i get these two adds and mythrax becomes invincible and i get these stacks out of nowhere

Pretty much just burst in my experience. Have to kill before MC.

Same with Zul, have to burst before he force makes you jump off (or be a hunter, DH, boomkin, warrior).

no they removed MC

Mythrax is easy to solo now that he doesn’t MC. I had problems with G’huun though, I did the fight precisely once on RF in BFA and never again, so I don’t really know what to do and it’s overall just really annoying so I stopped there.

Unless they changed it, didn’t think it was soloable. I tried last season to no joy. Have you checked YouTube for vids on it? I found some good ones for solo mythic Eonar

Disregard. The MC was removed.

they nerfed most of BFA group mechanics like MCs except ghunn and nzoth with dark heart patch

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Oh sweet! Wasn’t aware of anything that was stopping me but I can try again

so how do i solo mythrax, cuz essence shear is making me build up annihilation , i thought phase 2 is supposed to end automatically. but these adds need to still be killed

Kill it as a hunter, dk or lock? :joy:

I don’t remember how far apart they spawn if theres time to burst one before the other runs over

DPS not high enough

guess i gotta wait for WW power

i managed to kill it with drums on my fury warrior but im struggling on ret pala