International Water Safety Day is May 15th - - Get The Latest Pool News
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International Water Safety Day is May 15th



International Water Safety Day is May 15th

Every year on May 15, International Water Safety Day brings global attention to the critical issue of drowning and aims to educate youth about becoming safer in and around water. This observance is dedicated to spreading awareness about the drowning pandemic and promoting water safety education, particularly for children and communities with limited access to such resources.

On this day, various activities take place in local communities worldwide, including school programs, swim team workshops, and community outreach initiatives, all aimed at fostering a culture of water safety.

The National Water Safety Coalition, comprising prominent organizations like the American Red Cross, the National Drowning Prevention Alliance (NDPA), the National Recreation and Park Association, the Pool & Hot Tub Alliance, and the World Waterpark Association, plays a crucial role in this effort. The coalition urges everyone to become “water smart” by adopting and promoting water safety practices not just on International Water Safety Day, but throughout the year.

“Always provide constant, capable supervision when kids are in or around water. This applies even when lifeguards are present. Parents are the first line of defense, so if your child is in the water, you should be too,” emphasized Rick Root, President of the World Waterpark Association. His advice highlights the essential role parents and guardians play in preventing drowning incidents.

Sabeena Hickman, President and CEO of the Pool & Hot Tub Alliance, underscores the importance of swimming lessons in preventing drowning. “Enroll your child in swim lessons. Visit for more safety tips and information on how to find the right swim lesson for your child,” she advised. Learning to swim is a critical skill that can save lives, making it a fundamental aspect of water safety education.

Adam Katchmarchi, Executive Director of the NDPA, encourages community involvement in water safety initiatives. “Share water safety awareness and education in your community by using NDPA’s Water Safety Season Toolkit and learning the 5 Layers of Protection,” he said. These layers include supervision, barriers, emergency preparedness, water competence, and life jackets, all of which are vital in reducing drowning risks.

Additionally, William D. Ramos, a member of the American Red Cross Scientific Advisory Council, recommends educational resources for parents and caregivers. “Learn what it takes to be safer in and around the water by taking the free online course, American Red Cross Water Safety for Parents and Caregivers, and download the Red Cross Swim app,” he suggested. These resources provide valuable information on water safety practices and emergency response.

7 Important Tips for Enjoying Water Safely Throughout the Summer

  1. Supervise Constantly: Always watch children when they are in or around water. Designate a responsible adult to maintain vigilant supervision.
  2. Learn to Swim: Enroll in swimming lessons to improve water competence for both children and adults.
  3. Install Pool Fences: Install fences and barriers around pools to prevent unsupervised access by young children.
  4. Wear Life Jackets: Use life jackets that are properly fitted and approved by safety standards, especially for non-swimmers and during water activities.
  5. Learn CPR: Being trained in CPR can make a significant difference in emergencies. Ensure you and others in your community know how to perform CPR.
  6. Avoid Alcohol: Do not consume alcohol while supervising children or participating in water activities.
  7. Educate Your Community: Share water safety knowledge and resources with your community to promote a collective effort in preventing drowning.

By observing International Water Safety Day and implementing these safety tips, we can all contribute to reducing the risk of drowning and ensuring safer water experiences for everyone.

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Alise Everton has been working in the pool industry for the past decade and is an experienced press correspondent and contributor for numerous trade publications and web portals including and among others. Contact her for guest posting opportunities, press releases, and pool equipment related news.

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Industry News

Water Safety Goes Beyond the Swimming Pool




Pool Professional replacing filter cartridges for swimming pool

Essential Tips for Ensuring Safety in Residential and Commercial Pool Settings

In the United States, May is recognized as National Water Safety Month (NWSM), a timely moment to educate swimmers on the importance of water safety as the peak swim season approaches. A joint effort by the Pool & Hot Tub Alliance (PHTA) with support from the American Red Cross, National Drowning Prevention Alliance, National Recreation and Park Association, and World Waterpark Association, Pentair Pool is proud to return as a Program Sponsor for NWSM this year.

In every facet of life, learning keeps your skills sharp, and this is particularly essential for aquatics. Whether you’re a service professional or pool owner, learning to safely enjoy water should be a top priority to mitigate risks, prevent accidents and create a secure environment for enjoyable aquatic experiences.

“At Pentair Pool, we help people safely and sustainably enjoy water. And safety is more than a priority — it’s at the core of our values and the foundation for how we conduct business,” said Greg Claffey, group president for Pentair Pool. “National Water Safety Month is a time to reflect and act on the importance of pool safety innovation and education in creating a safer environment for everyone, from pool owners to pool service professionals.”

Read on to discover crucial safety measures that both residential and commercial pool owners and professionals should implement to ensure the well-being of pool users and create a fun and effortless experience for all who dive in.

Pay Close Attention

Whether you have an above-ground pool or an inground pool, safety should always be a top priority, especially when children are involved. In fact, fatal drowning is the leading cause of death for children under five, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. As a pool owner, supervision is the number one thing to save kids from drowning.

From repairing broken tiles to keeping your pool equipment in tip-top shape, your attentiveness now could prevent a sunny day emergency. In addition to creating a safer swim environment, leaning on a pool servicer can help you keep your pool in safe operating condition.

“Paying attention to safety is an important part of doing business and gaining people’s confidence,” said Kenneth Gregory, Safety and Compliance Manager at Pentair Pool. “If pool professionals see an issue in the backyard, it is their responsibility to flag those issues to the homeowner and correct them as soon as possible.”

Install Safety Equipment in and Around Water  

Swim safety doesn’t start when you walk up to the pool. Pool fences, gate alarms, drain covers, cameras and water rescue equipment are just some of the essentials for a safe home pool environment.

“There are a myriad of things to pay attention to when owning and installing a pool,” said Eva Marcial, Director of Customer Experience at Pentair Pool. “Simple steps such as making sure the gate latch is working properly to ensure the continued security of your pool area to understanding the basic maintenance of a pool are all equally important when it comes to safety.”  

Innovative products that promote pool safety, such as Pentair’s NSF-certified BioShield® UV System, which reduces harmful chloramines, assist in making pools safer and more enjoyable for swimmers. The BioShield UV System reduces chloramines by up to 25%, which can help reduce itchy eyes and skin irritation*.

“Pentair’s BioShield UV Pro System water conditioning device is the very first to receive an NSF 50 approval to help reduce chloramines in swimming pools, which reduces chemical odors that can cause itchy skin and burning red eyes,” said Gregory.

Ensure Proper Maintenance   

Getting to know the equipment at your pool and the do’s and don’ts of maintenance can also be valuable knowledge to keep in your toolkit. For example, understanding the safe and proper procedures for cleaning and maintaining your pool filters can help prevent safety hazards like trapped air. This is why pool owners should find a pool professional to handle this service. Trained experts know how to prevent this from happening, and they can answer any questions owners have about their pools, too.

Water chemistry is also a critical component of pool safety. To ensure the highest water quality, test pH and free chlorine levels daily, adding chemicals as needed. Proper chemical usage is important for maintaining a healthy pool. Be sure to follow the chemical manufacturer’s instructions closely regarding the proper dosage based on pool size.

When it comes to water clarity, pool owners should keep their filter, pump, lint trap and skimmer baskets clean and in proper working condition to help ensure their pool water stays sparkling clear.

“Clarity of water allows lifeguards to see swimmers and is a critical component of water safety,” said Marcial. “By following proper guidelines for handling, using and storing pool chemicals, you can help prevent accidents and assist in the maintenance of pool equipment.”

Qualified pool professionals can help keep your equipment in ready-to-use condition and check to make sure your pool complies with safety standards.

Teaching Water Safety

Pentair Pool provides educational materials thatdelve into crucial safety measures for both residential and commercial pool owners and professionals to ensure the well-being of users and to adhere to proper safety regulations. These resources offer key considerations such as proper fencing and gating, regular maintenance routines, service training and compliance with safety standards. By implementing these tips, pool owners and professionals can make water safety a priority beyond the swimming pool.

“Pentair Pool offers training on all its products for proper installation and maintenance,” said Gregory. “We conduct safety training for not only pool professionals but building and code officials as well on compliance with safety codes and standards. For this reason, Pentair is recognized as the industry leader for water safety.”

You can’t put a price on preparedness, so take the time to become First Aid/CPR certified. It doesn’t take a lot of time and the benefits are immeasurable. The Red Cross also offers classes, so don’t hesitate to find one near you. In addition to being certified in First Aid and CPR, you should have a pool safety plan, a phone nearby with emergency numbers and lifesaving equipment (like a hook or flotation device).

Pentair Pool takes water safety seriously. That’s why we’re a proud sponsor of the 2024 National Water Safety Month. Get more ideas on how to promote water safety here.

* Devices evaluated for a reduction in Combined Chloramine have demonstrated a 25% or 0.25 mg/L, whichever is greater, reduction during the test period as compared to the baseline period.

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Pool Builder

Hazardous Pool Designs Can Cause Fatalities



Hazardous Pool Designs Can Cause Fatalities

Designers and builders need to be intimately familiar with the building codes as they relate to swimming pool construction. This is particularly true when creating concepts that could be potentially hazardous pool designs. Most state building and residential codes have adopted the ISPSC as “the code” for swimming pools for good reason.

Following ISPSC Can Help Prevent Hazardous Pool Designs

The ISPSC is broken down into sections. One that applies to all pools (Section 3), another to in-ground residential pools, another to commercial pools, etc. Since the introduction of the 2012 ISPSC, Section 323.3 has prohibited any obstruction that can cause entrapment or injury. It goes on to provide a few examples (not inclusive of all possible hazards) such as: wedge or pinch type openings and non-giving cantilevered protrusions.

Designers and builders need to be familiar with building codes in pool construction to help mitigate potentially hazardous pool designs.

What qualifies as a wedge or pinch type opening? Any gap where a bather may become wedged or pinched. These hazards are compounded when they are underwater, where they may trap a swimmer and result in a drowning. These openings may be from cantilevered steps, boulders, even a stainless steel ladder that hangs into a pool. To say it won’t happen, unfortunately, is wishful thinking. Swimmers have actually drowned by becoming caught between an SS pool ladder and the wall.

What is an example non-giving cantilevered protrusion? Think of a stone or concrete table on a concrete pedestal, surrounded by benches. A swimmer under the table, could easily panic and become trapped between the tabletop and bench. An underwater tunnel or rock work that hangs significantly over the water are other examples.

These details may seem cool in concept, they pose real and significant hazards to inexperienced swimmers who easily panic when they choke on water, run out of air, or resurface directly under an obstruction.

While state or local jurisdictions are only allowed to make the codes more stringent, they are not allowed to waive a code or standard that specifically prohibits a hazardous condition.

Why Follow ISPSC Guidelines?

The International Swimming Pool and Spa Code (ISPSC) is considered the gold standard in the pool industry due to its comprehensive, detailed, and safety-oriented approach to pool and spa construction and maintenance.

When embarking on a pool project, it is crucial to consider the International Swimming Pool and Spa Code (ISPSC) standards not only during the construction phase but also from the very beginning of the design process. Here’s why integrating ISPSC standards at the design stage is essential:

  1. Ensuring Feasibility and Safety: Integrating ISPSC standards early ensures that design concepts are both feasible and safe, preventing the creation of unsafe or impractical features.
  2. Streamlining the Approval Process: Adhering to ISPSC guidelines from the start simplifies regulatory approvals, reducing the need for revisions and accelerating project timelines.
  3. Avoiding Costly Revisions: Early compliance with ISPSC standards prevents expensive and complex modifications during or after construction, ensuring a smooth and cost-efficient project.
  4. Enhancing Functionality and User Experience: Designing with ISPSC standards ensures optimal water quality, efficient maintenance, and accessibility, leading to a better and more inclusive swimming experience.
  5. Future-Proofing the Design: Compliance with ISPSC standards helps future-proof the design, ensuring it remains relevant and safe as regulations evolve.

The ISPSC is developed by the International Code Council (ICC), a renowned authority in building safety and fire prevention. The code encompasses all aspects of pool and spa construction, including design, installation, operation, and maintenance. Its guidelines are meticulously crafted to address potential hazards, ensuring that pools and spas are safe for use. This thoroughness helps prevent accidents and injuries, making it a trusted standard among professionals.

A Uniform Set of Standards

The ISPSC provides a unified set of standards that can be applied nationwide and internationally. This uniformity is especially important for pool builders, designers, and inspectors, as it ensures that safety and quality are consistently maintained across different regions. This consistency helps to eliminate confusion and discrepancies that can arise from varying local codes, making the ISPSC a reliable and predictable framework for the industry.

The ISPSC covers a wide range of pool and spa types, including residential and public pools, spas, hot tubs, and aquatic recreation facilities. This broad scope ensures that the code addresses the unique safety and operational requirements of different types of installations. Whether dealing with a small backyard pool or a large public aquatic center, the ISPSC provides applicable guidelines to ensure safety and compliance while preventing potentially hazardous pool designs.

Photo Credits: Facebook Post – / Swimming Pool Expert Witness

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Press Releases

NDPA Responds To Release of CDC Report Citing Rise in Drowning Death Rates



NDPA Responds To Release of CDC Report Citing Rise in Drowning Death Rates

(Tustin, CA – May 16, 2024) – In response to the CDC’s recently released Vital Signs report, the National Drowning Prevention Alliance (NDPA) remains active in addressing childhood drowning, working year-round to arm parents and communities with life-saving tools and resources while continuing to advocate the importance of the five layers of protection.

On May 14, 2024, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released its report Vital Signs: Drowning Death Rates, Self-Reported Swimming Skill, Swimming Lesson Participation, and Recreational Water Exposure for the period 2019-2022. The report revealed that unintentional drowning deaths were significantly higher during 2020, 2021 and 2022 compared with those in 2019. Among the most alarming findings was the rise in drowning rates among children aged 1-4 which increased 28% in 2022 (compared with 2019); and the increases among Black and Hispanic persons across all ages, which rose by 28% (2021 vs. 2019) and 24% (2022 vs. 2019), respectively.

The release of CDC’s Vital Signs coincides with the continuous reports of drowning incidents nationwide during the first half of 2024, with some states reporting both fatal and non-fatal drownings at record levels.

“Of the many misperceptions about drowning, perhaps the most important to dispel, particularly as it relates to children, is that one strategy for prevention is enough,” said Adam Katchmarchi, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer, NDPA. “It’s imperative that parents and caregivers practice multiple layers of protection because we know any one of them can fail at any time.”

NDPA encourages parents and caregivers to practice the Five Layers of Protection whenever a child is near open water to prevent a drowning incident. These include:

  1. Barriers and Alarms – to prevent children from gaining access to a pool or open water unsupervised.
  2. Supervision – close, constant, and capable adult supervision any time children are in or around water.
  3. Water Competency – basic water safety skills can help reduce the risk of drowning and aquatic-related injuries.
  4. Life Jackets (tested and approved by the U.S. Coast Guard) – to provide protection in and around open water.
  5. Emergency Response Preparedness – including CPR training with rescue breaths and having a phone nearby to call 911.

The CDC report also found that an estimated 40 million U.S. adults reported not knowing how to swim. Thus, NDPA is putting extra emphasis this summer on water competency with its summer-long #FirstSport campaign to change the trajectory for the next generation. The #FirstSport campaign includes a public service video (click here to view/download) which launched on May 1 and has been shared across social media by parents, advocates, athletes and celebrities alike. In addition to the Five Layers of Protection, the video encourages parents to make swimming the #FirstSport they teach their child, because it is the only sport that provides kids with life-saving skills. Non-swimming parents are also encouraged to gain basic water survival skills to better protect themselves and their children.

To date, NDPA’s efforts to educate parents and the public at large have been gaining traction in actioning parents around childhood drowning prevention. In two weeks, the #FirstSport video has received more than one million views on social media, while NDPA’s water safety tool kits, checklists, and online resources have received close to 20,000 downloads since January 2023.

“Too many of our children are lost to drowning each year, but we need to keep in mind that drowning is accidental and can be prevented,” said Adam Katchmarchi, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer, National Drowning Prevention Alliance. “We invite the public at large to join us in protecting kids from drowning by watching and sharing the #FirstSport video, becoming water competent themselves, and always practicing the Five Layers of Protection. By adopting the Five Layers of Protection when enjoying a backyard pool, at the beach, or when a child is exposed to open water, parents have the power to prevent drowning.”

According to the CDC, drowning remains the leading cause of death among children aged 1-4. Data also shows that 69% of drowning incidents involving young children occur during non-swim times when a child is drawn back to the water and there are no barriers or adults present, and that teaching a child water competency can help reduce the chances of drowning by as much as 88%.

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