4 Interesting Facts About the Life of Andy Warhol - History Chronicle

4 Interesting Facts About the Life of Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol was a leading figure of the pop art movement and one of the most respected artists of the 20th century. You are probably familiar with his works, but how well do you know the artist himself? You can easily check that by reading these interesting facts about his life.

Andy Warhol Wasn’t the Artist’s Real Name

Andy Warhol was born into a family of Austria-Hungary immigrants and was named Andrew Warhola. However, he ended up changing his name at the age of 21, being conscious about it because it sounded “foreign.”

Andy Warhol Had an Impressive Collection of Wigs

Initially, Andy Warhol started wearing wigs in his 20s in order to hide his hair loss. But they ended up becoming part of his artistic expression and identity. Over the years, he built an impressive collection that included more than 100 wigs.

Andy Warhol Was a Victim of an Assassination Attempt

In 1968, Andy Warhol survived an assassination attempt by radical feminist writer Valerie Solanas. Warhol was severely wounded and initially pronounced dead after arriving at the hospital before a five-hour surgery saved his life.

Andy Warhol Created More Than 10,000 Artworks

Andy Warhol was astonishingly prolific during his life. It is believed that he produced more than 10,000 artworks, including prints, paintings, and drawings.

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