OLD photos, including one of a derailment at Shawford in the 1950s, have been sent to the Chronicle.

L.J White, of Sparrow Square, Eastleigh, was inspired by the Bygone Hampshire features in the newspaper.

The derailment was around July 20 1952 and the train was a Lord Nelson class Howard of Effingham. 

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Hampshire Chronicle: Mr White's grandfather, seated second from right, at the sawmills at Eastleigh Railway Carriage

Another photo shows Mr White as a boy standing next to the train after the derailment. 

Other photos show Mr White's mother at Eastleigh Carnival and his grandfather at the sawmills in Eastleigh Railway Carriage Works. 

Two of the photos are from around 1966 of Passfield Avenue in Eastleigh being flooded by an overflowing Monks Brook.