Prince hated holograms before they were even invented…

Prince hated holograms before they were even invented…

“That whole virtual reality thing… it really is demonic. And I am not a demon. (Prince)”

“Ten years ago, the late Prince did an interview with Guitar World where he discussed the inevitable invention of holograms. Apparently, he was not down for the whole concept of virtual reality and found it disturbing.

“That´s the most demonic thing imaginable. Everything is as it is, and it should be. If I was meant to jam with Duke Ellington, we would have lived in the same age. That whole virtual reality thing… it really is demonic. And I am not a demon,” he said. “Also, what they did with that Beatles song [“Free As a Bird”], manipulating John Lennon’s voice to have him singing from across the grave… that´ll never happen to me. To prevent that kind of thing from happening is another reason why I want artistic control.”

” “Holograms have previously been used to bring stars such as Michael Jackson and Tupac Shakur back to life for concert performances,” she said. “The technology required to create a 3D illusion is expected to become more widely employed as mortality claims an increasing number of rock and pop legends.”

Prince definitely isn´t sending his blessing from the grave.”


568910cookie-checkPrince hated holograms before they were even invented…
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