both gabes let’s skip our way to a five Sophia m c kuio kuzo kuzo and Mrs Bata are the best Sr Deuce can you say Ottoman Empire don’t get Riz on skibby No Cap constant Constantinople on top Mr Mort is the goat just cat please Shout Out Mr welzer from Ann Richards high school we love her and we’ll miss her so much we love you Miss wesler ash6 period the best Elliot Von shout out Metro St Louis metro and St Louis shout out Miss chrisy and the boys Martin Ben Gavin jiren Jeremiah Tommy Alex Wes Eli and the gabes thanks for carrying the year and being a sigma cam B shout out coach Jackson AP supreme leader Sam sang shout out to Mr Bishop and cchs for being the most awesome AP World teacher his notes and teachers teachings are really helpful and fun Oak here shout out to Mr McCollum at nhhs Jacob shout out say good luck Reena you’re going to get a 100 Fabian Hernandez shout out Mrs Mr Sanchez from Santiago High Gad Mizrahi shout out to Mr Del re from yde thanks for teaching us where India is LOL Q digity can you please Shout Out Mr Weaver’s second hour history class and stop selling zah to the students London Landon Stone hey himler shout out Mrs trip Miss trip and Mr Robinson from North Atlanta High thanks for the reviews you’re welcome lucky you yo hinwood thanks for the five last year on world and hopefully a five on gov this year definitely Shout Out Mr was in the second period at nwhs Omar shout out to the goat Miss keing and her sixth period Goofy Goober shout out to miss Kane’s 4A class at DCS a l l l Carson Brigman Miss Mr Rosio is the best teacher ever Mexican Space Cat Shout Out Mr shout out Keegan and Cooper and Hugo and Dylan Alex thatch hi uh say you say uh oh hi yeah so say SE Shout Out Mr Lee Taman from Lee Tan we love you Eric Su epic super shout out to Mr Johnson from will Williston Northampton high school he was in his bagging looking up this year Max can you say for can you say for Carlos rolina should release his domain expansion on his sixth period idms can you please shout out Miss Lin from Excel High School love you heimler heimler skib Sigma uh the Bears are a 10- win team in East Easton and Caleb also shout out Alvin tan and Seth V can you also mute to the camera and say J roome is Sigma J roome is sigma that’s what I got at this point in the night that’s what I got Harry monkey shout out to Mr Meer for being a goat not zenan shout out to the sigma girly pop Mr melon block four is the best block on skibbidy we’re going to cook on this exam Elliot Von and Hugh killer moon 198 shout out to miss Warren in her first period class at OSS Ethan peori shout out Miss Levy she is a D1 yapper Yousef el el masri shout out to Jonathan Jose uh dim Dara Mis uh John D from chapter 6 Isabella Sab you got me an A and WAP bless you thank you so much you’re welcome and congrats locking in for a five on the exam also shout out to Mr Cruz from shs best teacher Duke dzel Dennis please yell Miss sa hir mogs all WAP teachers acid FPS favorite period in history well that’s that’s thank you for your generosity uh usually it’s the one currently studying so currently it’s uh mid 20th century in US history um willow tree 11122 can you shout out M Mrs bogot from dphs toly Fitz 08 Shout Out Mr O’Neal’s AP worldclass at SLU which is better Phantom tax or Gia tax uh I personally think the Phantom tax is to to do cage C hey him shout out to Lord Del Campo from Al Camino again also do you think the moon landing was a hoax to be ahead of the USSR love you lots I don’t think it was but I also haven’t studied it in depth but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t pretty sure it wasn’t Marcos Rodriguez Tera kids Alonzo uh any other is greater than period six is any greater than any other world teacher Vault can you please tell Mr metf from Ohio to lock in and eat Champa rice so he can become a sigma I rizm okay thank you niiko MOA thank you William hugen Dam shout out to Hudson and William in Mr rapper’s class or rarts class we started studying today are we cooked on skibidi nah y’all are fine Cole Handlin shout out to King Sigma Lin from upper Mariam Cloud shout out Miss pantoro she’s skidy Sigma uh Tim Timothy Cornell tell the DHS kids and those testing tomorrow trust the process Mr K I apologize for all the handouts kids again trust the process brazy shout out to my Ohio skibby Sigma my looks maxing bald King Mr nonan andamp D bio nsh here this is my last stream with you heimler a thank you so much for helping me get fives on aush and apgov I got AP World now have a great life nsh you too and congratulations Jackson shout out to Mr sck fifth periods from gsmst Tron 10 shout out to my section on leader Mr ramali Matt XX shout out to Mr Woodcock from CHS classroom is his kitchen with what he cooks up Matthew Martinelli please Shout Out Mr Finn from Highland Park High School he’s the best WAP teacher Wilbur shout out Miss bookstaver from or or or Oris Oris or Oris scani hi I guess Lawless uh yo heimler you think you shout out my seventh period AP World teacher Mrs fluge she got me the heimler bro she got me on the heimler bro well I’m glad super creeper shout out to Mr parisino uh from Henry Ford 2 the most skibbidy Sigma AP World History teacher in the world on Champa rice Raymond Chen Mr Stefan best AP World teacher my glorious King is the reason I’m going to pass this exam love you Mr stepan or Stephen uh miss papa Michael my skib Ohio Riz didn’t work on you but I still you both from pH UHS Neo future shout out Miss England and shout out to Fellowship simply Emily shout out Miss chag Chang Chan from or kasang from Lowel High School Landon Stone hey heer thanks for this this review and others please shout out to miss trip and Mr Mr Robinson from North Atlanta High cause Shout Out Mr James Del Army delarm uh Del Army Jamestown Supremacy Adrien in Noah shout out to Mr Maloney the true Sigma rizzler in Ohio whose Phantom taxes all no Yap and his pet dog pomy who has the best skibby rid in the game they love drinking the Grimace Shake svi please pray for martinac especially period four and five we are getting cooked and fried tomorrow we love martinac he’s so skiy please bless us we are cooked you are blessed not cooked uh Alex P heimler Sensei going to fail the AP since I’m playing valerant but hey at least I hit iron three Le at least I hit iron three anyway aragato for helping me in my world history training Arc data data bio uh yeah you got to have goals got to maybe maybe valerant is where you need to be uh Lane callow please shout out all pchs AP World students thanks Jack harco Shout Out Mr Canard evaluate the extent to which skib Sigma Riz was spread on the Silk Road During the period Phantom tax to Tik Tock Riz party Nik Mora I’m reading at 8:41 by the way nikoa I would like to ask the great heimler whether I create a new religion called heimler ISM with you as our God I would be a terrible God I just need you to know that uh nobody can count on me for divine uh Perfection Elliot Von I almost forgot about August you are taking my money like the Mongols took Goods in the golden horde Emma B heimler you are so Sigma please Shout Out Mr Reed from langum Creek J moris say schwack five times from Mr Easley at Walnut glob schwack schwack schack swack swack swack schwack cinnamon stick Shout Out Mr Jim rhods froms the best world history teacher and first block class also check out his channel Jim rhs for extra help Marcos Rodriguez Mr Alonzo see if you see this can you please give period 6 extra credit GG hilgenberg Shout Out Mr swig schwag Miss jish Rafi shiam him Levi Manis Jack and Pine viw School and everyone in my class and good luck to everyone skibbies tyrantula4 love you guys back Dawson Soo Co Hunter the broken Sigma his trip to Walgreens was Valiant the Red Apple 5361 for the skibbidy Ohio sigas Cole Sig munchkin Ohio rizzler PUK Dino M22 bro I don’t even have AP World why am I watching this I should be studying for apcs shout out to my boy Wes for Real uh doggg shout out to shout out my number four side piece Miss Giglio for being the biggest skidy Sigma rizzler in all of Afghanistan also for being the biggest G our based book of Ohio every unit Leo Blandon why are so many talented painters from Austria man smack my head rigsy boy thank you Declan Palmer hail the Glorious Zar heimler please give praise to my favorite caliphate Magister Dolan hail my glorious teacher SAR heimler and caliphate Magister Dolan Ali merer do you remember Miss Utterback uh this is not the best time to ask me I I don’t I don’t remember my own name right now Antonio B shout out to the most skibbidy AP World teachers in the Ottoman Empire Miss April Mr Garcia Mr Dr Isaac d dnut uh from the best AP World students in New York bugs she still has a huge fat crush on you loser shout out to my teacher Miss Walters also shout out to my sky Sigma slicers in Period 5 talking to you kwami Gio and Henry um toast call uh thank you Ansley shout out to miss Hoff and good luck to everyone John David ET and Perry Hall kids are so hooked toast call shout out to James Tommy and Fula looks like this saying James is less than Tommy uh Dawson Soo super skibby Sigma Cole Hunter and heimler Alpha the flying naan Mr Klein PHS Susie sandol can you please say Hi to Miss Pastak F block class Matt J Shout Out Mr glassier my Pooky bear my glorious teacher never cook on the timelines again he he just like you for real shout out Miss ersek period 3 class for helping me not be cooked on this exam Manny Ariana smells cause shout out to Mr James Del Army Jamestown Supremacy uh just Harper thank you heimler for carrying the AP World classes at FHS can you shout out Mr Kennedy for being skibbidy please I see Max stinks Manny hi Edna you’re a beta Eric namely nelli pay attention Jackson shout out Miss Fowler from gsmst my AP Bio goat Mr shaat shout out to Mr sh shats AP World History Class at North Hollywood High School May the force be with you tomorrow you’ve all worked so hard thank you heimler for providing valuable resources to supplement our learning glad to be in it with you glad to be in it with you Luke Bernell shout out to miss Mrs coaches block s from Newark Charter ugab Booga himler shout out my skib Sigman rizzler AP World teacher Mr helli from vshs fourth period I’m so prepared to get a three love you my Pooky Justin jbst Tiner Scott oresti and MMA are cooked for the exam Sebastian zerlin shout out to ibraim Gallardo the birthday boy Owen shout out to Emily demerest and her new baby seal shout out to Mr Hilbert the best most skibby Sigma AP World teacher and the biggest eagles and Star Wars fan his most beautiful luscious hair real Claire can you shout out Mr Romo from MHS icy you’re so giy you’re so chippy Tils Manny Flavia Dorado is the Einstein of our age if you know you know Lane lubker shout out to miss heggy from ekin Elkin AR Arkansas or Arizona sorry uh she’s the best teacher and World Player speedrunner can you shout out costandi and at gury ah yoer can you say Mr Becker is the goat Manny Ariana Flavia and Aiden will pass with fives the 3D Chef shout out to every history teacher who helped their students this year super shout out to you for helping all of us too thank you uh good luck TMR all uh the 3D Chef lelay lelay shout out to Mr Dalton and OCS students Jamon Barry cooked for tomorrow shout out to my boy Ethan folck the average Willie shout out to Mr barbuto at Shelby junr High amazing teacher teaching style known as barbudo ISM shout and tell him that Jacob should be nominated at honors night mini1 1234 please Shout Out Mr Leonard uh tvhs and say Tina at the Tina e the ham Tori shout out to my glorious King Mr C from ECS he is a skibby sigma with max strength Aura and also shout out to Tori and Lynn please we love you haime and jolly suknanan suknanan shout out to Mr wessell at uh uh kugu High School Aaron please Shout Out Mr ha from St Loris he’s St Lawrence he’s a huge fan and an alpha he may feed off the tears and pain of students but he’s a pretty fun guy Lindsay be can you shout out Miss Candy she is the goat just drums shout out to Mr fiser who’s an amazing teacher and getting married in a couple of days congrats Ryan Ash shout out to Ren Ren the cutest little Jamaican Jelly Bean so cute icy shout out to guns he’s skibbidy and Chippy Tils uh Bella M thank thank you Gabriel Alvarez Mr Alonzo terara High School Florida someone random say you’re the best teacher Mr Rich MK and Osborne Harry lad yo heimler Shout Out Mr Ron rilos ronos third period class from La pente High School Mr is it Rono or ronilo is skib Sigma skeley 590 Shout Out Mr oler’s class in Oakland Christian School Mr oler is an amazing teacher Brandon pip is really bulk and cute and is my Pooky Bear kobf Let’s Go n nonan and Luke Colby Disney car Disney Cars Playdoh nice thank you Leah Ortez Shout Out Mr Dawson from ghs best teacher Bailey shout out Master instructor Mr Cornell sinid shout out to the goats Mr gerola Mrs Velasquez Mr Stanton at Jasper High they are the best Ohio skibby Sigma WAP teachers in the world Jo Joselyn Ramirez shout out to Miss Miss Corgan from Burgess High School third period She Loves You uh Lon shout out M Mrs Kenova she hates skibby toilet also played Duos with me in fortnite uh Paul Pepe Jr I love my girlfriend Clara she’s the best Peter and Guan shout out to Mr Gomez and lq tell Jason and Danny to lock in for the exam and to be very skibby Ohio RZ SK skibby Ohio Sigma raise Lords forbidden shout out to the super Sigma Mr Thompson who taught the skidy fourth and seventh periods keep on Mee and RIS up to that test get guaranteed five pookies Raina shout out to skib Sigma boss Miss B at patm Adeline flesh shout out to Mr Coffield wish us luck Disney Cars Plato nice wish mass text good luck tomorrow King y y Yasin Ryan rayan uh thank you Laurel Laurel Toler love you Mr Sasso Laurel Claire Caroline and Maria omx Shout Out Mr Fenderson first period he’s the best Nathan Buckley please Shout Out Mr Nichols and say that the students are skibby sigas who will cook on the test ac52 thank you MAA Sim shout out Yan gang yan yan gong she is so pukelicious wire mace Shout Out Mr Garis as the best history teacher Kate merod shout out to skib toilet at large and in charge thanks Kate uh Kade vaugh shout out to Mr Mrs Mayfield she is very skiy aan prindiville shout out the SK the sigma ridlers from Pas and Mrs Rose lock in for the exam so we can celebrate with baby grank and big Tick Tock Riz party big skib for Veronica your vids are so helpful thank you please tell my friend Chloe to lock in and get this five and shout out to our super skib teacher Mr Bender squid toes shout out to Mrs Chase’s class which is so much better than Mrs Su summers’s class also manifest fire for my boy Austin because he’s cooked uh Sunny please shout out to Logan wall he is skibbidy Ava wait Ava Casey Shout Out Mr frick from Lake Brantley Jordan W Kate sprinkles Shout Out Mr Libby’s third period AP World Class not Blake we love you heimler say hi to Kate and Kaylee hi guys River shout out to Mr gas at uh FHS amazing teacher no Lawrence Shout Out n naoa n NOOA Lloyd you are my little skibby oh oh deep woken Pooky bear Joselyn shout out M Mrs CH chinin I can’t chanin I think fifth period most skibbidy kids Payton Scully pton Sully and Josie Shout Out Mr for putting up with my class this is odogg 98 Shout Out Mr Adair for putting up with my class especially with my constant questions and Shout Out Dr Green for sparking my love of History even if he isn’t an AP teacher oh excuse me Eagles rise up the Nugget shout out to Dr Jennings at atch best history teacher I’ve ever had also shout out to the folks making a shrine to heimler’s history tomorrow Owen mcclaflin shout out to miss w w w no worth Miss worth for teaching AP World at sfca Carter Pence please shout out the goat of History AKA heimler a thank you and Mr Stefan Stefan from P UHS Mr Stefan will not be happy if we fail so please pray for us Misha Misha Sim please shout out my boyfriend AE Murthy he has the highest Riz from Ohio and is extremely skibbidy me and mogs all the sigmas AOG uh shout out to Mr Jason pit from mnhs heimler our class loves you keep up the good work thank you love you all too AG Shout Out Mr Gibson from niak high school McKenzie row Shout Out Mr no Dr aleno F period table soe Sarah Lizzy and Els Elsa Elsia what are we getting tomorrow fives fives please yell that part um narv you’re the goat shout out Miss Joiner from ghs Anna Romero hi King himler can you wish my friend and I Leah luck good luck ha shout out to BHS good luck godp speed and go querty can you bless me to bless me with skibby Ohio Riz to get a five on the exam blessed Sebastian crashman shout out to Pablo Neo Jimmy Jesus and David the brothers thank you Tom Yoko shout out to Mr duus and Mrs Nelson Keller Nichols shout out to Mr Herman you’re say you’re a bunny Z zitra this goes out to my homies in Mr M’s AP World Class heimler you are a real one thanks for carrying us all year thank you very nice of you to say I appreciate that uh bellus pan where we at uh bellus pen uh Mrs Terry Allen ISD best teachers Ria subnani shout out Miss stowbridge for being the best AP World teacher wish Nadia Lila Tyler Karma jono ski bidy Sigma ski bidy oops skibbidy Sigma it’s broken into two words and I good luck we are aiming for a five good luck with that pierce Hopson please shout out me gulig me gulig Samantha Ralston shout out Elizabeth abiel Anna like frozen Maria Mariah or Maria Mariah Marley and Shelby who are studying right now and Leon who’s not watching love y’all good luck Wicked Willie 25 Mr O’Neal B perod is the most Rizzy skibby ma monkey on a stick shout out to Mr melami the best AP Mo MOG maxing teacher who needs to deploy his melami Sigma domain study Max to ensure his students pass the pass Max the exam the Brothers Shout out Miss shout out mphs AP World History skibby Riz Tigers Misha Saleem can you wish me luck on getting fives for tomorrow’s exam my name is pronounced Misha Misha thank you Saleem good luck for tomorrow Jonas Van Kirk shout out to my teacher uh McCoy Mr McCoy at River Hill and please tell him for the love of God to put up a poster uh Mauricio can you say uh Julio or Julio and Mauricio are so skibby Sigma we are no longer cooked thanks to your videos I’m glad to hear that crayon just wanted to say thank you and that I’m a lot more confident about the exam Andy Marino can you shout out Miss Looney’s class and tell my friend Jonas Jonas Nadler to study she’s the best history teacher I ever had Stinson 0530 shout out to Mr E Ethier uh if you can pronounce this aimless dice shout out to Mr V’s class second period not 6th uh he has got to be the most skibbidy teacher ever and I’m going for the five because of that Max KIU shout out to Mr gpo’s period a class from New Jersey Valentino Donado game Gomez shout out to my favorite Resler Kayla bring the W home Tessa can you give a shout out to Mr Martin at THS he’s been a wonderful teacher all year your videos have also been super helpful uh Landon Frasier shout out to Mr carmichel at person High Gabe a shout out Mr Jones teacher please give me a bonus Eric Vera I love my girlfriend Goofy Goober shout outs to Miss Amber kanes 3 and 4A we love you can you tell her we are in fact standing on business and tell Maddie and Annabelle to lock him Anna Martinez shout out to our hardworking teacher Miss Crow or Crowell uh and her second Block Please Alexis shout out to miss uh Jagdish the true Sigma W teacher Marcos Rodriguez Shout Out Mr Alonzo after receiving multiple threats Mr Alonzo please give all your class extra credit it would be very anuka burger if you did Frenchie fried look at the camera and tell Mr Anderson he is bald P heimler love big daddy Shout Out skibby Mr stanker Willis 12 shout out skib teacher Miss Milligan Kaylee chin thank you so much for your videos you were aane well thank you uh please send positive energy and pray Kaylee will get a five on the exam Kayley you got it uh CT shout out to my skib Ohio rler Mr Kelly from MHS for being goated a goated history teacher chant USA USA Daredevil thank you Joselyn Ramirez shout out to skib toilet Miss Cory from Burgess High School third period She loves you #the best Mauricio selinus forgot to add shout out to Mr Torres first period Jose shout out to the best AP World teacher Mr Chapa from Portchester High School Mr skibby Warrior from Isabella uh R can you please tell Miss alre to stop drinking diet coke hey Colton Shriner shout out to the sigma Mr McQueen from pedmont high school he had such a great year shout out to the homeboy Hunter he about to get a five Ali cast a skib spell on Mr fr’s class uh for a five moose 678 shout out to miss Sylvester at Bedford High School she’s the best history teacher I’ve ever had it would be nice if she held off on homework though she’s a big fan of you and introduced our class to your channel well thank you Mrs Sylvester and consider consider yourself shouted out uh R shout out to the great Sigma Miss Nagi gray Eden shout out to Mrs Mahoney she is the goat Isabella Garrison shout out Mrs Kar at Trinity Hall thank you King Emerson chinos please bless us on the exam tomorrow and Shout Out Mrs Mahone a sigma from Ohio and is very skibbidy she is retiring and finally escaping School Mahomes class of 2024 happy retirement good luck Stacy dinal West senica East wappers you got this Miss D just keep swimming see you at 6:30 a.m. milking the final brain cow Daredevil will you please Shout Out Mr Castile also you are bread stick rizm skibidi Sigma King un like Kieran Legacy 06 can Goku be used on the leq don’t know also hi Mr chers David or here as shout out Mrs R Ria for putting up with our disruptions this year in AP World and can you tell her to give David extra credit for the shout out for an a DV8 Outdoors please say Mr K should sponsor the whs gambling team even though Pepe couldn’t pull and left her boarded with her grades slipping subscribe to DV8 jumpy remit shout out to Mr Rays Mr Reyes our amazing AP World teacher thanks for guiding us could you send good luck to room 401 Fremont High good luck 401 we appreciate it Nick MP4 nick. MV4 can you say vote Nicholas Morales for North Garland Raider band okay try that again vote Nicholas Morales for North Garland Raider band Council secretary and good luck on the WAP exam love you XOXO lynchy or lchi uh Sigma please shout out my shout out Pooky Mr de de deardo Pierce Cruz please Shout Out Mr poer from Eaton High School Jada Rivera Mr Easley is the best Ash skibby Jada and Ezra y David Ramirez shout out to UNCC Jeremy Lynch for being the most Ohio skibby Sigma Walter White esque AP Chemistry teacher and take 10% off of Benson’s grade Jasline gal gamas Shout Out Mr shy uh de goat from payau Daniel e as Mr odonnell would say good luck my ankle biters be 430 wish my goat teacher Mr Finn a happy retirement James Shout Out Mr Monty and uh Cella from jmhs they are my AP World History Heroes even if I didn’t get a five or even if I don’t get a five AI Mr kesy Block Tu represent evaluate the extent to which bald bearded guys have saved my AP World grade this year shout out to my boy Freeman pedia 2 well thank you very much that’s a fine uh it’s a fine prompt Trey white can you shout out Lakeside High School and say Mr M robish is a sigma it’s what it says so there you go Brian Perez shout out Miss Holman from Eastwood High School for teaching us about Champa rice maybe Logan uh heimler you are a super rizzler and I want you to shout out my Sigma AP World teacher Miss ganoio uh with her skib lectures I have become a pro professional yapper in AP World History easy five BN can you shout out to my skib Sigma sus teacher Mrs uh crowl or Crowell Nicks shout out to Mrs Smith from LHS and her favorite students Gary bear MIM jwes Keegan and tabis second period is the most Sigma hsith Army Katherine Grace please say I love Miss Bolton windir wait please say I love Miss Bolton windir High School loves you heimler and Champa rice the the alter ego um Shout Out Mr Gould’s sword from kabad crane for beating the info directly into our brains if we get anything less than the six he will conjure his wrath upon us like its Revelations Solomon Landon himler please shout out chippity chippy Sigma okay please shout out chippy skibbidy Sigma Mr grunt guns Viller from wln and shout out to Max shiff for being a beta SK 4N shout out to Mr fanella best AP World teacher of Slam better than Mr West Lila Graves I love you Nikki Shout Out Mr Fernandez bless your computers hope we get a five hope we get fives Moon rabbit shout out to the goat WAP teacher Miss Vincent Dennis dukaj Shout Out Mr Collison from McNair Manifest this five for me heimler or else he’s going to fail me you’re going to get this five shout out Estrella shout out to miss Santa Maria best AP teacher s thank you Hammer surf shout out to Miss Hall SSS we’re ready on skibbidy N4 cro shout out my glorious King Mr fer he so skib Ohio rizzler Pooky Sigma final boss he has Aura and aat uh shout outs bobin Vin and yosf they are my favorite yo Chico looks maxing moggers Noah asera Shout Out Mr bevens from mea Mesa High School and wish my goat Derek NG good luck excuse me and his mcqs also Joe Angulo for being a sigma rainbow Shout Out Mr Marks Tani sing Roy shout out Miss Miss pantoro from siang Sian Haka a continuity over her years of teaching is her immense passion for history and genuinely caring about us as people thank you so much we love you Miss pantoro bansky shout out my big friend Brendan who is working off to get at least a three on the AP exam Sam gindy shout out Benjamin Weinstein n uh they ain’t believe us God did they ain’t believing us God did Nate neat 827 shout out to Mr heimler no Helmer Mr Helmer go J Hawks Alex Evans shout out to Raymond Phillips or Ramone um Mel shout out to my teacher Mr Tickler at uh mvhs I think it will be funny to show this this to him tomorrow Jordan Torres M what the sigma Shout Out Mr Graham from payau roblo y gosh sorry roblo YT development shout out to Matthew white Watcher BS Shout Out Mr West sorry oh my gosh I’m struggling to starting to see now I can’t make these words out am I still talking am I still here Watcher BS Shout Out Mr West best AP World teacher Charan a shout out to AP World History G1 teacher Danny B from carmell high school or Carmel uh ET thank you so much Pooky you’re welcome kobby F let’s go Luke and nanon make Panic proud X KX shout out to the Glorious Mr KB from h saf Texas W teacher for real tell him to shave his beard off after the exam Harvey Veen thank you for being proud of us whatever grade we get it really helped me out oh good uh shout out to the Kobe support group Harvey that is altogether wholesome and thank you and then from ABE shout out the AP Huggers Alex Preston Ania and Abe that’s it that’s the last one last stream of the year I don’t even know is anybody still here yeah uh last stream of the Year Bittersweet I hope if you’re still here you’re in some other time zone than what I’m currently in but go uh get some sleep you know I love you guys glad we got to do this together good luck tomorrow and uh after you’re done come back let me know how it went uh yeah good night and hopefully I’ll see you uh for apus AP Gov or whatever else you got going on in the following years I keep trying to land This Plane I don’t think I’m going to do it right so good night

Heimler Review Guides:
+APUSH: https://bit.ly/44p4pRL
+AP World History: https://bit.ly/46rfHH1
+AP Euro: https://bit.ly/3PCPyiw
+AP Government: https://bit.ly/3rfXr2Y
+AP Essay CRAM Course (DBQ, LEQ, SAQ Help): https://bit.ly/3XuwaWN


  1. My issue is that it's really difficult to review when the video is released the day before the exam because some students are taking the test abroad. I hope you see this and best wishes to all Americans.

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