Gaming Culture: A New Language for the Digital Age
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Gaming Culture: A New Language for the Digital Age

Forbes Books

How cultural markers from gaming are changing how we consume products and communicate our values.

Language is a cornerstone of human civilization and culture. We use it not just to communicate but also to transmit values, beliefs, and traditions.

The values inherent in a culture are largely shaped by the words those people use to describe it. The digital world, particularly gaming, has evolved into a vibrant cultural environment with its own norms, values, and lexicons that cross traditional cultural barriers. In these digital spaces, gaming culture has become the dominant culture, unifying people from around the world.

Games, through their mechanics, narratives, and player interactions, develop complex systems of symbols and meanings. Terms like n00b and aggro, for example, shape the way gamers play and experience their digital communities. These cultural markers are not limited, however, to the virtual world. Gaming culture has evolved beyond entertainment and has become a medium through which values are conveyed and internalized by the younger generation.

The popularity of games and their ability to shape culture have also affected how we market products. According to TikTok’s Global Gaming Marketing lead, marketing professionals would do well to pay attention to the evolving gaming population and the cultural markers that come with this growing community. As younger generations seek out more interactive experiences, marketers must recognize the broad reach of the gaming community and the value inherent in this expanding group.

How Game Developers Shape Our World

Games, through their rules and narratives, construct frameworks defining success, respect, and community values. These are not arbitrary; they are crafted by developers who embed values within the digital experiences they create. This makes game developers modern-day storytellers and cultural architects whose creations shape the worldview and ethical compass of their audience.

Developers of online Role Playing Games, like Guild Wars 2, have the opportunity to bring people together from across the world. These individual connections grow into whole communities that uplift each other.

In 2017, for example, a Guild Wars 2 player found that a fire had caused extensive damage to her home. She surveyed the destruction of her home in a video she posted to social media and found that her collector’s edition of Nightfall, an expansion for the game, was untouched. Team Arena Net, the developers of Guild Wars 2, caught wind of this player’s misfortune, shared the post, and raised thousands of dollars from other Guild Wars 2 players. While these developers only set out to build a game, they also created a network of support that served a member in dire need.

The responsibility of developers is similar to that of filmmakers or authors whose works have the power to inspire and influence. Games, like literature and cinema, leave a mark on their players. They cultivate a generation that “speaks the language” of gaming. The content and values embedded in games have the power to influence, shape, and potentially challenge societal norms. The gaming industry holds the potential to contribute positively to the cultural and ethical development of its audience–if it chooses to do so.

By acknowledging the cultural impact of gaming, we can appreciate its potential to shape our global culture for better or worse. With an eye toward ethics, we can harness the cultural energy of the gaming community to attract new consumers and customers.

In the digital age, gaming is more than a pastime; it is a language through which we navigate and understand the world, heralding a new era in cultural linguistics.