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.:Tastes Like She Might Be The One:.


Look at me. I want to.. need to know how you look when you fall apart beneath my blood stained palms.

Day 5: Rough sex


Acheswan brainrot is real atm.

I wouldn't necessarily tag this as dubious consent but our dear Emanator is quite rough with Black Swan. Minor mentions of blood but it's nothing crazy. If you've watched the animated short then you know what sort of thing you're getting into.

This is written before I've fully completed the trailblaze mission, I've literally just gotten around to doing the Aventurine boss so I apologise if there's anything I'm missing.

That aside, have a smutty time~

Work Text:



A monotonous voice sings out amidst the sound of heavy breaths, serpentine eyes narrowing with something that could be classed as admiration. If Black Swan hadn’t known better then she would have assumed the statement to be deceitful but.. something about the tenderness of the touch currently exploring her body spoke volumes far more than the tone of voice used when addressing her. 


A soft gasp is torn from her throat, those hands slowly trailing up her hips, the soft curve of her stomach and onwards, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. Acheron had yet to remove her finger guard’s, the cold press of the metal against her heated skin being pleasant despite the way her body shuddered, nipples pebbling. She whimpers, head turning to the side, seeking to bury her face into a nearby pillow. Acheron watches with an indistinguishable look. this of course.. simply won’t do.  


Face me..”


Turn your gaze to me.


Look at me. I want to.. need to know how you look when you fall apart beneath my blood stained palms.


What song do you sing when crying out, my dear dove?


The cold metal claws dig into the plushness of her hips and she swears she can hear a serpent hiss, though, when sunset eyes flicker open she is met with no such thing. Brows furrow, whether it be due to confusion or the rising discomfort of the metal digging into her skin she isn’t too sure. She isn’t left to ponder long however as violet hair suddenly frames her face, lips crashing against her own in an unceremonious dance. She presses her hands against sturdy shoulders, neither pushing nor pulling. She whines against cherry stained lips, the lingering taste of something bitter reaching her tongue. Acheron’s rather peculiar taste in drinks.. wake the hell up ; a drink that is definitely an acquired taste but is very befitting of such a name, It’s much less popular than the famous SoulGlad the dreamers often partook in but it’s offered for those that lack a sweet tooth. 


Acheron sucks her bottom lip, releasing it with a pop as they part with heavy breaths, a line of drool connecting them; neither move to wipe it away, chests heaving, rising and falling ceremoniously as they stare into each other’s eyes. Black Swan is the first to move this time, a manicured hand sliding up the length of Acheron’s neck, thumb lightly pressing into her pressure point, feeling the way her pulse beat wildly beneath her touch.. betraying the calm demeanour she was presenting.


Acheron ..”


She speaks, her tone more breathless than she would have liked, though, it seems to be enough to capture the attention of this.. beautiful ranger. Pressing forward, Acheron’s hands come to cup her breasts, a soft whimper leaving her parted lips as she leans into the touch, her hand moving to grasp onto the hair at the base of her partner’s neck. Unphased by the grip on her hair, Acheron softly kneads the pliant flesh beneath her hands, being mindful of the cold metal that encases her fingers. Black Swan writhes beneath her, legs having found themselves hooked over the Ranger’s hips, heels digging into the base of her back in an attempt to pull her in closer- Acheron remains rooted where she is however, ignoring the way she is pulled forward, eyes sharpening.


Patience, my swan.


She bows her head, dragging her tongue down the length of Black Swan’s neck- sinking fangs into her throat and tearing flesh . Her brows furrow at thoughts drifting through her mind- it doesn’t keep her long though as the way the woman beneath her whimpers for her attention is enough to draw her back to the present. Continuing with her path, she presses a feather light kiss to the lavender haired woman’s throat, savouring the way hands grasp her shoulders in response, dull nails softly clawing her exposed skin, leaving soft trails behind.. They will fade of course so she isn’t concerned by their placement.


Her lips traverse further, down her collarbone until she reaches her goal. Glancing up through her eyelashes, she sees Black Swan’s half lidded gaze watching her every movement, her lips quivering ever so slightly. Do not fret, little birdie. She closes her eyes, lips delicately wrapping around a stiffened peak whilst a thumb carefully flicks over the other, cold metal nipping her delicate skin. The reaction is near immediate, a strangled whimper coupled with hips rolling down against Acheron’s own, causing her to let out a muffled sound against the woman’s breast. She shudders, teeth softly grazing against the sensitive bud as her cock is pressed against slick folds, Black Swan angling her hips so that with every movement the head brushes against her clit. Perhaps Acheron should chide her, tell her off for being impatient, but any form of protest quickly dissipates as hips roll down once more, her cock becoming slick with her partner’s arousal with each drag of her hips. She growls softly, biting down a little harder which elicits a surprised gasp, the Memokeeper’s back arching as a hand immediately moves to grip the top of her head, fingers tangling messily in her bangs and tugging. She lets go, licking her lips tentatively as she gazes up, an almost smug grin on her lips at how dishevelled the woman is already.. She’s soaked and Acheron has barely touched her. 


“Acheron please..”


“Please what, Memokeeper? Forgotten how to voice your desires?”


Black Swan narrows her eyes at that, a puff of air leaving her in disbelief.. the audacity of this girl sometimes.


Touch me.. please.”


“That’s not very specific…”


Acheron replies yet doesn’t seem to press it any further as her eyes flutter shut, lips dragging down the expanse of the Memokeeper’s body as she moves downward. Pausing, she drags her tongue down the woman’s navel, savouring the way she can feel the muscles tense beneath the pliant flesh, a soft whine reaching her ears, though, she has to hold back a chuckle at the way it suddenly breaks as she presses her lips to the woman’s soaked cunt. 


“Fuck..~” Black Swan drawls out, hips twitching as strong arms wrap around them, supporting her lower back.


Dragging her tongue up through soaked folds, Acheron lets out a soft noise as slick drips into her waiting mouth, the squeeze of thighs against her head causing her to growl ever so slightly from the pressure. Black Swan’s back arches, hips greedily pressing down as she seeks to chase more of the pleasurable sensation. She lays her head back against the pillow, chanting out Acheron’s name in hushed whispers. Tightening her grip on the Ranger’s hair, Black Swan pulls gently, Acheron allowing herself to be tugged closer, tongue ever so slowly and gently swirling around a swollen bud, teasing. The noise the Memokeeper lets out is near addictive, it’s breathy and oh so alluring. She cracks open serpentine eyes, gazing up at her lover.. with her current position she can’t quite see her face with the way her partner has her jaw angled up but the ever so soft trembling of her body is enough to know exactly what effect she is having on her.. a shame she can’t see those gorgeous sunset eyes of hers glowing, lost in the haze of pleasure.


Dipping lower, she lets out a soft moan against Black Swan’s cunt, the woman tugging a little rougher on her hair as she swipes her tongue, gathering the woman’s arousal as it practically pours out of her.




She whimpers out her lover’s name, moans breathlessly pouring from her lips as she raised a hand, using the back of it to press against her lips- if it was to silence herself then it was a futile effort as she suddenly gasped, a soft cry sounding out into the room as the violet haired woman latched onto her clit, sucking ever so softly. Her pleasure is short lived however as just as she can feel the steady build of her peak, there’s a loss of contact, the woman having pulled away, leaving her to writhe pathetically beneath her.


Acheron lets out a heavy breath, licking some of the slick away from the corner of her lips, using a hand to wipe away some that had spilled down her chin. The Memokeeper practically sobs in protest, body trembling and weak as she stares up at Acheron with a pleading expression. The ranger can’t help but let out a breathy laugh in response to the pitiful scene playing out. She smiles as she slowly leans up, the weight of legs rising over her hips returning once more as she hovers above her partner.




She’s begging.. 


Acheron cranes her neck, pressing lips softly against her lover’s, Black Swan returning the kiss feverishly. Despite the way she can taste herself on the woman’s lips, the Memokeeper isn’t put off whatsoever as she lightly sinks teeth into Acheron’s lower lip, receiving a grunt and a roll of hips in response. Breaking away with a breathy gasp, she lets out a soft whine, her gaze flicking down as she tries to shift her hips, tries to urge Acheron to finally cave- she’s stopped by a firm hand pressing down into her abdomen, keeping her firmly against the mattress.


What’s the rush, my dove?”


Acheron murmurs hotly against her ear, teeth softly pricking its shell as the same hand that had been holding her still descended. Taking the base of her cock in her hand, she ever so slowly pressed it against the woman’s entrance before drawing back once more, goosebumps rising on her skin as she feels just how wet Black Swan is.. she’d have no trouble taking her right this second . She bites her lip, having to restrain the urge to simply press in and bury herself inside of the inviting warmth.


Black Swan arches her back, chest rising and falling as she lets out a low and needy whine, feeling the way Acheron is purposely drawing this out longer than what it actually needs to be.. she knows herself how easy it would be for her to just slip inside with a single stroke, she’s practically dripping onto the bed sheets by this point. 


“I have half a mind to push you onto your back and take you myself, Acheron..” she complains, her voice weak.


“Yeah?” She chuckles, a brow raising to question whether she would actually follow through with that.


Though, they’d never know as Black Swan is cut off as she goes to reply, her voice breaking. Acheron presses her hips forward, the tip of her cock sinking into slick heat. She narrows her eyes, shoulders slouching every so slightly as she sinks in further, in no rush whatsoever as she listens to the drawn out whine of the Memokeeper as she’s penetrated. 


“You were saying, Swan?”


There’s no reply as Black Swan chokes on her own breath, a hand moving to clutch one of Acheron’s own, which the Ranger happily returns, thumb softly dragging across the woman’s delicate knuckles, watching the expression of pure ecstasy on her face. Black Swan’s thighs fall open obediently without needing to be prompted, heels digging into the backs of Acheron’s thighs as the violet haired girl finally bottoms out within her, their hips flush together.


“F-Fuck..~” She husks, turning her head and pressing her face into the pillows.


It doesn’t take Acheron long to set up a slow pace, her hips dragging back and forth, pulling all the way out before pressing back in as deep as she can reach with their current position. Black Swan swears her head is spinning, the feel of her cock dragging against her walls effortlessly driving her mad. She moans softly, her other arm coming to wrap around Acheron’s midsection as she leans down, their chests pressed against each other as she takes her deeply. The slow pace is too much but not enough at the same time, her own hips moving against her partner’s in tandem, her moans spilling into her ear without restraint.


The slow pace doesn’t last forever though as the Ranger begins to gradually pick up her pace, heavy pants leaving parted lips as she digs her nails into the softness of her hips. Black Swan’s eyes fall closed, brows knitting together ever so slightly as she lets out a slightly louder moan than before, listening to the sound of their skin meeting one another echo around the room until she suddenly feels her blood run cold, hair standing on end; a serpent hisses into her ear, touch becoming bruising as she is taken as prey. Her eyes snap open and she has to remind herself to breathe.


Red . All she sees is red .




Rough and unforgiving hands grasp a hold of tender flesh, threatening to rip her apart whilst pressing the beautiful swan down into the sheets, ignoring the way gorgeous twilight feathers scatter, wings flapping beneath her grip. The serpent bares its fangs, a low hiss causing the hair on the back of Black Swan’s neck to bristle, a shudder wracking up her body as she finds herself paralysed. Subdued and tangled up within the serpent's grasp.


Staring into crimson serpentine eyes, she can’t help the way her own sunset pair roll back into her head as the beast presses into her, cock reaching impressive depths. She whines, chest heaving as she is barely able to focus on the predatory gaze above her as she is roughly taken, used as nothing more than a tool for the monster to feast upon. She chokes on a moan, hands reaching out to grasp onto the Emanator, dull nails clawing the woman’s back. The serpent hisses once more, baring its fangs at the Swan caught in its grasp as if to warn her, crimson claws dragging along her hips as it lunges forward, burrowing its teeth into a pale neck. Black Swan lurches forward, eyes wide as the serpent draws blood, the metallic liquid spilling from her neck and into the monster’s waiting mouth. 


“F-Fuck- Acheron-“


She tries to call out for her but throws her head back as hips firmly slam up against her own, the slap of their skin almost deafening as the woman buries her cock deep within her soaked cunt. Acheron drags her hands back down, taking a handful of Black Swan’s ample rear and pulling her down closer, delighting in the choked sob the action elicits, the swan barely able to catch her breath. The lavender haired woman heaves, drool practically sliding down from the corner of her mouth, completely at the beast’s mercy. Weakly gripping Acheron’s now platinum hair, she babbles incoherently as fangs sink in deeper, her grip tightening but not quite attempting to unlatch the monster from her neck. 


The Emanator growls, a low and throaty sound as she draws her hips back, slick trickling down Black Swan’s thighs, consequently coating her own in the process. She doesn’t care for the mess they’re making, the bed sheets long since soaked beneath them, the only thing on her mind is this pesky swan laid out beneath her. Oh.. just what have you done to me? She retracts her fangs, watching as Black Swan releases a breath she had been holding, tears pooling at the corners of her gorgeous sunset eyes as she attempts to draw in more oxygen to her lungs, the air thick around them.


“Mine Acheron slams her hips forward.


Mine .” She hisses, voice growing breathless.


Mine .” She declares, possessive.


My swan.. my prey. Mine. Mine. Mine.


Black Swan’s mouth falls open, her breath caught in her throat as she wraps an arm around Acheron’s shoulders, her body trembling weakly. With the way Acheron is relentlessly pounding into her, she can hear just how wet she is, the sound making the tips of her ears burn, a familiar heat building low in her abdomen and threatening to spill over despite the way she tries to will it to stop. Not yet.. too soon.


Say it..” Acheron speaks lowly, voice dripping with desire as she stares down at the Swan in her arms.


“Y-Yours..” Black Swan croaks out, voice growing hoarse.


The Emanator seems pleased with this admission, rewarding the swan with a passionate yet bruising kiss. She whimpers into the serpent’s mouth, feeling how fangs threaten to clamp down and devour her whole.. they don’t. For now. Shuddering as they part for air, the predatory look in her lover’s usually dull and expressionless gaze makes her feel vulnerable and exposed, as if she were showing her belly to the very beast that wanted to devour her.


“Fuckinh- mmgh! A-Aaah~”


Acheron drags her tongue across her fangs, watching the way the swan writhes beneath her, thighs trying to squeeze together. She grunts, brows furrowing as she grips the underside of Black Swan’s legs, practically rolling her back further on the bed as she presses the woman’s knees to her chest, spreading her apart. Acheron lets a moan slip from her lips, the sound breathless and low as crimson eyes narrowed in a lustful haze. Feeling the way the walls wrapped around her cock clamp down on her firmly, drawing her in further, even the serpent herself is a slave to her desires as she feels her body caving in, fangs pricking at her bottom lip.


“Fuck.. you feel so good..”


“A-Ah- mh- Ach.. Acher- aah..”


Unable to even mutter the woman’s name, Black Swan lets out a low moan. She feels incredibly full with the current position they’re in, her walls accommodating the cock buried inside of her with little effort.. this wasn’t their first dance but oh does it leave her breathless nonetheless. Acheron grunts, slowly dragging her hips back before almost immediately diving back in, making sure to put her weight behind her thrusts, Black Swan bouncing every time their bodies crash together, a surprised yelp being torn from her throat.


“O-Oh Aeons- y-you’re so deep-“


The Emanator grins at this, a breathy chuckle leaving her. 


“And you’re taking me so well..~”


Black Swan moan’s shakily, those words making the heat in her gut burn. She can feel the coil tightening.. she knows she won’t last for much longer. Sweat drips down the small of her back, chest rising and falling unsteadily as she seeks to ground herself against the woman above her, clinging to her shoulders.


“How does it feel , Swan?” Acheron murmurs. “You’re close.. I feel it.”


There’s something terribly humiliating about that. Black Swan cries out at a particularly well timed thrust, her body sinking back against the bed as she can’t even utter a word, whimpers and moans spilling from her lips every other second.


That’s it.. sing for me.


Acheron licks her lips, bracing herself against the bed with one hand whilst the other snakes around Black Swan’s front, caressing her navel, dragging crimson claws before she eases her touch, fingers delicately sliding between the woman’s thighs, parting her folds and finding her clit. Black Swan instinctively arches her back at the touch, cursing beneath her breath as Acheron takes the swollen bud between two of her fingers, the pressure causing a bolt of pleasure to ripple up her spine, leaving her breathless.


Acheron- I-“


The Emanator lowers her head, breathing becoming ragged as she continues the steady rhythm of her thrusts, feeling the way the Swan desperately begins to chase her in this sinful dance of theirs, their hips crashing together in tandem. 


That’s it..” Acheron husks, voice dripping with lust.


She slowly rubs tight circles around the woman’s clit, relishing in the choked cry the action draws out of her. The swan shakes, her head pressing back into the pillows beneath her head as she desperately grips onto whatever she can reach; one holding onto the sheets whilst the other firmly holds Acheron’s hand which is currently beside her on the bed.


Black Swan bucks desperately against her, shaking and crying out as the coil in her stomach finally snaps, warmth consuming her entire form as her climax wrecks her body. Becoming rigid, sunset eyes roll back into her skull, mouth falling open helplessly with choked cries. She can feel the way Acheron continues to pound into her and lord is it enough to make her see stars, her vision becoming blurred, unable to focus on anything in particular.




The serpent keens in response, the way her name is being called like honey dripping into her ears. She keeps her thrusts steady whilst she bows her head, pressing her face against Black Swan’s shoulder, seeking to hide herself away in her comforting warmth. Acheron’s own climax isn’t too far behind the memokeeper’s own, the steady pulse of her walls around her cock coupled with the lewd noises spilling from the woman more than enough to send her over the edge. Letting out a broken moan, Acheron’s thrusts become shallow as she spills her seed inside of Black Swan, hips rocking and grinding as she rides out the remains of her orgasm, feeling the way the woman beneath her trembles and shivers, whining breathlessly. She isn’t in much of a better state herself, whimpering akin to a puppy and trembling with the effort to keep herself upright, riding the wave of euphoria that washes over her.


Black Swan swears she sees white as Acheron reaches her peak, a distant ringing in her ears. The warmth flooding inside of her is welcomed as she tightens her legs around the Emanator’s waist, keeping the woman locked firmly inside of her even long after she finishes. The serpent’s venom dripping into her and poisoning her.




The Memokeeper isn’t exactly sure how long it takes until her vision clears, eyes snapping open wide as the ringing in her ears dies down, finally returning to her senses. She startles, chest heaving as she immediately reaches up for her neck, feeling for the wound that should be there.. Her body relaxes as she finds no trace of there ever being a bite mark.. in fact; she glances down, feeling a weight on her chest, finding Acheron with her face comfortably nestled between her breasts, nuzzling into them affectionately. She looks so soft and peaceful, completely unaware of the scene that had just played out in her head. She swallows thickly, a hand softly resting atop violet hair whilst the other softly rested itself upon the woman’s back, caressing the soft skin. Acheron lets out a low incoherent mumble at the touch, her eyes closed as she simply nuzzles herself closer, inhaling the pleasant scent of Black Swan’s perfume. She’s awake, Black Swan knows she is but it’s almost uncharacteristic just how at peace she looked at the current moment, it’s enough to make her let out a breathy chuckle. A tamed beast.


Brushing the thought aside for now, the Memokeeper flicks her gaze down and assesses her body, finding not even a single mark on her body, completely unblemished. Then.. what was that? Her brows knit together as she idly tangles her fingers in violet tresses, calmly stroking Acheron’s hair. A trick of the mind perhaps? But it felt so real.


Black Swan .. is everything okay?”


The familiar monotonous voice draws her out of her thoughts; her expression must have given away her thoughts because the way those violet eyes peered at her from over her bosom had her heart melting, an unusual softness in them as she patiently awaited an answer.


“Yes- just.. a bit dazed is all.” She offers a lazy smile.


Acheron lets out a gruff hum at this as she lays her head back down on Black Swan’s chest, eyes falling shut as the woman’s arms engulf her, a comfortable silence settling over them both. Continuing to stroke her fingers through violet hair, Black Swan allows herself to relax, sunset eyes drifting closed as her breathing evens itself out.


Just what have you done.. Emanator of Nihility?

Series this work belongs to: