Would love if 3v3 was the main bracket.

The game feels better to play when its 3v3.

Even watching streams is funner/better in the 3v3 setting.

Please blizzard, Even your AWC is 3v3. Is there a AWC 2v2?

Don’t do us dirty like that please. Cata 2v2 is mind-numbing.


This actually just doesn’t affect you, in any way whatsoever. You actually just want to gatekeep the people that enjoy 2s.

Just play 3s and pretend 2s doesn’t exist. 2s getting titles does not prevent 3s from getting titles.

And if 3s is “so much better” like you say it is then you don’t even have to worry about people playing 2s over it.


Not true, Having titles in 2s takes away people from doing 3s. Why que 3s, a significantly harder bracket, when you can counter comp and snipe people in 2s.

It’s fine to keep rewards in 2s. But titles? Hard pass, imo. There’s a whole lot of rock paper scissors, and queing only when you know someone else is queing.

The problem is people just don’t work this way. There’s a lot of people who only do 2s. That’s fine. However, considering the balance of the game, the health state of the game, it doesn’t make sense to give titles through 2s.

If the brackets were significantly more active, this would be a non issue. Last season of wrath, only like 25k people que’d and won at least 1 game in 3s. 2s can be fun, no doubt. But it should just be a bracket for just that - fun. Not actual competitive game play.

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When did they remove it originally? Was it Cata or later?

Season 6. Furious season, to the best of my knowledge.

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No, season 6 was the final season for 2v2 being able to get gladiator/r1 in.Season 7 was the season when it became only 3v3 and 5v5 for gladiator and rank 1.I remember because not only did I find it such a big change back then that I still remember vividly to this date, but I remember also the mass conversations on AJ (arenajunkies) at the time about it, where there were a lot of people disagreeing with the notion of it and people also agreeing with it.


This is correct, season 6 was the final season.


I mean, I could agree that R1 titles, considering they’re permanent and the highest achievable reward, not be in 2s.

But imo all of the temporary titles like Glad and lower, along with their rewards should be fair game in any bracket.

However, I’m not a glad player so this hardly even affects me in the first place. However, I do not like 3s at all so this would make me not even want to try to get better and potentially become a glad player as I don’t care about PvP that much, but this would make it even less.

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Nah. Let people that only play 2’s have their own fun too. Not like this matters in the grand scheme of things… considering that it’s only for the top 0.5% or less for those titles…


3v3 is the most balanced bracket and should be the bracket with the top tier rewards like glad/r1.

2s can go kick rocks


I guess i personally would still argue that gladiator should be kept out of 2s due to the fact the mount is also permanent.

I am one of the last people to want to remove rewards from pvp. If you are bored and doubt it, you could always look up my post history.

Moving on.

I think 2s is good to have, and is no doubt a gateway into the arena scene. It deserves attention and love. It’s just that the balance that would be required to keep it at least somewhat healthy not only doesn’t exist, but has never existed.

There is a lot more balance towards 3s. Which makes it more appealing, and more competitive. I’d even argue more fun, but that’s obviously subjective.

That’s primarily the reason for my stance on the removal of titles, or at the very least, gladiator and rank 1.

As someone who is a permanant duelist, this change doesn’t really effect me either, but i am kind of close enough to have to go through the similar struggles of knowing that it’s no longer viable to que anymore at the current time due to a specific comp on the ladder queing.

Honestly, if blizzard made a WoW dedicated arena game, that would be the best thing ever. Arena Tournament Realms would be cool. When they were around, i was too young and didn’t know much about them. It’s extremely sad to see it never made it very far or lasted very long.

This is something that’s really hard to juggle. I remember back in 2010 when i first started doing arena and the sole reason was just to get gear to do better in BGs. Then as i got the gear the next step was to get the elite set (cata at the time). Never got it, mop came around and i finally got 2.2 and got the red enchant, and later in wod 2.6 and got the tabard.

My point here is, there’s so many different goals and objectives for people to make them want to play. The 2.2 gear, 2.2 enchant, and 2.6 tabard all last forever and don’t require gladiator. Granted, 2600 in the last season of wod was only 113 points away from glad anyway…

If we had more people who did arena, counter queing wouldn’t be so free for some players. It’s just awful and painful to log on and try to play a game at 2500 mmr and have to stop queing if you want to get any higher because someone else is playing a literal better comp in this specific situation.

That’s really my beef with 2s and titles. Counter queing is too prevalent and needs to be addressed. How? I don’t know. People who play the right comp, or meta comp, will flock to 2s and never touch 3s. Killing both the fun of 2s, and making 3s a dead ladder.


Sir, just play 3s if you prefer 3s over 2s :thinking:

It really shouldn’t matter to you if 2s allows Glad/R1 titles & rewards, since you and 99.5% of the people on these forums will never achieve them anyways. Majority of top players in 2s also play 3s regardless.


I mean, i want to do both. However, even if you are not in the glad range, doesn’t mean that people who are only 200 rating below it are not effected by meta slaves in 2s. So i’m not sure how the people who fall in the 1%, but not the top .5% are treated differently in this scenario.

My theory is, if there is no titles (or no rank 1 / glad) in 2s, there will be less meta slaving in 2’s at higher rating because there is simply less to lose. People will still play 2s because it’s easier to get into, only requires 1 other person, and is still arena and can be fun.

Right now though, the higher you get, the less fun it also gets. But maybe that really is just me?

Protection Paladin • Human • Grobbulus
last update: 1 week ago
Highest achievement: Challenger
ironforge pro/media/pvp/challenger
S7 3v3
Season 8 WotLK



42 - 40
Achieved at June 24 2022
record rating




67 - 69
Achieved at June 24 2022
record rating




5 - 8
Achieved at June 24 2022
record rating


You can get challenger easier in 3s anyway. No need to be upset. There is a reason they removed it from the game a long time ago and it is no longer available in 2s in retail.
At a certain point, some classes dont go out of mana and without dampening you will see games that go to a Draw and thats not good gameplay for anyone.

There’s meta slaves in 3s as well, the same issue applies to both brackets. That’s arena in a nutshell; everyone running meta comps.

Removing rewards from 2s wouldn’t change this.


The only people complaining against it are those who dont even really PvP or don’t understand PvP. Alot of the top players are even complaining about Cata 2v2. Lol not just us here on this post.

The difference is 2s is fundamentally a rock paper scissors environment. Which plays a huge role in all of this.

If there was more people in general, and each bracket had like 300k+ players, then i think my viewpoint would be moot and a non issue.

However, since there is only like 100k, AT THE VERY MOST, for all 3 brackets… Some people will be more inclined to do only 2s because you absolutely can cheese the hell out of it with certain comps. Earning the same rewards for less effort than those in 3s.

Already happened in wrath. God bless 45 minute matches of Wopal vs Wopal. I’m lucky i only had about 6 of those matches throughout the entirety of wrath.

errrr no??? are you crazy?


I cant believe anyone plays 2v2 voluntarily anyway. Its an absolutely toxic bracket devoid of any fun. Its only really worth it if you play a Paladin/X comp.