Angelina Jolie Biography, Career, Net Worth, And Other Interesting Facts

Angelina Jolie is an American actress, filmmaker, and humanitarian born on June 4, 1975. She’s won many awards for her acting, like an Academy Award and three Golden Globe Awards. You might have seen her in movies like Lara Croft: Tomb Raider and Mr. & Mrs. Smith.

She started acting when she was young, appearing in a movie with her dad in 1982. But it wasn’t until the 1990s that she became famous. She won an Academy Award for playing a troubled character in Girl, Interrupted. After that, she starred in action movies like Wanted and Salt.

Jolie doesn’t just act — she also directs and writes movies. Some of her films, like In the Land of Blood and Honey, are about serious topics like war.

Besides her work in movies, Jolie is known for helping others. She cares about things like protecting the environment, making sure everyone gets a good education, and fighting for women’s rights. She’s worked with the United Nations to help refugees and has visited many places affected by war and crisis.

Angelina Jolie’s personal life often makes headlines too. She’s been married and divorced a few times, and she has six children. People often talk about her relationships and her health.

Overall, Angelina Jolie is not only a talented actress but also someone who uses her fame to make the world a better place. 

Full NameAngelina Jolie Voight
Date of BirthJune 4, 1975
Place of BirthLos Angeles, California, USA
OccupationActress, Filmmaker, Humanitarian
Height5 ft 7 in (170 cm)
SpouseBrad Pitt (m. 2014–2019),
Billy Bob Thornton (m. 2000–2003),
Jonny Lee Miller (m. 1996–2000)
ChildrenShiloh Jolie-Pitt, Pax Thien Jolie-Pitt, 
Zahara Marley Jolie, Maddox Chivan Jolie-Pitt
Net Worth$120 Million

Angelina Jolie’s Early Life and Education

Angelina Jolie Biography, Career, Net Worth, And Other Interesting Facts

Angelina Jolie was born on June 4, 1975, in Los Angeles, California. Her parents, Jon Voight and Marcheline Bertrand were both actors. She has a brother named James Haven and is related to singer-songwriter Chip Taylor and geologist Barry Voight. Her godparents are actors Jacqueline Bisset and Maximilian Schell.

After her parents split up in 1976, Angelina and her brother lived with their mom. She was raised Catholic but didn’t have to go to church. Angelina got interested in acting by watching movies with her mom, not because of her dad’s fame. She had a small role in one of her dad’s films when she was seven.

When Angelina was six, her family moved to New York and then back to Los Angeles five years later. She decided to pursue acting and went to the Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute for two years.

Angelina had a tough time in high school. She felt out of place among wealthy students and was teased for being thin, wearing glasses, and having braces. She tried modeling but didn’t succeed. She then went to an alternative school where she dressed differently and got involved in risky behavior. She dropped out of acting classes and wanted to become a funeral director.

As a teenager, Angelina Jolie struggled emotionally. She self-harmed and had trouble sleeping. She also had an eating disorder and started using drugs, including heroin. She even tried to hire someone to kill her. At 24, she had a breakdown and spent time in a psychiatric ward. Adopting her first child helped her find stability.

Angelina’s relationship with her father has always been difficult. He left the family when she was a baby and they rarely spent time together. They reconciled briefly during a movie they did together but later fell out again. Angelina legally changed her name to distance herself from him. They didn’t speak for years until they reconciled after her mother’s death.

Angelina Jolie Career

From Early Struggles to Breakthrough Moments

Angelina Jolie Biography, Career, Net Worth, And Other Interesting Facts

Angelina Jolie decided to pursue acting when she was 16 years old. But getting roles wasn’t easy at first. People often said she seemed too serious or gloomy.

She started by acting in some films her brother made while he was in film school. She also appeared in a few music videos. Then in 1993, she was on the cover of a music album.

Angelina Jolie’s first big movie role was in a science fiction film called Cyborg 2. She played a robot designed for sneaky missions. But she didn’t like the movie and took a break from auditioning for a while.

Her next movie Hackers came out in 1995. It didn’t do well in theaters but later people liked it when it came out on video. That’s when people started to notice Jolie.

She acted in a few more movies like Love Is All There Is, Mojave Moon, and Foxfire. In Foxfire, she played a tough girl who stands up to a bad teacher.

In 1997, she was in a thriller called Playing God and a TV miniseries called True Women. Critics didn’t like either of these much. But she also appeared in a music video for the Rolling Stones, which got some attention.

From Award-Winning Intensity to Blockbuster Success

Angelina Jolie’s acting career took off after she won a Golden Globe Award for her role in a movie called George Wallace in 1997. She played the wife of a famous politician from Alabama. Critics loved her performance and she even got nominated for an Emmy Award.

Then, she played a supermodel named Gia Carangi in a TV movie called Gia in 1998. This story showed how drugs and AIDS ruined the model’s life. Jolie’s acting was praised and she won another Golden Globe Award for it.

Angelina Jolie took her acting seriously. She stayed in character even when the cameras weren’t rolling, following a famous acting technique. During Gia, she was so focused that she couldn’t even talk to her husband properly. After Gia, she took a break from acting to study directing and writing in New York. But because of her award wins and the praise she got, she decided to continue acting.

In 1998, she acted in a film called Playing by Heart which got good reviews. Then in 1999, she starred in Pushing Tin and The Bone Collector. While Pushing Tin got mixed reviews The Bone Collector did well at the box office but wasn’t praised by critics.

In the same year, she played a troubled patient in Girl, Interrupted, a movie based on a true story. Critics loved her performance and she won several big awards like the Golden Globe and the Academy Award for it.

In 2000, she appeared in a big action movie called Gone in 60 Seconds, which made a lot of money. Although some critics weren’t impressed with her role, she found it refreshing after the intense Girl, Interrupted.

From Lara Croft to Hollywood’s Top Earner

Angelina Jolie Biography, Career, Net Worth, And Other Interesting Facts

Angelina Jolie became a huge star after her role as Lara Croft in the movie Lara Croft: Tomb Raider in 2001. Even though the movie didn’t get great reviews, people loved her performance. She had to learn an English accent and train hard in martial arts for the role. The movie made a lot of money worldwide and turned her into an action star.

After that, Jolie acted in a bunch of movies that didn’t do well with critics or audiences. One of them was Original Sin in 2001, where she played a mail-order bride. Critics didn’t like it much. Then, there was Life or Something Like It in 2002, a romantic comedy that also didn’t do well. Even though these movies didn’t do great, Jolie kept getting offers to act and became one of the highest-paid actresses in Hollywood.

She played Lara Croft again in the sequel Lara Croft: Tomb Raider – The Cradle of Life in 2003, but it didn’t do as well as the first one. She also starred in a music video for the band Korn and acted in a movie called Beyond Borders, where she played a rich woman who helps a humanitarian worker. Even though this movie didn’t do well either, it was important to Jolie because it brought attention to important issues.

In 2004, Angelina Jolie acted in four movies. One of them was Taking Lives, where she played an FBI profiler tracking down a serial killer. Critics had mixed feelings about it but they liked Jolie’s performance. She also had a small role in Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow and voiced a character in the animated movie Shark Tale. Her biggest role that year was as Queen Olympias in the movie Alexander, which got mixed reviews. It didn’t do well in the U.S., but it did better internationally.

From ‘Mr. & Mrs. Smith’ to ‘Salt’ and Beyond

In 2005, Angelina Jolie had a big hit with the movie Mr. & Mrs. Smith, where she acted alongside Brad Pitt. They played a married couple who, surprise, were both secret agents. Critics had mixed feelings about the movie, but everyone agreed that Jolie and Pitt had great chemistry on screen. It made a ton of money worldwide, becoming one of the top-grossing movies that year and Angelina’s highest-earning movie for the next ten years.

After that, Jolie had some different roles. She played the wife of a CIA officer in The Good Shepherd in 2006 and then Mariane Pearl in A Mighty Heart in 2007, a movie based on a true story. Jolie faced criticism for playing Pearl who was multiracial but overall people thought she did a good job. She got nominated for some big awards for her acting in that movie.

In 2008, Angelina Jolie was making a lot of money from acting, more than any other actress. She starred in the action movie Wanted with James McAvoy and Morgan Freeman, which was a hit. Critics liked her as a tough assassin in that one. Then she was in Changeling, directed by Clint Eastwood. She got a lot of praise for her performance even getting nominated for an Academy Award.

She did some voice work too, playing Tigress in the Kung Fu Panda movies. After her mom died Jolie slowed down with acting for a bit. But in 2010, she was back with Salt, a thriller where she played a CIA agent on the run. It did well at the box office, and people liked her performance.

Then came The Tourist with Johnny Depp which wasn’t a hit with critics, but Jolie’s acting was still praised. She even got a Golden Globe nomination for it, though some thought it was just because she’s a big star.

From Blockbusters to Heartfelt Directorial Triumphs

Angelina Jolie Biography, Career, Net Worth, And Other Interesting Facts

After making a documentary called A Place in Time in 2007, which was shown by the National Education Association, Angelina Jolie directed her first feature film, In the Land of Blood and Honey, in 2011. It’s a love story set during the Bosnian War, focusing on a Serb soldier and a Bosniak prisoner. Jolie wanted to shed light on the survivors’ stories after visiting Bosnia and Herzegovina as a UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador.

To make the film authentic, she cast actors from the region like Goran Kostić and Zana Marjanović who shared their own wartime experiences. When it came out, the movie got mixed reviews. Some praised Jolie’s creation of a powerful atmosphere, but others found it too intense to watch. Still, it got nominated for a Golden Globe, and Jolie was made an honorary citizen of Sarajevo for her efforts to raise awareness of the war.

After a break from acting, Jolie starred in Maleficent in 2014, a new version of Disney’s Sleeping Beauty. While opinions on the movie were mixed, many praised Jolie’s performance as the lead character. It made a lot of money at the box office, proving Jolie’s appeal to different audiences, including in action and fantasy films, which are often dominated by male actors.

Then, in the same year, Angelina Jolie directed Unbroken, a movie about the incredible true story of Louis Zamperini, an Olympic athlete and World War II soldier who survived a plane crash and imprisonment by the Japanese. Though the movie didn’t get as much award recognition as expected, it did well financially.

Jolie’s next directing project was By the Sea in 2015, where she starred alongside her husband, Brad Pitt. Critics weren’t impressed calling it a vanity project with little emotional depth. Despite having two big-name actors it didn’t get a wide release.

Jolie’s focus shifted more towards humanitarian work, so she didn’t make many movies. First They Killed My Father, released in 2017, was another directorial project for her. It’s a drama set during the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia based on the memoirs of Loung Ung who worked with Jolie on the screenplay. The film made for Netflix aimed to reach Cambodian audiences and was praised for its depiction of the era’s horrors. It was nominated for Golden Globe and BAFTA awards.

Recent Projects and Upcoming Ventures in Film

Angelina Jolie recently took up the role of Maleficent again in the sequel Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (2019), a Disney fantasy movie. It got mixed reviews from critics, but it did pretty well at the box office, making $490 million globally. Then, in the following year, she acted alongside David Oyelowo as parents mourning their kids in the fantasy film Come Away, where Alice in Wonderland and Peter Pan are part of the story.

After that, Jolie starred as a smokejumper in the action thriller Those Who Wish Me Dead, which came out in May 2021. It got okay reviews. Clarisse Loughrey from The Independent praised Jolie’s performance, saying it was better than the movie itself.

Then, she played Thena, a warrior dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder, in the Marvel Cinematic Universe movie Eternals, released in November 2021. People had mixed feelings about it.

Jolie’s upcoming projects include directing, writing, and producing a film adaptation of the book Without Blood by Alessandro Baricco. It features Salma Hayek and Demián Bichir. She’s also set to star in a biographical movie about opera singer Maria Callas, called Maria, directed by Pablo Larraín. Additionally, she’s attached to produce and star in a thriller movie called The Kept, based on the James Scott novel.

Humanitarian work

A Decade of Global Humanitarian Efforts and UN Advocacy

Angelina Jolie Biography, Career, Net Worth, And Other Interesting Facts

Angelina Jolie saw how bad things were in Cambodia when she was filming a movie there. This made her want to help people in tough situations. So, she started working with the United Nations to learn more and help out.

She visited places with big problems, like Sierra Leone, Tanzania, and Pakistan, where she met Afghan refugees. She gave a lot of money to help them, more than anyone else had ever given before. She lived and worked just like the UN staff did when she visited these places.

Because she cared so much, the United Nations made her a Goodwill Ambassador. Over the next ten years, she went to over 40 places where people were struggling, meeting refugees in over 30 countries.

Jolie wanted to help in places that didn’t get much attention from the media. She went to dangerous places like Darfur, Sudan, and Kabul, Afghanistan, even when it was risky. She learned to fly planes so she could help deliver aid to these places.

After many years of helping, she was given an even bigger job as a Special Envoy. This meant she could represent the United Nations in diplomatic talks about refugee issues. She went on more trips to meet refugees and talk about their needs.

In 2022, she stepped down from this role, but she promised to keep working to help refugees.

From Cambodian Roots to Global Conservation Efforts

Angelina Jolie wanted to help her son connect with his Cambodian roots, so she bought a traditional house there in 2003. It was in a big area of land in Battambang, near a national park where poachers were harming endangered animals. She bought the park and made it into a safe place for animals, naming it after her son, Maddox. Because of her efforts, the King of Cambodia gave her citizenship in 2005.

Later, in 2006, she made the project even bigger, now called the Maddox Jolie-Pitt Foundation (MJP). She teamed up with an economist named Jeffrey Sachs to make Asia’s first Millennium Village. They were inspired by a trip they took to Kenya, where they saw how villages could be helped. By 2007, over 6,000 people and 72 workers, some of whom used to be poachers, were living and working in the project. They built schools, roads, and even a factory making soy milk, all thanks to Jolie’s funding.

Angelina Jolie also got involved with wildlife conservation in Namibia. After filming a movie there in 2003, she started supporting a place called the Harnas Wildlife Foundation, which helps orphaned animals. Later, in 2010, she and her partner Brad Pitt started another foundation named after their daughter Shiloh. This one helped a wildlife sanctuary in Namibia by funding projects and supporting the local community.

Overall, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have been involved in many charitable projects, including conservation work and supporting communities in need, through the foundation they started in 2006.

Championing Children’s Rights Worldwide

Angelina Jolie Biography, Career, Net Worth, And Other Interesting Facts

Angelina Jolie has been working hard to help kids in need, both in the U.S. and in other countries. She’s been pushing for laws to protect children who come to the U.S. alone, like the “Unaccompanied Alien Child Protection Act of 2005.” She’s been going to Washington, D.C., to talk to lawmakers about this since 2003, even though she’s not a big fan of visiting there.

Since October 2008, she’s been helping to lead an organization called Kids in Need of Defense (KIND). This group connects immigrant kids with lawyers who can help them for free during their immigration cases. Jolie helped start KIND with Microsoft, and by 2013, they were the main group providing free lawyers to immigrant kids.

Before KIND, from 2005 to 2007, Jolie funded a similar group called the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants’ National Center for Refugee and Immigrant Children.

Jolie cares a lot about kids getting an education, especially in places affected by war and conflict. She helped start something called the Education Partnership for Children of Conflict in 2007. This group helps fund education programs for kids in places like Iraq, Darfur, and Afghanistan. They work with big organizations like the United Nations and the World Bank to make sure kids in tough situations can still go to school.

Since 2013, all the money made from Jolie’s fancy jewelry collection, Style of Jolie, goes to help the Education Partnership for Children of Conflict.

Jolie also started the Malala Fund in 2013 with Malala Yousafzai. This fund gives money to help girls go to school in places where it’s hard for them to get an education. Jolie gave over $200,000 of her own money to start it.

In Kenya, Angelina Jolie paid for a school and a place for girls to stay at a refugee camp called Kakuma. She also built two schools for girls in Afghanistan. In Cambodia, she’s helped build lots of schools and a special medical and school center for kids with HIV called the Maddox Chivan Children’s Center.

In Ethiopia, where her oldest daughter Zahara was born, Jolie helped build a center for kids with HIV or tuberculosis called the Zahara Children’s Center.

Jolie is also involved in making sure teenagers know how to read the news critically. She’s the executive producer of a BBC show called My World, which teaches teens how to tell good journalism from bad.

And she’s written a book with Amnesty International called Know Your Rights and Claim Them, all about children’s rights. She wrote it with a human rights lawyer named Geraldine Van Bueren.

Humanitarian Efforts and Advocacy for Rights

Angelina Jolie has been involved in lots of efforts to help people around the world. She joined a group called the Council on Foreign Relations in 2007 and has done many things with them, like hosting meetings about international laws and paying for reports about stopping genocide.

In 2011, she started something called the Jolie Legal Fellowship, where she helps lawyers from different countries work on human rights issues. These lawyers called Jolie Legal Fellows, have done things like helping kids in Haiti after an earthquake and supporting democracy in Libya after a revolution.

She’s also been working to stop sexual violence in war zones. She teamed up with the UK government in 2012 to start the Preventing Sexual Violence Initiative. This group raises awareness about the issue and gets different countries to work together to stop it. She’s spoken about this at big meetings like the G8 summit and the UN Security Council.

Angelina Jolie met some people while working on these projects, and they started a partnership together in 2015. They focus on women’s rights and helping in conflicts around the world.

In 2016, she became a visiting professor at a university in London, where she teaches about women, peace, and security.

Angelina Jolie has also been involved in making laws to protect women and children from violence in the US. She’s supported bills like the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act and Kayden’s Law.

She’s done other things too, like donating money to help people in Yemen and visiting children affected by war in Ukraine.

Recently, she spoke out against Israel’s actions in Gaza during a conflict, saying it’s wrong to harm innocent people and calling for a ceasefire.


Angelina Jolie Biography, Career, Net Worth, And Other Interesting Facts

Angelina Jolie has been recognized for her efforts to help people in need. Here are some of the awards she has received:

In August 2002, she got the first-ever Humanitarian Award from the Church World Service’s Immigration and Refugee Program.

In October 2003, she became the first person to get the Citizen of the World Award from the United Nations Correspondents Association.

In October 2005, she received the Global Humanitarian Award from the UNA-USA.

In November 2007, she was given the Freedom Award from the International Rescue Committee.

In October 2011, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees honored her with a special gold pin for her ten years of work as a UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador.

She received even more recognition in later years:

In November 2013, she got the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award, an honorary Academy Award, from the Board of Governors of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

In June 2014, she was made an Honorary Dame Commander of the Order of St Michael and St George (DCMG) for her work in the UK’s foreign policy and her efforts to stop sexual violence in war zones. Queen Elizabeth II herself gave her the insignia of her honorary damehood in a private ceremony the next October.

Angelina Jolie Personal life

From Teen Romance to ‘Brangelina’ and Divorce Drama

Angelina Jolie Biography, Career, Net Worth, And Other Interesting Facts

Angelina Jolie had a serious boyfriend when she was just 14 years old. Her mom allowed them to live together at home, which Jolie appreciated because it meant she could focus on school and explore her first serious relationship in a safe environment.

When she was filming Hackers in 1995, she fell for actor Jonny Lee Miller. After a break, they got married in 1996. Their relationship ended a year later, but they remained friends.

Before Miller, she was involved with Jenny Shimizu, a model and actress she met on the set of Foxfire. Jolie said she would have married Shimizu if she hadn’t married Miller. Their relationship lasted several years, even while Jolie was with other people.

Jolie married actor Billy Bob Thornton in 2000 after a short courtship. Their marriage was known for their public displays of affection, like wearing vials of each other’s blood. They adopted a child from Cambodia but separated after three months and divorced in 2003.

Jolie faced scandal when she was accused of causing Brad Pitt’s divorce from Jennifer Aniston in 2005. She denied any affair, saying she wouldn’t be with a married man due to her father’s infidelity.

Jolie and Pitt, dubbed “Brangelina,” had a high-profile relationship for 12 years. They had six children, three adopted. After marrying in 2014, they separated in 2016 and finalized their divorce in 2019.

The divorce turned contentious with allegations of abuse from both sides, including claims from Jolie that Pitt mistreated her and their children on a plane in 2016.

From Maddox to Twins, A Celeb Adoption Saga

On March 10, 2002, Angelina Jolie adopted her first child, seven-month-old Maddox Chivan, from Cambodia. She had visited Cambodia a couple of times while working on a movie and a humanitarian mission. In November 2001, her then-husband Billy Bob Thornton, decided to adopt Maddox. However, the adoption process was paused when the US government stopped adoptions from Cambodia due to concerns about child trafficking.

Despite some legal issues with the adoption facilitator, Jolie’s adoption of Maddox was considered legal. After finalizing the process, she brought Maddox to Namibia, where she was filming another movie. Jolie and Thornton announced the adoption together, but she adopted Maddox on her own after they separated.

Her second adoption was of six-month-old Zahara Marley from Ethiopia on July 6, 2005. Initially, Angelina Jolie thought Zahara was an AIDS orphan based on information from her grandmother, but Zahara’s birth mother later came forward in the media. Jolie was with Brad Pitt when they adopted Zahara, and they later legally changed her last name to Jolie-Pitt along with Maddox. They decided to adopt from Ethiopia together after visiting the country. Pitt also adopted Maddox and Zahara.

Angelina Jolie Biography, Career, Net Worth, And Other Interesting Facts

To avoid intense media attention, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt went to Namibia for the birth of their first biological child, Shiloh Nouvel, born on May 27, 2006. They sold the first pictures of Shiloh through Getty Images and donated the proceeds to charity.

On March 15, 2007, Jolie adopted her fourth child, three-year-old Pax Thien, from Vietnam. She applied for adoption as a single parent since Vietnam’s rules don’t allow unmarried couples to adopt together. She later petitioned to change Pax Thien’s last name to Jolie-Pitt. Pitt adopted Pax in 2008.

At the 2008 Cannes Film Festival, Jolie announced she was expecting twins. She gave birth to twins Knox Léon and Vivienne Marcheline on July 12, 2008. The first pictures of the twins were sold for a large sum, and the proceeds went to charity through the Jolie-Pitt Foundation.

BRCA Gene, Mastectomy, and Advocacy Impact

Back in February 2013, when Angelina Jolie was 37, she made a big decision. She found out she had a gene called BRCA1 that put her at a very high risk of getting breast cancer—87% chance, to be exact. So, she chose to have both her breasts removed to lower that risk. Her family history was a big factor: her mom had breast cancer and ovarian cancer, and her grandma had ovarian cancer too. Plus, her aunt had the same gene issue and died of breast cancer not long after Angelina’s surgery.

After her mastectomy, Angelina had surgery to rebuild her breasts using implants and tissue from a donor. Then, in March 2015, she had another surgery to remove one of her ovaries and fallopian tubes because of a high risk of ovarian cancer from the same gene. This surgery caused her to go through menopause earlier than usual, even with hormone therapy.

Angelina Jolie didn’t keep all this private. She wrote about it in articles for The New York Times to help other women facing similar decisions. She wanted them to know they had options and that they weren’t alone. She said having these surgeries didn’t make her feel any less like a woman—it made her feel strong and in control.

Her story got a lot of attention and got people talking about genetic testing for BRCA mutations. Many people praised her bravery, and health experts were glad she was spreading awareness. It even led to more people getting tested for the gene mutation all around the world. Angelina’s message reached those who needed it most, and she pushed for making these tests more affordable and accessible, which became more possible after a legal ruling in 2013.


From Rebel Icon to Influential Activist and Hollywood Powerhouse

Angelina Jolie Biography, Career, Net Worth, And Other Interesting Facts

As Jon Voight’s daughter, Angelina Jolie was always in the spotlight, starting her career early. She was known for her rebellious behavior, which helped her become famous in the late 90s and early 2000s. The media often talked about her interest in dark things like blood and knives, her past drug use, and her unconventional relationships, including being bisexual and into sadomasochism.

In 2000, she defended her outspokenness, saying artists should be real and not perfect. She also faced rumors, like one about incest when she kissed her brother after winning an Oscar. She said it was blown out of proportion and explained they were just close because their parents were divorced.

Things started changing for Jolie when she became a Goodwill Ambassador for the UN Refugee Agency at 26. She said it gave her purpose and helped her mature. Her public image improved a lot because of her activism, and more people knew and liked her.

Even when she faced controversies, like being blamed for Brad Pitt’s divorce, she managed to keep her popularity high. She was admired worldwide and became a favorite for brands to endorse. She also made history with lucrative deals in the fashion industry.

Angelina Jolie was not just a famous actress; she was a powerful influencer, recognized by Time and Forbes as one of the most influential and highest-paid celebrities in Hollywood.

The Iconic Beauty Redefining Hollywood Glamour and Fashion Trends

Angelina Jolie is famous for being seen as incredibly beautiful and sexy. Many magazines like Vogue, People, and Vanity Fair have called her the most beautiful woman in the world, while others like Esquire, FHM, and Empire have called her the sexiest woman alive. People seem to agree with these titles, often voting for her in polls. She’s known for her tattoos, eyes, and especially her full lips, which are as iconic as Kirk Douglas’ chin or Bette Davis’ eyes, according to The New York Times.

She has around 20 tattoos, including one with a Latin saying, a quote from Tennessee Williams, four Buddhist prayers, a tiger, and the coordinates of where she met her adopted children. She’s gotten rid of or changed some of her tattoos over time, like the one with her second husband’s name.

In her career, being seen as sexy has helped and hurt her. Some of her biggest movies, like Lara Croft: Tomb Raider and Beowulf, have relied on her sex appeal. Critics have said that because she’s seen as so sexy, she’s often only cast in certain kinds of roles, which limits her. Even Clint Eastwood, who directed her in a movie that got her nominated for an Oscar, said that her being so beautiful sometimes makes it hard for people to take her seriously in serious roles.

Angelina Jolie’s looks have had a big impact on popular culture. Back in 2002, people noticed that lots of women, no matter their sexual orientation, were really into her. She’s also influenced how lots of women in the Western world think about beauty and even led to more people getting cosmetic surgery to look like her. In 2013, a writer for Time said that Jolie has been seen as the perfect example of what a woman should look like for a long time, and when she talked openly about having surgery to prevent breast cancer, it changed how people think about beauty.

People also look up to Jolie for her fashion sense. She’s been showing up on red carpets since she was a kid and has been connected with the fashion brand Versace since the 1990s. Her style used to be more gothic and edgy, but as she got older and started doing more directing and charity work, she started dressing more elegantly, often in a way that reminded people of old Hollywood glamour. People still talk about the dress she wore to the 76th Academy Awards, and in the 2020s, she started wearing more sustainable fashion.

Angelina Jolie Biography, Career, Net Worth, And Other Interesting Facts

Net Worth

Angelina Jolie’s Net Worth is estimated to be $120 Million as of 2024, according to Celebrity Net Worth.